Dreams..Had any? Share here.

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Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

Dreams, what are they all about? Often times we can remember our dreams and some dreams feel like reality. Here you can post about any dreams you may have had while sleeping or even dreams you have while awake.
There’s no limit on dreams.

I had a dream that I was riding down the road in a makeshift Jeep that had puffy fabric doors. I was trying to remember what hand signals I was supposed to be using as there were no blinkers. So I just stuck my hand out the window and started waving as I made my turn. That’s all I remember about that dream. :sleep:
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Grimmpony »

I don't know what dreams are all about myself but I have had crazy dreams in the past. A lot of my dreams have me running from people that are trying to catch me. They don't catch me but I'm always running. lol
I sometimes dream in color too.
I dream a lot after I have eaten mushrooms for some reason (no joke).
I had mushrooms on my pizza last night and I had a wild dream. I just can't remember what it was about now. I remember waking thinking "wow, I need to remember that". But usually I forget shortly after waking.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

I know whatcha mean about mushrooms. They give me bad or crazy dreams too.
I’ve dreamt in color before as well. I have a dream dictionary but I too forget most dreams before I’m able to look them up. Go figure.
Maybe tonight I’ll try telling myself to remember my dreams and see if by chance I can. *crosses fingers*
I’ll update tomorrow.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

Well, I forgot to tell myself to remember my dreams and I didn’t remember any. I’ll try again.
I found my dream dictionary today and I put a notepad by my bed in case I wake in the middle of the night I can write down any dreams I may have had. I used to do that years ago and it was interesting to recently read the notes about my dreams that I had written back then. I always wondered if dreams could foretell the future but none of mine seemed to, at least from what I had read nothing stood out as having happened. Oh well.

Anyone else have any interesting dreams? I’d love to hear about them if you have. :)
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by AliceMorte »

I used to dream a lot more when I was younger, but lately I have been having some pretty strange ones.

One dream I had was that it was Halloween, or maybe just a crazy party lol, and I was trying to get my crush to notice me but my uncle kept getting in the way cause it was at his house for some reason. Going to the party you had to go out my uncle's house, through a jungle, and then into a gothic cave with massive flames for lights. Next thing I know we're having a slumber party and trying to play a board game, but we summoned some weird demon thing by accident because we misread a card. The demon was super mad at us, so he maze us go through a maze in the closet to find his dry cleaning. Then a banshee showed up, screamed at us, and we slammed the door in its face... The last thing I remember in the dream is that I somehow won a fluffy bunny plushie for helping hte demon and was holding while we started to play dnd instead...

I have strange dreams ^^; (hopefully it's okay if I come back and share ones I remember randomly :3)
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

Yes, come back often, you’re more than welcome to share as many dreams as you’d like.
Wow, that dream sounds a little scary and exciting all at the same time. It’s funny how dreams can jump around from one thing to another and some of the oddest things can happen in them, like the demon wanting you to find his dry cleaning.

I wish we could record our dreams onto jump drives and watch them like movies later. That would make for some good entertainment. lol
I had a dream about finding a huge alligator in the bottom of our pool. It was just lying there. It was creepy but it never chased me or anything. I live where there are alligators and they are one of my favorite animals but I don’t dream of them often. I thought I read in the dream dictionary that alligators may mean that a friend will betray you. I don’t have many friends so that’s likely why I don’t dream of them often. Haha
Oh, and I always wondered if dream catchers really work. I’ve never had one so I don’t know. Maybe someone out there has and can enlighten us on them.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

I was out of town last weekend for a wedding and of course afterwards everyone ate a lot of food and drink, that’s probably why I had two dreams.
The first one i was in a boat and there were people swimming all around it trying to climb inside and I was trying to kick them off and was pushing them off with a paddle. Several people made it on the boat and then as others tried to climb on one side the boat started to tip over and I fell in the water. That’s when I woke up.
The second dream, I was running down a street where there were a bunch of cats standing along the sides. Then two cats jumped on me and were trying to scratch and bite me. I started to grab them and pull them off of me when a lady told me to leave them alone. I looked down the road but didn’t see her so I kept trying to get them off me. Then I woke up.

I was really surprised that I remembered both of those since normally I can’t even remember one dream. lol

To all: What were your dreams? Anything wild? Crazy? Scary? Tell us about them if you dare. :)
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

So last night I dreamt of a friend that had passed away several years ago. It was a nice dream and yet it saddened me when I woke as the reality that my friend was not still here hit me hard.
I hope that I will see my friend again some day.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by missshadedlove »

Last dream i remember i consider a nightmare. Its a bit grim but I dreamed my mother died and i was crying and saying mom over and over again. I don't know why I dreamed over passing. It was just a random dream. I woke up from it and texted my mom that i love her because it scared me so much.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

Those types of dreams have always kinda creeped me out. I never know if I should take it as a warning or not. I try not to because it only makes me more upset. Also since I don’t recall any of my dreams coming true I figure they won’t. I do think that they make me a bit more cautious. My mother passed a long time ago so when I dream of her it makes me happy and sad.

I have often had this dream of being at a beach (usually the same beach) and I’ll be doing different things (swimming, building a castle, finding shells or just walking. I’ll look out at the ocean and see a giant wave coming towards me. I always get scared and start running up towards the street as the wave gets closer and bigger, I wake just as it is about to crash over me.
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