Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

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Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by FennecFyre »

  • Be cool, don't be a jerk.
  • The quality of your posts should be more important than the quantity. Sometimes posts are long and full of content, other times they are short and sweet. We're all here to write a story together.
  • Do not godmod, powerplay, or otherwise try to take control of another's character.
  • Content that could be considered above a PG-13 rating should be avoided or timeskipped over.
  • There is no point in making an overpowered/munchkin/Mary Sue character. A good character is one that is fun to write and to write with.
Character Creation
Due to the multiversal nature of the Bastion, there is a high degree of character freedom in this RP. Characters may be any being of any kind, including those from real life, fantasy, fictional works, and original species/settings. You can also play beings that are found in a variety of media (ex. you could be a human from the real world, a human from Middle Earth, a human from the Star Wars universe, etc) or beings from different universes that go by the same name but have vastly different qualities (compare an orc from Middle Earth to the orsimer of Nurn).

While character species and appearance is essentially open, there are some restrictions in order to keep things fair and fun:
  • All characters, regardless of species or native language, are able to understand eachother when within the Bastion.
  • Characters with supernatural, magical, or other kinds of abilities will find that their powers are severely dampened while within the Bastion. A mage with the power to summon thunderstorms will be able to manifest little more than a few dark clouds, and a seemingly all-powerful being will find themselves brought down almost to a mortal level.
  • Any characters attempting to injure or kill another will quickly find that whatever entity is controlling the Bastion is not a fan of combat. Repeat offenders may be confined to their rooms, or worse.
How to Play
This RP will run like any other--you take on the role of various characters and write out their adventures and interactions within the world. However, in addition to my own character(s), I will also be taking on a sort of Dungeon Master role, writing for the Bastion itself and how it and its denizens react to their guest's actions. For the most part, the Bastion allows guests to live their lives peacefully, but snooping about where you're not welcome could have...consequences.
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Character Creation

Post by FennecFyre »

To apply a character, post the following form in this thread! Delete anything in parentheses.

Code: Select all

[b]Played By:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (This doesn't have to be in Earth years, stages such as Adult or Child work as well)
[b]Origin: [/b](Where does this character hail from? Reality? A book? A videogame? Are they from an original world?Most anything goes.)
[b]Other:[/b] (Any other qualities important to your character, including any special gear/items they may have,
 powers, etc. Keep in mind that the Bastion dampens any magic or other advantages a character may have,
 in some cases stripping them away completely.)[/spoiler]
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by FennecFyre »

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Aurora
[b]Played By:[/b] FennecFyre
[spoiler][b]Sex: [/b]Female
[b]Age: [/b]4 years (Adult)
[b]Race/Species:[/b] Hellhound
[b]Origin:[/b] Original fantasy setting
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Reference[/url]
Were it not for the consistently placid, gentle, dog-like expression on her face, Aurora would be a terrifying beast indeed. The girl has already reached a massive size, and can tower over most other creatures when she stands however briefly on her hind legs. Top-heavy, most of her formidable muscle is found in her broad chest and powerful forelegs, which end in wide paws, akin to those of a bear, tipped with massive claws that are equally useful for rending flesh or digging up roots. Her size is further enhanced by the thick fur mantling her neck and shoulders, protecting her throat and spine from harm. Her thick fur comes at a cost in warmer climates, however, and she can tire easily on hotter days. Her back slopes down to more-tapered hindquarters, although the difference is not so pronounced that she appears overly lopsided. In place of back paws are cloven hooves, giving her a powerful kick. From her broad head grow horns, six in total. Two are large and curve around her ears, which are four in number, two to each side, long and tufted. Above each brow grow two tiny nubbin-horns each, just poking out from her fur. Her eyes are her most startling feature, as above each one is a second, smaller eye. All four blink and move in unison and are bright peridot green in color. One might think that having extra eyes grants sharper vision, but nothing could be further from the truth with Aurora. Her blind spots are larger, her vision is fuzzier, and each eye is covered by a coating of reflective cells. In addition to making her eyes appear pupiless, they also block out most light. This gives her eyes a truly eerie shine in the dark, but also ensures that Aurora is almost totally blind in any kind of darkness. She is perhaps the wolf in the world who is afraid of the dark. Thankfully, her lack of vision is made up for with an incredibly powerful sense of smell and keen hearing.

Her face is a strange mixture of canine and ursine, doglike at a glance, but reminiscent of a grizzly in the shape of her muzzle and skull. Fangs poke out a few inches from under her upper lip, and are connected to incredibly-powerful jaws. Her vocalizations are also more like that of a bear than a wolf, for in addition to a deep and haunting howl, she is capable of delivering an earthshaking roar.

Aurora's fur is monochrome, contrasting with her bright eyes. She is a nondescript silver color, fading to a lighter shade on her underpelt and darkening along her spine and on her tail-tip. Her face is marred by deep, ragged clawmark scars that crisscross her muzzle, cheeks, and forehead. She makes no effort to hide them, but doesn't enjoy talking about them.

Despite her bulk and slowness, her innate magic has given her an ability that allows her to hunt and survive nevertheless. When she remains still for long enough, every part of her body, including bones and organs, becomes translucent and takes on the qualities of her surroundings. This allows her to become nearly invisible in the shadows and underbrush, though it is still possible to scent or hear her. Moving breaks the spell, and so she has learned to lie still as stone, waiting with infinite patience for game to draw nearby. When not in active use, this power manifests as a slight "ghosting" around her outline, giving her a mirage-like quality despite her size.

Aurora is omnivorous, and when meat is scarce, she will forage for fruits, roots, and nuts in order to sustain herself until the next kill can be made.
The easiest way to describe Aurora would be to call her a puppy in the body of a monster. She is often blissfully unconcerned with "higher" concepts such as politics, wars, and the whims of the gods, and instead prefers to live in the moment and enjoy life for what it is. Due to this, and perhaps her blindness, she attempts to treat everyone she comes across as an equal, without regard for breeding or allegiance. In fact, the only distinction she ever really makes is whether or not another is "small folk"--that is, anyone shorter than her, whom she must take care around in order to avoid accidentally trampling them or bowling them over. Gentle, patient, and kindhearted, especially with cubs, she is likely to help anyone who asks, and though she takes great pride in her considerable strength, she only wishes to use it to help, not harm. Even prey animals are treated with respect, as she tries to take only the sickened and old, and kill them quickly. Having been denied acceptance and kinship within her birth pack, her greatest wish is to find a home willing to accept her as she is, or even just a friend or two. She has a strong sense of loyalty, and forgives easily. Unfortunately, her open and trusting nature is also her greatest weakness, as she has little sense of guile and may not be able to recognize when she is being manipulated.
While she might appear simple-minded at first glance, she rarely does anything that could truly be called stupid, and it may appear to the particularly-shrewd that she is almost dumbing herself down in order to appear as nonthreatening as possible. It is debatable whether this is done on purpose or unconsciously, but Aurora is very perceptive when it comes to noticing how others see her, and she is painfully aware of both her monstrous appearance and the savage reputation of her kind. She harbors a significant fear of being rejected on account of this, and when asked about her past, she will often attempt to brush the question off or change the subject entirely.
Born to a particularly savage pack far in the north, Aurora was considered a bit of a black sheep since day one. Though she was one of the biggest whelps in her litter, she lacked the aggressive and ambitious tendencies prized by her people. As a result, she found herself shunted to the bottom of the hierarchy, existing on the fringes and oftentimes hunting alone. Despite this, she tried to carry on as best as she could, taking all things in stride and letting the ridicule roll off her back. Though she appeared nonchalant about her ill treatment, to tell the truth she often pined for the camaraderie she saw among her packmates, and grew into a withdrawn, lonely young woman.
One day, a young wolf, barely out of puphood, from one of the other neighboring packs wandered onto their territory by accident, too focused on the pursuit of a prey animal's trail to notice his accidental trespass. He was waylaid by several wolves from Aurora's pack, who chased and tormented the poor boy long enough for Aurora to hear the distant cries.When she arrived at the scene in time to see them finally pull the youngling down and go in for the kill, she intervened, turning on her own packmates to save him. They were successfully chased off, but the bleeding youngster fled before she could so much as ask if he was okay. Aurora avoided her clan for several days after that, fearful of retribution now that she realized what she had done, and for good reason. When she finally returned, tail tucked and a plea for forgiveness on her lips, she was ganged up on, mauled, stripped of her name, and cast out. With promises of death hanging over her should she ever return home, she traveled from her mountainous home into the wide world, seeking a fate elsewhere, whatever that happened to be. On a night like any other, she bedded down to rest, only to awaken in a world utterly alien to her.
[b]Other:[/b] "Mirage"-esque ghosting (Transparency magic)[/spoiler]
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by macintot »

Can I please reserve a spot? I may be a little slow for the next month or so, while I work on getting my driver's liscense and finishing a pet project of mine.
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by FennecFyre »

Sure! Sorry, I had a new job starting this week and didn't have much time for MS.
Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Character Creation

Post by macintot »

Name: Vox
Played By: Macintot
Sex: Vox prefers masculine pronouns. As there are no other males or females of his kind, however, he is not sure if this is true. He is truly male. He thinks he is probably gender-neutral
Age: He lost count about a millennium ago. He was created shortly after his world was.
Race/Species: Familiar
Origin: Volgrox, an original fantasy world
Appearance: Here's a rough drawing.

While Vox can shapeshift, his preferred and true form is that of a small dragon the size of a housecat. Bright blue scales cover most of his body, while his belly, throat, and lower jaw are pink. Two pairs of insectile wings reach from his shoulders. And frills just from his rump, jaw, and each side of his head. His voice has a feminine lilt to it and tends to covey a tone of indifference.

Vox's small, slender form make him appear harmless. And, for the most part, he is. However, his needle-like teeth can cause a good amount of pain when needed, as can the scorpion-style barb in his end of his tail.

In spite of his perfectly functional wings and feet, Vox preffers to ride on the shoulders of whoever he happens to be connected to at the time.

Vox has minor shapeshifting abilities, though he dislikes using them when he doesn't have to. He can shift into any nonmagical creatures his base size or smaller. They always have a blue-gray coat and bright yellow eyes, along with any appropriate markings.

Personality: Vox hasn't concerned himself with morals in years, preferring to operate in the realms of logic and pragmatism. Feelings like compassion and hate don't influence his decisions, only what is best for his current ward.

Vox has worked to rid himself of emotion so that now they are subdued. He may find himself slightly amused or annoyed, or mildly curious, but feelings like anger and sadness and joy have been erased from his repertoire. He tends to only feel powerful emotion when people ignore his advice, that emotion being anger.

Vox also doesn't like dislikes forming emotional attachments to people. After all, they'll die soon. However, In spite of this, he is highly protective of his ward. He sees it ats his duty to keep them safe, even though he can't do much to that effect.

Vox has a strong belief in fate and divine guidance, having been divinely created himself. However, his feelings to the Creator-Godof his world has become jaded in the past millennium or so, as he feels disconnected and receives guidance less and less.

Vox is a patient teacher and knows a good deal about magic theory, even that of some worlds not his own. As such, while he doesn't know how the Bastion operates, nothing it does surprises him. If asked to explain, he will explain that a type of magic known as metagaming magic prevents him from explaining or even precisely knowing why the Bastion's actions make sense.

History: Vox wasn't born; he was created. He remembers beginning as a disembodied consciousness falling from the sky. As he fell, the wind began to move around him as firs his heart formed from nothingness, then the rest of his body. And after his body formed, he felt an urge, a calling: to find the one who was destined to become the world of Volgrox's sole wizard, teach him the ways of magic.

Vox fell the rest of the way out of the sky, into the lap of a young man named Abdul. As soon as he landed Vox knew Abdul was the one he was to teach. The two became very close friends, and, with Vox's guidance, Abdul ruled Volgrox with fairness and wisdom.

But before long Abdul became old. He died at a ripe old age. But Vox was still young. He was left to find and train a new magic-user to rule the land.

Vox's next ward was a man named Kentou. At first, Kentou seemed to be kind and wise, but he quickly began to lust for power. He ignored Vox's advice to treat the people with love and fairness, instead ruling over them with an iron fist. After many years, however, Kentou also died and left young Vox to find a new ward.

And so the cycle continued: Vox sought out and trained a new wizard. Some were like Abdul, but ruled as Kentou did. Each one, however, would die and leave Vox alone yet again. Before many wizards, Vox had learned to harden his heart, to avoid becoming attached wi the goo or trying to lift up the evil. They centuries melded into each other, each day no different from the previous or the next, as Vox adopted an indifferent existence. Up until the morning he woke in a strange room, in a castle in the sky.

Other: Vox has minor shapeshifting powers.
He can adopt the form of any nonmagical animal no larger than his true form (the size of a house cat). Unless the DM says otherwise, this is the bastion just diminishes this to where it takes more concentration to induce, whereas he could formerly Do it almost without thinking.

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] Vox
[b]Played By:[/b] Macintot
[spoiler][b]Sex:[/b] Vox prefers masculine pronouns. As there are no other males or females of his kind, however, he is not sure if this is true. He is truly male. He thinks he is probably gender-neutral
[b]Age:[/b] He lost count about a millennium ago. He was created shortly after his world was.
[b]Race/Species:[/b] Familiar
[b]Origin: [/b]Volgrox, an original fantasy world
[b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Here's a rough drawing.[/url]

While Vox can shapeshift, his preferred and true form is that of a small dragon the size of a housecat. Bright blue scales cover most of his body, while his belly, throat, and lower jaw are pink. Two pairs of insectile wings reach from his shoulders.  And frills just from his rump, jaw, and each side of his head. His voice has a feminine lilt to it and tends to covey a tone of indifference.

Vox's small, slender form make him appear harmless. And, for the most part, he is. However, his needle-like teeth can cause a good amount of pain when needed, as can the scorpion-style barb in his end of his tail.

In spite of his perfectly functional wings and feet, Vox preffers to ride on the shoulders of whoever he happens to be connected to at the time.

Vox has minor shapeshifting abilities, though he dislikes using them when he doesn't have to. He can shift into any nonmagical creatures his base size or smaller. They always have a blue-gray coat and bright yellow eyes, along with any appropriate markings.

[b]Personality:[/b] Vox hasn't concerned himself with morals in years, preferring to operate in the realms of logic and pragmatism. Feelings like compassion and hate don't influence his decisions, only what is best for his current ward.

Vox has worked to rid himself of emotion so that now they are subdued. He may find himself slightly amused or annoyed, or mildly curious, but feelings like anger and sadness and joy have been erased from his repertoire. He tends to only feel powerful emotion when people ignore his advice, that emotion being anger.

Vox also doesn't like dislikes forming emotional attachments to people. After all, they'll die soon. However, In spite of this, he is highly protective of his ward. He sees it ats his duty to keep them safe, even though he can't do much to that effect.

Vox has a strong belief in fate and divine guidance, having been divinely created himself. However, his feelings to the Creator-Godof his world has become jaded in the past millennium or so, as he feels disconnected and receives guidance less and less.

Vox is a patient teacher and knows a good deal about magic theory, even that of some worlds not his own. As such, while he doesn't know how the Bastion operates, nothing it does surprises him. If asked to explain, he will explain that a type of magic known as metagaming magic prevents him from explaining or even precisely knowing why the Bastion's actions make sense.

[b]History:[/b] Vox wasn't born; he was created. He remembers beginning as a disembodied consciousness falling from the sky. As he fell, the wind began to move around him as firs his heart formed from nothingness, then the rest of his body. And after his body formed, he felt an urge, a calling: to find the one who was destined to become the world of Volgrox's sole wizard, teach him the ways of magic.

Vox fell the rest of the way out of the sky, into the lap of a young man named Abdul. As soon as he landed Vox knew Abdul was the one he was to teach. The two became very close friends, and, with Vox's guidance, Abdul ruled Volgrox with fairness and wisdom.

But before long Abdul became old. He died at a ripe old age. But Vox was still young. He was left to find and train a new magic-user to rule the land.

Vox's next ward was a man named Kentou. At first, Kentou seemed to be kind and wise, but he quickly began to lust for power. He ignored Vox's advice to treat the people with love and fairness, instead ruling over them with an iron fist. After many years, however, Kentou also died and left young Vox to find a new ward.

And so the cycle continued: Vox sought out and trained a new wizard. Some were like Abdul, but ruled as Kentou did. Each one, however, would die and leave Vox alone yet again. Before many wizards, Vox had learned to harden his heart, to avoid becoming attached wi the goo or trying to lift up the evil. They centuries melded into each other, each day no different from the previous or the next, as Vox adopted an indifferent existence. Up until the morning he woke in a strange room, in a castle in the sky.

[b]Other:[/b] Vox has minor shapeshifting powers.
He can adopt the form of any nonmagical animal no larger than his true form (the size of a house cat). Unless the DM says otherwise, this is the bastion just diminishes this to where it takes more concentration to induce, whereas he could formerly Do it almost without thinking.[/spoiler]
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by FennecFyre »

Alicia, Fenris, and Hattie, guardians of my beasties.
Sometimes I draw things.
I was Wolfcub, and answer to Wolf, FennecFyre, or Fennec.
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by macintot »

When we start, would you mind if Vox feels compelled for Aurora to be his new ward?
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by DoomedDaphnia »

Are you still accepting characters? I know this thread hasn't updated in awhile, but I'm interested!

Also, if it is still accepting, what if my character was part robot and the robot had a separate consciousness than the character, should I fill out two character sheets?
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Re: Into the Bastion [Information/OOC]

Post by macintot »

Sorry, I think It's dead.
You are not a failure. You are not a mistake. You are not worthless. You are not unloved. You are not disposable.
You ARE full of purpose. You ARE priceless. You ARE indispensable. You ARE loved.


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