Shamira's Story

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Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

(A short story about a fanfic character I often use. In this instance she is a magi in the magistream world. It is told from her 1st person pov. I may eventually post pictures of the characters at some point so that I don't have to take up a whole paragraph describing their appearances.)

Chapter One-Part One-Routine

Koga, the leader of my tribe of Direwolves, howls to mark the moon's descent below the horizon. My usual alarm clock as around that time is when the sunlight first begins to peak over the horizon. I sit up with a stretch and my hellhound, Hawkeye, begins to stir from his slumber from his usual spot on the rug at the foot of my bed. He spots me and begins to wag his tail, thumping it on the floor. "Morning, Hawkeye," I say with a sleepy smile. I get out of bed and let Hawkeye out before beginning my morning routine, starting with brushing the bedhead from my wavy, chocolate brown hair. After washing my hands I carefully put my contact lenses in my grayish-blue-green eyes. After brushing my teeth and changing into my day clothes I step out of my washroom and pull back the curtains to my room. "A lovely day, huh Tania?" I say to the mischievous tenabre fox trying to sneak away with one of my boots. Her tail droops as she lets it go and disappears. I emphatically shake my head with a smile and put on my boots. I snatch my cloak and chords off their hooks with my left hand and grab my scripture book and journal with my right and head out the door to my room.

I pass by a few of my teachers, each of us greeting one another, as I head for one of The Keep's exits. As I near one of the horse paddocks, I give a short whistle and Shadow, my most trusted dark Pegasus appears, landing softly in front of me and greets me with a soft nicker. "You'll get your carrot as soon as we get back. I promise," I say as I affectionately pat his neck. With a toss of his head, Shadow lays down in the grass so that I can more easily get on his back. "Take me to the usual spot." He gently tosses his head again as he stands, spreading his wings in preparation to take flight. I tuck my book and journal to my chest with one hand and hold onto Shadow's mane with the other. It's times like these that I'm glad I spend so much time practicing my horsemanship. I think to myself with a grin.

After flying for a few moments, Shadow lands on a sturdy, East facing overhang in a wooded area of the Alarse Mountains where the soothing sound of the nearby waterfall can be heard. I come to this spot everyday to watch the sun rise over the horizon as it paints the clouds nearly a dozen different shades of reds, pinks, and oranges. I sing a song I love before opening up my book to find a scripture to read in one of my favorite sections. Once I'm done reading, I gently clutch the cross around my neck as I bow my head to pray. This is just another part of my routine, my 15 minute quiet time, but it is my favorite part of the morning. The mountainside becomes quiet as I sing one more song before calling for Shadow who had wandered down to the lake nearby to drink some water. I quickly climb on his back to return to the keep from my secret "zen" spot.

Once we return I send Shadow back to the stable so that I can feed him once breakfast is over. There are several other magi, all of whom share in my own beliefs, that are returning from their favorite relaxation spots as well. "Shamira!" I turn around at the familiar voice. It's my good friend, Elisa, calling me as she hops down from the back of her Pegasus, a long drop for her small frame. She's three years my junior and I was tasked with being her tutor of sorts when she first came to The Keep. She rushes over to me after patting her steed, her straight, pale blonde hair catches the wind as she rushes over to me.

"Elisa. Good morning," I say with a kind smile.

"Good morning!" she says enthusiastically as she gives me a hug. She looks up at me with a big grin, her sky blue eyes shining. "Guess what tomorrow is!"

I know full well what she means by this, though for a split second I pretend I don't have a clue. She'll be turning 18 tomorrow. "Let me see... hmmm... today's the 6th soooo... the 7th?"

"No silly!" she says back quickly.

"I know, I know. It's your birthday tomorrow," I say with an affectionate pat on her head. I've always thought of her like my little sister. I do actually have one, but she's back home with my parents and two older brothers. Elisa and I chat back and forth as we head to the dining hall for breakfast. We sit in our usual spots with a few other friends around us. "So Elisa, do you have space for an egg?" I ask suggestively.

"Uh yeah... why?" she says is a somewhat puzzled voice.

"Oh, no reason," I say with a wink, to which her face lights up. I have the first egg from my Arkenian Tantivi pair which I plan to give to her for her birthday. Ever since I got mine, she would always watch them in the fields with stars in her eyes.

A sudden commotion kicks up not far from us. It's a bunch of my juniors getting all worked up and I know why without even looking. Cloud Hardcastle, the "hottest guy in The Keep" (or at least that's what most of the girls call him) must have just entered the hall. He's one of the tallest young men in The Keep, one year my senior. His hair is a darker shade of blonde and his eyes are a very deep, beautiful shade of dark blue. The character trait of his that draws the most attention is his muscles. Cloud is a rare combination of brains and brawn. A brilliant tactician and well versed in hand to hand combat, he only uses magic when he needs to. He never goes looking for a fight, but practically every day, some young newbie determined to prove his salt against an "alpha male" challenges him to a sparing match, which Cloud never loses. Truth is, Cloud is an excellent leader. A lot of people respect and look up to him. He's a great guy to tell the truth, a perfect gentleman. I know this because he and I go way back. He's older than me but we've been here the same amount of time. He was quick to try to befriend me, which made a lot of the girls in my year unbearably jealous. I didn't care though because I actually liked him too. That is, until we had a pretty serious falling out... Cloud gave me my space for a while until I had cooled off, but I'm still not on the best terms with him, despite the fact that he's just as friendly toward me as he's always been.

Cloud steps into my line of sight and spots me. I don't look up, but I know he's coming this way because I can hear all the girls around me murmuring. It's the usual junk... "Why's he always talking to HER?" "Yeah! She's always so RUDE to him." "She's just acting like she's better than him." Et cetera, et cetera... A few of my friends at the table shoot the "gossiping Gabby's" quiet glares. I wish you guys would just ignore them. They won't last long here with that kind of attitude towards their fellow magi. I quietly rebuke them. After all, Master Belmos is quite clear that we are supposed to treat one another with respect. And besides, I think to myself, I'm not being rude. I just don't really have anything to say to him, that's all... I'm not trying to be mean or anything...

I see Cloud step closer to me from the corner of my left eye and see him place his hand gently on the table. "Good morning, Shamira." I don't have to look at him to know he's smiling that same bittersweet smile he always gives me. That smile that I know means he's thinking something to the affect of "Why don't you ever talk to me any more? We used to be able to talk about everything, remember?", and so on. I don't look because I know I'll only feel guilty for being so curt with him all the time if I do.

"Good morning... Mr. Hardcastle." That's what I've called him since that day, showing him more respect than necessary since we're actually in the same class. I know it hurts us both but I can't help it. Both of us were in the wrong when we had that falling out.

Cloud lets out an exasperated sigh as he pulls his hand away. "You don't have to call me that you know..." I know, once again without looking at him, that Cloud's smile has all but faded. "Will we ever go back to being friends like we used to be?" he says in a voice that I'm fairly certain only I can hear.

"Who knows?" I reply quietly, making sure the expression on my face doesn't change much.

Cloud sighs once more before saying in a soft voice, "You know, I really and truly do hope that we do." He slowly turns to walk away, stopping to glance over his shoulder in my direction, before walking away.

It's not that I don't want that too or anything... I think to myself. I know for a fact that Cloud was one of the magi I saw returning to The Keep this morning. I've been doing that routine quiet time since he and I came here seven years ago. Cloud has been doing it for five of those seven and I'm the one who suggested he try it. In fact, he's been more diligent in making sure he goes every day than I am. While I'm lost in my own thoughts, I hear Talia, one of our friends, groan in irritation.

"Argh! Enough already! It's been, what, a year and a half now!? Why the heck don't you just kiss and make up with him already, Shamira?" She says as she rises half-way from her seat directly in front of me, her auburn hair falling forward over her shoulder and her sea green-blue eyes glinting. Talia and I are the same age. We became friends quickly since she actually comes from a town close to where I live.

"Shhhh! Talia, please don't be so loud!" Elisa says frantically.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I can't help it! Come on Shamira... you obviously still have feelings for the guy."

I just sigh as I pick up my cup and down the rest of my grapefruit juice, to which Talia responds with an exasperated sigh and plops back down in her seat.

"I hate to ask but..." I hear a soft voice coming from my right. It's Lucina. She's a year younger than me and Talia. The two of them are actually cousins. Lucina has pale blue hair and mist gray eyes. She continues as I look over in her direction. "Um... what exactly happened between you and Cloud anyway..? I mean..." She pauses for a second, and I know she's deciding whether or not she should continue. " and Cloud used to be really close and all... right?"

Before I can think of a response, Talia leans forward and chimes in. "Yeah, yeah! I wanna know that too. What the heck could have possibly happened between you two that was SO bad anyway?"

"Come on you guys! Don't you think that's enough for one morning?" Elisa says to them both.

"It's..." I start to say and all three of them look at me. "It's a long story... I really don't feel like talking about it..." I say as I pick up my tray to take to the kitchen with the others to be washed. The rest of the girls leave me be as I leave the dining hall to begin my usual chores, starting with taking care of my horses. *Sigh* And today was such a lovely day too... why do I have to start thinking about that now..? I think to myself. As I head toward the stable, my mind goes back to that day over a year ago when things turned bad between me and Cloud...

Part 1 End
Last edited by ShidoHogosha on November 20th, 2015, 4:40:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

(This next part of the story is told from an omniscient 3rd person pov to tell Cloud's side of the story from that same morning.)

Chapter One-Part Two-Cloudy Morning

As the other magi return to The Keep from their quiet times, Cloud lands his ice gryphon, Blue, on the highest hill, even though it means he'll have a longer walk to the dining hall for breakfast. He scans the area below and does not have to search long before he finds who he's looking for. Her dark Pegasus's wings kick up a soft breeze, catching her wavy chocolate brown hair, the light glinting off it-making it shine like glass. Her violet cloak, indicating that she specializes in taming magic creatures, and multiple colored chords indicating that she is proficient in multiple element magics, flutter in the breeze as she dismounts her steed and sends him on his way. As Cloud watches her, he finds a gentle smile has spread across his face. Shamira...

Cloud suddenly hears a somewhat exasperated sigh in his head, no doubt coming from Blue. I wish you could convince her to settle things between you two... so that that way you don't have to sit up here gawking at her every morning like this.

"Oh, sorry, Blue," Cloud says as he hops off of Blue's back.

Never mind... honestly, I really do hope that you two patch things up. You're very compatible with her.Cloud scratches his head with a sad smile on his face as he looks back down the hill again. You know... you should worry to much. I'm sure things will work out eventually. Doesn't that religion of yours teach that if you place things in His hands then things will always turn out best or something?

Cloud reaches up and scratches Blue's head, his smile brightening a little. "You are correct... Thanks, Blue." With a nod, Blue spreads his wings and takes flight. He watches as little Elisa runs up to Shamira and throws her arms around her. Cloud sees the smile on Shamira's face and, despite the long distance, he can tell that there is a faint sadness in it. Cloud suddenly notices a presence approaching him from behind as as that person rushes forward to try to clothesline him from behind, at the last second Cloud ducks, kneeling on one knee. The boy sumersaults forward into the grass. It's Baralai Colpeper, Cloud's closest friend. He and Baralai have been thick as thieves since the day they met, much like Jonathan and young King David. Baralai rolls over onto his belly in the grass, brushing the grass from his hair as he sits up. "What are you doing, Baralai?" Cloud asks with a somewhat annoyed sigh.

"Man... I just can't win against you can I?" Baralai says, brushing the grass from his pants as he stands up. No one trusts and admires Cloud as much as Baralai. He's built similarly to Cloud, but a little more lean and just a hair shorter at 6' even. He looks up at Cloud, his gray eyes shining. "Guess that's why you're always top o' the class, eh bro?" Baralai stops as he notices that Cloud isn't looking at him but has turned his attention back down the hill. Baralai walks up to Cloud and, in a friendly manner, he drapes his left arm over Cloud's shoulder and follows his line of sight down the hill. When he notices why Cloud is looking down the hill, Baralai sighs in annoyance. "Come on Cloud, you really should just get over her already." Cloud shoots a cold glance in Baralai's direction as he continues. "I mean think... pretty much all the girls in The Keep have a crush on you... you could easily have your pick of the lot, ya know? I mean, sure Shamira's easy on the eyes, but there are plenty of 'em that are just as pretty, if not even more beautiful than--"

"Baralai," Cloud says in a sharp tone cutting Baralai off. "That's enough," he says as he shoots Baralai a glare. Baralai immediately clamps his mouth shut when he notices the harsh look in Cloud's eyes. "You just don't get it... it isn't just Shamira's appearance that's beautiful... it's her heart. She's sweet, kind, gentle, loving... it's the way she cares about others..." Cloud takes a deep breath and turns his face to the sky with his eyes closed. "What's more, you've never heard Shamira sing... Her voice is gorgeous... it's soft, warm, and soothing to the soul... when she sings a worship song before beginning her quiet time, the whole area around her becomes silent. Even the wind itself is still, as though listening to her voice."

Baralai shakes his head and shrugs with a sigh, clearly fed up. "Okay, okay... I get it... you've only got eyes for her... just give it a rest already."

Cloud snorts derisively and retorts, "You started it."

"Whatever... but look, if you wanna talk to her like you normally do before she does her chores we had better start headed for the ding hall, don'tcha think?"

Cloud glances down the hill once more before turning on his heel to head for The Keep. "Fair point." As Cloud and Baralai head for The Keep, some of their other friends walk up to them and start talking. Cloud mostly tunes them out as his mind wanders back to that day over a year ago when things went south between Shamira and him.

A de-saturated image plays through his mind. Cloud and Shamira are standing in an area where some sort of fight has recently ended. The two of them are yelling back and forth at each other and Shamira's right hands suddenly crosses the side of Cloud's face, tears streaming steadily down her face. She backs away from him, shaking her head. As he reaches his hand out to her, trying to say something, she abruptly spits some harsh words at him before turning away and mounting Shadow as he lands close by and the two of them take off. Cloud's hand falls to his side as he drops his head, his face clearly showing signs of guilt and regret. He falls to his knees with his hands stretched out in front of him and he seems to say the words "I'm sorry."

"Cloud? Hey, Cloud?" Cloud's head snaps up at the sound of his own name and he turns to the voice of Baralai standing beside him. "You okay, bro? You kinda spaced out for minute there."

Cloud shakes his head a little, trying to shake the memory from his mind, at least for now. "Yeah, I'm good. Just... thinking about something." He realizes that the reason Baralai was trying to get his attention, was because it's almost Cloud's turn in line to get breakfast.

"So, let me guess, you gonna power through your breakfast as quickly as possible so you can go try to chat up Shamira as usual, right?" Baralai says teasingly as he Cloud and their other friends sit down. Some of the snicker at Baralai's comment.

"Oh shut up, would ya?" Cloud says,mildly annoyed.

"Hmph, typical." A disgruntled voice comes from the far left end of the table where a young man, the same age as Cloud and Baralai, with jet black hair sits, the corners of his lips curled up in a mocking grin. It's Nielo Leoheart and he has always considered himself to be something of a rival to Cloud. He's had a thing for Shamira for a while too, but that's partially only because he's aware of how Cloud feels about her.

"Oh it's just you, Nielo," Baralai says, instantly in a bad mood. Cloud can mostly ignore Nielo, but Baralai isn't nearly as tolerant of him.

"I don't recall saying I was talking to you, beta," Nielo says with a smug look on his face. "Beta" is Nielo's nickname for Baralai since in relation to Cloud, who is like an Alpha male wolf, Baralai is like his Beta wolf.

"What'd you just call me you pest?!" Baralai shouts as he jumps up from his seat.

"Sit down, Baralai," Cloud says with an even tone, paying no mind to Nielo.

"But cloud..."

"Just sit." Cloud reaches his right hand up and, placing it roughly on top of Baralai's head, Cloud pushes him back down into his seat and then continues eating.

"You know, most girls don't usually like the persistent type. Perhaps if you were to leave her be, she would just come to you." Nielo casts Cloud a haughty, sidelong glance, clearly trying to get a rise out of him.

Cloud, however, not rising to the bait just calmly responds, "If that's what you think, then you clearly don't know her very well." Cloud doesn't so much as glance at Nielo as he speaks. "Shamira has always believed that it is the man's place to pursue the woman, not the other way around. And she's right. If she were to try and pursue me, it would behoove me to run the other way."

So that's it... Baralai thinks to himslef. Now I get why he got so irritated earlier... he doesn't consider any of those other chicks cuz they all "pursue" him... but Shamira is the one girl, besides Shamira's friends, that has never once tried to pursue him.

Nielo clicks his tongue in response to Cloud's curt answer. "Tsk, whatever..." He turns the other way with a huff, clearly understanding that Cloud has quite skillfully shut down Nielo's challenge.

"I'm done." Cloud says as he stands from his seat, his plates stacked neatly and each of them completely cleared.

"You never cease to amaze me at how fast you can eat," one of the other guys at the table says as Cloud goes to put his tray in the kitchen to be washed.

Let me see... she should be somewhere over here..." Cloud thinks to himself as he scans the hall, trying to find Shamira, completely oblivious to the flustered girls squealing and 'fan-girling' all around him. Ah! Cloud spots Shamira sitting with her friends, all of whom he knows well. They seem to be teasing Elisa. Oh yeah... I think tomorrow is her birthday isn't it. I should probably at least send her a card. Since I do know her a little It'd probably be rude not to. With this thought in mind, Cloud walks in Shamira's direction, knowing full well that she's intentionally not looking in his direction.

He goes over to Shamira's table, trying to ignore the murmurs he hears of people bad-mouthing her. I his heart, Cloud silently rebukes them, but knows that saying something to them out loud would only cause an unnecessary scene and would likely make things worse for her. Cloud puts his hand on the table directly next to Shamira's side as he often does and greets her warmly. "Good morning, Shamira." It does not escape Cloud's notice when she tenses up ever so slightly, trying not to let her feelings show, refusing to look up at his melancholy smile. Why... why won't you ever talk to me, Shamira..? It used to be you'd come talk to me about everything... can't we ever go back to being that way again..? Cloud keeps these thoughts to himself.

"Good morning... Mr. Hardcastle." These words are tantamount to a knife straight through Cloud's heart. Nevertheless, he gets the message, that she's not interested in talking... at least... not yet.

After the two of them trade a few more words, Shamira clearly shutting him down once again, Cloud goes to walk away. Yet, he can't stop himself from giving her a quick glance over his shoulder before he walks away. I don't care how many people tell me to move on... to give up on her... Shamira... I will NEVER give up on you... because... I can never stop loving you, Shamira. and with that last thought, Cloud leaves the dining hall, his heart set on putting a plan into motion during the one time that morning he can get her alone... to tell her the things he wants her to hear most of all... that if they can't go back... then all he wants is a chance... a chance to start over... from the beginning...

Part Two End
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Image Raiju guard my keep. Approach with caution.Image
What you care for, you'll fight for. Being a soldier's wife is no picnic...
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Two-Part One-In the Beginning...

(This part of the story will told from Shamira's pov.)

As I stop by my room to change into the clothes I do my chores in, so that my nicer clothes don't get ruined, before going to the stable to begin feeding my horses, I find my mind wandering back in time to the day I first came to The Keep... and... the day Cloud and I first met.

It was seven years ago... when I had just turned 14, I was sent here. In the beginning, it was just supposed to be for diplomatic purposes, but... as time went on, I found that I rather liked being here. There was so much I could learn while here. I come from a clan of warriors, famous especially for our bodyguard work. Not a single member of my clan, the Shido clan, has ever had a charge die on them. I am no exception. I was sent to The Keep to learn some new skills that I could take back with me... that was the reason why I originally came here... that day... seven years ago...

As I step through the entrance of The Keep, I find myself somewhat overwhelmed by the atmosphere I have just walked into.

"So, you're new here too huh?"

"Huh?" I turn in the direction of the voice I just heard to see a boy, about the same age as me, looking my way. He's standing amongst a group of other boys and I can't help notice how handsome he is and how beautiful his deep blue eyes are. I feel myself starting to blush a little and, remembering my training, I force myself back to reality. "Ah, yes I am. My name is Shamira. Shamira Shido. It's a pleasure to meet you," I say as I stretch out my right hand to greet him.

He stretches his hand out and shakes mine with a gentle smile on his face and I find myself unable to look away from him once again. "Right back to ya. My name is Cloud Hardcastle, age 15."

"Oh, so you're a year older than me then... but wait, if you're new here too, then does that mean..."

"Yup, looks like you and me are gonna be in the same class. Oh, and, by the way, there's no need for you to behave so formally here," Cloud says, still giving me the same bright, gentle smile.

I smile back at him, suddenly feeling a little bit more relaxed. However, I suddenly become aware of the envious looks I'm getting. Thanks to my extensive training, I have a very strong awareness of my surroundings and I can't help but overhear the mutters coming from the girls around me; most of them are actually upperclassmen.

"Why is the hot new guy talking to THAT chick?"
"Yeah... she's nothing special."
"Totally. We're WAY cuter than she is."

I can hear these and various other comments around me. I consider glaring at them and telling them that I can hear them, but catty girls like that will only get worse if you acknowledge their gossip so I decide to leave it alone.

I didn't know it back then... but I later found out that Cloud was just as enthralled by my green eyes, as soon as he looked into them, as I was by his blue ones...

Chapter Two-Part One End
Last edited by ShidoHogosha on December 20th, 2015, 3:16:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Image Raiju guard my keep. Approach with caution.Image
What you care for, you'll fight for. Being a soldier's wife is no picnic...
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Two-Part Two-Clouds of Fate

(This part of the story is told from an omniscient third person and follows Cloud's perspective of the same story.)

As Cloud heads for the usual place near the stables, resolved to speak alone with Shamira, to ask her if she would give him the chance to start things over from square one... As he walks, he finds himself remembering that day seven years ago... the day he fell in love with the beautiful, piercing green eyes as soon as he looked into them.

Cloud had only just arrived at The Keep. He's always had a rather magnetic personality so it was not surprise to him when several guys around his age, as well as a few upperclassmen, approached him quickly.

"So you're the new kid all the new girls have been fussing about," Cloud hears an upperclassman standing across from him say.

During the entrance exam of sorts that The Keep has (it's not really an entrance exam per say, rather it's just a test to figure out what kinds of classes will best suite new magi) there was only one person who scored higher than he did overall and that person was also the only one who had a natural proficiency in more disciplines than he did.

"I don't know about that. I've never really paid all that much attention to what other people say about me, to be honest," Cloud says with a nonchalant shrug.

"Ah, geeze... no wonder the girls are going nuts..." another classmate of Clouds says half-jokingly. Cloud gives him a puzzled look, as though he doesn't quite understand what this classmate means. "You're the cool, stoic, 'nothing wasted in word or deed' type huh?"

"Still at least he's not totally full of himself like some 'alpha male' personalities," a young man with brown hair and gray eyes says with a broad smile as he slaps Cloud on the shoulder. "Name's Baralai, by the way." The boy stretches his hand out to Cloud to shake. "An you are?"

Cloud takes Baralai's hand firmly and shakes it with his usual soft smile. "Cloud."

"Good to meet ya. Hope we can be good friends," He says with an even broader smile on his face.

Suddenly, some of the other guys turn their eyes toward the entrance. "Hm? Wonder what that's about..." Baralai says turning his eyes in the same direction to see Shamira walk through.

"That's the one who supposedly got the highest scores on the entrance test. I hear she actually broke a record, too," one of the upperclassmen says quietly.

The others take notice of her as well some saying things like, "She's pretty cute." "'Pretty cute?' More like just straight up pretty."

Cloud follows his classmates eyes and is starstruck as soon as he looks into hers. Gorgeous... he thinks to himself as he finds that he can't look away for a moment. Those eyes... such a beautiful color... I've never seen someone with eyes like hers before... they're not just pretty, they're piercing... like there's nothing that can escape her gaze... He finds his heartbeat starting to quicken. Maybe I'll talk to her. She looks like she feels a bot uncomfortable. And besides that, as they say, 'the early bird gets the worm.' Cloud decides to call out to her and speaks to her. After a moment or two, he notices her relaxing, but at the same time, he notices the catty gossip coming from the other girls. How blind are they..? I can tell just by being near her... this girl... Shamira... she has a beautiful heart. I can feel it in her presence.

"Tell ya what, we're supposed to go sign in and receive the keys to out assigned rooms. What's say you and I go over there together?" Cloud asks smoothly.

Shamira smiles back at him, her cheeks ever-so-slightly pink, and replies, "Sure. That's nice of you."

Neither of them could have ever guessed that this short meeting would inextricably alter both of their lives forever...

Chapter Two-Part Two End
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Image Raiju guard my keep. Approach with caution.Image
What you care for, you'll fight for. Being a soldier's wife is no picnic...
"You can't water down medicine and then be surprised when it doesn't work."
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Two-Part Three-Lunch (From Shamira's pov)

After I get my key, Cloud suggests that he and I grab something to eat, since there's a luncheon for new members in the dining hall. I can still feel the looks of envy and contempt from the other girls, but I choose to ignore them. I decide to accept his offer and the two of us walk together to the dining hall.

"So, you're from Wolfheim, huh?" Cloud asks, genuinely curious.

"That's right." Wolfheim is technically where I am from. I'm actually from my clan's settlement outside Wolfheim, which is so called because it is located at the base of Wolf Mountain, a mountain that looks like a howling wolf. The top of it is actually hollow and it acts like a giant cistern, feeding fertile springs throughout the area nearby.

"Huh, you don't see too many people from there come out here."

"Yeah, we pretty much have everything we need out there so trading isn't really necessary. However, there are some wears, like furs and meats and such, that are very valuable around here. If you're ever going into any kind of cold climate, fur lined clothes and blankets from Wolfheim are the best thing to have. Since it's so close to the Arkene, the mountains are snow capped most of the year so we get some creatures with pretty thick fur around there."

"So I've heard. That explains why you're so adept at so many skills. Life can be pretty tough out there, right?"

I chuckle a little at Cloud's inquiry. "At time perhaps, but the people out there are very hospitable, even to outsiders. If you find yourself stranded in the area and someone from Wolfheim happens to find you, they won't hesitate to help you." I find that I'm really having fun talking to Cloud and start to feel much more comfortable here.

"Wait a second... did you mention what your last name is? I don't recall."

I fidget a little. Cloud is right. I didn't mention my last name because I can't help but be a bit worried of how people will react knowing I come from a clan of people the specialize in fighting off people who seek to harm others. "It's... my last name is... Shido."

"I knew it!" Cloud's response shocks me, especially because his smile doesn't fade. The contrary, in fact; his smile broadens.

"Well I wasn't expecting THAT kind of reaction... most would be intimidated after hearing that..."

"True, but not me. I admire the Shido clan. I saw them rescue my town's chief when they were passing by on an escort job. That's why I decided to come here. I wanna get strong. Strong enough to protect people like the Shido clan protected my people. I started training right away, but I figured I could learn more from more people here so I--"

I suddenly find myself laughing quite heavily after hearing Cloud's enthusiastic response. "Hey! It's rude to laugh at people when they're telling you their dreams ya know?!"

"I'm sorry.. it's just... hahaha!" I try to respond as I pull myself together. "You're an interesting one, ya know?"

Cloud's cheeks blush slightly at my remark. "Oh... uh... thanks, I guess?"

I turn to him with a bright smile. "I meant it as a compliment don't worry." At this, Cloud's face turns even more red. "What?"

"Oh, nothing it's just I... uh..." Cloud stammers a little as I cock my head to one side, a little confused. "That's the first real smile you've given me and I uhm..." He swallows a bit profoundly before continuing. "I think that... you uh... well... you have a... a very lovely smile... that's all..."

At this, I find my face grows hot and I turn away, extremely flattered to receive a compliment from this boy. "Oh uh... th-thank you... that's nice of you to say."

Cloud and I glance at each other and smile, both of us bright red.

I was no longer paying any attention to the jealous girls around me. This would turn out to be a severe mistake on my part...

Chapter Two-Part Three End
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Two-Part Four-Clear Blue (Omniscient 3rd Person)

"First year girls rooms are on the 7th floor and boys are on the 6th." An upperclassman addresses both Cloud and Shamira as he hands them each their respective keys. "Naturally, you are not to enter one anothers' floors without permission and supervision. There is a luncheon available to first years in the dining hall right now and there is an orientation in the first lecture hall in one hour."

"Thanks," Cloud says politely to the upperclassman before turning to Shamira. "I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hungry. What's say we head to that luncheon."

"Sure; sounds good to me," Shamira replies. Cloud offers to hold her hand so they don't get separated and she gives him a quizzical look.

"Haha! I was only joking!" Shamira raises an eyebrow at him, clearly not entirely convinced. Guess it was too soon for that, huh? Cloud thinks to himself. I figured she'd be the type to prefer the direct approach, but perhaps I should be a little more subtle. Wonder if Shamira believes in 'love at first sight'... Pffffft!!! I'm thinking like I'm some love-sick 13 year old with his first crush!

The two of them continue to chat about various things, mostly pertaining to the exam, as they head to the dining hall. Shamira grabs two different types of meats and breads with a couple of vegetable dishes and Cloud grabs something similar. "I'm a bit surprised," Shamira says noticing what things Cloud has put on his plate. "That's a very good balance of foods. I figured a guy like you would get more meats, no offense."

Cloud laughs good-naturedlly at Shamira's remark. "Well, in my home town we were taught to be very careful about what we put in our bodies."

"Oh? Where from?"

"Alarseheid." We take seats at a mostly empty table. "So, you're from Wolfheim, huh?"

"That's right."

"You don't see too many people from there come out here." I wonder... with her having as many skills as she does... could she be a member of the Shido clan..? Cloud thinks back to the day he saw a group of Shido clansmen protecting Alarseheid's chief from a group of vandals while they were passing by on an escort job. This was the event that made him seek out becoming a great warrior himself. He notices that Shamira has begin to relax a bit more and decides to ask her if she is, in fact, from the Shido clan.

"...My last name is... Shido."

"I knew it!" Cloud replies, ecstatic to be meeting a real member of the people he's admired for so long. Shamira is clearly surprised to see his reaction since most people, to some degree or another, fear and respect the Shido clan's members for their skills and their integrity, for which they are well known. When Cloud explains, with great enthusiasm, why he's glad to hear she's a member of the Shido clan, she can't hold back her laughter. "Hey! it's rude to laugh at people when their telling you their dreams you know!" Wow... she... she looks... really cute... smiling like that...

"You're an interesting one, ya know?" Shamira says as she silences her laughter.

When Shamira turns to Cloud with a bright smile on her face, he finds his cheeks are turning a bright red. What a lovely smile... When she gives him a puzzled look, Cloud finds himself gulping. "It's just I... uh... I think that you... you have a lovely smile... that's all..." After the two of them smile at each other, Cloud feels eyes on the two of them. He glances around, careful not to be too obvious. As he does, he notices that ugly looks that the other girls are giving her. Uh-oh... this could cause problems... After he and Shamira finish eating, Cloud suggests that they walk together to the lecture hall for the orientation.

"Sure. I wonder if there will be assigned seats or if they'll separate the boys and girls..."

"I doubt it. Do they do that kind of thing in Wolfheim?"

"Well, sometimes. Most often during youth gatherings at churches and such."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. The majority of people of Wolfheim, and the Shido clan especially, believe in Christianity right?"

"Yup. We don't force people into it or anything. We believe that it's a choice we all have to make of our own free will."

"Huh... there are a few practitioners in Alarseheid... I have been curious about it for a while. Would you mind if I asked you some questions about it sometime?"

"Not at all!" Shamira says with a kind smile. "In fact, if you'd like, I can bring you with me to the service when I go home this weekend."

"Sounds good."

Cloud and Shamira continue to chat about these and other topics on the way to the lecture hall. Neither of them could have possibly guessed how this day would end or how it would affect both of their lives forever...

Chapter Two-Part Four End
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Three-Part One-Orientation (Shamira's pov)

I remember how I felt that day seven years ago as though it only just happened yesterday. I was charmed by the kindhearted boy named Cloud. His personality was just as attractive as his appearance. People tended to flock around him; he had a natural ability to lead others and he possessed the wisdom to guide them well. An alpha male by nature, he wasn't the sort to take abuse lying down, regardless of whether he or someone else was the target. This was something I would soon learn as the looks of jealousy from the other girls grew worse and worse with each passing moment...

Cloud and I walked side by side to the lecture hall where Master Belmos was to greet us and educate all the freshmen of the rules of The Keep. It was the kind of orientation you'd see just about anywhere, nothing I hadn't heard or seen before. Of course, there was one key element that would come in handy for me soon enough...

"This is a pretty big lecture hall," I say as Cloud and I look for a pair of seats.

"No kidding. I guess it makes sense though. I mean there are a lot of us here." Cloud spots two seats on one of the middle rows and after pointing them out to me, the two of us go to take them with him sitting between me and the boy who was already there in the seat directly to Cloud's right. "You're not saving these seats for anyone are you?" Cloud asks the boy who responds only by shaking his head after only briefly glancing at Cloud, his ice blue eyes seeming uninterested.

That was the first time we met Nielo. I never would've guessed how things with him would've turned out between those two some weeks later when he declared himself Cloud's rival. I didn't know it then, but that day at orientation was the day Nielo decided that he would be a challenger to Cloud...

I carefully tuck my bags under the desk, keeping them close enough so that if they were to move at all I would feel them. I'm fairly certain thieves aren't an issue here, but such a thing is a habit for me at this point. I would soon find that I'm lucky I have this habit. As one of the girls passes by me, she takes a deliberate and dramatic fall, one which, to just about anyone's awareness, was clearly fake.

"Hey! Watch where you put your stuff!" She yells at me.
"Yeah, you really should be more careful," another girl chimes in.
"I bet you were trying to be funny or something, huh?" yet another girl says.

I know exactly why they're ganging up on me and trying to make me look bad. I clench my jaw, irritated at my own carelessness. I should've foreseen something like this, but I had begun to ignore the contemptuous looks I had been getting since the moment Cloud spoke to me.

"Perhaps you should watch where you're going." All the girls turn their eyes to the voice. It wasn't me, but Cloud who spoke. "Or at least that's what I WOULD say had you actually tripped over Shamira's things," he says to the girl who fell, giving her a look not unlike what you'd expect to see from a parent or teacher scolding a child.

"Wha--what do you mean by that? I DID trip over this chick's stuff!" The girl starts to raise her voice, clearly upset that Cloud called her out on her lie. Made all the more upset considering she was being scolded by the very guy she had her eyes on.

"Oh really?" Cloud says standing up. "And just how did you manage that when her bags are closer to me than to the aisle?" he says as he crosses his arms, his face stern.

"Uh... well I um..." the girls then rushes full speed up the aisle steps to find an empty seat. A few rows up, she hits the stairs with a loud thud, this time having legitimately tripped.

I believe they call that 'instant karma.' I think to myself as Cloud takes his seat. "Thanks for that." He gives me a somewhat puzzled look. "I mean, if I had pointed that fact out myself, even more girls would have chimed in and they all would have a accused ME of being the liar, not to mention a few other things they'd probably call me."

The gentle smile finally returns to Cloud's face. "Don't mention it. We are friends aren't we?" I nod to him with a smile and he continues. "Sheesh... girls are scary, huh?"

"Not all of us. Only the catty, gossipy ones." I say quietly enough so that only Cloud can hear me. He snickers at my remark.

Just then the door opens and a hush gradually falls over the room. An older man, I'd estimate to be between his 40's to 50's, walks to the large desk in the center of the room, a certain poise about him. Everyone in the hall is completely still and quiet. The man looks around the room and smiles. "Welcome, young magi, to The Keep. I am Master Belmos. I suppose you could consider me a headmaster of sorts." After his brief greeting, Master Belmos begins to go over the rules of The Keep. "And above all else... Please, respect your fellow magi. Be aware that multiple infractions, that is, of you are reported multiple times to have shown disrespect to your peers, you WILL be asked to leave. That is all. Please begin settling into your new rooms. Your first lecture, which all of you must attend, will be the day after tomorrow promptly at 9:00. You're dismissed."

no disrespecting your peers, huh? I find myself thinking, feeling somewhat smug. Those other chicks better learn how to control themselves then. "Dinner is at 19:00 right?" I say as I turn to Cloud while picking up my things.

"Yeah. You wanna meet up at the entry to the dining hall then?"

Oh... I wasn't intending to ask him to join me... oh well; we've been getting along well so... "Yeah, sure," I respond with a small smile. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are a little pink.

A lot happened that first day... Not much to my surprise though, it was only just beginning.

Chapter Three-Part One End
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Re: Shamira's Story

Post by ShidoHogosha »

Chapter Four-Part Two-Lessons (Omniscient 3rd person)

As Cloud and Shamira walk into the lecture hall, both marveling at its size, Cloud becomes even more aware of the contemptuous looks the girls are giving Shamira. Man, these chicks are scary... Would they seriously be THIS peeved no matter what girl I speak to? As he thinks to himself, Cloud scans the hall to find a place where the two of them can sit together. "Oh, hey, there's a spot right there." He points to where there are two seats next to a disinterested looking boy about the same age as Cloud and Shamira.

"Well, let's go then. If we don't hurry someone else will take them," Shamira says.

Cloud nods and leads the way to the row. "Excuse me." The boy looks up at Cloud out of the corner of his eye. It's Nielo-who got the third highest score on the entrance test. "You're not saving these seats for anyone are you?" Nielo simply shakes his head without a word. Unbeknownst to Cloud, that glance Nielo gave him was meant to size up the one person in the class he saw as a rival.

Cloud and Shamira sit down, both of them carefully tucking their luggage beneath the desk so as not to get in the way. He notices that Shamira keeps hers close to her legs so that if the bags were to move, she would surely feel it. Probably a habit. I'm sure she's been in some pretty ugly places where people have to keep a careful watch over their belongings. What's more, I've heard that sometimes members of the Shido clan are entrusted with sensitive documents that must be delivered to secret locations.

With each moment Cloud spends with Shamira, he can't help but find himself delighted to be learning various things about her. Especially considering she probably doesn't let just anyone see these things. However, these happy thoughts are soon to be interrupted...

One of the girls in the class, who like so many others has had her eyes set on Cloud, decides to try and split them up any way she can. Ultimately, she tries to do so by attempting to make Shamira look bad, intentionally tripping over her own feet and then claiming that Shamira put her bags in the way and she tripped over them. Other girls, all of whom feel the same as the girl who tripped, join in on pestering Shamira.

Unbelievable... Cloud thinks to himself. Anyone with eyes can tell that that chick was faking it... But wait... Why won't Shamira defend herself? Cloud grows more and more annoyed by the girls' piling on accusations. Well, if she won't defend herself, then... "Perhaps you should watch where you're going," Cloud says in a bitter, matter-of-fact tone. He stands up and shoots the girl an exasperated glare when she tries to claim that she wasn't faking it. The girl is soon silenced by Cloud pointing out that Shamira's things were tucked under the desk in such a way that there's no way the girls could have possibly tripped over her things. As she flees the scene up the stairs, the girl trips again, this time for real. Hmph, serves her right. Guess that chick learned her lesson.

"Thanks for that." Shamira says to Cloud as he takes his seat.

Huh..? Why is she thanking me..? Oh! I get it now. She couldn't defend herself cuz then these chicks would've just turned on her that much more. Heh, glad I helped her out then. I wonder... is she starting to... Cloud's thoughts trail off as Shamira explains the reason for her gratitude. "Sheesh... girls are scary, huh?" Except for her, that is.

After that Master Belmos enters the hall and begins his lecture. Wonder is she'd be interested in eating dinner together... Can't hurt to ask right? I mean she DID agree with me when I said we were friends. After Cloud casually confirms what time dinner is, Shamira ends up inviting him instead of him suggesting it first, much to his elation. No way! Man am I smooth or what! Cloud lightly gives his head a shake, disappointed with himself for thinking such a thing. Argh! Get a hold of yourself Cloud! Start thinkin' like that and you'll end up turning into a stereotypical jock!... Still... I wasn't expecting her to suggest we eat together. Heh, I'm on cloud nine here!

I'll never forget how I felt back then,
Cloud thinks to himself as he waits in the stable for Shamira to come and feed her horses. I was ecstatic that she would want to eat dinner with me... how did we come to this point now?

These thoughts and more echo through Cloud's heart as both he and Shamira continue to reminisce about their past...

Chapter Three-Part Two End
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Image Raiju guard my keep. Approach with caution.Image
What you care for, you'll fight for. Being a soldier's wife is no picnic...
"You can't water down medicine and then be surprised when it doesn't work."

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