Winter Solstice 2018!

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Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by Rosehill »

Winter Solstice festivities are here!

Site News: 3-site-news/221519-winter-solstice-festivities.html

Creature release news: 3-site-news/200404-creature-release-new ... #p22008751


Remy's Drink:
Image Remy's Special Holiday Cheer
Sold in Remy's Inn for 120 gold.
Gives out cookies from year 2017:
Image -> Use on a Chupacabra egg to get a Chupareno
Image -> Use on an Elephant Snail egg to get a Mammoth Snail
Image -> Use on a Nulorn egg to get a Tundra Nulorn
Image -> Use on an adult Latifra Beast to get an ice colored shiny Latifra Beast
And cookies from year 2018:
Image -> Use on a Kitsune or an Arkenian Kitsune egg to get a Rabbitsune
Image -> Use on a Koi Fish egg to get a Glacial Koi
Image -> Use on a Puvia egg to get an Aurora Puvia

(A tip! Drinking Remy's Special Brew Image will sober you right up and make the snowflakes disappear and make your following posts non-drunk!)

From here:
Rosehill wrote:In general here is some more specific info related to the cookies to alleviate a couple of concerns that we've seen raised:

-Cookies can be used year-round, i.e. you can use them whenever during the event and after the event.
-Remy's Drink is not the only way to get the cookies. The purpose for the drink is the same as all Remy's drinks: to get MS-drunk. The cookies are meant as a nice bonus, not the main purpose for the drinks. So please, if you feel pressured or stressed to keep buying the drinks to get the cookies, you don't have to get the drinks if you don't want to.
-Remy's Drink has an equal chance of giving you any of the existing cookies. The drop rate is, and has been the whole time, statistically that roughly every 6th drink gives you a cookie. Do note, that since there is a random factor at play here, you might get cookies more often, or less frequently, and the chances are separate each time and not dependent of each other.
Regarding how to get this year's cookies in the future:
It is now also possible to get the new cookies via breeding. When you breed two kitsunes, two arkenian kitsunes, or two rabbitsunes (once they become breedable) you have a chance of getting a carrot cookie. When you breed two kois or two glacial kois (once they become breedable) you have a chance of getting a koi cookie. When you breed two puvias or two aurora puvias (once they become breedable) you have a chance of getting a puvia cookie. The breeding doesn't need to be successful: you have an equal chance pf getting a cookie whether the breeding results in an egg or not.
Holiday Badge: (gotten by gifting 10 times)

Quest: (needs to be started latest during December 26th to get the prizes)
"White Solstice" at the Keep
Day 1: 5 Koi Cookies Image
Day 2: Snowflake token Image
Day 3: 5 Puvia Cookies Image
Day 4: Ice Feather token Image
Day 5: 10 Carrot Cookies Image
Day 6: Candy Cane token Image
Day 7: Breeding Restoration potion Image
Day 8 : 10 Carrot Cookies, 10 Koi Cookies, 10 Puvia Cookies, and 5 Kollinus eggs Image - see bottom of post for details



#950: Rabbitsune, obtained by using a Carrot Cookie on a Kitsune or an Arkenian Kitsune egg
Each Rabbitsune morph (regular, arkenian, fire and ice) can come from both the Kitsune and Arkenian Kitsune eggs.

Image Image Image Image
No less than five fluffy tails have escaped this egg.

Image Image Image Image
It is important to bond with a rabbitsune even before it hatches, so you have carried the egg everywhere with you and now it is finally ready to hatch. The egg cracks, breaks, and the tiny rabbitsune tumbles into your waiting hands, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Cradling the hatchling close to warm it, you sing softly, hoping the little one remembers your voice from its time in the egg. The hatchling makes a happy sound and snuggles close, its fluffy tails amazingly soft against your skin. It stays close the first few weeks, happy in your pocket as long as you sing to it every now and then. Song is an important tool for communication with rabbitsunes, young and old, and it is also the best method for calling your hatchling to you once it is old enough to leave your pocket to explore its surroundings. It is also at this age that it will start joining in, either singing along or singing its own song.

Image Image Image Image
Adult rabbitsunes will some times sing to communicate with each other or even to communicate with humans. If asked nicely, and offered treats, a rabbitsune may be persuaded to perform for you and your guests. But beware, if the treats are not to your rabbitsune's liking, you may be treated to an earsplitting cacophony of sounds instead, your rabbitsune grinning from ear to ear bringing to mind the mischievous nature of their kitsune ancestors.

Rumours of the existence of rabbitsunes have persisted for many years but until now have never been proven, most having refused to even take these rumours as anything but drunken ramblings. That is, until Synara City hosted a grand music festival to kick off the solstice celebrations and the music attracted the rabbitsunes for all to see. This prompted an until now secret research group to publish their findings, sharing the wondrous details and speculations surrounding their origins. Some animals are better at handling food shortages than others and some go to great lengths to survive. The rabbitsunes fall into the latter category. They were once kitsunes, forced to eat various plants and berries due to a shortage of their usual chosen food, and this eventually prompted a powerful change in their bodies. They communicate through a range of sounds, the most remarkable a singing howl not unlike humans singing. This sound enables them to communicate over long distances. The constellation Lepus Minor appears in the northern skies during wintertime and is particularly bright around the winter solstice. It is believed that kitsunes that change into rabbitsunes under the influence of Lepus Minor will change into leporis rabbitsunes, whereas other rabbitsunes will mirror their kitsune ancestors. Perhaps, it is also this connection to the stars that gives them their powers. A rabbitsune's powers are not fully formed until they are about two years old. From then on they are able to use their five tails much like a compass, always aware of their current location and how to reach their destination.
Rosehill wrote:
Sylvan wrote:Out of curiosity and because I didn't see it earlier;

The Rabbitsune colours are random each time you use one of the carrot cookies?
Yes. ^.^

The type of the Kitsune egg doesn't affect the outcome either, the chances are the same for both kinds of Kitsune eggs.

The Rabbitsune morphs do have slightly different rarities, though.

#951: Wolphyn, limited event pet. Available up to and including December 26th from the stream.
This feathery egg emits the occasional chirp.

Image Image (m/f)
When a wolphyn hatches and is still drying its feathers and fur, it is sleepy and quiet for probably the last time in its life. Once hatchlings are upright and fluffed, they immediately start exploring and looking for things to play with. Mischievous and quick, they enjoy stealing bright and shiny objects, which they will then hoard underneath couches. A group of wolphyn hatchlings should be confined to a sturdy area with plenty of toys and things to destroy, lest they get too bored and go exploring. However, hatchlings do need rest occasionally and will happily cuddle with anyone or anything warm, even if they also feel the need to pull out loose threads and fur.

Image Image (m/f)
Adult wolphyn don't grow very big, which means they're excellent at squeezing into small spaces, even ones that it seems impossible they'd fit through. Magi are divided on whether this is just because they're smaller under their feathers and fur than they seem, or whether they're using magic to make themselves fit. Wherever the ability comes from, it makes them both great pest-catchers and able to sneak into even locked rooms in search of small items to steal. Fortunately wolphyn are also adorably dumb and it's very hard to stay angry with them when they seem so happy - even when they inevitably get their claws stuck in fabric, netting, and expensive lace.

Wolphyn are mischievous creatures but not malevolent. They like to groom themselves, each other, and trusted magi, at least during the few times per day where they aren't looking for trouble. Their big eyes give them excellent night vision but unfortunately they also spend most of the night running around poking into corners and knocking things off shelves. Their wings are too small to give them true flight but they can glide off high objects, and seem to enjoy leaping on their magi's shoulder from behind. Before committing, magi should weigh the pros and cons of being a wolphyn's sole playmate versus getting two or more and just accepting the household damage.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Sochitelya


#952: Snow Hare, permanent stream creature available during the winter. Will flood the stream up to and including December 26th.
This egg is cold and seems to have the texture of snow.

You watch as the egg slowly reshapes itself, not quite hatching, only shedding the outermost layer of ice, until finally a snow hare hatchling emerges, its little nose twitching as it takes in you and its surroundings. Snow hare hatchlings live to have fun. Nothing delights them more than lying in wait, disguised as a pile of snow, only to reform and jump up to surprise any- and everyone passing by, be they innocent students, a professor carrying a stack of books, or even a grumpy old dragon.

Snow hares do not need food, they gain their strength from the snow and ice and are the most active during winter. As spring approaches, most of them prefer to travel north into the Arkene, although some choose to remain at the Keep where powerful enchantments are set in place to create a suitably snowy environment for them.

Snow hares spend most of their time playing in the snow, easily able to hide from humans by turning into a pile of snow at a moment's notice. Although, they definitely do not avoid humans at all times. Snow hares possess a certain bond with the snow they so resemble, enabling them to find lost things, animals, or even humans lost in a blizzard. The most famous example of this is the story of a little girl who had lost her pet bunny. Something had spooked the bunny and caused it to run away, and with the snow falling it soon became impossible to follow its tracks. However, the girl refused to give up and, remembering stories of snow magic aiding in finding lost things, although not remembering the details, built a snow version of her bunny and called upon it to come alive. Eventhough her magic wasn't as yet developed enough to enchant snow, it did attract the attention of a few nearby snow hares. They decided to help her and it didn't take long before they found the bunny cowering, cold and scared, under some bushes. Both bunny and girl were overjoyed and grateful as they could return home together, the bunny happily snuggled up in her arms.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: NyxNoire


#953: Glacial Koi, obtained by using a Koi Cookie on a Koi Fish egg
This egg has shiny blue scales.

This beautiful blue glacial koi fish resembles the waters it so loves to swim above. It swims about quickly, enjoying jumping high, showing off its incredible agility. Usually seen with the krakens and leviathans, glacial koi fish hatchlings are extremely playful and always up to something. One of their main occupations is exploring, as every body of water near The Keep is full of exits for the larger creatures to find their way to deeper waters.

This gorgeous glacial koi fish has matured into a radiant adult. It possesses powers over fresh water, and a faint blue glow can occasionally be seen in the water around it. A powerful tail makes for great speed and nimbleness. When the water around a koi has changed in color, the glacial koi fish has cast some enchantment on the water around it. Minor powers such as healing and charms for relaxation are a koi's specialty, and these mild creatures love assisting all who ask. Glacial koi are often seen caring for their young and watching over the animals that share the lake with them.

Glacial Koi fish are gentle, patient animals, found in rivers or streams, though they can travel to most bodies of water. They are graceful and lithe, covered in beautiful blue and green scales. Graceful and full of healing powers, glacial koi fishes are generally overlooked, but their magic, though subtle, is extremely valuable. The owner of any such fish will find, if they swim with their sweet pet, that the glacial koi fish enables the master to breathe under water for short periods of time. This aids a magi greatly in searches for rare eggs beneath the waves.

Sprite art: Rijolt/Lazuli | Description: Damien


#954 Aurora Puvia, obtained by using a Puvia Cookie on a Puvia egg
This bright and beautiful shell holds many colors.

Image Image (m/f)
When the gorgeous egg hatched, you saved the bright shell - but it proved to be pale in comparison with the large hatchling that emerged. One might spend hours stroking its beautiful plumage, marveling at how each feather is a different color. With huge wings and feet that seem disproportional for its small body, you're sure this creature will grow to be massive. Already as large as some of the adult phoenixes, this young bird ignores most of the other animals its age and plays with the gryphon young, competing to see who can sustain flight the longest.

Image Image (m/f)
Soaring high above The Keep, you look down at the full grown aurora puvia you are riding. Glossy feathers in every shade of color are flattened beneath the wind, and the sun beating down transforms this creature into a living aurora. Strong as it is beautiful, this adult often leaves for days, hunting and gathering material for its ever-growing nest. You love to give this bird soft scraps of fabric, watching it tuck it away in its nest. You look forward to the day when more brightly colored eggs show up for you to tend to, and your puvia becomes a parent.

With feathers colored like an aurora, this bird is beautiful and highly treasured. Adventurers will travel farther than normal in hopes of retrieving a bright puvia egg. Majestic in flight and extraordinarily large, aurora puvias are valuable companions. A master is to be warned, however, that it is best to fly an aurora bird only in friendly territory or at night, as these multi-colored creatures do not camouflage well. Originally from the jungle, these birds hid among bright flowers to evade any large predators, but in The Keep they can only stand out with their beautiful plumage.

Sprite art: BettyxMe/Mysfytt | Description: Damien


#955: Kollinus - obtained by completing the White Solstice quest.
This box is wrapped in a magically-warming ribbon. You can't quite get it open yet.

Image Image (m/f)
Kollinus hatchlings are mysterious. Sometimes, a magi will wake to find that an empty present box they left out overnight suddenly contains a small, fluffy kitten. At others, a magi will unwrap a present that they are sure contains something else and find a kitten inside. And at others, a magi will find a present alone in the snow and take it inside. However it occurs, it is always wonderful to find a kollinus kitten. It seems that only magi who are kind and deserving and will do a good job raising them find these kittens. The kittens themselves are sweet and playful, and enjoy curling up with their magi and being pet. Their silky fur is unimaginably soft, and can come in the color of fresh snow or new straw. On cold days, a kollinus kitten will find its magi and curl up in their lap, purring and content.

Image Image (m/f)
As they grow older, kollinus cats begin to wander, seeking out other creature hatchlings they can guide back from the cold. They will often bring creatures they find back to their magi, trusting that their magi will help them. When they aren???t finding young hatchlings or eggs in the wintertime to keep warm, they enjoy sleeping by the fire and spending time with their magi, batting around ribbons. Kollinus cats also love to go out with their magi on journeys, the longer the better. A benefit of bringing a kollinus cat is that one will never be lost - they always know how to return home. If home is too far, they will be able to find a safe place for their magi to sleep without fail. Of course, traveling with a kollinus cat in the winter may result in a magi waking up to find more eggs and hatchlings to care for in the morning.

Every year, some creatures get forgotten. Eggs not plucked from the waters will be left to wash downstream, hatchlings may wander off on their own and lose their way, or young creatures will be left to fend for themselves due to any number of events. That's where the kollinus come in. These fluffy creatures make sure that no young creature is uncared for in the coldest, darkest months of the year. During the winter snows, they will press through the weather and find lost or forgotten eggs, or lead hatchlings to warm places, back to their parents, or even to trusted magi who will care for them. They will sit with eggs that are ready to hatch, keeping them warm with their long, fluffy tails. Kollinus are hard to find, as they are often on the move and dedicated to helping other creatures. Kollinus are experts at knowing safe, warm locations where they can deliver their charges. A magi lost in the snow can often follow a kollinus and find a place to rest, although it may be rather small for a human. A very busy kollinus will sometimes leave their own hatchlings inside a holiday present someplace warm and safe, trusting that they will find a home.

Sprite art: Lazuli | Description: Raneth


#956: Sintervos - obtained by opening your gifts. You randomly get this one or the Krampen Beest.
This egg is wrapped up in a lovely red sack.

Even the magi who care for the elusive sintervos sometimes wonder if they might have imagined their existence, especially in the heat of the summer months when the foxes are nowhere to be seen. Sintervos don't appear to have the ability to turn invisible like the stories suggest, but they are notoriously good at hiding, their long skinny bodies allow them to climb up and through almost anything. Chimneys are no problem, even for a newly hatched juvenile. No one is quite sure what the staple diet of a sintervos is, but they seem to appreciate milk and have a bit of a sweet tooth for cookies and cookie crumbs. One might imagine that their crafty nature would mean that the cookie larders are ransacked every winter. However, while the battle to protect the Solstice Festival dessert from young sangue dracul, dulcine amagnae, and savis mice is ongoing, sintervos seem to not play much of a part. On the whole, they are very well-restrained, even the younger hatchlings, and they seldom to anything that makes the people and creatures around them unhappy.

Image Image (m/f)
Adult sintervos are still fairly small creatures, the size of regular foxes if they were stretched. Their patterns begin to come in about a year after they hatch, bright gold for the males and green for females. They waste no time preparing for their first solstice as adults, scurrying around the Keep searching for small trinkets to gift. They are still quite elusive, most magi only catching brief glimpses of the creatures during the entire season as they turn a bend or disappear up a chimney. Their caretakers, however, are well aware of them this time of the year, as the creatures regularly return to their magi's room to see if their magi has presents for them to deliver. The foxes are so good at ferrying gifts around, even to remote corners of the world, that keeping up with their desire to gift can be difficult. The foxes, as well as being nimble and swift, have the unusual ability to turn large objects into little ornamnets and baubles. When they have a lot of gifts to deliver, they'll simply fasten these baubles to their fur and dash off, looking very much like an animate Solstice tree. Their sense of direction is impeccable and they can even deliver gifts to people on remote islands and be home by nightfall. No one is quite sure how they do this, as rumors sintervos can fly have never been verified.

Winter is a rough time of year in the north, with light vanishing for days at a time and many creatures gone much further south to wait out the colder, snowier nights. However, even in the far north, people find ways to cheer themselves up with tales about the sintervos. These creatures are incredibly shy, considered little more than a myth even by the denizens of Synara and other major cities, but the northern folk of the Arkene still take care to leave milk and crumbs next to the fireplace in the winter for the sintervos. Parents often tell their children that the sintervos is invisible throughout the year, occasionally checking in on households to see if the children are behaving. On the Solstice, the sintervos become visible and get to work delivering presents to those who were good throughout the year. If the children were bad, their parents warn they'll be visited by cruel demon creatures that like to destroy presents instead.

Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description: PKGriffin


#957: Krampen Beest - obtained by opening your gifts. You randomly get either this or the Sintervos.

This egg is wrapped up in a lovely red sack.

ImageImage (m/f)
Unlike the lively sintervos, krampen beests are slow and lethargic as hatchlings. Sometimes they'll emerge from their egg sacks seemingly dead, smelling rather putrid and entirely listless. If a concerned magi goes to touch them, however, the krampen beest will jump to life and bite them, refusing to let go for hours unless it is promptly dumped in water. Even from a young age, they seem to delight in causing misery, shredding anything they can get their claws on and jumping out from dark places to scare anyone who passes. Their wheezing bark often sounds like vindictive laughter, and whenever someone hears it, their first response is to rush home to be sure their important belongings are intact. Thankfully, the hatchlings seem to be far worse than adults at destroying valuables, often becoming wrapped up in eviscerating a particular toy for hours at a time and leaving everything else alone. Wise caretakers use this to their advantage, providing their young krampen beests with balls of paper and straw dolls that they can destroy to their heart's content.

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Magi who keep krampen beests claim that they make wolphyns look angelic by comparison. This is something of a point of pride for such magi, even though very few people try to acquire krampen beest eggs intentionally and fewer still appreciate the creatures much once they've hatched. Getting rid of a krampen beest is a monumental feat; even when they're gifted, traded away, or released into the wild, they still regularly visit their original owner to tear up their things, giggling in hoarse barks the whole while. Some claim them to be misunderstood, though it's rather difficult to argue that when the creatures are tearing up your brand-new presents and shaving needles off of your tree onto the floor. While youngsters seem to love destroying things just for the fun of it, adults soon gain the ability to judge whether someone is especially upset based on their reactions, and preferentially destroy things that will be dearly missed. Often, magi will recruit sintervos to deliver purposefully disappointing presents to fool a krampen beest into destroying those rather than the more cherished gifts. Pretending to be upset at losing a pair of old socks may satisfy a krampen beest enough that it leaves you alone for the rest of the season, so feigning distress is something krampen beest caretakers must master quickly. Like the sintervos, krampen beest are technically around throughout the year. Thankfully, though, their destructive tendencies only appear during the holidays.

Winter is a rough time of year in the north, with light vanishing for days at a time and many creatures gone much further south to wait out the colder, snowier nights. However, even in the far north, people find ways to cheer themselves up with tales about the sintervos. These creatures are incredibly shy, considered little more than a myth even by the denizens of Synara and other major cities, but the northern folk of the Arkene still take care to leave milk and crumbs next to the fireplace in the winter for the sintervos. Parents often tell their children that the sintervos is invisible throughout the year, occasionally checking in on households to see if the children are behaving. On the Solstice, the sintervos become visible and get to work delivering presents to those who were good throughout the year. If the children were bad, their parents warn they'll be visited by cruel demon creatures that like to destroy presents instead.

Sprite art: Xenomorph/Lazuli | Description: PKGriffin
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by bett132 »

I got 5 koi-shaped cookies, promising! Can't wait to see what these will turn something into! Better see if I can grab some extra koi.
25/25 gifts received (thanks everyone!), 162 gifts sent!
Wishlist in my profile.
Especially interested in all pygmy gems/crystals not in my Tiny Crystals tab.
To hatch eggs fast, use the sites below.
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by Pok »

No idea why the creature thread got locked, but-
This feathery egg emits the occasional chirp.

Image (M) Image (F)
When a wolphyn hatches and is still drying its feathers and fur, it is sleepy and quiet for probably the last time in its life. Once hatchlings are upright and fluffed, they immediately start exploring and looking for things to play with. Mischievous and quick, they enjoy stealing bright and shiny objects, which they will then hoard underneath couches. A group of wolphyn hatchlings should be confined to a sturdy area with plenty of toys and things to destroy, lest they get too bored and go exploring. However, hatchlings do need rest occasionally and will happily cuddle with anyone or anything warm, even if they also feel the need to pull out loose threads and fur.

Image (M) Image (F)
Adult wolphyn don't grow very big, which means they're excellent at squeezing into small spaces, even ones that it seems impossible they'd fit through. Magi are divided on whether this is just because they're smaller under their feathers and fur than they seem, or whether they're using magic to make themselves fit. Wherever the ability comes from, it makes them both great pest-catchers and able to sneak into even locked rooms in search of small items to steal. Fortunately wolphyn are also adorably dumb and it's very hard to stay angry with them when they seem so happy - even when they inevitably get their claws stuck in fabric, netting, and expensive lace.

Wolphyn are mischievous creatures but not malevolent. They like to groom themselves, each other, and trusted magi, at least during the few times per day where they aren't looking for trouble. Their big eyes give them excellent night vision but unfortunately they also spend most of the night running around poking into corners and knocking things off shelves. Their wings are too small to give them true flight but they can glide off high objects, and seem to enjoy leaping on their magi's shoulder from behind. Before committing, magi should weigh the pros and cons of being a wolphyn's sole playmate versus getting two or more and just accepting the household damage.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Sochitelya



This egg is cold and seems to have the texture of snow.

Image (both)

You watch as the egg slowly reshapes itself, not quite hatching, only shedding the outermost layer of ice, until finally a snow hare hatchling emerges, its little nose twitching as it takes in you and its surroundings. Snow hare hatchlings live to have fun. Nothing delights them more than lying in wait, disguised as a pile of snow, only to reform and jump up to surprise any- and everyone passing by, be they innocent students, a professor carrying a stack of books, or even a grumpy old dragon.

Snow hares spend most of their time playing in the snow, easily able to hide from humans by turning into a pile of snow at a moment's notice. Although, they definitely do not avoid humans at all times. Snow hares possess a certain bond with the snow they so resemble, enabling them to find lost things, animals, or even humans lost in a blizzard. The most famous example of this is the story of a little girl who had lost her pet bunny. Something had spooked the bunny and caused it to run away, and with the snow falling it soon became impossible to follow its tracks. However, the girl refused to give up and, remembering stories of snow magic aiding in finding lost things, although not remembering the details, built a snow version of her bunny and called upon it to come alive. Eventhough her magic wasn't as yet developed enough to enchant snow, it did attract the attention of a few nearby snow hares. They decided to help her and it didn't take long before they found the bunny cowering, cold and scared, under some bushes. Both bunny and girl were overjoyed and grateful as they could return home together, the bunny happily snuggled up in her arms.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: NyxNoire
Last edited by Pok on December 18th, 2018, 1:29:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by Jeccakat »

I got a carrot cookie from remy's new drink (and I think one of the old cookies).

A nice frosted cookie! It looks like a carrot, as all wintery cookies do.

I have no idea what it's for.

LTB Frozen Doni Eggs ----- LTS Random Stuff ----- 7/25 Gifts <3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~Hatchling only, please~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Flower by Salt
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by KarenGriff »

Pok wrote:
Image (M)

Griffin like creature!! <3 Can't wait for the adult of this one! :woo:
ImageImageAll Lies Lead to the TruthImageImage
I live in GTM +1, and I'm online only on weekdays, be patient in trades c:
"In the absense of orders go find something and kill it"- Erwin Rommel
25/25 gifts Thank you! :)Wishlist in my profile for help!
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by lolacharm »

I''ve only gotten dee ooldd cookiesh sho far after 20 ...hic... drinksh :(

*edit* 100 now...4-5 old cookies, I either have the worst luck or these are hard to get XD

*edit 2* 250 drinks in and I now have one each of the three new cookies.
Last edited by lolacharm on December 18th, 2018, 12:57:41 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by Reima »

Image may run away but egg


Snow Hare

This egg is cold and seems to have the texture of snow.

Snow hares spend most of their time playing in the snow, easily able to hide from humans by turning into a pile of snow at a moment's notice. Although, they definitely do not avoid humans at all times. Snow hares possess a certain bond with the snow they so resemble, enabling them to find lost things, animals, or even humans lost in a blizzard. The most famous example of this is the story of a little girl who had lost her pet bunny. Something had spooked the bunny and caused it to run away, and with the snow falling it soon became impossible to follow its tracks. However, the girl refused to give up and, remembering stories of snow magic aiding in finding lost things, although not remembering the details, built a snow version of her bunny and called upon it to come alive. Eventhough her magic wasn't as yet developed enough to enchant snow, it did attract the attention of a few nearby snow hares. They decided to help her and it didn't take long before they found the bunny cowering, cold and scared, under some bushes. Both bunny and girl were overjoyed and grateful as they could return home together, the bunny happily snuggled up in her arms.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: NyxNoire

Well I took 30 Remy's new drinks and so far 0
Absolutely nothing
Remy's Special Holiday Cheer - more like, screw
Last edited by Reima on December 18th, 2018, 12:29:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
To hatchling only C:
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by DarkPanther »

I got around 125 drinks and I got two cookies ---


Also got koi cookies from the quest


If you need a gender swap feel free to PM Me; I have an excess of gender potions at the moment. I don't mind swapping a critter for you and sending them back.
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by lolacharm »

Lol, ...hic... oh...dey're from de quesht :facepalm:

*EDIT* Looks like I did get a new cookie from the drinks


A nice frosted cookie! It sort of looks like a Puvia.
Last edited by lolacharm on December 18th, 2018, 12:45:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Winter Solstice 2018!

Post by Jeccakat »

I got the carrot around 10 drinks and then the old cookie at 48 and I stopped at 50. :crazy:

LTB Frozen Doni Eggs ----- LTS Random Stuff ----- 7/25 Gifts <3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~Hatchling only, please~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Flower by Salt

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