StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

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StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

This 1x1 RP is for StormCry and Shadowfax278.
It follows the life and adventures of certain Werewolves in the Tribe of Green Leaves (we can change that if need be).

Here is a Character Form, in case we would like to use it for certain characters:

Code: Select all

[b]Human Appearance:[/b]
[b]Turned Appearance:[/b]
The Tribal customs and beliefs (borrowed from TMD's RP in DC):
Mating Rituals: When it comes time to mate, a pair of werewolves will exchange bright red jewelry and objects, such as pretty red sashes or glossy feather earrings. After the gift giving, they go off to their huts to... Well, you know about the birds and the bees.
Gestation Period: Three months.
Tribe Customs: When it comes time for spring, the Tribe holds a great festival where males fight to show off for the females. That is when the females usually pick their mates.
Also, when two alphas or two betas become mates, the whole Tribe holds a giant celebration with food and drink, and statues of the gods are carved for that very occasion. The only lighting used that night is from the glow of fireflies that are caught in small baskets.
Tribe Clothing: Much like Native American clothing. They are either made out of leather or silk, and sometimes pelts of mountain lions and bears. They wear dark, earth colored accessories, except when it is time to mate.

Tribe Ranks:
The alphas are the highest ranked of the group. There is one female and one male. One of the alphas comes from the litter of the previous alpha, and then chooses a mate. They become mates for life. They have the final say in any action being done in the Tribe.
The betas are also mates, one male and one female. They are second in command and advise the alphas. They are also usually the ones leading the Tribe into battle.
The delta can either be male or female, and are third in command. They usually sort out scout patrols and organize battle parties.
Warriors hunt, fight, and scout for their Tribe.
Pups are NPCs.

Tribe Rules:
No battles, squabbles, or drinking at full moon. This is a time of peace and neutrality.
Name: Nimue
Gender: Female
Element: Water
Represents?: Purity, gentleness, mothers, winter, snow, and love.

Name: Dmitar
Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Represents?: Fertility, family, pregnancy, community, perseverance, good hearts and minds, good conscious, and fathers.

Name: Anila
Gender: Female
Element: Air
Represents?: Clear skies, calm minds and hearts, freedom, young men and women, and children.
Tribe of Green Leaves
Current Alpha: Kieran

Stormy's Characters:
Name: Aiden
Gender: male
Species: Lycan
Position: Warrior
Tribe: Tribe of Green Leaves
Weapons: throwing axes, and a bow
Human Appearance: Blonde hair, blue/green eyes
Turned Appearance:
Personality: The best word to describe Aiden is fiery. He is opinionated, outgoing, determined, and adventurous. He loves to have a good time, even if it means stirring up a little trouble, and, with his twin brother’s help, he can liven up a battle, turn a party into a riot, and make near-death-experiences a hilarious fiasco. To simply put it, few adventures are started without him, no adventure is complete without him, and life would be a bore if he were not around to liven it up! All with his twin brother of course…they are pretty much inseparable.
History: Born to well respected and well ranked parents, he was taught to revere the tribal beliefs, and was trained to protect his tribe, even at the cost of his very life.
Talents: He is a skilled warrior, almost unstoppable with his twin brother at his side. He is fast and agile and has steady arms that can launch a weapon at any target and rarely miss.
Mate: Raven
Kin: Kieran, his twin brother
Other: “What’s fun without a little trouble-making?”

Name: Kieran (Current Alpha)
Gender: male
Species: Lycan
Position: Warrior
Weapons: War hammer
Human Appearance: Sandy blonde hair, brown eyes
Turned Appearance:
Personality: Kieran is focused, thoughtful, and industrious. He lets his twin brother, Aiden, do most of the talking, since he rarely disagrees with him on anything, and it is just so much easier to get a riot started if Aiden does all the talking. All Kieran has to do is sit back and wait for his twin to start up the fun! He likes to go everywhere with his brother, joining him on adventures of every crazy sort, helping him start riots of fun, and together they plow through skirmishes with laughter. He also likes to sit back, relax, and ponder in silence…usually when Aiden is sleeping.
Talents: He is quite creative and likes to invent things when he has the time. He is very good at brute force and strength of arm, thus why he chooses a war hammer over any other weapon.
Crush: Tamara
Kin: His twin brother, Aiden
Other: “Laugh. It unnerves your enemies and strengthens your friends.”

Name: Brazen
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Position: Warrior in training
Weapons: Axes
Human Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: Brazen is bold and fearless. He his never afraid to try something new and he accepts knew challenges readily.
History: His parents are the Betas of the pack, Raven and Aiden.
Talents: He can do anything…except sing.
Crush: Zoe
Kin: Blair (brother), Sabrina (sister), Raven & Aiden (father and mother), Tami & Kieran (aunt and uncle), Samantha & Sedrick (cousins)

Name: Blair
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Position: Scout in training
Weapons: Bow and Arrows
Human Appearance: Blonde hair, gray eyes
Turned Appearance:
Personality: Blair is shy, but once you get to know him, he is a riot. He sticks to hisbrother, Brazen, like a fly, and he will do anything that Brazen does, albeit with much more caution.
History: His parents are the Betas of the pack, Raven and Aiden.
Talents: He is very good at tracking and making things.
Crush: Aisling
Kin: Brazen & Sabrina (bro and sis), Raven & Aiden (mom and pop), Kieran & Tami (aunt and uncle), Sam & Sed (Cousins)

Name: Ryan
Age: 12
Gender: male
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: double ended spear
Human Appearance: Brown hair, blue eyes
Turned Appearance:
Personality: Cocky, self-confident, friendly, playful, independent,
History: doesn't talk about it much
Talents: He’s good at camouflage and blending in.
Crush: Samantha
Kin: none living
Other: n/a

Name: Sedrick
Age: 6-8ish?
Gender: Male
Position: ?
Human Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair, green/brown eyes
Turned Appearance:
Kin: Kieran and Tami are his parents, Samantha is his sister

Name: Liam
Gender: male
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: cougar teeth daggers
Human Appearance: Black hair, deep brown eyes
Turned Appearance:
Personality: Reserved, quiet, honest, intellectual, analytical
History: Doesn't like to talk about it
Talents: is a really good hunter but an even better warrior
Crush: Sabrina
Kin: none living
Other: n/a
Shadow's Characters:
Username: Shadowfax278
Name: Raven
Age: 23
Gender: female
Species: Lycan
Position: Warrior
Tribe: Tribe of Green Leaves
Weapons: daggers, arrows and bow, and sword
Human Appearance: Image except she wears Native American clothing instead of the clothing worn in the picture.
Pre-teen version: Image but her clothing is Native American instead of the outfit in the picture.
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: sweet, kind, a bit shy at times, and stubborn.
History: doesn't like to talk about it much since it's hard for her to do.
Talents: can learn anything after she's first taught how to do something like fighting with daggers, swords, etc.
Crush: Aiden
Kin: none living
Other: "Some choices are easy. Some stay with you forever."

Username: Shadowfax278
Name: Tamara (Tami)
Age: 22
Gender: female
Species: Lycan
Position: Warrior
Tribe: Tribe of Green Leaves
Weapons: spear and daggers
Human Appearance:
Turned Appearance:
Personality: shy, a bit mysterious, kind, and stubborn.
History: doesn't talk about it at all.
Talents: has the knack of sneaking up on people, friend and foe, unnoticed and unheard.
Crush: Kieran
Kin: none living
Other: "There is a special someone out there for all of us. We just have to know where to look."

Name: Sabrina
Age: 12 for now
Gender: female
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: bow and quiver of arrows to hunt and to patrol/attack
Human Appearance:
her hair looks like this but just the color and is really less curly than what's in the pic and it's half brown and half black - Image
she looks like this - Image - she wears Native American clothing instead of what's in the picture
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: pretty much same kind of personality as her mom.
History: Raven and Aiden's daughter
Talents: can climb trees with ease
Crush: Liam
Kin: Blaire and Brazen (brothers), Raven (mom), Aiden (dad), Tami (aunt), Kieran (uncle), and Samantha and Sedrick (cousins).
Other: follows her brothers around in order to try to keep them out of trouble like her mom tried to do to her dad and uncle (Aiden and Kieran) when they were growing up; is also a friend of Aisling and Zoe.

Name: Aisling (Ash for short)
Age: 12 for now
Gender: female
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: deer bone daggers and wooden staff; the daggers she keeps in leather sheaths that she made herself and the staff she carries on her back in a longer leather sheath that she also made.
Human Appearance: Image - wears Native American clothing, though
what she'll look like when she's probably in her 20's or so and still with Native American clothing - Image
Turned Appearance: Image
History: doesn't talk about it much
Talents: is good with making things out of leather.
Crush: Blaire
Kin: none living anymore
Other: friend of Sabrina and Zoe

Name: Zoe (Zo for short)
Age: 12 for now
Gender: female
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: her hands (fights hand-to-hand combat)
Human Appearance: Image
Turned Appearance Image
Personality: a bit shy at times, sweet, kind, and can be a bit stubborn.
History: doesn't talk about it much
Talents: good at learning different types of combat.
Crush: Brazen
Kin: none living anymore
Other: friend of Sabrina and Aisling

Name: Samantha (Sam for short)
Age: newborn (now)/12 (later)
Gender: female
Species: lycan
Position: pup for now but will be a warrior-in-training when she's older.
Weapons: a spear like her dad
Human Appearance: Image - wears Native American clothing, though and she has the same face as Tami.
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: pretty much has same personality as her mom.
History: Tami and Kieran's daughter
Talents: excels with using a spear like her dad.
Crush: Ryan
Kin: twin brother named Sedrick, Tami (mom), Kieran (dad), Raven (aunt), Aiden (uncle), and Sabrina, Blaire, and Brazen (cousins).
Other: friend of Naomi.

Name: Naomi
Age: 12 for now
Gender: female
Species: lycan
Position: warrior-in-training
Weapons: she doesn't have a favorite weapon yet or one specific one that she uses all the time.
Human Appearance: Image - she wears Native American clothing instead of what's in the picture
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: sweet, kind, a bit shy at times, can be stubborn, and overall myserious.
History: doesn't really like to talk about it.
Talents: can use any weapon that she touches.
Crush: Sedrick
Kin: none living anymore
Other: friend of Samantha.
Last edited by StormCry on August 26th, 2021, 6:15:10 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

here's Raven's char form:

Username: Shadowfax278
Name: Raven
Age: 23
Gender: female
Species: Lycan
Position: Warrior
Tribe: Tribe of Green Leaves
Weapons: daggers, arrows and bow, and sword
Human Appearance: Image except she wears Native American clothing instead of the clothing worn in the picture.
Pre-Teen version: Image but her clothing is Native American instead of the outfit in the picture.
Turned Appearance: Image
Personality: sweet, kind, a bit shy at times, and stubborn.
History: doesn't like to talk about it much since it's hard for her to do.
Talents: can learn anything after she's first taught how to do something like fighting with daggers, swords, etc.
Crush: Aiden
Kin: none living
Other: "Some choices are easy. Some stay with you forever."

Code: Select all

[b]Username:[/b] Shadowfax278
[b]Name:[/b] Raven
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]Gender:[/b] female
[b]Species:[/b] Lycan
[b]Position:[/b] Warrior
[b]Tribe:[/b] Tribe of Green Leaves
[b]Weapons:[/b] daggers, arrows and bow, and sword
[b]Human Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] except she wears Native American clothing instead of the clothing worn in the picture.
[b]Pre-teen version:[/b] [img][/img] but her clothing is Native American instead of the outfit in the picture.
[b]Turned Appearance:[/b] [img][/img]
[b]Personality:[/b] sweet, kind, a bit shy at times, and stubborn.
[b]History:[/b] doesn't like to talk about it much since it's hard for her to do.
[b]Talents:[/b] can learn anything after she's first taught how to do something like fighting with daggers, swords, etc.
[b]Crush:[/b] Aiden
[b]Kin:[/b] none living
[b]Other:[/b] "Some choices are easy. Some stay with you forever."
I'll come up with a char for Kieran's gf/mate and then post it later ^_^

"Raven!" Cynthia, her mom, called out to her from inside the house. "It's time for dinner!"
Raven sighed and called back after turning her attention from the two young twins that were playing with her, "Okay mom!" She then had her attention go back to them before smiling a bit and saying as she got up, "Gotta go eat dinner. See you afterward if you're available."
After saying that last statement, she ran to the house, opened the back door, went inside, and then closed the door behind her again before going to the table and sitting down a few minutes afterward.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on December 23rd, 2014, 10:10:23 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Aiden looked at Kieran, his twin, as Raven ran back to her house "Say...maybe we should eat something too?" he asked.
Kieran nodded and wiped some of his shaggy blond hair out of his eyes "Yeah. I'm hungry."
The two of them started off toward their own house, their noses picking up the nice smell of boiling meat.
"What do you want to do after we eat?" Aiden asked.
Kieran shrugged, smirking a bit "I have some ideas." he push more hair back out of his eyes. He hated his hair being in his eyes, but he hated it getting cut even worse.
Aiden smiled "Good! What are they?"
Kieran giggled "I was thinking that we could partially saw the leg off old Myrtle's chair. You know how she always sits on that chair next to the curdling milk and gossips after supper? If we do it just right, we can make it so she lands right in that milk!"
Aiden clapped his hands "Wonderful idea!"
The two of them entered their house then, spotting their mother just starting to dish out stew for them.
"Yum! I'm hungry!" Aiden declared.
Their mother sat the bowls down "Now mind that you don't make a mess. And if either of you dump this food into the other's hair again, I will string you both up by your toes!"
The twins ate quickly, licking their bowls clean, then they stood to leave.
"Hey you two..." they paused and looked at their mother innocently "Don't give me that innocent look. Take the bucket, fill it with water, and bring it back here." she said, handing them a large bucket.
They took the bucket obediently and walked out the door. Once the door was closed, the two boys smirked at each other.
"Well, well... what do you know? We have to walk right by that curdling milk to get to the stream." Aiden remarked.
Kieran nodded "Yes we do. Now, isn't that nice?"
The two of them walked quickly down the lane and paused by the chair sitting next to the sealed barrel of milk.
Aiden ducked between the chair and barrel and pulled out a knife, then slowly began to whittle on the chair leg while Kieran took the bucket and walked down to the stream nonchalantly.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

After Raven was finished eating dinner and she had helped her mom clean up, she went outside and went looking for the twins as she wondered if they were done eating as well. As she continued to look for them, she saw them heading off to old Myrtle's hut as well as towards the stream. She saw Kieran go off to the stream and then saw Aiden start whittling at the rocking chair's leg a little bit.
She sighed and went towards him asking, "What are you doing?"
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Aiden jumped slightly as Raven seemed to appear out of no where "Oh! Raven... I was well, this had a....and I was just trying to, umm... fix it. Yeah! I was just fixing this chair." he said, quickly getting back to his whittling "Now, just be a good girl and be real quiet until I finish fixing it." he might have known that Raven would show up. Hopefully she wouldn't ruin his fun before it started, but there was no telling with that girl. She acted like it was her job to keep him and Kieran in line. And, they could rarely pull any pranks on her because she was always wise to their mischief. Besides that, they really didn't like pulling pranks on Raven. She was too nice.

Kieran held the bucket in both hands as he lugged it back toward camp. The water slushed all over his buckskin pants and ran down into his shoes, but he kept going.
He paused when he spotted Raven watching Aiden do his dirty work next to the barrel of curdling milk.
"Drat..." he said under his breath, and he began to lug the bucket toward them faster.
"Hello Raven!" he said cheerfully, trying to distract her "This bucket weighs a ton!" he dropped the bucket next to her, showing water all over the both of them " sorry." he said, shaking the water droplet out of his hair.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

Raven still looked at him suspiciously since she knew that he was up to no good like always when she heard that he was just fixing it. She figured that it was something else but she didn't say anything else as she just watched him doing what he was doing. She then had her attention go over to Kieran when she heard him approaching, narrowing her eyes a bit when she heard his cheerfulness before he set the bucket down hard enough to get both of them wet.
"Yeah I doubt that you're really sorry and you did that on purpose," she said with her eyes now narrowed even more than they were earlier. "It wasn't like I was going to tell anyone about what you're really up to. I was just curious to see what you were up to over here and now I have to change."
She sighed and started to walk back towards her house in order to change out of her wet clothes.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Aiden looked at Kieran as Raven walked away "Wow... I thought she was going to turn us in." he said.
Kieran nodded "I did too. That's why I hurried over here."
Aiden sighed "And now you hurt her feelings."
Kieran blinked "I hurt her feelings? Excuse me? I was just trying to help you out with your deviousness." he said, crossing his arms.
Aiden stood from whittling and looked at his twin sharply "MY deviousness? Don't you remember who it was that came up with this devious plot?"
Kieran snorted and pointed at the whittled chair leg "Yeah, but who was it that put the devious plot into action?"
Aiden put his knife away "And who was it that was helping me out??"
Kieran narrowed his eyes "Well, I wasn't the one who got caught!"
Aiden balled his fists "So? You were the one who hurt her feelings!"
"I did not!" Kieran yelled.
"You did too!"
"Did not!"
Suddenly, the two of them shifted into their wolf pup forms and, with snarls and yips, collided and began to fight, pulling out tufts of fur, creating cuts, and making a loud racket as they crashed into wood stacks and slammed each other into whatever was nearby, yelping as one or the other got hurt, but refusing to stop tearing away at the other.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((aw they're so cute ^.^; hope it was okay that i put a pic of her as a pre-teen in my form))

Raven got back to her house and was now putting on another outfit that was the same one that she had been wearing earlier. Her mom had made her several of the same outfit as well as a few others but she liked the one that she was wearing now and had been wearing earlier the best. After she was done changing, she went back outside, and then headed back towards the direction where she had left the twins and hearing the sounds of fighting. When she came across the sight of them fighting each other in wolf forms, she sighed again, shifted into her own wolf form, and went towards them as she tried to find a way to break them up. She didn't know why they were fighting or what had caused it in the first place but she wished that they would stop since she didn't like to see them fighting.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

((Awww... thank you! And yeah, it was fine to throw that in your form. I got that picture fixed, btw.))

Somewhere, amidst the tussle, Kieran got a hold of Aiden's paw and slammed him up against the side of a hut, and Aiden took a hold of Kieran's ear, pulling on it harshly.
Suddenly, for some reason, they both stopped pulling, growling, and chewing on each other, and looked to the side.
There was Raven in her wolf form, staring at them.
The two boys looked at each other, quizzically, then they turned each other loose and dropped to all fours with embarrassed expressions.
"Well...that was... refreshing." Aiden said after a moment, shaking his filthy pelt out and gingerly stepping on his paw.
Kieran's ear hung to the side funny like, dripping some blood onto the ground, but he chuckled "Uh, yeah.... good tussle." he said, bumping his shoulder into Aiden playfully.
Both of them cringed at the action though, and Aiden lifted his injured paw.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((you're welcome ^_^ and okay :t-:)))

Raven was still deciding on how to break up their little tussle when suddenly, they stopped. She tilted her head to the side in curiosity when she saw that they broke up on their own and was glad that it seemed that just her presence being there seemed to do the trick with getting them to stop. She heard everything that they said before noticing that they were both injured.
"Now that you're both done fighting over whatever it had been that you were fighting over you both need to get to the healer to get your injuries seen to," she said with concern now on her face as the curiosity faded from her face and her head went back into its usual position of stairing straight ahead.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on April 1st, 2019, 1:54:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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