Easter (Dismots 395-400?)

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Easter (Dismots 395-400?)

Post by Sukineko »

Apologies if there has been a previous thread about this, but I couldn't find it through a quick skim of the topics.

Being a newbie I wasn't around for last Easter and I was wondering if the more experienced members could give a heads-up about what to expect? I'm due to go on holiday for most of Easter but I'm pretty sure there were some special creatures released last year (Duckits?). Since I have a soft spot for rabbits or hares, I thought I'd find out what to expect. Maybe I can find my way to an internet cafe somewhere! :D

Any hints would be really appreciated. Thanks! <3


By GlassWalker


Yellow/ Brown
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Egg Description:
This egg is a plain white, and smooth to the touch.

Hatchling Description:
It is extremely important not to bring a Dismot hatchling inside. They can produce ear splitting shrieks, and once allowed somewhere, will return there again and again. As for training these birds, it's pointless. They do exactly as they like, despite any threats. Dismot hatchlings know just how cute they are, too, and use it to their advantage. They are soft, fluffy things, yellow or gray in color. Until they reach adulthood, it's impossible to tell what colors they will become.
Adult Description:
As Dismot companions approach adulthood, their feathers change dramatically. These birds have many color variations, each one lovely in its own way. From tan to cream to black, their plumage is remarkable. As for differentiating between males and females, it's quite simple. Males have longer tail feathers and bright red combs on the tops of their heads. The two are equals in intelligence and strength, and get along quite well. Dismots move in flocks, with one male generally ruling over the others. These groups move around the castle, but are usually found in one particular place. A large area close to The Keep has been set aside just for these companions. There, one can find numerous structures. These structures are created to house the Dismots, and are made out of wood. They range from miniature houses to plain wooden boxes, with a few small castles thrown in as well. Dismots are attracted to anything that has been painted a bright color, and are extremely protective of their homes. Anyone unfamiliar to these companions had best not come near, unless they are toting a large sack of corn. Even with a ready supply of treats, no one can make Dismots go exploring. They are not the brightest of companions, and get lost easily.
General Description:
At any given time, ten or so Dismots are wandering around the castle. These companions move in flocks and go anywhere they please. They are extremely vain birds, with much of their time dedicated to preening. Truthfully, they have beautiful plumage, but their attitudes can be a bit much at times. To add to this, Dismots are not afraid of any animal. They'll even wander in front of dragons, giving them a disdainful glance as they pass by. It's not hard to befriend a Dismot. Kind words will attract their attention, as well as treats. Their diets consist of insects and seeds, their favorite of which is corn. Dismots will flock over to anyone with corn, flapping their wings excitedly and cackling loudly. It is fortunate that these birds are too small to do any damage, though no doubt they would if they could. As it is, they can give a mean peck, and fly into people's faces. Though they have large wings, Dismots are not skilled fliers. They take to their air only for fun, and very rarely. They cannot fly very high, but they have no need to. Every animal knows better than to attack a Dismot, for they have the irritating tendency to come back to life and harass their attacker forever. This unique magic is ultimately rather useless, as Dismots are not good in battle, and do not care for adventuring. Interestingly enough, Dismots will still die of old age.
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Re: Easter?

Post by avrocket »

Easter isn't a huge Magistream holiday (the site anniversary in May is generally the big spring/early-summer holiday on MS), but if previous years are any indication, there'll probably be some kind of event creature flood like the Duckits. The original jackalopes were an Easter special release, I believe, so there's certainly hope for a rabbit of some sort.

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Re: Easter?

Post by Cassowary »

Don't forget the pygmy phoenixes - it's not always bunnies!

We sorta tapped out on the bunnies... so many x_x
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Re: Easter?

Post by Niverdia »

I think Tristan doesn't really recognize Easter, and what we get are more considered Spring, not Easter creatures. :P

I hope we'll get something really fluffy this year again.
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Re: Easter?

Post by Cassowary »

Eh, he's mentioned Easter in news posts before. Maybe the critters themselves aren't necessarily Easter-themed, but the holiday release is definitely Easter-centric.

Rest assured, phobic folk, I don't know what sort of bugs would be associated with such a celebration and thus there probably won't be one.

... probably.
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Re: Easter?

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

Cassowary wrote:Eh, he's mentioned Easter in news posts before. Maybe the critters themselves aren't necessarily Easter-themed, but the holiday release is definitely Easter-centric.

Rest assured, phobic folk, I don't know what sort of bugs would be associated with such a celebration and thus there probably won't be one.

... probably.
You could make a case for any bug that goes through a metamorphosis. After all, that's sort of like a death and a resurrection, right? :lol:

Or cicadas are definitely spring-like. Fireflies/lightning bugs in the fall, cicadas in the spring...

/will stop giving you ideas now
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Re: Easter?

Post by Cassowary »

I dunno, cicadas always felt like a summer critter to me. Sweltering heat + EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE = summer.


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Re: Easter?

Post by ApprenticeCrone »

Where I live we don't so much have a summer as a very long protracted spring that gradually turns into fall without your notice, with maybe 2-3 days of traditional "summer" in between. :lol:

Which might have something to do with it.

(I know more about Passover than Easter so sadly I don't have a lot of knowledge and references in my head to brainstorm with. It's rather a handicap -can't think of anything else to suggest instead! T_T )
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Re: Easter?

Post by Niverdia »

Cassowary wrote:I dunno, cicadas always felt like a summer critter to me. Sweltering heat + EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE = summer.


One of the things anime taught me is that cicadas are a summer-y insect. :wat:

Spring insects... I'd probably say some over-wintered butterflies, like the European Peacock, Map Butterfly or (despite it also living in North America) the Old World Swallowtail
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Re: Easter?

Post by Cassowary »

... bug nerd ahoy, visited that page, saw the caterpillar and immediately thought, "dat osmeterium".

The Mourning Cloak could be an option, I like those.
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