Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

So I want to practice my writing, get myself back into the flow with some prompts just like my college creative writing classes got me doing years ago. (PS if you ever have the opportunity, and you like to write at all, even like essay papers or speeches, take a creative writing course. It will always help your writing improve.)
Also, If anyone would like to suggest a prompt feel free to comment one. I’d love some from others regardless of topic, but keep to original content, no fanfic preferably. One or two sentences is all I really need, word cap or extra details are fine. I will otherwise vary what I write of the length of a scene, depending on what I want/I think works. Could be from 300 to 1500 words about.

If you want background music to this piece I was listening to a number of KH songs. This one I paid the most attention too, but otherwise it was a binge of sorts:
And then played towards the end:


"Okay, Zoella, I am going to leave now, alright? Your handmaid will get you anything you need while I’m gone," The doctor smiled and stood up from his bedside stool.
Queen Zoella tried to smile back but it came out a weak tug instead. She let her head lie back on the bed and could feel the sleep tug at her eyes, "Thank you... Gaun..."
Gaun turned to leave after packing some of his equipment and then exited the room. The handmaid to Queen Zoella, Jwen, bowed to him as he passed, shut the doors behind herself and returned to her Mistress.

Originally intending to head straight to the study, Gaun instead, paused for a moment; He would head to his quarters first. ‘This’ would not be easy to handle, for himself included. His heavy heart beat and he sighed, with his thoughts wandering,
Should I bring tea? He is as likely to pour it on my head as he is to not drink it... maybe something to ease the nerves I’m sure... or...
Gaun straighten is work coat and walked into the hall; a few doors down he took the stairs and went three flights down to his office in the castle wing. Sun shined through almost every window, exposing traces of dust floating above each step of the way. When he reached the older wooden door, with its etching of a bird standing atop a pillar, Gaun unlocked it and walked in.

He laid out and put away his equipment. Each vial, tool, and slip of paper was neatly organized into its rightful spot around the room. The room also seemed immaculately kept; with its floors newly waxed and every surface vacant of just about everything. Except the for plants, which Gaun took great care of. He gave them plenty of room to spread about the window sills for light and a fresh tonic of nutrient spray on a pedestal nearby.
When Gaun was done, he touched the petal of a plant next to his tucked in bed. Its blooms were a favorite of the royal family; a symbol of the skies everlasting hold around the world. Holding his head high, he left to attend his true duty today.

There wasn’t any time wasting now with his path straight and true: Up the steps he went, along through the hall, past the Master bedchamber, up another flight to enter the main hall, into the reception room, and finally through a small hall in the back to the modest set of study room doors. He knocked, and waited a few seconds before hearing, "Come in."
Gaun stepped in and shut the door behind himself, "Good morning, my King," He said as he bowed deeply.

The King himself was on a large and open balcony that was overlooking the west end of the kingdom. He didn’t turn, "Is she asleep right now," the tone of his voice was still but Gaun knew he must be racing thoughts in his head.

"The Queen is resting finally, Jwen is watching her as we speak," he took a few steps closer to meet the edge of the balcony and pulled at his coat collar, "King Draynd," he reached out to put a hand on his king’s shoulder.

The King was staring off into the distance, far beyond what could be seen by anything other than the beasts that flew, "I know now... how they all feel..., "Draynd huffed and kept his gaze straight, "I’ll be able to be near her tonight, yes?"

Finally, it felt like his tongue caught in his throat,
I need to say ‘this’, he needs me to say ‘this’...,
"Of course, my king for a few nights to come still,"
How do you say this to a man who is your king? He shook his head. I realize what he means. The way you tell your king is the way you tell a friend you’ve known most of your life,
“But Draynd, it will not last forever, it will come sooner than we all want...

His friend, the King, turned to him.

"...like how every day ends sooner than we want," Gaun began as he told the King about the Queen’s impending pass by her illness.


So this first prompt is for a scene. No previous knowledge of characters or anything. My boyfriend just said;
"I want to see a scene where the royal medic has to tell the King that the Queen is dying. How do you tell the most powerful man his wife is going to die?"
Last edited by Vaerdain on February 4th, 2018, 6:11:28 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Last edited by Vaerdain on February 4th, 2018, 5:02:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Last edited by Vaerdain on February 4th, 2018, 4:58:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Last edited by Vaerdain on February 4th, 2018, 4:58:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami

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Re: Rikki’s Writing Prompts. Enjoy.

Post by Vaerdain »

Image "I swear on the barrel of wine in front of me;
I will gut you from groin to grin if you keep calling me a Dragon in a Bottle" -Yami


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