Countdown V2 [OOC]

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Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by Iliad »

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This is the OOC thread for Countdown!
Feel free to discuss anything in here.
Last edited by Iliad on December 5th, 2015, 11:52:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by kindtopet »

Name: Lillian Melika Starsten
Username: kindtopet
Age: 18
Appearance: Lily is unhealthily skinny her ribs and collarbone are prominent, pressing against her skin. She stands 5'7'' her legs slightly longer than her body with small wire like muscles. She has auburn curls which cascade down her back, stopping a few inches before her hips, which show of her small curves. She has dark green eyes with lighter gold and grey flecks that seem to grow or shrink depending on her mood that are often covered by her side bangs. Her slightly tanned skin is covered in scars, ranging from scatter white ones, to larger pink and red ones. A particularly bad one in her left leg that goes from mid thigh down and across the side of her knee. This gives her a slight limp and causes her a bit of pain. Her lips are a pale pink, and never really smile much anymore, and she often is coated in bruises. In her left ear she has five hoops going up, in her right she has a stud and a cuff. She has three tattoos. One is a tribal wolf with dragon wings on her left shoulder, she has a moon with a rose in honor of her mother on her right arm, and finally she has a rainbow feather turning into birds on her rib cage. Reference pics

History: Lily grew up middle class with her mother, father, and brother Will. She and her Mom were extremely close and often went stargazing together, other times they might garden. When Lily was thirteen years old her Mom and her went to pick up a rose and a drunk driver hit them killing her Mom and injuring her. Lily was extremely numb and went into a zombish state after that seeking comfort from her older brother as their father turned to alcohol and then became abusive. Will was forced to move out and leave her behind once he turned eighteen and she was left alone to be physically and emotionally abused by herself. As soon as her own eighteenth birthday came Will came and she has lived with him the past couple days and is still healing physically from her father.
Personality: With most she is, bold, sarcastic, and fierce as ever, not to mention very defiant. She can't stand being weak and all her bitter feelings and anger towards her father and the world she bottled up, making her pessimistic and tending to almost long for a fight were she can get the energy and negativity out. She is cynical and jaded with a sharp tongue and many walls to protect her broken heart. She has no friends beside her brother Will and is extremely protective of him, if you hurt them in any way you can expect to have her breathing down your neck in anger. The real her is calmer, but has changed since her mothers accident, she is still defiant and fiercely protective of her friends but she has compassion and is a bit empathetic. She is sweet with a feisty hint and full of laughs and bright smiles that never get to come out anymore, she use to be like this all the time before the accident but then her fathers abuse drove her to be like this only really alone with bits coming out once in a while. She however was always a loner and a bit awkward socially, so she has issues making friends and literally needs a bit of alone time each day where she can have silence and relax. She absolutely hates crying and her panic attacks as she sees them as a weakness and will beat herself up about it.
Orientation: Homosexual
Other: Anxiety attacks, insomniac, forgets to eat

Name: William Atticus Starsten
Username: kindtopet
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Will is an inch over 6ft with broad shoulders but an altogether leaner build of a soccer play. His skin is often tanned which contrasts nicely to his dark blonde hair. His hair is shaggy and it needs to be constantly pushed from his eyes, though he sometimes doesn't bother, and looks constantly messy. His eyes are dark blue and are framed by is long eyelashes. His hands are calloused and he has a number of scars along his body, some small and faded others more pink. He has defined cheek bones and a wide smile with a very friendly and comforting air about him. He is often seen in jeans and a snug t-shirt.
History: Will grew up with his sister and parents comfortably. He enjoyed exploring the woods when his sister wasn't dragging him over to help with the garden. He played soccer and went camping frequently. After his Mom died he became the one to cheer everyone else up and try and keep the household going. He is used to comforting his sister after their mother died as she might panic or have nightmares. Will use to try and protect her from their father and was loathe to leave but had to once he was twenty. He got a job and found a nice little apartment living his life and counting down the days till his sister was old enough to come live with him.
Personality: Will is a bit of a polar opposite from his sister. He is very open and social, loving to talk and make people laugh. He will do almost anything to get someone to smile and is good and getting people to open up and talk to him. He listens with such intensity it can make one feel like they are the only one in the room. He is however extremely responisble and likely to overthink things instead of relaxing and having fun. He can be over protective and prone to worrying and stressing small things. He loves his sister and is very loyal, there would be some level of pity to anyone who dared hurt his baby sister or anyone he cared about. When angry he goes deadly calm and their is a coldness about him that says there is danger as if he has closed himself off from everyone.
Orientation: Pansexual
Other: Lillian's brother, Vegetarian
Last edited by kindtopet on November 23rd, 2015, 1:06:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
a person was going to shoot a wolf,99% of people would walk away.I am the 1% who would grab the gun,throw it into into the bushes and hug the wolf.

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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by Iliad »

Accepted, of course!
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by kindtopet »

Okay I just edited her appearance a bit and added some reference pics
a person was going to shoot a wolf,99% of people would walk away.I am the 1% who would grab the gun,throw it into into the bushes and hug the wolf.

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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Nickla "Nikki" Hunt
Username~ Parsee
Age~ 21
Gender~ Female
Appearance~ Image
Nickla isn't the best person to come to for posture advice, but standing at her full height she makes it to about 5'10 but she tends to not show her height with her terrible posture. Nickla is slightly tanned her skin being more fair then most, despite her being outside as much as she is. Nickla's hair goes just above the small of her back in dark brown waves, she takes great pride in her wavy hair. Nickla's body was built for running, lean and thin Nickla couldn't remember a time when she wasn't running. That leaves us with her eyes, Nickla has blue eyes the color of the sky on a stormy day. Nickla also prides herself in her tattoos, across her right arm below the shoulder are two bands with a tree and birds on it, also across her stomach is a cherry tree:
1. ... hIfjR19HSr
2. ... CiBREl-Y1N
History~ Nickla grew up with her mother, yeah she had a father but they lived in the back streets and someone had to provide money even if it was illegal. The most Nickla ever saw of her dad was a white envelope with money in it, so Nickla's mother jumped at the chance for her daughter to get the timer, she wanted her to find love. As Nickla grew she began to wander more and more if the thing in her arm really would set her in stone to find love, because by the time Nickla was thriteen her mom would invite strange men over at night,and they wouldn't leave until the next morning. This made her question what love really was, and if it
actually existed
When Nickla turned seveenteen she thought she found love, her timer hadn't stopped but she thought she found it anyways. Nickla and her "love" dated for two years then he found his soul mate and left Nickla broke hearted. After that she stopped looking for love, she refused to believe it existed, so when she turned eighteen she left the town and never looked back. Since then she has lived in the rather bad part of town, Nickla even ran with a gang for a little. But now she's lost and doesn't know what to do with her life, because she had nothing to hope for. Her timer was frozen in time, never had it moved since she ha le her heart broken.
Personality~ Nickla could be one of the only people who could lie to a cop and get away with it, lie, cheat,
steal, and slide her way into things to get what she wants is her specialty. Growing up on the streets had taught her that the best things don't come to you for free but through terror. Needless to say upon meeting Nickla she will treat you like you're the dirt she walks on, cold blooded and completely unattractive personality wise. Nickla wants people to walk on the other side of the street when they see her, she tries maybe a little too hard to make people hate her and see her as selfish. To drive people away.
This isn't the true Nickla though, if she really trusts you (which is unbelievably hard to do) she can be a sweet girl, a dramatic difference from her usual self. Nickla can be seen as a shoulder to cry on and the one to crack a joke and to share her true feelings. If you've ever heard don't judge a book by its cover, that would be the case with Nickla.
Orientation~ Heterosexual
Other~ Nickla owns a mutt puppy named ghost ... I6FCZyzv4i
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by piccolosaurus »

Name: Garnet "Gem" Westbrook
Username: piccolosaurus
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Gem has mid-length thick auburn hair that she almost always wears up in a scruffy ponytail. She has thin dark eyebrows, freckles, and a very small thin mouth. Her eyes are her best feature- they're an intriguing blue that almost seems to be purple. Gem never wears makeup (unless chapstick counts).
She often wears loose shirts and jeans, she doesn't really care what she wears or what people think of her. She is 5' 6'' and thin, also a bit flat-chested. She's rarely ever seen without her viola in its case strapped to her back.
She had a mostly regular life, her family wasn't rich but certainly wasn't poor either. She lived happily as an only child, and her mother bought her a viola and started to teach her how to play it when she was 8. She struggled immensely at first with learning, and gave up on it. She went to a public school and got good grades although she never really had many friends. Her mother died when she was 11 from an unknown medical problem, and instantly Gem went to her viola. She taught herself how to play it with much struggle but determination, as it helped her feel closer to her deceased mother. She eventually could play easily and wonderfully, and she rarely goes anywhere without it.
She lives with her father but hardly ever sees him, as he has two jobs to keep them together. She can tell her father anything, they have a very close relationship.
-Gem always looks interested in what she's doing. She's very focused and hardworking, she likes to get things done.
-She smiles a lot and is mostly very cheerful, she likes to chat but doesn't often actually talk about much. She's often seeming to be happy, but occasionally can be overthrown by depressive mood swings. During these she tends not to talk much, doesn't eat and doesn't sleep, so she bottles herself up in her room and is comforted by playing her instrument and reading books since she feels like she has no one to talk to. She loves to be around people but feels like she doesn't belong.
-Gem is not a very organized person. There are old pictures and scraps of papers from long ago that she can't seem to get rid of because they all have some sort of memory attached to them.
-She's actually quite an energetic person, she just doesn't let it show very often. She's physically fit, whenever she has free time and isn't playing her viola she goes on walks and exercises. It takes her mind away from stressful situations.
-Making people feel bad is something she hates. She likes to help people out, she can read them like a book. She's very observant.
-Gem is in tune with nature, she spends a lot of time staring out of her window into the woods. When she's outdoors she loves to listen to its sounds and notice the different smells. She likes animals, but doesn't like to go near them as she believes their lives should be their own.
-She has an artistic personality, and even though she is a terrible artist, art intrigues her and she loves to go to formal concerts and plays (when it's available to her).
-To sum things up, Gem is a dreamer and a wonderer. Most things interest her, and she likes to take things apart in her mind and think about why they are the way they are. She's very curious but refrains asking questions in fear of being rejected or questioned. She likes to say she's confident, but doesn't have many friends and has a hard time opening up to people- there's some unknown thing about herself that she can't accept. Her MBTI personality type is INFP-T.
-Gem avoids most boys and men to the best of her ability. She freezes up and has a hard time functioning normally around them- she says this is because she hates them with a passion but really she's disguising an intense fear. Since she is much more comfortable around women and tends to flirt occasionally, to some it would seem as if she was homosexual.
Orientation: Biromantic Heterosexual (found the words for it haha)
Last edited by piccolosaurus on December 9th, 2015, 1:44:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

I also will be creating a male but that will take longer.
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by BlueBandit »

Name: Celestial Lovelock
Username: BlueBandit
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: Celes, in which she is preferred to be called, is a slim person who does not spend a lot of time in the sun, resulting in her paleness. Celestial's cheekbones are high, and she is somewhat curvy, but she has weak-looking limbs. Her eyes are an icy blue and she has shoulder-length black hair. She stands at about 5"8 and usually wears jeans with a black heavy metal t-shirt.
History: Celes lived a basically normal life until she reached college and her parents, who were kind of old to have a child, died. After that she spent a lot of time burying herself in work or socializing at the night club, if not with Marshall, who she cares about deeply.
Personality: Celes is a naturally upbeat and fun person, who might seem a bit reckless at times. She is very loyal to those she cares about and is kind. She does not care about dresses or earrings or makeup, and is therefore considered a 'tomboy' in terms of clothing style. Celestial, deep down, has no hope for finding a soulmate and is doubtful towards those who are hopeful 24/7, but she keeps that to herself.
Orientation: Pansexual
Other: Celestial's heritage is "hearty". She's basically rich. She lives in a modern house that is quite dazzling, along with her brother.

Name: Marshall Lovelock
Username: BlueBandit
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Marshall is 7"5. He has peach skin and, although he seems scrawny, is actually quite strong in terms of fighting. He has black, shaggy hair. His eyes are forest green. Marshall typically wears jeans and a red-and-black plaid T-shirt, along with black converse shoes.
History: He was fine until his parents died and he had to go live with his sister. He gets in trouble a lot at school and would probably drop out if it wasn't for Celestial, who he loves dearly as an older sister. Marshall carries brass knuckles in his pocket.
Personality: Marshall is kind and caring, and if he wasn't so open-mouthed he wouldn't get in so much trouble. He can be quite sarcastic at times, and usually tries to fly past things with humor or odd remarks. Marshall is very hopeful for the future.
Orientation: Pansexual
Other: He has a strange addiction to citrus fruits and always carries a lemon or a lime in his schoolbag.
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by Iliad »

Adding all!
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Re: Countdown V2 [OOC]

Post by Iliad »

Casually reposts my own forms here, too.

Name: Ross Eliwood
Username: Sorey
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Ross's hair is grown out in a long fringe in the front, but the sides are cut shorter - not quite short enough as to be an undercut. Most of his hair is bleached blond, but some parts, particularly the sides, are quite a bit darker as his natural hair color has started to seep through. Usually, he colors his roots to prevent his hair from looking sloppy, but sometimes he gets lazy. His hair is usually styled in a fashionably-messy way, though usually that is accomplished through sheer luck and a couple of swipes with a comb. His fringe either hangs down in front of his face or is pushed back, though that never seems to last too long. Because the short hair is a little new to him, and the back of his neck is left barer than it used to be, he has developed a habit of touching his nape when thinking or uncomfortable.
With a slightly slender oval face and refined features, Ross has the ridiculous capability of looking both younger and older than he actually is, depending, he guesses, on the lighting, or something. His nose is slim and straight but not with harsh angles. Rather, he has a slightly undefined nose bridge; it lends to him a softer look. His cheekbones, too, are not very sharp, but slightly accent his face. His eyes are hooded most of the time, making him either look sleepy or vaguely irritated. The irises are a gray-brown, tending to the darker brown near the top and a gray color closer to the bottom. His brows, black in color like his natural hair, are mostly flat and soft in contour yet visible and expressive when he bothers to show emotion.
His skin is pale from staying inside often, and the fact that when he does go outside, Ross wears hats and jackets. He burns really easily and generally would like to avoid that. Ross is about 5'7", average height for sure. Built slender, he weighs around 140 pounds, a little of it in lithe muscle. Having grown up sort of tall for his age until everyone caught up, he has a tendency to slouch a little bit and make himself appear an inch or two shorter than he really is. He has average proportions, if his legs aren't a little longer than the usual. Usually he just wears whatever's in fashion; nowadays he tends to go for beanies, sweaters or v-neck shirts if it's hot, and jeans, rolled up slightly so he can wear short boots or sneakers that go up past the ankle. He also does wear glasses sometimes, but for the most part he sticks to contacts. He has piercings in his ears (only one on each), and tends to wear cuffs with; usually just plain metal affairs.
History: Ross grew up in a well-off household, with his mother and father and no siblings. Because he was the only child, much of their love was given to him, especially as neither his mother nor father held very busy jobs; he had a very content home life, as they could help him with whatever he needed help with well into high school, before he started developing his own path and interests.
However, at school, he was not exactly bullied, but at least to him it did feel like he was an outsider. Shunned because the clock on his wrist was blank; no soulmate timer, no soulmate. The clocks never broke without a reason, so Ross himself felt as though there might have been something wrong with him, even if no one else said it out loud. He was a bit of a paranoid person back then, and he often thought he could hear people talking about their soulmate timers and then feel their eyes on him, or perhaps when he shook someone's hand, they would stare a beat too long at his timer. He grew to be ashamed of his lack of numbers, and took to hiding his clock with an armband on his left wrist.
However, soon his parents found out, coaxing the confession from him. Worried, they offered him advice. They told him that even if he did not have a soulmate according to his watch, that did not mean he couldn't be happy, and it was only due to the widespread popularity of it that he was singled out. Ross listened and nodded, but it took him many years to stop wearing the armband.
It was in high school when he found a great group of friends that he was finally drawn out of his shell; knowing immediately that he didn't have numbers but accepting him anyway, they were the best friends he could have asked for during those four years. Cliche, yes, but Ross likes to think that it was literally the power of friendship that got him to open up to anyone. Eventually the armband disappeared and his timer felt open air. He spent those four years of high school happily studying his subjects, but when it came time to apply to colleges, all of his friends were accepted to different places.
Glad about his admission but saddened about having to leave his friends behind, Ross hung out with them for a few days before he had to leave, and then packed up and moved towns, flying over to where he currently resides. He took on a biology major in college, but during the latter years of high school, he had found himself fascinated with something else: the soulmate timers. How they worked, what they did; he studied them intently, and knew the theory behind it: the timers used almost subatomic magnetic pulls to determine molecules that were together at the beginning of the universe and were supposed to stay together. Poetic. He liked it. He kept on with his studies of the timers, cramming for college exams so he could pass, but unofficially, he became known as something of a soulmate counselor: someone who had never been influenced by the pull of the timer.
Personality: Ross is a slightly-sarcastic individual, but aside from that largely lacks any sort of distinctive personality. He's very attuned to others' needs and emotions, and so basically molds himself to whatever seems the most appealing to a certain person. Obviously, core elements of who Ross is remain; he has a dry sense of humor, often makes bad puns, and is in general quite intellectual. He's often quiet, not speaking until he is asked or he feels it's necessary; he only makes small talk when he can't stand the degree of awkwardness in a certain situation.
He's quite focused, and if one were to stumble in on him while he was reading, it would likely be as though he were in a trance; when he's concentrating, it's like everything goes in one ear and out the other. He's quietly driven, in a way that if one did not look for his drive it would be easily missed. Apart from that he's not very distinctive; just the type of guy who blends in with crowds without really standing out. He's a bit of a nerd though and likes Pokemon.
Orientation: Panromantic demisexual.
Soulmate: N/A.
Other: Though platonic soulmates do exist, for some reason Ross has not ever had one. Cases have happened before where a clock was zero from birth, or whenever the clock's owner was old enough to remember, but Ross's is different; he has not ever had any numbers on his timer. It has been a blank white for as long as he can remember, and now he finds he doesn't mind too much. Sometimes he wishes he could find a soulmate, but he guesses it's all okay in the end.

Name: Takumi Hoshino
Username: Sorey
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Takumi has average-hue skin (if a bit pale) with a smattering of light freckles across his nose; his hair is a jet-black color, threaded with dark brown, but the coloration of his eyes is a bit strange. Naturally he has complete heterochromia iridum, so while his left eye is the same dark color as his hair, his right eye is a strange and striking blue. Takumi really doesn't care if people find it odd, so he makes no effort to cover his eyes.
His hair is mostly relatively short, but still long enough to touch a point halfway down his neck. It's messily layered, which despite looking all right is almost definitely bedhead; he has a long fringe which sort of hangs in his eyes, and unfortunately gel and hairspray tends to not work on his hair, so when he really needs it out of his face, he uses a thin white headband or a cloth twist headband to hold it back.
Takumi's features are rather soft; his jaw is rounded instead of angular, and his narrow chin forms a heart-shaped face; his lashes are thick and dark, shadowing his eyes. His nose is small and slightly upturned. His brows are the same shade as his hair but they look soft and lend a look of gentleness to his face. His build is slender and willowy, and at about 5'11" he looks a bit lanky as well. Usually his fashion sense is composed out of clothes such as this, and he mostly sticks to neutral colors. He's also a fan of woven bracelets and usually a few can be found on both wrists.
He has several scars from falling over and hitting things, among other reasons; one on the back of his neck, curving around the side, one on his right shoulder, several crisscrossing his fingers, and the largest is a raised scar curving around his left wrist, about half a centimeter wide and traveling from the inner curve cross the inside of his wrist to the right part of his palm. Usually that one is one he takes effort to hide with his bracelets.
History: A premature birth, Takumi was a sickly child that his family had to provide for, and who brought no benefit to his home. Normal children brought joy, at least, or solace to tired parents; since he was small, it was Takumi's older brother, Minato, who was the sunshine child.
Before Takumi was born, the family was poor, yes, but their lives within the town were relatively comfortable. Takumi's mother, Hana, and father, Rachi, both worked, and made enough money to at least provide for themselves and Minato with some disposable income for a few luxuries.
But when Takumi arrived, his mother suffered from postpartum depression, and that in addition to having to provide and care for a new child who had as many health problems as they could pay rendered her increasingly stressed and tired, and the pressure that was put upon her coupled with her mental illness to finally drive her to leave the family. Takumi remembered nothing of the divorce, as he was still quite young, but Minato was affected quite deeply. When he was too young to work, he became Takumi's caretaker, often staying at home so he could watch over his little brother and make sure nothing happened.
After Hana left, the boys' father became busier and busier, taking on more and more shifts and jobs in order to cover for his wife's departure. Takumi saw little of him in the home, so even though obviously he is aware his father was working hard just for him, and that he should be grateful, he feels a disconnect between the concept of his hard-working father and relating it with the man who actually exists. He instead heavily relied on Minato growing up, and the boys were very close; almost inseparable.
Just a year before, Takumi suffered one of the worst attacks he'd ever had after months of appearing quite healthy; out of nowhere, it just kind of bowled him over, and he collapsed in the middle of dinner, slicing his wrist on one of the utensils he'd been holding and causing his sibling and parent no small amount of panic as he coughed blood all over his food. He was in bed for weeks. However, this was a finality for him. He was tired of staying in bed and forcing his parent and brother to fuss over him. Without much concern about aggravating his lungs, Takumi threw himself into studies after taking a boatload of virtual work, and finally scraped enough credit up to get into a local college. He's been taking classes there in hopes of living life instead of waiting for it.
Personality: Takumi is quiet, that's for sure. It's not like he doesn't talk, because he does just as much as the average person, but even when he makes everyday conversation his words are said with his head lowered and his volume low. He's quite soft spoken - but in voice only. His attitude and personality are... well, something else.
Takumi's general attitude toward everyone is rather flat. He mutters everything that he says and sometimes will not respond at all when he's feeling bad, and most of the time his moods are not just the whims of a teenage boy. His health problems often result in consequences like headaches, stomachaches, or the occasional serious migraine, and it is common that during these occurrences Takumi is quite irritable, snapping at people often.
He's secretive and guarded in a childish way; often his ways of hiding things don't work out, but even when confronted he has no problem lying. He's found he isn't bad at it at all, so when he's shown an uncomfortable topic or asked about himself he either makes something up or avoids the question, redirecting the topic onto something else. He just has a knack for misdirection, he guesses.
Takumi's a fast thinker, and very smart; though one of those doesn't guarantee the other, he seems to possess both qualities, and as such is quite good at thinking on his feet; he can make split second decisions on an instinctual plane, without having to stop and have a moral dilemma over it, though to be fair his sense of morality is not incredibly strong. He's well-read, and his love of knowledge coupled with his frail state has left him able to devote large amounts of time to doing nothing but reading and studying and as a result he has a pretty good grasp of how things are.
As previously mentioned, Takumi's morality system isn't too great, and he really only cares about people on a deep level if he's gotten to know them very well and considers them a friend. It's a situation where he loves his older brother and feels guilty that he was such a liability to him before, but if a stranger was hired to take care of him on bad days, he wouldn't feel any remorse until he really got to know him. Generalized selflessness isn't really a thing for him. He's also a little selfish, but that's counterbalanced by his inferiority complex that came with his younger years.
Orientation: Bisexual
Soulmate: Ayer Zhou
Other: Takumi has an aversion to loud noises, and usually can't stand them; he doesn't know what it's a result of, but he flinches even at someone shouting. Fireworks and crowd events are beyond him and often he'll leave with the excuse of feeling nauseous. Which is not always false. His health really isn't the best, and that has a lot of repercussions in his everyday life.

Name: Asa Mikhael Verdin
Username: Marth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Asa isn't bad looking by any means. However, it's not really conventional, as his face is exceedingly effeminate; it's slender in shape, well-formed, and observant. The angles formed by his brows and eyes make it look sharp, though the soft curve of the profile of his nose adds a bit of contrast. His lashes are long, straight, and a dark cedar-brown. His pale shoulders are dusted with light freckles, though there are none on his face. Instead, there is a small, dark mole under his left eye. His eyes are a dull blue, more like slate than anything truly cerulean.
His hair, a bit unruly, is the same dark cedar as his lashes and brows, shot through with the occasional hint of auburn. His fringe is usually pushed impatiently to the side, and though typically he keeps his hair short, recently it's grown out to the point where he can tuck his bangs behind his ears. Possibly the reason his hair is so messy is that his long fingers are constantly running through it and messing it up, as it's capable of lying flat when he leaves it alone or when it settles after he stops his nervous tic.
He stands at 5'6", a bit short, and the rest of his body is a bit sharp-looking, too. Abrupt angles in his shoulders, a defined collarbone; though this is not caused by trying and rather by neglect. His figure is slim though his hips are a little wider than most at the same width as his shoulders, causing his body shape to look a little more balanced than the broad shoulders and small hips of many males. His limbs are long and so are his fingers, dexterous and quick-moving. He usually wears casual clothing, anything he can throw on, though he always wears long sleeves - a cardigan, a jacket, anything like that.
History: Since he could remember, Asa had been, for lack of a better word, an absolute piece of shit. His ridiculous intellect led to him questioning teachers, parents, principles, all sorts of authority figures, and he didn't care about getting on their bad sides as he did so. A fearsome combination, and one that led to his parents, his teachers, everyone who wasn't his age basically despising him.
Of course, because he was immediately on the bad side of every teacher in his immediate vicinity, he gained a lot of friends. Those friends really couldn't be called that, as they were more interested in Asa's ridiculous ability to insult everyone he interacted with, but they got along. (Unfortunately they ended up being the bad crowd" that everyone's mother warned them not to associate with, but at the time it was impossible to know.) He kept with these people for much of school. As he went up grades, he became more and more observant, and then when he heard a rumor about an upperclassman of his coming out - or rather being outed - as gay, he never associated directly with him but rather spread the rumor further. He and that aforementioned group of friends took it upon themselves to really get it out there, and his friends went as far as to join in on the direct bullying. Preferring to stay in the shadows, and perhaps a bit afraid of what would happen if the school found him out, Asa stayed behind them and hid the undesirable parts of himself so no one would be able to figure him out.
After high school, Asa attended a prestigious college in the area. It was easy with his test scores, though he had to carefully poke around and make sure no one had known about the whole bullying deal; it was a good amount of work, but he got around it. He and his friends went separate ways, and while he was not glad of it, he was not torn up about it either. That was probably a hint that he really didn't care enough about anything, really. However, what really revealed to him his own depravity was when he overheard a conversation right after the start of a college semester. Two of his old classmates, speaking to each other. "You know the guy who was the year above us in high school? Kendrick Esten? The guy got hit by a car and now he's stuck in the hospital. Not even sure if he's alive or just in a coma forever."
"Oh? What a tragedy."
Personality: Asa would definitely describe himself as "a bad person". He's extremely intelligent, and accompanying the intellect is condescension and snobbery. He often acts very high and mighty, dangling knowledge above people's heads like a person would deprive an aggressive pet of treats. Most of the words that come out of his mouth are accompanied by a sharp-toothed smirk, or a snarky comment tossed out intended to hurt the recipient. He's utterly disrespectful to most values, and is a nihilist, essentially, who cares about nothing to the extent that if the world were to end, he wouldn't even bat an eye. Let it end. To say that he regards the rest of the human race as inferior to himself would be an understatement, but there's a caveat to it.
Rude and mean as he may be (and not to excuse that) Asa is possibly filled to the brim with self-loathing. He completely acknowledges how terrible his personality is - and that he has literally no redeemable qualities - and yet he can't get rid of it. It's what he's grown up with and he just can't shake it off, and when he tries he gets so uncomfortable that he just falls back on old habits again. His personality is less of that and more of a shroud, really, to hide a core that he doesn't even know exists. He's got dozens of facades and he can pick any which one he wants at a particular time. Asa doesn't even know what his real self is like; he can't think of a time in his life when it's actually presented itself. He's only as deep as his facades.
Mostly due to his tendency to push others away and ridicule them for no good reason other than his nature, he's constantly guilty and anxious, though he doesn't really mind it as he's grown accustomed. Still not going to stop it. He's a bit paranoid, but mostly just constantly on edge in general rather than believing something specifically bad is going to happen. This edginess leads to good reflexes but also makes him act like he hasn't slept in days at all times. Sometimes, it's actually true, and he gets so tired he just sleeps through an entire day of class and catches up like mad back in the dorms. Secretly quite insecure, Asa refuses to acknowledge that he is, and has unfortunately taken up quite a bad pastime as a means of distracting himself from the ongoing emotional turmoil. It's definitely not healthy, but it works - though his mental health has slowly been deteriorating and he's not sure exactly how long it's going to last.
Orientation: Homoromantic pansexual
Soulmate: Kendrick Andrew Esten
Other: He uses his first and middle names interchangeably. "Mika", however, is a nickname that he cannot wrap his brain around for the life of him.
Last edited by Iliad on December 6th, 2015, 7:43:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I am the tactician.
Keep Alm's codpiece away 2k17.

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