Sudden Feelings for Someone

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Sudden Feelings for Someone

Post by FluffyRobi »

so im in a happy relationship with someone. let's call them E. im pretty monogamous, and ive never cheated on someone nor have i expressed an interested in open relationships.
recently ive met someone who is a mutual friend of E's and I. we'll call him T. ive rather quickly developed feelings for T... but to make it worse, T is in a relationship!
i dont want to hurt E's feelings or put a strain on our relationship, so I haven't said anything to them about my feelings for T. however, ive never been subtle and i think everyone is picking up on it (we mostly converse in a group chat on skype) and i think T's boyfriend feels like im making moves on T!

i do NOT want to break up with E because this is the happiest and most stable i've been in a very long time.... instead, i'd like to somehow get rid of my feelings for T.
does anyone have any advice on how to do so without harming our friendship?
[ and im a creature of a culture that i create ]
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Re: Sudden Feelings for Someone

Post by BradTheMad »

Relax, it might not be actual love but infatuation. Infatuation just happens and could grow into love. Real love only comes after both working on it and being together for a longer time than the "butterflies-in-stomach" phase.

You need to ask ourself some important questions and some you've already answered.

1. Is this thing worth giving up another relationship or messing up that of the one you have feelings for?
2. Do you really love this person or is this just infatuation?
If it's infatuation you are probably a bit anxious and silly around the person, feel the need to spend every single second together and don't see any negative aspects of the other's personality.
3. Can you talk about your feelings?
If so, do so and let them know you want to get rid of them because you don't want to ruin a good friendship and said relationships.
4. Spend less time together with your friend. Stop skyping, texting or whatever and focus more on your actual love. Spend quality time together, with your love and other friends you might have. Remind yourself why you are in the current relationship and don't want to give up on it.
5. Never ever spend time alone with the person you are infatuated with. Think of them as a friend and ask yourself what it is that makes you feel attracted. Is it something they do? Do you flirt a lot? Stop flirting even if it is just for fun.
6. Make lists of the pros and cons. This might sound silly but it really helped me to know why somebody wasn't actually very good for me. You might put this person on a pedestal and think they are perfect. Love is accepting somebody for all they are, good times or bad, infatuation is living in a fantasy whilst knowing deep down this could never work.

These feelings will fade eventually though right now it might feel like they never will. Best of luck.
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