Too Many Hearty Sunsets...

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Too Many Hearty Sunsets...

Post by MidniteScy »

I dunno, I was just wondering what happens after drinking so many Heart Sunsets, seeing as most of us should be dead from alcohol intoxication by now. XD

“Please, somebody, just 15 gold…”
I kneel by the street, swaying unsteadily.
Valentine’s day eggs were still falling from the sky, fading in and out of my line of sight.
Most passersby frown and shake their heads slightly as they walk past me.
“…drunk on one of Remy’s creations again.”
“…should really stop.”
I hear snippets of conversations, the voices and sounds all blurring together, just like my vision.
Another irresponsible teen after one-too-many drinks at Remy’s.

But I wasn’t here for the drink.
A black winged cat pressed its face gently against my arm.
My black winged cat.
He only got us more frowns; why would such a stately creature choose such a lowly child?
I needed those creatures.
I needed that chocolate viridis crab.
Because of all possible classes, I had to choose Culinary Magic.
Remy promised a spell that gave each drink the small chance of spawning a Valentine’s day hatchling--exclusive creatures that only breed on that day.
I had no idea how that worked, and my brain was way too fogged right now to think about it.
Savador purred quietly, clearing the mist in my brain and making the eggs blink out for just a moment.
“What… is it… Sav?”
My words are slurred, and I feel exhaustion seeping through my bones.
The winged cat noses my arm urgently, trying to push me up.
“I can’t, Sav. I’m… too… tired.”
Savador doesn’t stop, he continues to try to force me up.
“No, Sav… I… need that crab… Can’t pass Culinary Magic… ‘out it.”
My tongue feels big and swollen, it’s getting harder for me to speak.
Savador rumbles in disapproval, but sits vigilantly by my side.
Look at my magi, passing out on the street and begging for another drink; trying to pass a Culinary class.
I could almost hear him say.
My pockets were completely empty. I’d spent every bit of my meager earnings buying drinks. I’ll have to run more errands--when I’m feeling better.

Suddenly, the tinkle of gold on the sidewalk barely registers in my fuzzing ears.
Thirty gold coins lay scattered on the cobblestone. I look up, to see who threw them
A boy leans over me, frowning.
“Are you sure its not a healer that you need?”
Oh, I recognize him.
He’s from… one of my classes.
“Well, anyways, that’s enough to get you two more drinks. But you’ll have to stop then, okay? Or I’ll call Belmos here myself.”
Oh no.
I nod, barely. My head hurts.
He frowns at me, but walks away. His raza cobra turns to gaze at me, flicking its tongue in my face.
Savador leaps into action, jumping in front of me, hissing.
The cobra blinks, a mildly curious look on its face.
Don’t you go near my magi!
I had no intention to bite her. Not that she needed it, she looks sick enough as is.
I had way too many Hearty Sunsets—I’m starting to hear conversations between creatures.
The cobra turns away, scattering crowds as it slithers after its magi.
Savador smooths his fur down, and stares questioningly at me.
“Yes… I’m going…” I slur, stumbling to my feet.
The clever cat gathers the coins into a loose clump, pawing them towards me.
“Thanks, Sav.”
Just two more drinks.
I have to get that crab.

“Back again?” Remy stands behind the oak-wood counter, brow arched.
The customers sitting at the bar, all turn to look at me, lips pursing.
I make my way to the counter, pockets tinkling. I’m too woozy to care about what I must look like.
Amused sounds follow as Savador pads in after me, head high, he glares at anyone who even so much as looks at us.
“Two… Heart Sun—”
Remy pushes the red-orange drinks across the counter.
“Yeah, I know what you’re here for. Hope you get that crab.”
I frown slightly, barely able to keep the glasses in my hands.
Savador is standing by a table, tucked conveniently in the corner. He meows at me.
I set the two drinks on the table.
“Well, Sav… If I… don’t make it… call a healer, ‘kay?”
Savador dips his head in acknowledgement.
“Thanks, Savador.”
I hold the glass to my lips. The heavy, sweet taste of the liquor chugs slowly down my throat, like overpowering honey.
The glass clinks down on the table. Empty.
Savador rumbles quietly.
This is my last one.
I pick up the glass. There’s a chip in rim, I make sure not to drink from there.
I barely taste the liquor, barely registering the warmth that flows into my stomach.
There’s just a bit left in the glass…
I tilt it further, and something slides down and bumps into my mouth.
Something pinches my lip, and I immediately set the glass down with a clatter.
Savador purrs, nudging my leg indignantly.
Look, look!
A little green crab sits at the bottom of the glass, the white strawberry on its back looks like its been dipped in chocolate fondue.
It frowns at me, claw still raised.
I hear a low whistle from behind me.
“Well, well, look who’s finally got a crab.”
Remy’s words jolt me awake, and my eyes widen as I stare wondrously at the chocolate viridus crab.
My chocolate viridus crab.
I really got one.
I throw my hands up in triumph.
Finally! I might actually pass Culinary Magic now!
My brief jolt of energy ends abruptly, and I fall face first on the table.
Chuckles all around, and as my vision goes dark I catch a brief glimpse of a boy pulling a woman through the door, a raze cobra trailing after them.
Savador purrs quietly, rubbing against my legs; my last sensation.
It all goes black.
Well, well.

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