January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Namyre »


Hello, there, everybody!

My name is Elf and this month I am proudly hosting a writing contest. I love to read, and dragons are everything to me, so why not mash them together? :lol: This contest was inspired by SirRayland's Dragon Festival Writing Contest that ended December 31, last year. I entered, and am proud of my entry(and won first place), but this is getting off topic.

Back to the contest, all of us! :haha:

1. The story must have at least one dragon in it.
2. It does not have to contain magi, but more power to you!
3. Please use proper grammar, I get headaches from trying to read run-ons.
4. Use hard indentions. (Separate your paragraphs with empty lines) Again, headaches.
5. Use the form provided.
6. Stories must be in a spoiler.
7. One entry per person.
8. Follow the monthly theme.
Failure to follow the rules: your entry will be ignored.
EDIT: You may edit your story up until the closing date!!
Wyrms, wyverns, leviathans, crystalwings, serpaens, verikan, drakes, amphiptere, quetzalcoatls, amphista, arkai, anything even slightly resembling a dragon counts. (If it has "dragon" in the name, it counts, too.)

However, calidims, anagui, ankylocrocs, sohbek, xocomel, rose imps, icists, basilisks, axolotls, manticores and direcores alone would not qualify. That means you'd have to squeeze in another, more dragon-like creature.

THIS MONTH'S THEME: New Years! :bounce:


Code: Select all

[b]Entry Name:[/b]
They aren't much, but I hope to hold a contest every month. :D
BE CREATIVE! Have fun!! :woo: And remember, the contest actually ends
January 30, 11:59 PM so that I can judge the entries on the 31st.
Last edited by Namyre on January 31st, 2013, 5:01:18 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by skydancingdragon »

Username: skydancingdragon
Entry Name: Luminescence
Like you, I just want to have fun! Happy New Year :D
"The arkai are coming back! RRREEEEEEEETTT! REEEEEEEET!" The small lunestre dragon puffed up its chest, extended its stubby wings, and paraded around the sapling it called home, showing off to its siblings.
"Stop that racket, Lumina! It hurts my ears." said an adult orange lunestre dragon.
"Awww...but, Mommy..."
"Oh well, it is almost the new year." sighed the mother. "Go off and play, but don't hurt yourself and don't try to fly."
"YAY! Thanks!"
The young dragons zoomed off with speedy, small, steps. "I wonder what they're up to this time?"

Lumina looked around and saw The Stream.
"Look, guys! It's The Stream! The one Mommy told us about in the stories!" The other dragons came up beside the stream, and looked down.
"Wow..." they all breathed. The stream was breathtakingly filled with strange eggs that spouted...fire! There were unusual hairless monkeys grabbing eggs in the stream. Lumina decided to call them Bareskins. Suddenly, Lumina and her siblings' bodies started to glow brightly! They glowed so brightly that you could see dark shapes in the sky, which were actually...

"Arkai!" Lumina squealed in excitement. After the light faded, Arkais of different sizes and shapes landed in the forest. Lumina and her siblings had finally seen what they wanted...the beautiful Arkai that came once a year in different colors.
Last edited by skydancingdragon on January 3rd, 2013, 11:56:10 pm, edited 8 times in total.
i don't really know what i'm doing here anymore, but i've got to make it last
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Namyre »

This is a wonderful story idea, and thanks for being the first poster, but please revise and edit. Once a new character speaks, it is proper to start a new paragraph, even with hard indentions. You can edit your story up until the closing date. Thank you.
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by cloudshine »

I guess I'll join in ^^

Username: cloudshine
Entry Name: A New Year's Surprise
Ella the young Jaktus Dragon sat by the Stream and watched as hundreds of bright colorful eggs floated down the current, lighing up the sunset. She sighed as she watched all her friends go home and celebrate the occasion. Only she was left waiting for her mother to come. "Ella.. I'm here!" a soft voice traveled farther upstream. Ella's eyes brightened as she quickly ran over to her mother. "I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?!" "What is it?!" she squealed in utter excitement.

"You'll see." her mother chided as she took her to the cave which they called home. Ella floated into the dark room, her tiny orb glowed faintly. Suddenly, there was a loud BANG and a bright bonfire flickered in the center of the room with all her friends around it.

"Wow!" she exclaimed. "Is this the surprise?" The older Jaktus nodded.

"Go play with your friends." her mother said gently with a smile. And she did. They had a great time playing catch with Ella's orb and flying around the fire.
Sorry it wasn't much, had writer's block xD
Last edited by cloudshine on January 11th, 2013, 12:31:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Image LTB: 1st. Gen Direwolves!
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Namyre »

This story is a little short, and kind of all over the place.
Last edited by Namyre on January 8th, 2013, 7:10:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Tidesweep »

My entry~ And I swear...I wrote this before I read the other stories... *hides off in a corner now*
Username: Tidesweep
Entry Name: A New Year's Show
Duster swam through the lake at the keep, perfectly content. The Jaktus dragon had slept most of the day in preparation for the night’s show and had just recently woken up. Duster hadn’t wanted to accidentally fall asleep right in the middle of it and miss something, so he went to bed early and slept in late. Rumors were that this year was supposed to be even better than last year’s showing. The arkai and their magi were keeping everything hush hush though so the best that the young dragon could do was find something to past the time until evening fell and firelights started. That something just happened to be swimming.

Turning onto his back, he looked up at the sky and noticed that there was a lot less blue in it than what there had been when he started swimming. In fact, it was a mixture of grey, orange, purple and…Was that pink? Chuckling softly to himself, he looked to the west and noticed that the sun had started to set. How he missed that fact before was beyond him, but grinning to himself, he lazily paddled to shore. Flipping over so his feet touched the pebbly ground, he exited the water. Shaking his long body and mane, he sent water droplets everywhere and even scared or annoyed a few of the creatures lounging by the shoreline.

Grinning in apology, the Jaktus decided to go find his magi and snatch something to eat from her. Yes, he could hunt on his own, but he found it ever so much more fun to steal from his magi when the girl wasn’t looking. He especially enjoyed the look of shock or puzzlement on her face when she turned back to her plate to find it empty of something. Duster figured that she knew it was him, but for some strange reason, never really scolded him for doing it. He guessed it was just her way of saying she didn’t mind…That or she was too stressed out lately to properly work up the energy for a scolding. The dragon hoped the reason for the lackluster scoldings was the former and not the later.

Not managing to find the tiny human (well, tiny to him anyway), Duster gave up and went back to the lake to find some of his favorite food: fish. Diving into the water, he succeeded in catching a couple of scaly, aquatic animals for supper. Eating them in the lake, he decided that the cool water felt relaxing and surprisingly warm enough that he decided to stay in it for the show.

A smile spilt his face as he went back to floating on his backside, looking up to the darkening sky. He watched it change from a rainbow of colors to black, blue and purple to finally an inky black with millions of stars dotting its surface. Almost like that time he dipped his tail in some paint and splattered the walls of his magi’s room. The look on her face was pure outrage when she came back to see everything paint splattered, including her books.

Letting out a low chuckle at the memory, he watched as the arkai took to the skies. He didn’t even notice their magi along the shoreline and some even on the high towers of the keep perform their spells. He was so entranced by the flight of the arkai. However, he did noticed the spectacular results. The arkai, in all their many colors, danced and flew through hoops of golden light and played among sparks that came in as many colors at the birds themselves. It was a sight to behold and if Duster was pressed for an opinion, he would even proclaim it was even better than last year’s show.

Treading water, the Jaktus dragon looked upon the sky, wonder and amazement in his eyes as his jaw dropped open slightly as the show continued. The blue glow of his orb allowed anyone who happened to be watching the young dragon, see the expression on his face. Of course the only one really watching the young dragon was the magi he had failed to find earlier. Chuckling to herself, she looked back at the sky just in time to two arkai and a trail of light for each, spiral around each other before breaking apart in a shower of purple sparks.

When it was over, the young dragon let out a small sigh of disappointment until he remember what the show was for and what it was celebrating. Grinning, he opened his mouth and let out an almighty roar to welcome in the new year and whatever it might bring for the young dragon and the magi he claimed as his own.
Wishlist: Any water creatures (especially turtles)

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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Namyre »

Thanks for the entry, it was amazing! You definitely do not need to hide off in a corner. I found myself daydreaming about your story. . . That may be a good sign. . .
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Syth »

[I can't resist a challenge, even if I don't win. it was fun. :3]

Username: Syth
Entry Name: New Dawning
All was quiet on this winter's night. The chill in the air making many clothe themselves in various colored cloaks to keep warm. All awaiting with batted breath as they stood at the edge of the stream. Magi and creatures alike who had traveled with them. Creatures of all shapes, sizes and even ages were standing with their magi who all were lined up along the river. There weren't so many magi now as there were creatures who had come to see this event. One that happened only once a year.

Few braved the cold on the evening of the 31st, most lay sleeping in their beds or waiting for the time to come to celebrate the coming year with family and friends. Those who had been here long, who knew of this moment to come and were determined to brave the cold, stood at the banks of The Stream. Eggs bobbed up and down gently in the waves, but none of those moved. Lanterns were held on strategically placed poles far above the reach of the trees cast a dim glow.

Giving each egg an ethereal look to it as it was carried down with a hand as gentle as a mother's. None of the eggs aware of those who watched, waited. Though there was silence, the excitement in the air was thick enough to cut. Each silently watching for the moment that was soon to be upon them. A form passed over the lights and for a moment they were snuffed out and all eyes went to the sky. Searching. There were loud cheers that erupted from the throats of everyone present at the sight that erupted into the sky above. Colorful Arkai shimmering into the air above, the sign of the New Year! Their colors varied from one to the next in a colorful rainbow across the sky and all those along The Stream marveled at the display; cheering on the colorful creatures. When the last of them had disappeared, the lanterns' glow lit up The Stream once more and the magi surged into the chilly waters.

Reaching out for the little eggs that bobbed gently in the stream like tiny candles. The Arkai had come and gone, but they had left behind their eggs as they did every year. A White Ice Dragon looked on as his magi slowly made her journey back, having left her cloak with him. In her hands she had the first of the Arkai eggs that she would claim that night. She gently set the egg in a basket full of warm sand, burying it so that the cold would not chill it before she wadded back out into the chilly water for yet another. Only the Ice Dragon's power kept the sand from chilling with the night air, which was why she had chosen him to accompany her. As one of the guardians to her keep, who would know better about keeping eggs warm than a dragon?

Heedless of the cold, she finally had her four eggs; which she strapped to her companion's back before she donned her cloak and climbed up herself.
"We're done here for now Saruth, let's get back to the keep." She smiled as the dragon stretched out his wings to get them aloft even as she patted his hide. The ride back to the keep would be a cold one, but she had done this every year since her first year and the reward was well worth it. Even as they approached the keep, she could see the lights of the main keep where miniature sparklers and other fireworks went off on balconies, heralding in the New Year.
Beware of dragons for you are small & tasty.I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb
Love maybe love, but there's no excuse for the ignorance.
RIP HiddenMystic, you will be missed.


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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by Namyre »

I'd have to sat that you're neck-and-neck with Tidesweep.
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Re: January 1st-31st (2013) Dragon Story Contest!

Post by 1badcat »

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