#848-852 Koredanuki & friends

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#848-852 Koredanuki & friends

Post by Merkwerkee »

I found it in the stream! I wonder what it will be

Edited for spelling :derp:


Found: stream
Egg: Image

Hatchling (no dimorphism): Image

Adult (no dimorphism): Image

This icy blue egg is oddly reflective, showing things that may not actually be there.

Hatchling koredanuki are mostly fluff, cool to the touch but still soft and lacking the adults' crown of ice. They're full of energy almost from the moment they hatch and love to explore, poking noses and paws into any crack they can find. Magi have at most a month before their koredanuki starts playing pranks, though these tricks are usually clumsy and more adorable than annoying. Koredanuki usually spend their nights roaming around, especially if they can find other hatchlings around the same age to play with.
An adult koredanuki can often seem to be more ice than fur, especially during snowstorms where they seem to blend in with the wind. On clear days, they can often be found playing with icy reflective surfaces, conjuring up images to display and trying to make their magi believe that there really is a pot of gold on the other side of the lake. When the moon is full, adult koredanuki often gather in packs to sing and play, and these impromptu concerts are considered an omen of good luck and approaching prosperity.
General Description
Koredanuki are tricky and mischievous, but generally soft-hearted; they never play their pranks to harm anyone and will be contrite if their target gets angry. They especially enjoy using illusions and reflective surfaces to confuse magi, but can be convinced to stop their tricks with the offer of a gold coin or ten. As they get older, koredanuki also gain the ability to change shape into an inanimate object, which can prove quite startling when one's teapot suddenly sprouts a bushy tail. Many small villages in the Arkene, where koredanuki tend to be found, encourage the creatures to stay, as it's also believed that their presence - mischief aside - promotes goodwill and cheer.
Artists: Sprite art: Borealum | Description: Sochitelya


Arkenian Sakeira

Found: Trading Post (6,025g)
Egg: Image

This dark egg is cool to the touch.

Image Image
Male - Female
An arkenian sakeira hatchling is wobbly and knock-kneed for the first few days of its life, but it grows quickly, reaching its adult size within a year. Hatchlings are generally curious and friendly, but their long tails easily pick up dust and dirt. Fortunately, grooming an arkenian sakeira hatchling is a bonding experience for both magi and hatchling, and both will feel calm and relaxed. In the wild, arkenian sakeira hatchlings are raised within herds, where both parents and other herd members help to take care of them and protect them from any predators.
Image Image
Male - Female
Adult arkenian sakeira bring snow and a sense of peace with them wherever they go. Though the tines on their antlers are sharp, they're also fragile and will easily break with rough force. Adult arkenian sakeira are attentive parents, and though generally quiet and calm, they can also kick up their heels and play together. Many magi with an arkenian sakeira companion - or three - will often spend hours gently combing out their long manes and tails, able to relax and accept any upheaval within their lives.
General Description
Found mostly in the region of Arkene, it's not unusual to find an arkenian sakeira at the Keep during the winter months. Graceful but small - most only reach the height of a magi's waist - they also bring with them an aura of calm and acceptance. Magi facing large decisions or problems in their life will often seek out an arkenian sakeira to sit beside, where their calming presence can help clear the mind.
Artists: Sprite art: Jrap17 / Tekla | Description: Sochitelya / Jrap17


Arkenian Serpaen

Found: Trading Post (8,500g)
Egg: Image

A slender tail curls away from this white egg.

It is important to socialize these creatures, lest they become too aggressive and solitary. Serpaen hatchlings attach to their magi very easily, but remain wary of all others. Though these deep friendships with their magi are sweet to see, these companions can be too protective at times. The best way to ensure their friendliness is to carry them around for a day and expose them to different creatures. Serpaen hatchlings are quite small when first born, and wind comfortably around an arm or neck. Come winter, though, they are nowhere to be seen; serpaens abhor the cold, and spend the winter months buried in sand or rich forest soil, which is kept warm with a few spells.
It is often remarked upon that serpaens are contradictory creatures. These companions possess the temperaments of loyal dogs, but have slender bodies like those of snakes. Their very existence is a mystery, as no mention of them has been found in the library, and no tales of them are told. Many think that these creatures must be distantly related to alphyns, a plausible idea as they do indeed resemble alphyns in various ways. These companions live across the lands, from the south near Voltar to the edges of the western forests. Serpaens always choose areas that are difficult to travel to, or very dangerous. To the south, they make their homes where the weather is arid and sand storms often arise. Hardly anyone wanders into these harsh deserts, so Voltarian serpaens are rarely spotted. Silvan serpaens choose woods full of predators, where the trees grow so tall that sunlight cannot reach. Fully grown serpaens consume anything that moves, and when no other food is available, will eat plants. While adult serpaen surface and hunt, hatchlings are more hesitant to move around above ground. At the castle, young serpaens must be socialized, lest they snap at other companions. These serpaens come in one of four distinctive colors, and each variety has subtle personality differences. Silvian serpaens are light green in color, with a long brown mane. Two are yellow in color; the Savannah serpaen, with an orange mane, and the Etanian serpaen, which boasts a short brown mane. The last color variation possesses a single sharp horn, and does not care for the company of humans, though with time it warms to its magi. It is called the arcanum serpaen, and it takes great care to keep its origin a mystery.
General Description
Despite their fierce appearances, serpaens are loyal, friendly companions. They bond closely with their magi, and will guard them against any threat. There are many accounts of these companions endangering themselves in order to save others lives, especially those of children. While this makes these serpaens excellent company when exploring to the south, they do not care for the castle. Instead, they remain below ground. Most of them prefer to dwell in one of the several deserts that have been magically created for them. Others choose different soil, closer to the forest. Though these serpaens are not often seen above ground, they will lounge around in the summer, soaking up the sun. They despise the rainy seasons, and months sometimes go by when they are not sighted. Serpaens travel through sand and soil with the same ease as a fish moves through water. It is thought that they prey upon whatever creatures they find below the earth, and surface from time to time for other sustenance. Sometimes these companions produce small flames, charring their food. These flames, while not large, burn hot enough to melt sand and form glass. This glass is full of bubbles, and considered very beautiful. A few magi extensively study serpaens, and have found evidence that these companions form large chambers with this glass, with small tunnels providing air.
Artists: Sprite art: GlassWalker/Jrap17 | Description: Damien



Found: Stream
Egg: Image

Hatchling (m/f):ImageImage

Male - Female

Whatever's in this egg keeps clawing angrily at its shell... Maybe you should leave this one alone.

Yuaxu hatch ready to eat and fight, and their gawky appearance belies their ability to put anything and everything into their mouths. They grow at a steady rate over the course of a few years, becoming more feathered as they reach their adult size. As young hatchlings, they spend most of their time sitting and demanding food from their parents, who take turns hunting for them while the other parent keeps a watchful eye on the nest. Once they get large enough, they begin to hunt with their parents, and seem to have a particular taste for sea life; in fact, they were first discovered when a particularly far-ranging pair of hatchlings invaded the Seal Rookery.
As beautiful as a fully feathered yuaxu is, magi should never forget that they are carnivores and easily large enough to eat a fully grown person in only a bite or two. On sunny days, they seem to spend as much time as possible dozing in the sunlight, but they are never completely distracted and can move with shocking speed when motivated. Magi who have gotten close enough to a yuaxu - or at least watched them from a safe distance - have reported that yuaxu often seem to grin, especially when completing a successful hunt. This has caused debate on just how intelligent the yuaxu is, and just how entertaining it finds its own violence.
General Description
Yuaxu live in the remotest northern regions of the world, which explains why they were only recently discovered despite their great size. Large and hardy, they're also covered in feathers to help keep them warm even in the deepest snows. Female yuaxu are fiercer than males, using the blood of their prey to colour their crests, arms, and the base of their tail. However, male yuaxu are more than capable of hunting and defending themselves, even if they do prefer preening and ensuring the stripe across their bodies is as white as the snow around them. Consummate predators, they have no identifiable magic but generally don't seem to need it, and magi seeking to take one as a companion should be aware of the ever-present danger that a yuaxu will eat them as a snack.
Artists: Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Sochitelya


Hazel Farir

Found: Stream
Egg: Image

Hatchling (no visible dimorphism):Image


This appears not to be an egg, but a seed. How curious.

The seed in front of you slowly unfolds into what appears to be a leaf. When you plucked it from the stream, you thought at first it was simply that – a seed. Perhaps it had fallen into the stream, and you had mistaken it for an egg. You suspected it to be a farir, though, and it appears your belief was correct. This tiny creature is fragile only in appearance – within a few minutes, it has already begun to explore. It flits around your rooms curiously, stopping for but a moment to eat some bark you have supplied. Young Farir are mischievous spirits, and from birth begin to harness their subtle powers. They enjoy spying upon traveling magi, though the younger ones are sometimes visible. Until they are fully grown, their skills, which include the ability to cloak themselves, are not fully developed. These younglings grow quickly and are always fully grown by the beginning of summer.
Farir adults are lithe and beautiful, though they are merely the size of normal leaves. They flit from tree to tree with a grace that cannot be mimicked by any creature with a true physical body. Every spring, when the forest begins to grow again, and trees cease hibernating, the adult farir make their way to the heart of the forest. A large gathering is held, and an elaborate ceremony occurs, honoring the forest that gave these creatures life. This secret place is where new farir are born each year. If something interrupts this delicate ceremony, no new farir come into being. This is a sign that the forest is becoming ill and needs to be nurtured. It is the duty of adult farir to maintain the balance of the forest. Farir possess healing magic, and this is this power that provides the forest with the care it needs to continue growing. Magi strong in earth magic often have farir as companions, and work with them to assist the flow of nature. The gardens around The Keep, used for providing food to magi and their companions, are constantly flourishing due to these creatures.
General Description
The farir are a race of forest inhabitants, not often seen by magi. These creatures are the forest's manifestation of health and life, and exist only so long as the forest that created them still lives. Farir are often leaf-like in appearance and they change according to their environment. The seasons also bring a change about them, for when the forest is in full bloom, so too are these creatures. Farir are commonly mistaken for leaves, and they change colors just as the woods do. When autumn comes, farir are indistinguishable from real leaves due to their brilliant colors. In winter, they become stick-like, shades of what they were, and appear to be skeletons of leaves. If their forest is unhealthy, the farir begin to disappear, as they are spiritual creatures and only live so long as their forest does. Coming across one of these creatures depends on the magi, because only those with good intentions towards nature may see them. The magi believe that glimpsing one of the farir is a good omen, and will bring fair fortune.
Artists: Sprite art: BettyxMe/Jrap17/DarrkestDrow | Description: Rinrin
Last edited by Merkwerkee on January 22nd, 2018, 8:17:09 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Jrap17 »


I'm excited! :well:

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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Merkwerkee »

There are new colors of Farirs and the Kords, and something odd that looks like it's got a tongue sticking out the egg?

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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Sochitelya »

If you see me posting nonsense, give me a smack and tell me to go write.


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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by blockEdragon »

And two new ones found at the trading post, Arkenian Serpaens and Arkenian Sakeiras.
I don't have the images for those, sorry.
25/25 thank you so much
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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Jrap17 »

Merkwerkee wrote:There are new colors of Farirs and the Kords, and something odd that looks like it's got a tongue sticking out the egg?
Check the trading post... *hint*

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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by freakazoid »

Also hazel farir in the Stream :omg:
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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Doggyears »

Merkwerkee wrote:There are new colors of Farirs and the Kords, and something odd that looks like it's got a tongue sticking out the egg?
It's a Yuaxu :

And Hazel Farir :
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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by BBkat »



Hazel Farir
This appears not to be an egg, but a seed. How curious.

The farir are a race of forest inhabitants, not often seen by magi. These creatures are the forest's manifestation of health and life, and exist only so long as the forest that created them still lives. Farir are often leaf-like in appearance and they change according to their environment. The seasons also bring a change about them, for when the forest is in full bloom, so too are these creatures. Farir are commonly mistaken for leaves, and they change colors just as the woods do. When autumn comes, farir are indistinguishable from real leaves due to their brilliant colors. In winter, they become stick-like, shades of what they were, and appear to be skeletons of leaves. If their forest is unhealthy, the farir begin to disappear, as they are spiritual creatures and only live so long as their forest does. Coming across one of these creatures depends on the magi, because only those with good intentions towards nature may see them. The magi believe that glimpsing one of the farir is a good omen, and will bring fair fortune.

Whatever's in this egg keeps clawing angrily at its shell... Maybe you should leave this one alone.

Yuaxu live in the remotest northern regions of the world, which explains why they were only recently discovered despite their great size. Large and hardy, they're also covered in feathers to help keep them warm even in the deepest snows. Female yuaxu are fiercer than males, using the blood of their prey to colour their crests, arms, and the base of their tail. However, male yuaxu are more than capable of hunting and defending themselves, even if they do prefer preening and ensuring the stripe across their bodies is as white as the snow around them. Consummate predators, they have no identifiable magic but generally don't seem to need it, and magi seeking to take one as a companion should be aware of the ever-present danger that a yuaxu will eat them as a snack.

This icy blue egg is oddly reflective, showing things that may not actually be there.

Koredanuki are tricky and mischievous, but generally soft-hearted; they never play their pranks to harm anyone and will be contrite if their target gets angry. They especially enjoy using illusions and reflective surfaces to confuse magi, but can be convinced to stop their tricks with the offer of a gold coin or ten. As they get older, koredanuki also gain the ability to change shape into an inanimate object, which can prove quite startling when one's teapot suddenly sprouts a bushy tail. Many small villages in the Arkene, where koredanuki tend to be found, encourage the creatures to stay, as it's also believed that their presence - mischief aside - promotes goodwill and cheer.

Trading Post

Arkenian Sakeira (6,025g)

Arkenian Serpaen (8,500g)
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Re: #852 Koredanuki

Post by Arkinine »

Ooooooo I can't wait to see these hatched! Especially that Yuaxu

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