Magistream roleplay OOC

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Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

This is the out of character place for this roleplay!

Code: Select all

[b]Full Name[/b]
[b]Species[/b] (you can play as any species who's available in the bestiary as an ally too!)
[b]Appearance[/b] (physical features, style, etc.)
[b]Personality [/b](positive and negative traits)

LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

Current characters-

Laus Hellinga, 18, naga (creatures: nandi bear)

Eivee Lerin, 15, human (creatures: white lion ammit, sacris pygmy crystalwing)

Warm Embers at Dawn (Embers), 23, human werecat (creatures: life prism fox, scarf wyrm)

Alan Ursula, 22, human (creatures: scarf wyrm, trench leviathan)

LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

Full Name Laus Hellinga
Nickname Laus
Age 18
Gender/Pronouns he/him, male
Species naga
Background One of his aunts was an ally for a magi, except that she got very sick and was forced to return home, so he stepped up to take her position. The magi ended up accepting him as an apprentice and sent him to grab an egg for himself
Likes Exploring, reading, more reading, infodumping on whatever he's read lately, biology and magic
Dislikes getting his hands dirty, both metaphorically and physically
Appearance Laus has a shorter tail than other nagas, he's built more like a gaboon viper and moves mostly through rectilinear locomotion. He's not as good at climbing trees as a result, but he's somewhat faster on smooth surfaces than other nagas, and can move for a long time before getting tired.
picture made by picrew
Personality ENFP, is curious and able to find fascination in just about anything. He is rarely bored because he always finds ways to fascinate himself. However, he is not good at staying focused. If something more interesting catches his eye, it causes him physical pain to not learn more about it.
Hobbies Finding more friendly creatures to pet, reading tomes of knowledge, talking about what he's been studying
Strengths He's naturally super polite so everyone ends up being nice to him
Weaknesses he's pretty shit at tennis. Also, despite liking to talk a lot, he is afraid to talk. His favourite subjects are all related to his home life, which makes him worried he'll slip up and blurt out naga secrets... so instead he stays quiet unless he's chewing the scenery.

For anything that he says, I'll do this because it's cool. The text colour is #008000

LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by EstherGamer »

Name: Eivee Lerin
Nicknames: Vee, Ivy
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: I’ve never been great at describing appearances, but I had an image in my head so I was able to get a drawing made pretty quickly:
Big Images, might have to be opened in new tabs
I’ll add more expressions when I have time, but the upcoming days are gonna be a really big mess for me because I have another art project to start using limited notes and unfinished designs so it might be a while before that happens.
Adding to this, she has a dark blue (very dark blue, almost black) cloak.
Personality: Friendly, but shy as well. She at least seems to warm up to people quickly, though at the same time she’s always just a bit cautious around others. Tends to stumble over her words a lot.
Equipment: Not much to start with, I’ll update this as the RP progresses.
Abilities: Unknown until later.
Strengths: Good at making things with limited materials.
Weaknesses: She’s really sensitive to bright lights for some reason.
Known Backstory (Optional): ???
Likes: Nighttime, winter, it generally being dark
Dislikes: Brightly lit areas, rain, and bugs
Hobbies: Making trinkets out of random things she finds, and reading
Starting Creature: White Lion Ammit, and Sacris Pygmy Crystalwing
Text Color: #59015e
(I tend to put descriptions inside spoilers out of habit)
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PFP is an edited version of Shaymin Sky's portrait from PMD:Explorers of Sky, I edited it myself
Life's a mess right now, go easy on me
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by faedemon »

Full Name Alan Ursula
Nickname Al
Age 22
Gender/Pronouns Male, he/him
Species Human

Background Alan grew up in the Keep, and has never traveled much—his parents are both magi, who are often off gallivanting; they love him but do not make much time for him, and he has never been invited on their adventures, for safety reasons. As such, Alan has spent his youth wandering the Keep and absorbing the knowledge being taught, and when he came of age, he joined up as an official student magi. Some years after becoming a student, he approached the Stream and picked up a scarf wyrm, his first creature. He had planned on starting slow, and keeping only one until he grew accustomed to caring for a creature, but very shortly afterward Alan was involved in the rescue of a leviathan in the lake, which had become tangled in netting and was suffocating. Due to this, he earned the trust of a pod of leviathans, and was bestowed with one of their eggs as thanks. Alan winced but accepted, and is now worried about how to take care of two creatures, especially when one of them is totally aquatic.

Likes Learning, being of service, reading, the sound of footsteps in the hall, swimming, dancing, storytelling.
Dislikes Travelling, feeling useless, having too much on his plate at once, crowded and loud social events, stage plays.
Appearance Of average height, with long dark hair in one loose braid down his back. Wears a black robe over a dark red or dark blue shirt, with smart dark pants and nice shoes that are really not made for going outside, since he doesn't do so very often. Wears gem necklaces and simple silver cuff earrings.
Personality Generally reserved, but friendly if interacted with, and is always open to accepting help or being taught something new. Easy to make laugh. More will reveal itself as he's roleplayed with, I'm sure.
Hobbies Studying, reading, swimming, creature care (he got into volunteering for creature care in order to prepare for having creatures of his own, and really enjoys it), skygazing (clouds, stars, you name it).
Strengths Open-minded, dedicated, attentive.
Weaknesses Reserved, slightly agoraphobic, easily overwhelmed.

I rolled the scarf wyrm, and then rolled again for a second creature and got the trench leviathan. Also, I don't know yet what element Alan will gravitate towards, but I'd sure like to give him one as the RP goes on.
Image hey. looking for gender swaps.
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by Cindertail »

Full Name: Warm Embers at Dawn

Nickname: Ember

Age: Early twenties - 23, I think?

Gender/Pronouns: they/them

Species: Human(werecat)

Background: From a village near the edge of the Etain Desert. They left to travel to the Keep and ask to bring back a companion to aid their village's farming efforts and help restore a nearby river that dried up suddenly.

Likes: Thinking about the science of magic; the process and intricacy of decay; chess; running and races; climbing on top of things they shouldn't(cabinets, animals, dressers, shelves packed with glasses); dire trufwolves; reading; food(in the "everything is edible at least once!" way)

Dislikes: Dire trufwolf fur; only getting a portion of themselves wet; getting dressed/undressed; using a comb when they have fingers; droughts; shattered glass; sitting still and silently for long periods of time; frozen bodies of water

Appearance (physical features, style, etc.): Ember wears loose, baggy clothing that, while ideal for the scorching temperatures of the Etain Desert, is often layered over more insulating clothing to protect them from the much cooler temperatures at the keep. Their skin is tanned and their hair is kept short and fluffy - it's brown with dark striping. Ember's canines are long and sharp enough to qualify as fangs and their tongue is rough.
On the days immediately before, after, and during the full moon, their ears become more upright, take a feline shape, and grow hair, as well as becoming more mobile. A long, fluffy feline tail also appears. The fur on both take after the fur on their head, though the stripe pattern is more easily seen.
In their cat form, they are a dark brown classic tabby(this form is most accessible and often used in their daily life). During the night of the full moon, if they choose/are forced to change(not doing so is massively uncomfortable, but once transformed they have to wait until midday to change back), they become this big . . . . feline creature? It's less "AAAA BIG SCARY CAT HUMAN THING" like classic werewolves and more "oh that cat is kinda big - whys it shaped funny" - werecats are built for speed and stealth, not smashing into things like werewolves are. Ember's head is about level with an average humans and their hands are capable of finer movements, but not human level.
Of course, if you'd rather them just be human, I can remove everything about werecats!

Personality (positive and negative traits): The increased speed of movement that werecats are blessed with apples to their thoughts and logic leaps - but while they're good at making deductions, they aren't good at thinking twice and often jump into things headfirst first with no plan. Ember also tends to stick to one train of thought at a time without someone to bounce off of - that's actually how they got to the Keep! In conversations, they tend to be blunt and don't tend to best around the bush.

Hobbies: Eating things that shouldn't be edible but somehow it is(this is meant to be a comedic gag for this character, not a "uhh well they're immune to poison" thing), getting sticky with the resident trufwolves, making intense eye contact with people they don't like as intimidation, volunteering to train more rambunctious hatchlings to not beg for attention(like the thing they do at shelters, where a kid sits and does homework in the middle of the puppies? for training?), helping out in the gardens

Strengths: Ember can move quite fast and almost always wins races - they've yet to lose a race since leaving their village! They're also very good at low-level curses - "your pillow will never be the right temperature!" and "your cuffs shall be damp!" are their favourites.

Weaknesses: Subtle hints tend to go over their head. Their physical strength also doesnt match the speed they move at - they suck at weight lifting and physical combat. They often make snap decisions instead of considering ask the angles.

(More to be added, I suck at these parts - strengths and weaknesses usually reveal themselves through character use, sorry!)

Magic: Ranged/supportive is what they excel at. Transformation magic almost always gets hijacked by their werecat magic - Transformation class labs usually yields feline-esque creatures with interesting properties.
Also, werecat magic doesn't do much when handled consciously - it speeds healing enough that recovery takes half as long and increases one's speed and flexibility by a lot(but not their strength!! werewolves get that) when left alone, but it only changes one's form when consciously manipulated. It could probably be magically blocked or "turned off" by an outside force, I think.
It can be elementally classified as Life magic.

Starters: Life Prism Fox and Scarf Wyrm
Both of these are Just Little Guys they picked up from the Stream on a whim - I did roll the Prism Fox, though.

I'm . . . . thinking that's everything? I'll use // to indicate OOC :)
Last edited by Cindertail on January 1st, 2024, 9:18:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I wonder, sometimes.
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

OH and by the way, just for the sake of interest I'll add another rule

Your character can be generalist in what they study, or they can pick a specific element to pursue! I'd suggest that they go and pick something related to their starting creature. For instance, Laus Hellion is a neutral magi.

I think it would add to more roleplaying depth, which is why I asked you to randomly generate your starting creature. You never know what you're going to get!

LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who sent me gifts!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

hehehehheHAHAHAHAHHAHA I've come up with a rp-canon reason why the naga are so secretive, yet are lax enough to send someone as amateur as Laus Hellinga to study
(warning: has to do with politics and history, including the nasty stuff about history people don't like to discuss)
It's because Nagas are kind of private about their history and they are currently going through a politically unstable time. Much like humans in the real world, nagas haven't always had the best reactions to meeting new groups, and they've led to wars and genocide too much to be comfortable with.
Only a select few naga tribes are aware that humans are real, and those tribes would like to keep it that way, because they would like to advocate for peace between humans and nagas first. They would like to send in a few scouts, or their equivalent of diplomatic FBI agents, to test the waters and make sure neither groups would be harmed in the process.
Laus was sent because there were several other nagas who came before him and determined the place to be safe for someone like him. Laus is polite and friendly and has a personality the other nagas determined the students he would be sent to study with would find appealing, so there's no risk of diplomatic damage.

LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who sent me gifts!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by audrei9 »

The thing with ADHD memory issues isn't that I'm blissfully ignorant of all the things I'm forgetting. I'm stressfully ignorant. I'm never suddenly hit with the unexpected feeling of "oh, I think I've forgotten something", because the feeling is never unexpected, nor does it ever leave. That alarm is blaring 24/7. If I didn't tune it out, I'd go insane.
- Laus, probably


LTB any and all holyhounds and deadwood deer! No inbreds please!
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who sent me gifts!
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Re: Magistream roleplay OOC

Post by Cindertail »

Oh! Since you guys are currently discussing healers, would it be alright to sneak Ember in? I imagine that they can heal minor injuries and would be able to determine how indeed the egg is or isn't.
I wonder, sometimes.

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