Just story Ideas, or other random stuff I've done

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Just story Ideas, or other random stuff I've done

Post by Revaencore »

I am a wounded creature.

I scream at the tops of my lungs for even the smallest shred of happiness, for one connection, for even a friend, but my screams go unheard.

I am a vampire in the night hours, draining my own happiness and letting it bleed in the bed sheets, so that by the time morning comes, I am no longer bleeding but I cannot feel.

I am my own worst enemy. I worry too much about things that don't exist then I doubt and abuse myself for worrying too much or trying too hard to be friendly to make friends.

I am a wounded creature.

What is it like to feel every moment of the day? I cannot remember.

What is it like to not worry about every possible outcome, to worry about someone hating you or judging you over simple mistakes, to worry about how others perceive you?

These are luxuries that I do not know, for I am a wounded creature.
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Re: Just story Ideas, or other random stuff I've done

Post by Revaencore »

I'll show you a sweet dream...

"What happened to you?! This isn't who you are!" He screamed with bated breath. She simply replied, "You're right. This isn't me. That's because the Vampire me ate her." She smirked at him as she kicked his arm, watching him fall into the night air, disappearing forever.

The girl chuckled to herself and didn't wait for the others to come, curious as to the screaming. She had vanished into the night, forever leaving her human heart behind. For a moment, she had wondered what would have happened if they had never met, if he had never broken her. She shook off the idea, it was silly to think about such things when she was now more than just some girl. She was a being with power to control her own destiny, to control who hurts her and who doesn't.

She had rejoiced in this thought, for now she was free. She had no restraints, no chains, no obligations, no commitments. Now it was just her against the world, but first, she had to eat.

She stalked the town, swiftly wandering from street to street to find her next toy. She much preferred the smell of women who had given up all hope, for their blood was the sweetest of all.

She had found a few prey that night, but none of them lived to be her toy, none of them could quench her appetite, till she met a young man with hair the color of the new moon...

Next night...
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Re: Just story Ideas, or other random stuff I've done

Post by Revaencore »

It was the blackest night we had all ever experienced, but it wasn't the lack of light that terrified us, it was the lack of emotion.

We had stumbled across a school that was crumbling, lunch tables sat in hallways where there was no roof. Classrooms sat entirely empty minus birds nests and piles of feathers. It was strange, for our only light was the moon, but we all acted as if this was all a game. Sat around the table and told jokes and even climbed up onto the walls that we knew could fall apart in our hands at any second, but we didn't care. We explored some more and we ended up in a large gym room that had a massive pool, it was in pristine condition and even had working lights. Strange, not even a single leaf or bug floated about in the pool.

"Come on! You guys are so lame, if you're not going to go swimming then I guess it'll just be me!" He jumped in and splashed us all in the process, one girl moaned and complained about her hair being ruined, but the rest of us just laughed and watched him make a fool of himself in the deep clear waters.

I wandered off not too far from the pool, but realized the hallways on this side of the school seemed to be brand new, and for some reason there were railroad tracks on one side of the wall. What is this place?

"You finally made it my dears!" A woman called as she ascended from a staircase in the corner, with about 30 children following her. She had the look of a librarian but all of the children looked like they were noble born and very rich, they all looked perfect and behaved perfectly.

"Excuse me? Who are all of you?" I called to her. She grinned at me and simply smiled.

Rattling started to shake the picture frames on the walls and the ground below me grumbled. The rest of the group joined me, one of the boys soaking wet from the pool. We watched as the woman approached with the children following her in a line, then a small train came rolling down the tracks and stopped by the womans feet. She entered the first seat and all the children pilled into the seats laughing and talking all of a sudden.

"Well, don't you want to see more?" We hesitated but she was right, we did want to see more, so we joined her on the train. It didn't take long for us to reach our next stop.

As we all exited, we seemed to be in a very large library room. The woman started to ramble on about the history of the school, and her passion seemed a bit, off. One of the children had grabbed my sleeve and tugged, and I looked down into his golden eyes.

"We are all special creatures, and we got to chose! You should pick too." He handed me a book and i flipped through it quickly till one creature caught my eye, Sapphire Unicorn. The boy laughed and looked over the book to see his face.

He wore a mad grin, full of sharp teeth.
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Re: Just story Ideas, or other random stuff I've done

Post by Revaencore »

The town was always beautiful this time of year. The insects were in hiding in fear of the coming cold and the leaves were beautiful shades of gold and amber. The quartz towers rose high into the air, signaling our cities prowess and richness. Every morning I always swung by the tea makers shop to get her special of the day, something with soft herbs and spices, reminds me of Spring.

"Dahlia! Princess! Why must you always run away from me? You never change your routine do you?" One of the guardsman came up and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away. Once he realized that my arm became hot as lava he yelped and let go. "Don't touch me in public. You know the rules." I spoke softly so only he could hear. Admittedly, he was beautiful. Without all the armor he could easily be mistaken for a noble. "Then don't use your magic on me your highness! Someday that could get you into actual trouble." I kept walking, ignoring his response. He's always hounded me all my life about doing the right thing and about how I will be Queen some day soon. I didn't care. I was almost free.

As we started to talk back to the palace, for a brief moment my finger tips had sparked with pain, and I knew. Something was here. Without saying a word I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, up hills of stairs and through hallways till I reached the throne room. Then he was there, the Viper. My mother sat in her chair, her face mortified. I ran to her side and gently put my hand on her shoulder, trying to inquire about what was wrong, till I looked over the and the air clogged my throat.

"You are not him... What have you done, Val?!" I screamed as I realized that the man standing there was not my betrothed, but instead his father, blood all across his clothing. "I did what any normal father would do, hunting." I looked back to my mother, now seeing her clothing was soaked in blood and she had not moved since I arrived. My anger flared and through my fingers a storm began to appear, pitch black clouds with lightening erupting and crackling into the air all around me. He. Will. Pay.

"Now now your highness, you must realize that I did this for the interest of us. You will be mine." The third voice came from behind Val, my guard Theseus. "How dare you?!" I roared, the lightening becoming more violent and wild. My voice had changed then, something more of a beast then of a young woman. It was time.

"It had to be done, or else you would have never begun your transformation. You needed a push, my love. Now join me in the clouds!" He smiles as his skin turned to scales and his hair to thorns, becoming twenty times his original size, a wyvern. Iridescent white with black horns, he was just as beautiful now as he is in his human form, and a rare creature indeed, but he was nothing compared to what I was becoming.

My body began to tremble and every single cell of body was mutating, and my body roared with pain. As I screamed, my body had already begun to grow until I could barely fit into the room. Using my tail I thrashed into the wall and stumbled out of the palace, crashing unto the ground. I screamed again as my body gave one last push to finish what I was becoming. This time, it was much more guttural and epic.

I saw myself in the reflection of the glistening quartz walls, and I was something truly out of story books. Over twice the size of a wyvern, with three times the wing span, and a massive tail for balance and defense. Draco. Something more terrifying than a normal dragon. Draco's always commanded two elements, my first clearly being lightening and fire, it crackled and pop on my skin, almost as if it were a second skin.

A screeching sound erupted above me as Theseus had turned to the sky, calling for a challenge, not knowing what I had become. I began to try to take flight, but I needed a head start, so I climbed. I climbed as high as I could go, then jumped. It had worked for I was gliding through the air until I could catch myself and then I hovered there, staring down my tiny enemy.

I could see the fear in his eyes as he had seen my size. He had tried to run, but he was between my teeth before he knew it.

At this moment, my cat had stepped onto my face and started meowing at me, waking me up for the morning routine... at 4am.

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