Tattoos and Piercings

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by silverbubblet »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I have my ears pierced twice and my belly button pierced. As well as a huge leg tattoo and smaller ones. All on my legs
If not, Are you against them in any way? No, while I do personally thing some piercings/tattoos can be too much, that is my personal opinion and do not think less of people that decide to do more than I do.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No, it is how they wish to portray themselves and there is nothing wrong with that. The only way I would look down upon them is if they looked down upon me for hiding mine.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? It comes down to a personal preference, I like them and think they are an interesting way of self expression.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? It can set some people off, but while I do think it seems more professional to not have face tattoos, I really do not think it should prevent someone from getting a job at all. Again it really does come down to a personal thing. I would never get a face or neck tattoo and that is just me. I have no problems with them being my doctor, lawyer, or barista, but I think it does have a certain effect on the public in general those who are much more conservative?

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by silvernightingale »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?

Not yet.

If not, are you against them in any way?

No. I would like several myself.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

Not at all. Your body is your body, and if you want to have something drawn on your skin that's your business. Besides, my best friend has a lot of piercings, and they're a fantastic person.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

I think, actually, that a lot more people should get tattoos. Tattoos are a wonderful way to chronicle your history, your beliefs, your hopes and dreams. That's not for everyone, I suppose, but it does mean that, fundamentally, people who have tattoos are expressing themselves in a very personal way.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

That would be stupid. People with tattoos are not inherently lazy or evil.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Heylola2 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Both of my ears are pierced once and I have a lip piercing. As for tattoos, I have a tiny one on my right ankle I did in high school. It's the letter 't' in Treyll script and it's short for 'tei', which means protection. I'm hoping to get it redone eventually in reddish brown, like a henna tattoo.
If not, Are you against them in any way? Not at all
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Of course not!
Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think they're special and than anyone who wants one should get them, and if they don't, they shouldn't.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Not unless it's something sexist or racist or something, because that's just not cool...
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by vipor »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:

No, I did think about getting a tattoo, but I have a skin condition so the inkt would be put in deeper than normal and I would still have a change of the inkt flaking off.
And that would be a waste of money.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

Yes and no.
Yes, if the person doesn't think about how it can affect them. I had a teacher who got a nosestud and ended up with an infection that spread to her eye. She is now blind in one eye because of a little stud.
I am also against it if the person wants it but picks the cheapest person to make it. These tend to get infected or get messed up most of the time and can lead to horrible things.

If the person knows what to get, from a good place where they make sure to think of hygiene and knows what it can cause if it goes bad. Then feel free to do it. Their body and their money, but I will reserve the right to say "I told you so" if they go to a bad place and things go wrong. Will only say it once.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

Tattoos and piercings where and in some places still are marks of honor, great skill, wealth and stuff like that.
So no, because a person wants to decorate their body should not be a reason to look down on the person.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

I don't care. If a person wants it go get it. Just don't tell me to get them. I have thought about both and made my choice.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

Depends on multiple things.
With piecings, can it be dangerous in the workplace? Remember that most PE classes made you remove large hoops from the ears during the lesson to avoid people accidently getting caught in them and tearing the earlobe.

With the rest it really depends on the job. If you are the face of the company and need to calm down people who are hysterical, having spiked studs in your eyebrows may not be a good idea.
Have to work with a lot or religious people or mourners, against watch the placement of the piercings and tattoos.

If it's mostly call centre work or data centre. Where you don't interact with a lot of people or be the face of the company, it should not matter.
With the rest, it might be a good idea to have tattoos that can be hidden by pants and a shirt.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by AspenBear »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: yup! 4 tats, gauges in each ear, and a hoop in my upper right ear
If not, Are you against them in any way? im all for them~
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? well i think they should stay tame. like, if your trying to be a lawyer, youll wanna be able to easily hide any body modds you have.
it all comes down to being SMART about them.
dont get a face tattoo if you want to be a cop. ect ect~
Why do you think people should/should not have them? i think, if it means soemthing to you, get it. get something on you that will remind you of that important thing.
items get lost, or stolen, but no one can steal a memory out of your skin.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
i mentioned this above, but yes.
certain jobs hold certain images, and if you want to GET that job, you need to be SMART about where you place your body art.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by giantredpanda »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Yep! I have double lobe piercings in both my ears, and two cartilage piercings on my right ear, as well as one nostril piercing. I also have a calf tattoo, that takes up the entire back of my left leg, with a red panda, holding a camera, watercolor/splatter paint style (still being worked on), and one teeny tiny paw print on my right ankle.

If not, Are you against them in any way?
not at all. I think people should be able to decorate their body as they want. Self expression is great.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Definitely not. Tattoos are art, and piercings are a fun accent here and there.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I love having tattoos. They're pretty, and they show things I'm interested in. You can get them to remember someone, get them just because you like whatever it is, or just for fun. Piercings are a fun decoration too, that're fun to switch out to match what you're wearing, or just keep simple ones in all the time. I just see it as fun.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No. The only time I think someone should have to cover their tattoo, if it's in a place that's normal to be showing (arms/legs, etc) is if it contains something inappropriate, like inappropriate things (such as body parts un-suitable for children).
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by HibiscusMist »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Several of both! One tattoo above my left breast just under the shoulder, and one that is on the side of my shoulder dipping to my arm. I have one lip ring to the right of my lower lip, a second set of earrings behind my first with room for a third pair, and an industrial on the upper shell of my ear. The industrial is still rather new!
If not, Are you against them in any way? N/A Due to above.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Certainly not! In my opinion anyone whom has something upon their body has it for a good reason. If it is in clear support of a negative cause, I tend to look down upon them because of said cause and such blatant disrespect to whatever positive cause the negative one is trying to push down, but if it is for say... memorial reasons there is no reason for such a rude response.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? If they do not have the skin for it, I would highly suggest someone not get a tattoo or piercing as it can cause a bad experience or come out looking some way that the individual might not be happy about. Things like blown out lines, torn skin, incorrect proportions, or in the case of some piercings embedding are something some can be prone to and would need to worry about.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? I do not think it should, though if the subject matter of the tattoo might have heavy influence upon the way a customer might view the job or employers in some way (Such as nearly nude humans in sight of children at a young child school) and it was not easy to cover then i might suggest that it most definitely be taken into consideration.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Ted267 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
I only have an ear piercing on my ear lobe, but I would like to get another on the ear sometime. I plan to get a few small tattoos when I'm much older, but they are things that mean a lot to me.
If not, Are you against them in any way?
There are some times I see tattoos that look regrettable and bad, but I try not to comment on them. Those are the only one's I'm kinda against, but that was the person who got the tattoo being daft and the artist not doing very well.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Not at all. Those tattoos could mean a lot to that person, and someone with a tattoo/piercing may have just waned to try something new.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
Its an act of being free and doing what you want. You should be able to get one if you want. It can tell a story or help you express yourself. But that can also rely on religion, and I don't wanna go into that. You can do what you want, its your body.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
I feel that if the tattoo can be covered up somehow, then that can be fine. Tattoos on the face would make it almost impossible to get a job, though. I can see why people wouldn't let people with face tattoos get a job. If the tattoo/piercing can be hidden by clothing (Belly piercing, leg/arm/back/stomach tattoos) or by hair (Ear piercings) then they would just cover it up for the work day. It depends on where your trying to get a job, they may be more sensitive to tattoos/piercings. Just saying that if the tattoo.piercing can be covered, they should have no problem getting the job, just as long as it stays covered.

Coming from parents who both have a lot of tattoos and a few piercings each, I feel that Tattoos/piercings are totally fine.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by KarenGriff »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
If not, Are you against them in any way?
Not really, it's everyones their decision.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Not really. People with it could be a normal person as well.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
Pro: I like tatoos what veterans make themselves, it is some memorial to them.
Contra: Only that this ones could give you serious medical problems if it's not made correctly (such as wound infections, in cold winter the metal parts can hurt your skin etc.).
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
Only if it can give them serious wounds, while work. For example: soldiers, firefighters the piercings, rings etc.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Carling »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I have three piercings.
If not, Are you against them in any way? I'm not against tattoos, just not old enough to get one without my parents.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Definitely not, I think it's a great way to express yourself. Though I think one should think a lot about what they want before getting one, they are permanent unless you want to go through a long and possibly painful process.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? People, especially anyone under the age of 21 shouldn't get a tattoo because of the fact that in 10+ years they will most likely regret getting one.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? No, I love tattoos they are beautiful. I think that it's part of that person, if you're that worked up over it then just make them cover it up. But no one should have to cover up something that is a part of them.
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