Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Blurry »

I've never known why, but I do find it to be irritating. It can
even give me a slight headache if I am trying to decipher a
large mess of run-on sentences and misspelled words.

It particularly annoys me in these two situations ;

- When someone is making insults at whoever for being
"uneducated", yet their sentences look they didn't even
pass fifth grade language class.

- When I have specifically requested that a person has
good/great grammar skills in a roleplay and they do

BUT. Unless I am flat out being salty to someone who
is rude, I never bother to correct them. You never
know why it is that they have bad grammaer skills. It
could be that they are too lazy to put the effort in, or
they could have some type of learning disability. And
it is never okay to mock someone for that.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by charidoom101 »

To me it depends on the situasion.
If somebody does not have english as their first language i can understand that there will be mistakes (i have seen the weirdest of mistakes in our english lessons), but if somebody has english as their first language and makes a lot of mistakes (like the non dyslexic people) then it does bother me a lot.

But hey i can't say too much on subjects since i make a few mistakes too from time to time.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by DuchessValeria »

I find that it is a case-by-case irritant for me.

For example, "Engrish" is something I find fascinating. Aside from being a source of amusement, it can give me an interesting window into the differences between two languages. I'm pretty sure I make some funny mistakes in Japanese as well. It also relieves me that technology won't replace at least some of our jobs yet! ;)

Text speak bugs me if it is out of place. For example, using it when writing a paper or randomly throwing in one or two texting shortcuts in an otherwise fully expressed sentence. But in very casual situations, the only frustration for me is figuring out what the shortcuts mean! (Yeah, I'm old-ish.)

Walls of text irritate me. Spacing, punctuation, capitalization -- they are so important for clarity.

Failure to use the correct homonym is one that really bothers me, if I'm honest. I tend to enjoy when a person gets zinged for using the wrong form of "your/you're".

When I'm reading a story and the writer handles dialogue clumsily, I usually have to stop reading. It is so painful. By clumsily, I mean that the dialogue is expressed in one or more of these ways:
- not making a new paragraph for each speaker
-every spoken sentence begins or ends with "s/he said"
-no clarity as to which speaker is speaking, though each speaker gets a separate paragraph (often happens when there are 3 or more speakers)

Generally, if I don't know the writer, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. If it is someone I know, then I generally know their writing style and try my best to just let it go. However, it would be dishonest to ignore that it does bother me. I just don't like to call anyone out.

Edit: If it is a mistake in my writing, I tend to get very agitated and can't wait to correct it! :haha:
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by waterfall9 »

I utterly despise bad grammar! It makes me sick. Thing is, it's so common. I feel horrible when i see bad punctuation, spelling and grammar in general. It irritates me.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by PeterCamenzind »

Well, I do try to express myself properly in English but sometimes I do make mistakes since it isn't my native language. When I see someone utterly misusing the English language (or something that vaguely resembles it :D), I tend to laugh about it. However, misuse of grammar, punctuation or spelling in my native language... It really bugs me. People are so illiterate in my country that it just hurts.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by PeterCamenzind »

Well, I do try to express myself properly in English but sometimes I do make mistakes since it isn't my native language. When I see someone utterly misusing the English language (or something that vaguely resembles it :D), I tend to laugh about it. However, misuse of grammar, punctuation or spelling in my native language... It really bugs me. People are so illiterate in my country that it just hurts.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Lahabrea »

Sorry for replying to what's probably a dead topic but...

I think you have to be a boring person to get upset about someone's grammar. So what, they don't use punctuation or type 'you' as 'u', are you really going to let it get to you that much? If anything, I find people correcting grammar more annoying than those not using it correctly. Especially if you're correcting a typo of all things.

If you get annoyed by bad grammar, then to be honest, I think you need to get over yourself.
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by ertdf »

I can tolerate pretty much bad grammar (as myself surely make mistakes) as long as I can understand what is meant. But when text is just like 'can u plz' and so on, I simply give up reading it because English is not my native and I don't have time and/or interest to use google for every single word (since those u's and plz's are not listed in my dictionary). Usually this is not a problem on here MS but on some sites... :derp: So maybe I should say thank you, Forever92Hours, now I perhaps remember 'u' means 'you'...
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by spoopyking »

i agree with Forever92Hours, it's much more annoying to have people constantly correct other people's grammar and spelling. some people have reading/writing/learning disabilities or even people who are speaking in a language that isn't their mother tongue and improper grammar & spelling is just a given to them. for anyone else who doesn't have a disability, it shouldn't matter if it's not in a formal setting (even then, sometimes people rush and make mistakes, it happens). "txt speak" is a way of condensing language into something shorter and still understable (for the most part), and if you can understand what someone is saying, why correct them? you're just proving yourself to be a language elitist. you don't have people who use text speak/incorrect grammar, etc., making fun of or judging people who write "properly" in casual settings, so why judge people who don't?
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Re: Bad Grammar - Bothersome?

Post by Sly »

i don't think it's really a good idea to correct people's grammar unless they specifically ask for it. there's almost always a good reason for it, and honestly i do find really nit-picky people kind of irritating unfortunately :sweat: but i can understand both sides of the argument. it really does kind of bug me sometimes specifically in roleplay. but like i said, the person usually has a good excuse, and plus it's rude to insult/assume someone's intelligence based on how they struggle with grammar or spelling. everyone has different talents and things they are good at!! just because someone is bad at that, i don't think it's right to penalize or mock them for it. but i can understand how it can be irritating, especially when it's near impossible to understand. lack of communication is annoying!! but please, try to remember to be respectful. i'm sure they meant no harm to you.

but i mainly agree with the people above. if you CAN understand them, then there is really no need to correct them at all. it just embarrases them for no good reason :c
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