Your Sleeping Habits

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Your Sleeping Habits

Post by ShenziSixaxis »

So one of the people on that I subscribe to asked about sleeping habits of their watchers, and I thought it was an interesting idea. Either you could use the form, or just ramble on about how you go about sleeping. Here's what I originally wrote:

You're going to think this is weird: I fell into the teenage type stuff. I don't do schooling because of medical problems, and because of that sickness and the hormones being weird at my age, I can't deal with a 24 hour day. Over the course of a month, I will go from going to sleep at, say, 9pm and waking up at 6-10am, to reversing that (going to bed at 9am, waking up at 6-10pm). I can tough it out and stay up all night/day if I have like a doctor's appointment or we have company, but it's very weird.

Because I am sensitive to sunlight (visually), I also have a trouble going from sleeping during the day to sleeping during the night. Very odd.

I have company right now; an uncle I have never met is going to be in town for like 9 days, and he's awesome, so I'm toughing it out, sleeping only perhaps 6 hours a night so I can spend time with him (and my dad since he's in such a good mood), but once he's gone, I will adjust my sleeping to being awake during the night on purpose. Why? The heat. I live in Nevada in the USA (near Reno), and it's HOT here; not humid, but I don't handle the heat well, so I'd prefer to be awake at night; I would also get some time away from the family (sometimes it's nice to just be in your own little world for a bit).

Now, before I hurt myself and spawned whatever sickness I have (basically Lupus/RA symptoms), I used to sleep 4-8 hours a night and be just fine for 18 hours. I expect once I find out what's wrong, or at least find medication that works for me (I am beginning to suspect I have either something very rare, a mix of things, or something completely new), and grow up some more, I will go back to that within 10 years, but who knows.

Thought you might enjoy reading this since I feel it's so different.

So about the form, to make it easier to get your thoughts going:

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[b]1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?[/b]

[b]2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?[/b]

[b]3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?[/b]

[b]4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?[/b]

[b]5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?[/b]

[b]6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?[/b]

[b]7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*[/b]

[b]8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*[/b]

[b]9. How are your sleep patterns now?[/b]

[b]10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)[/b]

[b]11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?[/b]

[b]12. How well do you normally sleep?[/b]

[b]13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?[/b]

*IF these apply to you

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
If I have to, I can handle around 6-8 hours, but I may have to catch up and nap later. I usually do 8-10 hours, or longer if it was a restless night.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Since I can't have a set bedtime, I normally go to sleep after being awake 12-20 hours after waking up.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Again, it changes.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Brush my teeth, get my MP3 player and earphones on the charger, get my handkerchief, my nasal spray, and take any medication I need to take. I also need to eat something (preferably a bowl of cereal) because I wake up sick from not eating. It relaxes me and keeps my stomach calm.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I used to sleep something like 4-8 hours a night be perfectly fine and function well, and feel rested. If I had a week where I slept mainly little, I'd catch up with it on the weekends. I'd go to sleep late on Sunday night, normal time on Monday, and maybe quite early on Tuesday, while Wed and Thurs would be normalish time. I was also, for the most part, a morning person.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Ehh, read up in my original thing. xD

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
Haven't gotten to these stages of life.

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Again, already explained.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I currently sleep on a firm bed; it was great when I was lighter and younger. Now I am quite sore with a firm bed because I am heavier (just grown up, not over weight) and have pressure points in my shoulders, hips, most of my legs (knees and hips and ankles). Once I have my room cleaned up, I am going to be pressuring my dad into using his employee discount to get a Select Comfort bed (the adjustable one with the numbers ("What's Your Sleep Number?")) for me. My mom got one that is also adjustable (can sit up or put the legs up), and it is amazing. (If anyone needs a new mattress, DEFINITELY look into Select Comfort, it is well worth the money!)
I also don't really use pillows; I use a baby blanket to put my head on because I don't like how pillows seem to cover my nose, and I like having my neck straighter. I tried using one of those curved pillows, and I had HORRIFIC headaches from it; I was in extreme pain, I was getting extremely dizzy and blurry vision and also getting nauseated. I joke to myself that it's because I have a big head.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I like to sleep on my side. However, because of my pressure points, I have had a sore right shoulder for weeks and can not get rid of it; it's horrible. So I have been trying to sleep on my stomach, but with the issue in my hips (google FAI), it is somewhat hard to do, and I tend to roll onto my side in my sleep.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Not well. I have ALWAYS had problems getting to sleep, and for the last 1 1/2 year I have had problems getting into a deep sleep and staying asleep. All the docs I've seen have not been focused on it (more interested in why I am in so much pain) and told me to take OTC things. I plan on asking to have a sleep study done at some point soon to see if they find something because my mother has sleep apnea.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
I don't eat when I wake up. I have a glass of chocolate 2% milk as breakfast, after about 15 minutes of being awake but before being up for 60 minutes. I also go to the restroom right away. If I need to, I also check the water heater and take a shower 1-3 hours after getting up. I like to wake up completely for a shower so I enjoy it.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by cusith »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
I usually sleep anywhere from 7 to 10 hours a night. My shifts at work usually end late at night/early morning. Tonight for instance My shift ended just adter 1am. I usually stay up for a little bit afterwards, then got to sleep around 230am. Lately however I've been going to bed around tonight, it's 3:30am right now.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
I usually, when not working, shoot for between 1030 and midnight, depending on what I have planned for the next day

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Does usuing the facilities count? lol. Not usually no, sometimes I get a drink of water, and then I make sure that all the lights are off, as long as I'm not home alone anyway. If I'm on my own in my house I leave the bathroon light on.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
Don't remember. I assume they were okay. Go to bed around 9 get up at 7, play all day, repeat.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
About the same as when I was a child. Unless I was over at a friend's or something, or it was a weekend.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
about the same.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Crap! Curse you lousy work schedule! Go to bed late at night early in the morning and wake up late morning/early afternoon.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I sleep on a foam/memory foam pad, which on top of a firm/soft/inbetween matress. Once I hit that thing I am out like a light in 10-15 minutes flat. I got it beacsue the matress I was using by itself keot putting my right shoulder out of place. Now I don't have that problem. I love my matress!

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Usually on my right side, curled around a pillow. Ocassionally I'll sleep on my stomach, but not often.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Pretty good, once I'm in my bed I can be asleep within 20 minutes. I don't wake up often, unless my cat jumps on me, or I rolled over into my bedroom wall.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Go to the washroom, eat some crackers, or a slice or two of toast. I don't usually eat much when I first wake up, it makes my tummy feel icky.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Sanna92 »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Depends every day. Maybe between 6-9 hours
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
It depends on the time of year. If it's during a school year, I try to go to sleep around 10p.m. but during the summer I stay up until I'm tired and I want to go to sleep
3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Both actually. Depends though. Sometimes I'm so tired that I fall straight asleep, doesn't matter what time of day and others I'm not tired enough to take a nap
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Before I go to sleep, I need to wash my face and brush my teeth. It'll feel weird if I don't and when I wake up I usually don't need to do anything.
5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
Honestly, I can't remember, but I think I went to bed when I was told and got up when I was told to.
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
About the same when I was a child. Sometimes I stayed up longer.
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Same answer as number 2
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Same as number 2. I will add that I do tend to wake up early but fall back asleep
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Right now a firm mattress and a body pillow. But that's during the summer. When school starts it's a different bed, but same pillow^^
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I sleep on my left side because it seems more comfortable, but sometimes I sleep on my back or my stomach
12. How well do you normally sleep?
I think I sleep pretty well. Sometimes I wake up a few times during the night/wee hours of the morning
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
I go to the restroom and then get on my computer(depends on the time of year). I normally don't eat right when I get up because it makes me feel sick, so I wait a while before I eat anything

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Shadowsun »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
School: about 7-7.5 hours
Summer: 7-8 hours

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
School: 11, sometimes latter
Summer: 11:30-12:00

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I don't really have anything I need to do, but I like reading or playing my DS for about an hour before I go to sleep. I've also gotten into the habit of doing a few stretches shortly before I go to sleep, especially if I still have a lot of energy.
When I get up in the morning, I really don't like people talking to me right after I get up or I'll almost always get annoyed for the next few hours.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I don't remember exact times, but I went to bed and got up a lot earlier.
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
See above/below
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Same as I've already said, mostly.
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I have no idea, to be honest. I've been sleeping on the same bed for as long as I can remember.
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Yes; usually on my side.
12. How well do you normally sleep?
I can usually sleep through the night, if that's what you're asking. I've actually been dreaming a lot lately, though, which is strange for me. Usually I only have an occasional dream, but I've been dreaming almost every day for the past few weeks.
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Curse the brightness, go to the bathroom, eat (a very small)breakfast. I'm with everyone else when they say that eating right after they get up makes them feel sick.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by DreamingOfIslands »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Since it's summer, a good 9-10 hours. On days when I have to get up earlier for work, it's sometimes less.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Midnight. Usually ends up being more like one, though.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Night. I don't nap unless it's absolutely necessary. Though I've been known to fall asleep in class, and during the school year I slept /very/ odd hours.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Before, I need to brush my teeth, plug in my phone, clear all the crap off my bed, check under my covers (minor paranoid thing about bugs), and straighten my blankets out. I also set my alarm for work/school. When I wake up, I use the bathroom immediately. When at home, that's usually followed by cleaning up after the cats, showering, and then breakfast. At school, it's immediately followed by a shower, getting ready for class, and a poptart.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I don't even remember :P

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
When I was in high school, I pretty consistently needed to be /at/ the school by 7:20. This usually meant hitching a ride to school when my dad went in to work, so I had to get up pretty early. As a result, I went to bed earlier as well. I don't remember specifics, but it seems like I was in bed by 10. When I got to college, it became pretty eratic. Some days I would get up at 6 to be ready for class and other days I didn't need to be at class until 3, so I slept until 11. I consistently slept until 11 on weekends. Since it's summer now, I pretty consistently stay up until midnight and get up at ten or eleven. When I have to go to work, I go to bed earlier and get up earlier.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
I'm 19, do I count as a young adult now? :P I guess it depends on how you define "teenager" and "young adult"

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
See above.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Dunno the brand, but it's very soft. I can't sleep on a firm mattress, it gives me terrible aches. I always sleep with two pillows. One goes under my head, and one goes under a leg. Explanation below.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Yes. There's a sweet spot on my side that I usually have to find before I can get to sleep. It's kind of partway on my stomach, but not all the way. I use that extra pillow kind of as a prop for whichever leg is on top (E.g., if I'm sleeping on my left side, right leg goes on pillow). I sometimes sleep directly on my stomach, but not often. I'm a D cup, and if the mattress isn't soft enough sleeping on my stomach painfully crushes my chest.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Really well. Sometimes I don't sleep well, but I usually find it's because of lack of activity during the day. I had very few problems getting to sleep at school, but I had jam-packed days and sometimes slept only three or four hours a night.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Um, repeat question from above? If it's school or work day, I slam the alarm and get right to my morning routine. If it's not, sometimes I just roll around in bed for a few minutes and check Facebook and emails via my phone.

Shenzi, my Mom has Lupus as well and my father has sleep apnea. My mother seems to sleep well, though she's a super early bird. She typically wakes up at four or five in the morning. She's always really tired at night, though, and goes to bed at like ten. My Dad just had surgery that was supposed to help him with his apnea, though my Mom says he still stops breathing at night. Interestingly, my Mom insisted to the doctors that my father had apnea, but none of them would believe it until he had a sleep study. Apparently, apnea is primarily a problem for overweight people, but my father's not overweight at all. I think it's a good idea for you to get a sleep study. Maybe it can help them find your problems.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Riverfox »

i usually try to get to bed by 10 then sleep at 10:30 if i need to be up early, but on the weekends i'll stay up till 1 sometimes then sleep until 12:30 :lol: i live at 2 houses, and the beds make a HUGE differance in how well i sleep. on the firm, new bed, i usually end up waking up at night, or i can't sleep. on the bed i've had FOREVER since i got out of the crib, i've broken it in and it's the most comfterable thing ever and i can always sleep well on it. Pillows also make a differance to me, if there's only 1, it usually gets squished down and feels weird, since i need my head to be supported or it buggs me all night. I feel bad for ancient egyptians, they used rocks for pillows T_T

edit: I can NOT sleep on my back, only on my sides with my arm some how under my pillow and head, and with my legs bent a bit. Then i turn over and do the same on the otherside if it gets uncomfterable after a while.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by MagicalGhoul »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Um... Maybe six to eight hours a night? Sometimes...?

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Ten... ten thirty... Eleven... it depends.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
As a kid I was always more hyper at night, and therefor stayed up later. But when I did sleep, I slept like a rock.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Um... Not very good, I suppose. I have trouble falling asleep a lot, and I wake up during the night a lot. I tend to wake up "early" too, like eight-nine o clock.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
I am still a teenager >_>

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Read about how they are as a teenager >_>

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Right now I sleep on the floor so...

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Kinda. I always have to be hugging something when I sleep. It's odd, but I do. Other than that, I either sleep on my side, curled up into a ball, on my stomach, or on my back.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
probably not very well.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Um... Lay awake then stumble around the house, doing whatever I need to do.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by HobbitFeet »

Ugh, I don't know what sleep is anymore... I catch wisps of it when I'm too exhausted to remain awake, but that's it.

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Most nights during the week I can get in about 2 hours. Usually on Thursdays I can grab anywhere from 5-9 hours, depending on what happens when my parents get home. If I'm not working too much on the weekends, I can get about 5 hours. If I'm off work completely (weekends), I'm knocked the eff out, trying to replenish my wrecked brain.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
"Try" and "do" are horribly different things. I usually lay down around 5-6 am. Can't sleep until around 7 most mornings. Then I have to get up at 8:30-9:00am to babysit, so getting to sleep with that in mind is hard.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
The day. Even when I have off and actually get time to sleep. I fall asleep after the sun's risen more often than is healthy.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Not necessarily. Besides the obligatory medication taking I'm not hell bent on any habits.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
Shitty. Though I did sleep through more nights.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Shitty still. I had a hard time sleeping before midnight, then had to get up at 6am for class.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Over the last few years I started off only having difficulty getting to sleep. Lying awake for hours is excruciating to me. The older I got, then more stressors I had in my life, so not only was it hard to fall asleep, I began having trouble staying asleep. Especially if I know something important's going to happen the next day. Before I had so much to do, I'd occasionally take an OTC sleeping tablet. It was well worth it, but it made me feel sluggish and prone to nap taking for an entire day after taking it. Now I just live off Red Bull and other nasty, caffeine ridden drinks.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
I'm 22 :p

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Same as Young adult.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
A bit soft. I like it. Not sure what brand, but it's not a bit name I'm sure. I grew up with stiff, heavy duty spring mattresses and hated them.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I tend to flop into the fetal position, but I have your typical hourglass figure, multiplied by my weight, so it's hard to find it comfortable anymore. I sleep on my back because it's easier to breathe that way, but my back will hurt if I stay that way for more than a few hours.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Judging by the above answers, I'd bet it's safe to say, "not well."

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Stumble out of bed and find my pants XD

Brushing my teeth is pretty much the big one, if I could call it a habit. Stretching is also freaking awesome.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by mangoNINJA »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Three and a half hours, every other day.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Extremely early morning.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
No, I'm to tired to care lol

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
As a child, I slept CONSTANTLY (I had undiagnosed ADD)

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
I don't really sleep... D:

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
HEY! I'm not there yet!

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
Same as 7

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Horrible. I feel like I'm playing games, "will I sleep tonight?" Is the name.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I recently got a new one, but it's not working! I have a soft, plush bed. I have a firm pillow and a soft one.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Yes, like a dead body, flat on my back. Or, on my stomach even though it's horrible.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Horribly, when I do sleep!

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Try and sleep more... Or sketch my dreams

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Celibidache »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Probably around 8 hours.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Usually between 9:00PM-11:00PM.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Take the dog out to use the bathroom!

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I don't remember.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Late to bed, late to rise.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Very late to bed, and very late to rise. : /

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
I'm not quite there yet.

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
I pretty consistently go to bed between 9:00PM-11:00PM and wake up between 5:00AM-8:00AM.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Not sure. It's an old mattress that was handed down to me. I probably need to get a new one.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Not really. I tend to move around in my sleep.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Fairly well most of the time; although, I do typically wake up a few times during the night.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Take the dog out to use the bathroom, give the dog fresh water, make husband's lunch for the day, feed the guinea pigs.

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