How Was Your Day Thread V5

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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by Chess »

Aflame wrote:
Chess wrote:AP Physics test tomorrow... :t-fear: :t-O_O: I'm the most unsure about this one. I'm right on the border between 4 and 5. It would be nice to get a 5 but it all depends on what kind of a free response they decide to throw at me. Hopefully I'll know what to do and 1) won't make dumb mistakes and 2) don't have a mind blank.
good luck!! power through, ap credits can sometimes be pretty helpful for college prereqs and units if that's what you're planning on pursuing ^^
Thank you!

It went pretty badly :lol: , but I'm hoping for a 4. I'm not planning on going into engineering or anything like that. :sleep:
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by lolacharm »

triforce wrote:^^
Had a teacher who illegally filmed a kid when she was doing her homework. She didn’t realize until she saw the video on social media and had a total breakdown. If the teacher is filming without the students’ consent, he can be charged for so many things that it’s ridiculous. The teacher ended up getting fired and charged with assault. It should be brought up now before everything unfolds and the teacher is caught with video footage he wasn’t supposed to have.
Wow, as if kids don't have enough to worry already about from their peers and social media...
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by skitties »

I hate Mondays. At least the 1300 envelopes from mailing projects are going to finally be out of my office tomorrow.
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

Cold symptoms, nausea, and fever all decided to slap me in the face. Thanks. I mean, I don’t have to go to school, but I still want to die :/

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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by Silenxia »

Well what do you know...a clever spider lives outside my window. For the last few nights, I've been hearing small thuds against my windows. Turns out that I had guessed correctly, moths. Maybe bits of light slip through the cracks in my blinds, but they are drawn to it.

Tonight I decided to check to see if my assumption was correct, and indeed it was. I spotted a moth fluttered outside my window and got up to look closer at it. Only to find myself gazing upon a battle...spider vs. moth...I think the moth got away.

I hate spiders, huge arachnophobia here...but me and this spider are somewhat cool. If it found a way inside, however, it would be dead with a large amount of screaming in the process.

But I am quite impressed. The spider may have been lying in wait near the spot where the moth was hovering, or maybe it moved quickly while its prey was distracted...but it took advantage of me leaving my light on in an attempt to get a meal...
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by Aflame »

Chess wrote:
Thank you!

It went pretty badly :lol: , but I'm hoping for a 4. I'm not planning on going into engineering or anything like that. :sleep:
you should be fine!! I'm an english major and my ap bio and stats tests were blessings because having credits for them meant I didn't have to take as many math/science GE classes ;o
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by ShadowOfThePhoenix »

I hate ranting so often but I'm so torn
I swear I'm getting fat, and I'm so nervous about it that I've cut back on eating a lot, but not an unhealthy amount. My mom thinks it's unhealthy though. Apparently trying to have a small lunch and dinner is unhealthy? And she insists that my ugly flab hanging over my pants when I sit down is nothing more than skin that everybody has and needs, but it looks like fat to me.
I have no idea who's right. By all means I should just pull out a scale and look at it but I'm too nervous to.
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by salt »

ShadowOfThePhoenix wrote:
I hate ranting so often but I'm so torn
I swear I'm getting fat, and I'm so nervous about it that I've cut back on eating a lot, but not an unhealthy amount. My mom thinks it's unhealthy though. Apparently trying to have a small lunch and dinner is unhealthy? And she insists that my ugly flab hanging over my pants when I sit down is nothing more than skin that everybody has and needs, but it looks like fat to me.
I have no idea who's right. By all means I should just pull out a scale and look at it but I'm too nervous to.
the scale lies -- which sounds like an overused thing, but it's true at least in the case that your weight doesn't equal your muscle mass. seeing how much you weigh will only cause a negative reaction in your mentality, and it doesn't show anything except for that -- weight. cutting back on eating isn't that healthy though -- cutting back on WHAT you're eating is the real idea. ideally losing weight means to eat less carbs and sugar, e.g. foods that are meant to be stored in your body if you don't work it off. unless you're overweight to the point where you're obese enough to actually be clinically unhealthy, a bit of extra fat does not equal "bad for your health".

personally i've struggled with body image as well, and i'm just lucky i don't look as fat as i feel sometimes haha, but everyone has that bit of flab that will always hang over their pants, so i wouldn't worry too much about it as long as you watch what you're eating -- quality over quantity :>

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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by Iliad »

ShadowOfThePhoenix wrote:
I hate ranting so often but I'm so torn
I swear I'm getting fat, and I'm so nervous about it that I've cut back on eating a lot, but not an unhealthy amount. My mom thinks it's unhealthy though. Apparently trying to have a small lunch and dinner is unhealthy? And she insists that my ugly flab hanging over my pants when I sit down is nothing more than skin that everybody has and needs, but it looks like fat to me.
I have no idea who's right. By all means I should just pull out a scale and look at it but I'm too nervous to.
Not to get too personal on you, but I've struggled with the same - I hope this doesn't get super preachy, but this is just some stuff I've picked up? Clearly I don't know what you look like, but I will say that that "flab" that appears when people sit down often is something completely necessary. Most people have it (all to a certain degree, actually - if you didn't have at least a little skin folding/bunching when you sat down, your skin would tear as soon as you went to stand up).

It's not necessarily unhealthy to have smaller portions, especially as the day goes on (by dinnertime I believe you actually require less food because by all means you should be going to bed a while after, which doesn't consume as much energy, but don't quote me on that). However, you should make sure that you're still getting all the nutrition and caloric content you need, because it is really important that you maintain your diet so that you have enough calories to sustain you throughout the day - and if you do want to lose weight, eating too little can actually lead to metabolism of muscle tissue, so you're actually not going to lose any adipose tissue at all, just the stuff you actually need.

Also just a reminder that you can't always rely on the scale - it's a useful indicator of some things, but there's some stuff it just doesn't tell you. I know for a fact that I've been getting unhealthier over the years since I stopped exercising as much as I used to, yet I've lost weight, since what I've been losing is muscle mass. Ultimately it's not really about minimizing the number; I know everyone and their aunt says this but the ultimate goal is staying healthy. I'd just say not to prioritize appearance as much (though I know that's a lot easier said than done, sorry) and just focus on how you feel: if you feel healthy and alert and physically sound, I think that's a better indicator than anything else.

I think this did get a little preachy, so I'm sorry about that. :lol: But I've definitely had the same thoughts, so I just figured I may as well say something since this stuff has been on my mind a lot recently.
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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Post by Anira »

ShadowOfThePhoenix wrote:
I hate ranting so often but I'm so torn
I swear I'm getting fat, and I'm so nervous about it that I've cut back on eating a lot, but not an unhealthy amount. My mom thinks it's unhealthy though. Apparently trying to have a small lunch and dinner is unhealthy? And she insists that my ugly flab hanging over my pants when I sit down is nothing more than skin that everybody has and needs, but it looks like fat to me.
I have no idea who's right. By all means I should just pull out a scale and look at it but I'm too nervous to.
When you're standing up, your stomach looks flat and toned, but when you sit down or bend over, the rolls of fat appear. This happens to almost everyone, and there's a very simple explanation.

When you're standing up, your body is stretched out and your abdominal fat is extended over a larger area. When you sit down, your abdominal area compresses, bringing all the abdominal fat together, making it seem copious. Only people with very low body fat don't experience this.
Page has a lot of ads, so I copy + pasted.

You would have to be a skeleton to not have it. It's the layer of fat that protects your innards, not the bad, overweight kind of fat that I have.

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