Your Sleeping Habits

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by faedemon »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
I sleep about 7-8 hours each night *yawn*

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
I go to bed at 8:00, and wake up from 3-5 in the morning ;~;

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
During the night....

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Before going to sleep, I have to brush up, use the bathroom, etc. When I wake up I have to get ready for school or on weekends or breaks I mostly watch TV and be lazy...

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I'm still a pre-teen :P

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
I CANT TIME TRAVEL, IDIOT. Only the Doctor can. :sulk:

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Terrible. XD I wake up at 3 in the morning, tops every time.... if I'm lucky I wake up at 5...

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I sleep on a really hard matress, queen sized :3

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Nah, but most of the time I sleep on my side. If I'm on my period I have to sleep on my back, though, because then the stupid blood gets on my pantsssss DX

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Badly. Let's leave it at that.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Either I wait for the sun to actually come up, or go get breakfast :/

Also: to those who have had sleep paralysis, I am so sorry D: That sounds scarrryyy. I'm just glad it hasn't happened to me.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by ShadyPaws »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Dunno. I usually go to bed at about nine or ten but I sometimes take hours to got to sleep.
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Week days, usually around quarter-past nine. Weekends, its sometimes much later.
3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Normally during the night unless if I am feeling ill during the day.
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I need to set my alarm clock and (as a Christian) say a prayer.
5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
It varies. Sometimes I slept like a log while other times I hardly get any. I sometimes have really bizzare dreams.
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Hasn't changed much from when I was a child really.
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Dunno. Sometimes I need two pillows if one is too flat for me.
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I feel most comfortable on my side.
12. How well do you normally sleep?
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
When my alarm goes off I have an hour to wake up but sometimes I fall back asleep.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by NatasAisaka »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day? This one GREATLY depends on both where I am, and who I'm talking to. If somebody is deemed important enough for me to forsake sleep, as rare as that may be, I'll stay up as long as I can manage with them.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep? I generally try to sleep very early, around eight or an hour or so within that time. Though again it will depend. If I get stressed, I stay up later, and due to anxiety may choose to forsake sleep.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night? At night, in most cases. Though when I crash, I cash hard, and I generally end up sleeping for weeks at day before I can get it fixed again.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up? When I first go to sleep, I have to be able to see the room to a certain degree. I scan the area, wiggle straight down into the sheets, and curl up. When I wake up, I always roll over.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager? I got to sleep easier as a kid, but slept much lighter. Stuff like noises would wake me up easily, especially something high pitched. (Though this could be because i had ear troubles constantly growing up..)

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager? I slept heavier, and since my ear trouble stopped bothering me, noises weren't really a concern when it came to waking me up. It's also around when I was 13 and onward when it was discovered when I'm sick or very stressed, I talk quietly in my sleep.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?* Nothing has changed so far.. We'll see as the years come by.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?* We'll see one day.

9. How are your sleep patterns now? Some of the most notable sleep patterns I've had, and always have had, is.. I need to be curled up, before I stretch out when I'm about to sleep. I need to have something solid near me that I can touch, for example, a wall, when I sleep. I always do a very deep, yet quiet inhale when I first wake up. Upon the first five minutes of telling me something after I wake up, I will likely forget it unless I have woke up by myself, rather than somebody waking me up.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect) Huuuuuuge level of variation here. If I can't sleep in my bed, i'll sleep anywhere I can. Couches. Chairs. Office chairs. Two pillows set beside each other. The floor. I generally feel the need to go to sleep with a blanket overtop of me, though it's not required. I like pillows. The more the merrier, as I generally do something like build a ''nest'' with them so I can feel more secure.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position? When I'm sleeping curled up, my back is often to the ''wall''. Either one I've made from pillows and blankets, or a real one.

12. How well do you normally sleep? If I've not slept for a long time, I sleep deep and well. Though otherwise I often wake up feeling tired and dissatisfied with sleep.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping? I roll over a few times, breathing deeply, before I finally sit up and wrap up in something like a house coat. I can't stand to be cold, it makes me feel horrible. If I get the chance, I'll cook.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Chuffy »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Oh man, I'm a super sleepy person. My meds make me tired all the time, some days more than others. I usually sleep through the night and have a nice catnap during the day, but sometimes I need another. uwu

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
2:00 AM is usually the latest I allow myself to stay up until, and I have trouble lasting 'till that time anyway. I conk out whenever my body's like "YOOOO G'NIGHT"

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Both. Naps are just the best thing to happen to me.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I like to make sure my mobile is near in case there's an emergency and somebody needs to call, and I generally like knowing where the cat is to make sure she doesn't go out. uwu

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
Oh man, I used to get up really early when I was a kid! I don't recall what time I went to bed, but I was definitely a morning person back then.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
For a while, there was a time when I dealt so badly with school that I was up until one in the morning doing homework, and then I'd set my alarm to five in the morning to finish it. Then I got hit with a lot of illness, and it changed to staying up until three and waking up at six. uwu

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Oh man, I sleep like a log. My meds just knock me out, and I have a habit of accidentally falling asleep mid-conversation when I'm online pfhhththth,

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Oh man, I could sleep on hot coals and not mind. Give me a bed and I will sleep in it.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Usually on my side or on my belly. owo

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Waaaaaaaay too well. owo;

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Usually try to go back to sleep. owo;

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Xeron »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day? Never. What is this sleeping you speak of? On a more serious note, probably not as long as I ought to, yet more often than I should.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep? 1am. Doesn't tend to work out that way as an insomniac. I'm usually up after 1am, so somewhere between then and 5am, or sometimes straight on either of those.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night? Night prefferably, but if I get some time off in the day, and I'm especially tired...

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up? Not necessarily, no.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager? I was always an insomniac, and my sleeping patterns have always been bad.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager? Same as above

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?* ^

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?* N/A

9. How are your sleep patterns now? The same as all prior.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect) No idea. Pillow is some sort of memory foam used so I don't wake up to migraines.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position? Sometimes

12. How well do you normally sleep? Depends. Look below for more

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping? That depends on when I get up. It might have only been a few hours since I actually went to sleep. If I sleep through and wake later, either I get up and feel fine or get up with a migraine. If I don't sleep through, but end up going back to sleep, I end up in these weird dreams (I'm a lucid dreamer, but that doesn't stop them beginning) and later wake up to a migraine. If I wake up after only a few hours and stay awake, I tend to need small sleep the coming day to get me through.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by AnArtfulDodger »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Probably five to six hours. Never much more than that, unfortunately.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Usually at around midnight, but I end up actually sleeping at around two o' clock. Otherwise I feel like I've missed opportunities to do things.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
I hate taking naps because they disorient me, although technically I do sleep during the 'day'--just the very, very early morning.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Oh, yes. I absolutely must listen to something when I'm falling asleep, or else I get really anxious. Normally, I'll watch QI or something similar on my iPod for a while, and just leave it playing through the night. I don't have anything particular I do when I wake up, though.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I went to sleep earlier, at around eight o' clock, and woke up at around six. I remember I always loved being up in the early morning, particularly in the summertime.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
I am a teenager, so my described sleep patterns apply here. The shift was gradual, though. When I was in junior high, I stayed up later, but still woke up early. Now, I stay up quite late, and have to sleep in more to compensate.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
We shall see...

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
To be discovered...

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Right now, they're probably the least healthy they've been in a long time. It's a stressful time of year, after all. I've a lot of work to do, and so I have to devote more time to forcing my brain to relax enough to sleep each night.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
My mattress is harder than it is soft, but not an extreme in either direction. While I have pillows, I never really use them aside from my one small cylindrical-type pillow (I'm sure there's a name for it, but I just can't recall it), which I actually do use. If I had the choice, though, I'd sleep in tents or pillow forts. I like the feeling of being in a little cozy nook.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
On my side, all curled up, usually close to the right edge of my bed. I used to sleep on my stomach, but that stresses me out now.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Generally well, once I do get to sleep, which can take me a while. I do tend towards nightmares, though.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
In the summer, I practise my instruments right when I get up (after brushing my teeth, of course) to wake up my mind. During school, I frantically rush to get ready for the day. I rarely eat breakfast right after I wake up. I'm just never hungry right away.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Shepherd917 »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
It varies widely, but if I had to give an average, I'd say... about six, maybe seven hours?

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
I kind of just fall asleep whenever I'm tired, but if I find myself awake at 3 AM, I'll usually try and force myself to go to sleep if I have something to do the following day.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
I usually fall asleep late and night and sleep into the day. That's why I generally try and schedule late classes.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Nope, not really.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I barely slept... so my poor parents barely slept either, heh.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
In contrast to my childhood sleeping habits, I slept as much as possible, haha. Went to bed fairly late and woke up fairly late.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Something in between the two. it got to the point where I started going to sleep at around 3:30-4:00 AM and sleeping in until noon or 1:00 PM, but I've fixed that somewhat.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
They'll hopefully improve further, lol.

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
I still go to bed late and wake up kind of late, but like I said, they've improved somewhat.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Tempurpedic bed and pillow.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I'm a restless sleeper so I toss and turn and end up in several different positions by the time I wake up.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Pretty poorly, I guess.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Check my phone and computer first thing. Then, if I have time, lounge around for a while until I'm fully awake. Then I'll get out of bed and do my usual morning routine.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Neamhain »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
On a school day, depending on my assignments, anywhere from 5 to 9 hours. On the weekends, upwards of 16 hours.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Schedules. Pfft. I sleep when I sleep.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
The night, during the week. Both on the weekends.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I had less work, so it was just a more constant pattern. I'd get about 8-12 hours every night.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Crazy. I use the weekends to catch up and the weeks to work.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Described above.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
An old, uneven, stiff boxspring. No idea what brand it is. I have two thick pillows, one is memory foam and the other is a normal one. I switch between them every now and then. I sleep best in new situations, such as on a new bed, or even a rock (long story), softness doesn't really matter.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I sleep in EVERY position imaginable and not imaginable. Sprawled out, hanging over my bed, fetal, soldier... you name it, I've slept like that.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Heh, this changes all the time. Sometimes I conk out right away, other times I'm too busy with my thoughts to fall asleep.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Nothing. I decide whether I want to get up or not, and it is different everyday.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by o0TheHawk0o »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
5-8 hours.
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
night, though occasionally i'll find the couch comfortable and sleep for a hour or two there.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
water. and sometimes food. reading as well.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
pretty straightforward, go to bed at 9:00 wake up at 8:00

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
very broken up...

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
getting slightly better but still messed up.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
pillows <3

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
fetal position!

12. How well do you normally sleep?
it depends if i had done anything before bed, like watch a scary movie.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Blazen749 »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Anywhere from nine to 14 hours
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
Generally 10:30, however , for exams, sleep a couple hours after school and go to bed late (12) . Fridays nights I can go to 2, because I'm usually at my Grandpa's and don't have anything Saturdays. Sundays, I go around midnight.
3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Both. Day is disorienting for me, but I need about ten minutes and I good
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I red often before sleeping, or think. Waking up, I'll often put on the radio to stay awake
5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
9-7:30. 10 o'clock in later years
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
I'm one of those kids who sleep when I want, wake up when I want, and always seem to be on caffeine (yet I only occasionally drink tea, only drink sprite as a pop, generally go for fruit, and avoid energy bars)
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
I predict that I am not clairvoyant
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
I see a future! It has sleep! I may be clairvoyant after all!
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Exams made me rethink. I get home between 3-4 ( now exams started so 11-2) and sleep till sixish. Then I stay up way late. (I'm assuming that in all the members on magistream, there has gotta be a sleep expert. Is this healthy?)
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
If I sleep in a bed. I can easily pass out on the floor if I want, or sofa, or even cars.
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
I try to stay on my back, but often wakeup upside down, belly down, hanging off, fallen off, huddled in corner, and one time, woke up facing the bottom of my bed. Not sure how on that one.
12. How well do you normally sleep?
I sleep well. As I said above I sleep very spastic, and my parents, family etc, have notified me that I make noises and actions(laughing, crying, sleeping, sitting upright, occasionally screaming (more so when I was younger) sleep walking on one occasion, singing,etc) and they ask me what I dreamed about. Some dreams I remember, and there was a yearly horror one I had for four years when I was younger, and some I remember aspects. Like there are dreams where its a familiar building, yet the outlines have neen changed (one time river instead of stairway) and when I have a dream with it again, it can be same or different.
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Turn on radio, go to washroom, eat breakfast
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So are there any sleep experts on magistream? I want to know for number 9

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