Halloween 2016: Creatures #710-#715

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Halloween 2016: Creatures #710-#715

Post by Rosehill »

I was waiting for someone to make a thread for this, but nooooo, no-one would make it! So I'll have to make it myself! O.o

Site News: 3-site-news/208782-halloween.html
Creature release news: 3-site-news/200404-creature-release-new ... #p20643761
3-site-news/200404-creature-release-new ... #p20663314

~*~*~*~ Magistream Halloween 2016 ~*~*~*~

The event runs from October 25th to up to and including November 3rd.

Three different creatures can be found flooding the stream: Halloween shop
  • Image New creature #712 Osseo Arachnid, 1500 gold
  • Image New creature #713 Cerverid, 1500 gold
  • Image New creature #714 Stiptica Lichenthrope, 800 gold. This will become a permanent creature in Remy's Inn after the event, but its price will go up.
  • Image Trick, 20 gold
  • Image Treat, 20 gold
  • Image Bone Venom, 300 gold
Trick or treating
  • If you have at least one trick or one treat you will see a white small bar at the bottom of your screen. Clicking on an egg or a candy apple there you are prompted to enter a user's name. This way you can toss eggs at, or give candy apples to other people.
  • You get a trick token if you buy at least one trick.
  • You get a treat token if you buy at least one treat.
  • If you have 25 or more tricks or treats you cannot buy more until you toss some at other people.
  • People will be able to toss tricks and treats at you until you have 30 of them.
  • Throwing a treat apple at someone has a chance to grant you a random % Osseo Arachnid hatchling
  • Throwing a trick egg at someone has a chance to grant you a random % Cerverid hatchling
Bone Venom
  • You can buy the venom from the Halloween shop for 300 gold.
  • The maximum amount of Bone Venom you can have in your inventory is 255.
  • After November 3rd it is no longer possible to buy the Bone Venom, but they will remain in your inventory and can be used whenever.
  • You get a Bone Venom token if you buy at least one from the shop.
  • The Bone Venom can be used to transform an adult unlineaged Southern Raza Cobra or Northern Raza Cobra into a 2016 new creature #711 Khadakhad Daant.
Halloween badge
You get the badge by buying at least one trick and at least one treat from the Halloween shop.

#710 Felos
Occasionally something goes wrong with a tienko egg and it's abandoned by its parents. When this happens, the egg gradually turns to bone and cracks, apparently killing the hatchling inside. However, it has recently been discovered that the egg does produce a semi-living creature: the skeletal felos. Felos are nocturnal creatures who prefer to stay out of sight, creeping through the shadows that linger in corners and dark alleys. Those who know they have a felos or two nearby usually keep their windows tightly shut even during the hottest nights, lest they wake up in the darkness to the felos curled up on their chest, the leathery sack inside its ribcage gently beating.
Image Image (day/night)
Unfortunately, it seems as though this egg has been cracked and the creature inside has died.

Image Image (m/f)
Felos hatchlings appear to be nothing more than a pile of bones, but watchful magi will sometimes see a glint of light appear in the eyes of the skull. These hatchlings don't eat or appear to interact in any way, but eventually the bones will begin to build themselves into their adult form. Magi wishing to raise a felos hatchling will need to provide it a dark space, as too much light can damage the bones, and be patient; there's no set time for a felos hatchling to become an adult.
Image Image (m/f)
An adult felos is slightly smaller than an adult tienko and generally not playful, but they do seem to enjoy stalking small creatures and sleeping where it's warm - though still not in direct sunlight. Felos are fully grown once their bones have all come together and the leathery sack in their ribcage has fully inflated. This sack is warm to the touch and seems to pulse with something that's not quite a heartbeat. Some claim that cutting open this sack will reward the perpetrator with rubies red as blood, but that the action carries a curse that gives immortality at the price of being slowly forgotten by everyone the perpetrator has ever known and loved.
Art: Jrap17
Description: Sochitelya

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

#711 Khadakhad Daant
The khadakhad daant is the result of dark magic, created when cobras are injected with a mixture of their own venom and other ingredients closely guarded by the Dark Brotherhood. Magi will notice that their cobra begins to eat teeth, taken from anywhere they can get them but with a marked preference for the baby teeth that children lose. They will then begin to grow enough to shed their skin but this time they also shed everything underneath it, until they're nothing but bone. The teeth they've eaten become part of them in the form of their rattle, which some say they shake when death is approaching, especially when it comes for a child. The khadakhad daant is an antisocial creature and should be handled with great care, even if their magi previously had a close relationship with them.

Lines: Xenomorph
Coloring: Tekla
Description: Sochitelya
~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

#712 Osseo Arachnid
Ages ago, a magi was murdered, and only a spider witnessed it. Driven by grief and a need to find the killer, the magi's wife turned to darkness, and used magic to transform the spider into a twisted, bony caricature that would be driven to speak of what it saw. This created the osseo arachnid. Osseo arachnids are hard to find, as they are driven to gather in places where humans once lived but live no longer. They are often found in abandoned houses, old buildings, ruins, or in cemeteries. People who stumble upon them often run in fear when they see what appears to be a human skull skittering about on bony fingers. These spiders are expert mimics - they will repeat words and phrases that they hear, their voices distorted and rough, and they will also repeat laughter and screams, scaring away people and predators who find them. These creatures will often echo learned phrases back and forth to one another, and on dark nights many an explorer has claimed to hear resounding screaming, crying, and chattering from a place thought long abandoned. It isn't known if this is pure mimicry or if the spiders are actually communicating with these sounds. Sometimes, a spider will say a phrase that no one remembers saying or teaching it. While it is likely that they heard it from another of their kind, some suspect the magi who created them was successful, and the creatures still remember the murder their spider ancestor heard.
This egg has bony legs.

Osseo arachnid hatchlings are very active at night, and will weave complex webs in dark corners and sometimes across entire hallways. The eyes of the skull on their back glow with necrotic magic, which is said to help them grow, and the magic is fed by the spider staying near places where humans have passed away. Even the silk they spin their webs with is similar to human hair. Many magi have tried to see if the bones the spider's body is made of are truly human bones, but every attempt to investigate this has resulted in the spider's body crumbling to dust. It was thought that hatchlings couldn't yet speak like their adult counterparts, but they can - it was just that they speak only in quiet, rustling whispers.
When one hears distorted screaming or chittering laughter from a dark place, it is possible that an osseo arachnid is responsible. These creatures prefer to be left alone in poorly lit, abandoned places, and even at the Keep they will find a lonely corner to spin their web and hide. This results in them learning many varieties of screams when an unsuspecting student stumbles upon them. Despite their appearance and frightening tendency to mimic sounds of fear, they are considered harmless, and even helpful in cases where they can be coaxed to repeat things as evidence, as their creator initially willed. Their tendency to hide in places where not many people go often puts them as witnesses to many crimes, and their mimicry can often be the only evidence. As a result, they are often used in trials around the world, and they seem very willing to participate.
Egg & hatchling: Xenomorph
Adult: Lines Xenomorph, coloring Tekla
Description: Raneth

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

#713 Cerverid
Occasionally when wandering the forest of Silva, you might hear a haunting howl unlike that of any creature you know. Magi often attribute these sounds to elk or direwolves, just heard from a distance echoing off trees, but few claim this with certainty. Local villagers tell many stories at night around the fire about the creatures that produce these eerie calls. They say they are forest monsters, evil spirits which feast on unwary travelers and the carcasses of farm animals which have died from fright. The little-seen creatures magi call cerverids may be the creatures to which the townsfolk refer, but no one in living memory has ever heard them utter a sound.
You can hear nothing if you press your ear to this pale egg, but when you are near, it seems like there is a low moaning coming from far away.

Cerverid young are small, bald, and essentially helpless. They can only run away, although most creatures actively avoid them anyway. Magi, companions, and wild creatures alike become inexplicably afraid when in their presence, despite the hatchling doing nothing but standing nearby. Cerverid hatchlings appear to feed on this fear, becoming livelier in response. Perhaps most frightening is their silence; they make no cries of any kind, so they cannot be heard coming, although as they come closer a low howl begins to sound in the distance....
Cerverids are parasites; as hatchlings, they feed on small animals and the fear they induce in others, but as they grow this is no longer enough to sustain them, and they begin to suck away the life force of others. Over time they become more monstrous, every instance of feeding changing their physical appearance, while the creature or magi they are feeding on becomes an empty shell and eventually dies. These creatures will eat the carcasses of their victim as well, their mouth and neck stretching open to swallow it whole. Their appearance can become so aberrant that creatures can literally be scared to death. Every magi intending to travel through Silva is given the express warning to stick to the trails and ignore any distractions, as cerverids will use their innate dark magic abilities to cast illusions in an attempt to lead travellers right into their waiting jaws. There are only a few known instances of magi with cerverid companions, all of them dark mages willing to sacrifice pieces of themselves for the trust of a companion that can kill so effortlessly.
Art: Tekla
Description: PKGriffin & Tekla

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

#714 Stiptica Lichenthrope
Unobservant travelers often walk right past lichenthropes, mistaking them for nothing but normal plant growth and discarded twigs on the forest floor. It is only when they begin to move, revealing their enormous size along with antlers and claws of petrified wood mixed with bone, that their presence becomes obvious. Lichenthropes are imposing to see, and for a long time they were nothing but an old tale that cropped up when the nights grew long, dismissed as the ravings of terrified travelers. They spoke of enormous bears and wolves covered in moss and mushrooms and so old even their bones became wooden. It was only when magi spoke to their lycanthrope allies that the old tales were examined again, and the lichenthropes discovered. Among lycanthropes, legends of lichenthropes were passed down for centuries, telling of stillborn lycanthrope eggs laid to rest who rose again as shepherds for the newly dead. Among lycanthropes, they are well-respected, and if one is seen lurching through the forest, it will be given a wide berth. Even other animals seem to recognize something of themselves in the shambling lichenthropes, and wherever they travel, they are unharmed by predators who may be threatened by them or prey that may want to consume the healthy growth on their bodies. In the wild, lichenthropes are most active during the autumn months, growing strong as dead leaves litter the ground and the beginning of winter marks death for many older creatures. Any fungi that grow on a stiptica lichentrope seems to get a small portion of the creature's power making them glow when no other light is visible.
This egg is covered in mushrooms.

Lichenthrope hatchlings are nearly lifeless when they first hatch, staying very still as they lie in the shade beneath a tree or bush. They focus on growth, but as they don't require food for it, they simply let the sun and water do their work. Their only response to their magi's call will often be a twitch of their long, bony tail. Once the mushrooms on their back grow large enough, they will begin to move more, seeking out swamps to lie in or following their magi if necessary. Their fur is dark in color, but begins to lighten as they get older and the moss grows in. If a magi looks carefully, they can see the roots of the mold spores spreading throughout a hatchling's fur as they grow.
At the Keep, lichenthropes are considered mysterious, and even well-renowned researchers have trouble understanding just what magic animates them and what motivates their activity. Adult lichenthropes act very similarly to hatchlings, as though growth for a lichenthrope is purely physical and not mental. Adult lichenthropes are content to sit very still, letting moss and fungi grow on their bodies. They give off a musty sickly sweet scent, like rotting flesh and dead leaves, and for this reason few magi enjoy having them around. They are intelligent enough to obey simple commands, and will often follow their magi without prompting, lashing their long tails to keep their heavy bodies balanced as they move along. They do not eat, and need only water to survive. Despite their association with decay, they are beneficial, and many medicines can be made from the mushrooms growing on their bodies. They never protest when the mushrooms are removed, though they will slow down and become listless until more mushrooms grow back. It is unclear if the animal is alive at all, or if it is the fungus that gives it a semblance of life.
Lines: Xenomorph
Egg colors: Rosehill
Hatchling & adult colors: Lazuli
Description: Raneth

~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~

#715Ambula Bat
It is difficult to travel through Tetzcotal at night and not at least hear the chirps of bats overhead. The forest is home to millions of these tiny creatures, but the ambula bats in particular are rarer sights, shyer by nature and often wary of larger animals. They feed on the magic of other creatures by ingesting their blood, and as such, have become the subject of many folk tales and superstitions. Ambula bats have been known to harbor diseases unique to magical creatures because of the way they feed, but only a small portion of the bats actually carry any dangerous disease. They are communal creatures, nesting in caves with up to three or four hundred other ambula bats, all of whom are related or familiar with one another. The bats groom each other, care for each other's hatchlings, and even feed weak or injured bats from their colony. Occasionally a magi will find an intact bat egg nestled in the crooks of a cave wall, and should they raise it back at the Keep, they will find their new companion to be gentle and affectionate. The main trouble in keeping ambula bats is finding a magical companion willing to donate some of its blood for the bat's meals.
This small tan egg has a strong webbed wing poking out.

Young ambula bats are born blind and hairless, completely dependent upon their mothers for food during their first few months. Despite their apparent helplessness, from the moment they hatch, ambula bats are strong enough to grasp onto the rock of the caves where they live. Their wings are quite well-developed, even as juveniles, but it takes them a few months before they can fly off on their own. Within a few weeks, though, they can use their wings to help them climb around, exploring the walls of their caves and interacting with other pups and adults in their colonies. Hatchling bats huddle in creches with other youngsters while their mothers search for food, and are rewarded with milk upon their mothers' return. After about three months, they are strong enough to fly, and will join their mothers on hunts.
As you explore the forests of Tetzcotal, you might occasionally come across small, quiet bats that appear to be walking on the forest floor. Ambula bats, so named for their strong forearms that allow them to clamber around and even run short distances on all four limbs, are unusual among bats for many reasons, most notably their diet. While the hatchlings are fine drinking milk for their first few months, once they are weaned, they must feed on the blood of magical creatures. No one is sure why exactly the bats need magical creature blood in particular, but they don't seem to harm their victims when they feed. The bats fly around at night using their echolocation to guide their way until they come across a sleeping creature, then they land, walk up to it, make an incision near the feet or flank, and lap up the blood that drips off. The bats' saliva has special properties which can be used in healing potions, and their wings, fur, and teeth are often appropriated for magical items. Fully-grown ambula bats rarely grow larger than a mouse.
Art: Tekla
Description: PKGriffin
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Tekla »


hehe enjoy the creepy creatures we have created for you :t-boo:

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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Xenomorph »


Doomed into an endless cycle we cannot control.
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Revan »


*smacks Xeno with egg*
Need hatchlings?
Come visit The Hatchery!

Free Lineages!

If you visit my Keep, beware. I hoard owls. I am not responsible for any pecked out eyeballs or loss of fingers that may occur.
Wishlist :orly:
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by sammythethief »

Time to stalk this thread and splat everyone with eggs :D

Also, hooray for new critters!
Be kind.
Please do not click any hatchlings in my Main tab. Thank you.
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by fawnfur13 »

Ooh, I wonder how the venom changes your Raza cobras *3*

I'd check myself, but I only have two and want them to stay as is :p
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Lazuli »


I hope we don't scare people off the site with this one :smirk:
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Xenomorph »

Revan wrote:

*smacks Xeno with egg*

Doomed into an endless cycle we cannot control.
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Arkinine »

Female Khadakhad Daant

EDIT: whoops, forgot image tag
Last edited by Arkinine on October 25th, 2016, 12:24:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Halloween 2016

Post by Sochitelya »


Actually, more like undead, but.
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