Depression - Read first post please

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Depression - Read first post please

Post by Dauntless »

Please bear in mind that no medical help or advice can be given. If you need help, talk to a medical professional, counselor, your spouse or your parents.

Some definitions, links, and other information to help with discussion:

Depression is a classification of several psychological disorders which have their origins in a combination of factors such as chemical imbalance, social circumstances, and personal behaviors. There is a big difference between being sad about something --- a natural reaction when something happens --- and these disorders. While it can be precipitated by an event which causes trauma, the depressive disorders are NOT considered natural reactions to those events.


Major Depression

True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.....Depression can change or distort the way you see yourself, your life, and those around you.

People who have depression usually see everything with a more negative attitude. They cannot imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way.

Symptoms of depression can include:

Agitation, restlessness, and irritability

Becoming withdrawn or isolated

Difficulty concentrating

Dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or loss

Fatigue and lack of energy

Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness

Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt

Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed

Thoughts of death or suicide

Trouble sleeping or too much sleeping

Depression can appear as anger and discouragement, rather than feelings of sadness.

If depression is very severe, there may also be psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions.


Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad. But these feelings are usually short-lived and pass within a couple of days. When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who care about you. Depression is a common but serious illness.

Depression in Children and Adolescents

This site is just packed with good articles and information about the various forms of depression, treatments, causes, and other resources.


Specifically aimed at helping children and teens understand what may be wrong with them and how to get help.

Depressive illnesses include but are not limited to major depression, mild depression, and seasonal affective disorder.

-- TxCat, moderator HoS

Alright, this seems to be a very popular and serious problem. Depression. Many kids and young adults experience sadness, and go into a state of depression. Depression can be causes by a variety of things such as:

- Break up (Many don't seem to take this seriously when it really can cause a person into depression..)
- Death or illness of a close friend or family member.
- School issues such as failing a class, or bullying experiences.
- Parent divorce or maybe you even are a parent who has recently been divorced.
- Abusive parents and/or other family member.
- Alcohol or drug abuse.
- Job Loss

This is just a list of few. There are many others ways for a human to go into the state of depression. Something very scary about someone going into this state of depression are the symptoms it causes. This doesn't necessarily occur for every depressed human, but it is very very common. Here is a list of some of the symptoms:

- Self-injury
- Thoughts of suicide.
- Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt.
- Difficulty with concentrating.
- Trouble sleeping or too much sleeping.
- Dramatic change in appetite, often with weight gain or weight loss.

And many more that I'm too lazy to add.

So, as stated before depression is a very serious problem that occurs often. Some treatment for depression is medication (antidepressants) and/or talk to a therapist. Although, not everyone talks about their depression. Some keep it to themselves and hide it from their social life.

So, post away your opinions on depression and why you think some kids react the way they do after entering a state of depression.
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Re: Depression

Post by Resilient »

I'm a little surprised that this hasn't been made a thread until now.

You have to admit that everyone goes through this, whether it's about a lost pet or a death of a loved one, everyone. The tricky part here is the level of their depression. Some people have tough skin and fight their way through depression, but there are some people out there who, when go into this state, don't know what to do.

For me, the reason why people react the way they do is the same as the reason why everyone is different. Everyone has a different view in stuff and for them, they have to find a way to cope the sadness when in this state. Some people tend to close themselves up, some people find comfort with their loved ones, and other people hate it so much to bottle their sadness that they want to express it physically, an example is cutting.

At school, I am part of a Peer Councilor program to learn how to help people with their problems. Here's an important thing that I've learned; if someone is going through depression, the first thing to ask them is "How are you feeling?". Yes, they will probably say they feel sad, but let them elaborate on that, let them express themselves and how they feel, because you are already helping them by listening.
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Re: Depression

Post by Bosch »

I think a lot of people don't want to talk about how they feel for fear of being called "mentally ill" a label, I suspect, is being thrown around WAY too much these days. seems that people have a hard time trying to figure out just WHAT they are supposed to feel at any given moment, if you read around on the internet enough, it seems as if all these so-called experts are literally screaming at you as to what you are supposed to feel and for how long.

Everyone is different and responding to people, especially kids and teens with a dismissive brush off like "Oh...everyone feels like that" or "Suck it up! That's life.". If one says that enough times then they cannot really complain as to why their kids or friends don't confide in them anymore.

Of course when it comes to something more serious like cutting or suicide then there are underlying issues that may not have anything to do, at least directly, with the apparent issue at hand.
Sometimes there are kids who face near constant nagging and criticism from their parents or there are other problems.
It's true that we can never know the full story and we cannot treat everyone the same either...sometimes I think if kids were given something real to look forward to rather than piling on all those worn out platitudes without any backing then maybe the issue of depression for some wouldn't be so insurmountable.

Ok..I'm done ranting...back to your regularly scheduled program. :)
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Re: Depression

Post by BradTheMad »

There isn't a single depression thread but there are some threads that might be worth visiting. Remember that in the HoS you are allowed to "necro" old topics.

Grief and how you handle it
Mental health; does talk about depression but also other mental issues.

I'll be keeping this thread open as long as it is about depression only.
Please note that there is a very huge difference between depression as in feeling down for a period of time due to circumstances or having a mental health problem(bi-polar, manic depressive etc.). The latter can happen even though the person's life is completely fine whilst the former will eventually be solved.
People tend to confuse the two.
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Re: Depression

Post by AssassinsCreed »

To get the diagnose "depression" you have to have the symptons in at least 3 weeks and that symptons have to show up without reason (those symptons cant be caused by some event,they have to come unexpected before you can even suspect depression). However,if the symptons after the death of a pet,family member mm dont get away within 3-4 weeks or get worse you can start to suspect that you are slowly developing depression.Also, people who are completly healthy can develop depression later in life either because someone of their long-distance family members had it ( if someone in your family had depression there is 15-20% risk that you develop depression later in life even if you have completly fine life). Depression is pretty much overused by those who is feeling down to some events (breaking up, death in family mm) and yes, when you feel down you can show the same symptons -or few of them- that also are common in depression.
(was studying psycology in shool).

The problem is that most people dont want to admit that they may develop depression or even HAVE it. As soon as someone feels down or are depressed they probably are afraid of hearing "stop screwing around and find a job" or " you are not depressed you are just lazy and trying to find excuses to make your life easier" mm. Many people dont see others as depressed and dont want to admit that they may have developed it. it is difficult to say what cause this and its hard to tell what a certain person should do to fight it before it gets worse. There are several treatmens and therapies that are very effective but first of all the person need to admit to himself/herself that they HAVE depression. Most people can have it and refuse to search for help to not be stated as "mental sick" and just try to ride the wave out until it goes away.

If a kid develops depression it happens pretty often that their parents dont belive them. They either think it is a rebelious thing to get more control over the house or whatever and it ends up with them making the thing worse for the kid who already are depressed. The kids probably dont admit to themself they have it to not risk to go to therapist or get antidepressant medicine OR make the adult force them go out of the house to be more in the "fresh air because they are playing/watching TV way too much and therefore they feel bad".

Depression is serious issue. The problem is that its sometimes hard to discover and people mostly ignore the warning signs because they are to busy with either shool,social life or their jobs.
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Re: Depression - Read first post please

Post by TxCat »

We need to differentiate between sadness, which everyone experiences, and depression which is a chronic and serious illness requiring treatment.

Sometimes things don't go as we planned and it's natural to feel sad about it. Everyone feels sad once in a while, sometimes even for a few days or weeks depending upon the event which facilitated the emotion. I would expect someone who loses a close loved one to feel sad for weeks or even months as he or she progresses through the grief process. I would not expect someone who got yelled at during their shift to be sad for the same amount of time.

Sadness passes; even with traumatic events like death or disability, the pain eventually dulls and there will be longer intervals between feeling sad that the person has passed or you have lost some of your health. With death, I have found that it never quite goes away but --- and here is the key difference between sadness and depression --- it doesn't take over your life or cripple you so badly that you become no longer able to function in society.

Depression colors everything in your life, often without reason. I was recently diagnosed with major depression. It had gotten so bad that I slept most of the day and when I was awake I didn't care about anything one way or another. It felt like I was encased in cotton, removed from everything. I couldn't even muster enough energy to attempt suicide or otherwise harm myself as I might once have done. I didn't think, I didn't shower, I didn't eat. I stopped reading and working on art and doing other things I loved. Simple things like brushing my teeth became an ordeal.

Finally I made an appointment with my primary care physician who was able to diagnose the problem and find a medication compatible with my needs. I'm taking Wellbutrin right now, which is one of the antidepressants (we are still looking for the right therapist but until I find one who isn't going to blame everything on my being obese or attempt to medicate away my sexual orientation, that won't be happening). I've been on it almost a month now and even though I'm not at a therapeutic dose yet I can tell the difference.

I take care of myself and I don't sleep as much. I follow conversations and sometimes I even feel like going out and seeing people. I'm back to reading and working on my projects instead of staring blankly at a wall or a television.

The one thing I would tell a person who suspects they may have depression is to get help and see if taking medications is right for you. For me, it made a world of difference. It might even have saved my life. Contrary to rumors, it didn't change who I was fundamentally. It didn't inhibit my creativity or turn me into a zombie (I was quite capable of doing that myself, thank you). The side effects, for me, are minimal (just a little nausea after taking the medication which disappears if I eat while taking it). It won't make you dependent on other substances and getting help doesn't make you weak or defective. Getting treatment gave me back myself and let me be the person I was supposed to be.

I do think the disease goes undiagnosed and untreated a lot for teens because people have a tendency to blame depressive behaviors on growing pains or normal adolescent behavior. I wish that teachers and other adults would become more aware of the problem because that certainly isn't always the case.

What I would really like is a world where there's no shame attached to getting a mental illness treated. Most mental illnesses, if not all of them, have their roots in chemical imbalances which are not under the control of the individual any more than whether or not they have blue eyes or brown ones. My husband, who takes Prozac for depression, is among those who believes it's a character defect. He periodically goes off his medications once he starts feeling better to 'prove' the point and it's hell on all of us. He just doesn't see that the person he becomes when he's off those medications is NOT him, is not someone others want to be around. The man I married is a gentle, kind, intelligent soul. The man without his medication is egotistical, self centered, prone to picking arguments, and aggressive.
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Re: Depression - Read first post please

Post by shadowsmudge »

TxCat wrote:We need to differentiate between sadness, which everyone experiences, and depression which is a chronic and serious illness requiring treatment.

Sometimes things don't go as we planned and it's natural to feel sad about it. Everyone feels sad once in a while, sometimes even for a few days or weeks depending upon the event which facilitated the emotion. I would expect someone who loses a close loved one to feel sad for weeks or even months as he or she progresses through the grief process.
I could not agree with you more. I have been depressed, and I have grieved over a murdered friend without falling into depression at all. My depression seems to be seasonal, so oh-my-gosh do I hate winter. Most of the time I manage fine, but I have gotten suicidal twice. (Thank god for friends who saved me.)

Good to hear that you got help and are doing well now, TxCat. I've been considering looking into medication of some sort for awhile now. We'll see what happens, it's just really awkward discussing it with my mom for some reason.
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Re: Depression - Read first post please

Post by TNHawke »

shadowsmudge wrote:I could not agree with you more. I have been depressed, and I have grieved over a murdered friend without falling into depression at all. My depression seems to be seasonal, so oh-my-gosh do I hate winter. Most of the time I manage fine, but I have gotten suicidal twice. (Thank god for friends who saved me.)

Good to hear that you got help and are doing well now, TxCat. I've been considering looking into medication of some sort for awhile now. We'll see what happens, it's just really awkward discussing it with my mom for some reason.
You could have Seasonal Affective Disorder, like I do. It runs in my family. It's depression tied to a lack of sunlight. I take generic Zoloft every day. A very low dose spring and summer (and I could get completely off it, but it's easier to just stay in the take a pill a day habit through the summer months.) and then a higher dose in fall and winter. For me, Fall is the worst time, because I know that winter and depression is coming, and that anticipation is often worse than the actual depression!
Maybe do some research on SAD and then approach your parents with that information. Then, you can talk to them about "I think I may have this" rather than, "I think I'm depressed and I want meds".
If you don't want to do pills, a lot of people get relief by having a full spectrum light. During college, I would do homework under one, and that helped a TON. It also helps me to have pet reptiles who require full spectrum lighting. Even though they say that when it gets filtered through glass, it does no good for the animals, it always seemed to help me. I also got an active breed dog because he makes me get up and go outside and play with him, even when I'm having a low and don't want to.
I'm already having a hard time this year. I just moved, and lost my job right after that. It's stressful.
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Re: Depression - Read first post please

Post by shadowsmudge »

Thanks TNHawke, that' very helpful. I wish you all the best and hope that things start getting better for you soon. My family just got a lab and she sure does make you get up to play with her.
Great advice, thank you so much for taking the time.
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Re: Depression - Read first post please

Post by GrowlingCupcake »

TNHawke wrote:You could have Seasonal Affective Disorder, like I do. It runs in my family. It's depression tied to a lack of sunlight. I take generic Zoloft every day. A very low dose spring and summer (and I could get completely off it, but it's easier to just stay in the take a pill a day habit through the summer months.) and then a higher dose in fall and winter. For me, Fall is the worst time, because I know that winter and depression is coming, and that anticipation is often worse than the actual depression!
Actually SAD isn't linked to lack of sunlight. It is related to light but it's not always lack of. It affects most people in the winter but there is a smaller subset who are affected in the summer. I strongly suspect in addition to clinical depression, I also have the version that affects people in the summer.

Of course, for me I'm never actually "normal" since I do have clinical depression, OCD-type disorders and a lot of anxiety (general and social). That said, I do hit a much lower level in summer. I sleep all the time, I don't want to do anything, I don't want to eat, I'm easily irritable, etc. I hate summer.

I've always been depressed. There has been no time in my life that I remember not being depressed. I have times when I am less depressed, when I am slightly higher in my cycle, but I am still depressed. I have a lot of difficulty waking up, I always just want to stay in bed. It's a struggle to just do things everyday even on the days when I am less depressed. I can't find ways to motivate myself, I'm tired all the time, etc. Pretty much the classic symptoms associated with depression. I have been suicidal for most of my life, and I have self harmed.

Therapy helped some for me but it was a matter of finding the right therapist. The first one I went to was just a fuckwit. I was sent to her because she knew my father and my parents had decided I required therapy and medication. She would have a session with me and then send me out, call my parent(s) in and talk to them. Without me being around. Needless to say, I shared nothing with her. She put me on Xanax, Prozac, and a bunch of other things which just... fucked with my life a great deal. I cared even less, slept even more, didn't do anything. It killed any enjoyment in living I had. I lied to her, said I was all better, just to get out of seeing her and off the damn meds.

My second one wasn't too bad. I went to her on my own, my parents were strictly not involved. Was on abilify and again, didn't respond well. Constant sleep, zero inclination to do a thing, etc. I think it did help, though, because when I went off it, I was hit badly. Was more depressed than I had been for awhile.

The third? My favourite! I explained my lack of faith in medication... and we skipped it entirely. She helped me realise things more than any other therapist has. Just talking, realising that I am not fucked in the head, that some of what I had learnt and adapted to do was just... fucking up everything else, it really helped a great deal. Unfortunately, after awhile she was too focused on where I used to be and trying to help that me and not the me I was. It didn't work and I tried another therapist who sucked (she was a family therapist so she kept insisting that I should bring my parents - the source of my problems - into sessions. It would have ended badly).

Then I moved here, found another, but got depressed and just let everything slide. The one here put me on zoloft which didn't seem too bad so maybe there's something that works? I was on a very low dose, though, so it didn't change my mood and I got too depressed before we upped the dose to what it should be (they wanted me on one of the higher doses but were doing it slowly). I need to go start seeing someone again.

I don't like medications, on the whole. I've been on several that just weren't right for me and they fucked with me in ways I am not happy about. I've also been taking a SSRI for pain management and that fucked with my head too and very badly. Like... I would stand in one spot and I refused to move because if I moved something would get me. Severe paranoia is not fun. That said, it works wonders for some people.

I have been getting better, though. Without medication. In part because I'm in a place I want to be, away from factors which keep bringing me down three steps every time I take a step out. And also because I'm learning to let go of a lot of things, learning to adapt my behaviours, to work through my depression. It is not easy. There are still plenty of days when I sleep for 12+ hours and I am still tired and don't want to leave bed or eat or talk to someone or be online, let alone go to classes or study. But I am slowly getting more motivation to.

But sometimes... I get worried if I am out of depression I'll lose myself. I know it's stupid but I've never not been depressed. I don't know how to not be depressed. I don't know how to function without it right there.
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