Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Hawktalon »

This thread died again. D: Nuuu.
I've fallen behind a few episodes due to school craziness... that and I'm not really liking the Frozen arc as much as I thought I would from the first few episodes. Though I did just finish watching the one with the Sorcerer's Apprentice reference... I assume that was a reference to the animated one with Mickey Mouse? I've only seen the live action one from about five years ago so I kept thinking the old apprentice was Balthazar Blake. I'm probably so wrong though, LOL.

Spoilered just to be on the safe side, though not sure there's anything spoiler worthy in here.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I still haven't seen the last episode, I'll watch it tomorrow before the new one but:
I figured it was either Mickey's hat, or Merlin's, they look basically the same, but I haven't seen The Sorcerer's Apprentice so I don't know anything about that.

As for this Frozen arc, the only good thing about it is Anna who I have think is twenty kinds of adorable :derp: But if every other Frozen character got killed off I wouldn't care in the slightest >_> I mean Elsa is so freaking boring!!!! I mean with characters like Regina, and Henry, and Rumple, Belle, I mean this show made Snow freaking White into a snarky, bow wielding mama bear! I mean Snow White, who spent her entire movie dreaming about princes and frolicking with dwarfs and then got put into a coma Snow White, into this utter force to be reckon with, but nope, ok Disney's biggest movie ever's main character gets to be this whiny, annoying "woe is me" person who...ugh complains about not knowing where her sister is? (Again, haven't seen last episode so not sure what's up with that yet). I mean... even Cinderella was more interesting, and they completely botched her story up!

The only reason Once is doing Frozen is because it's so popular *still hasn't seen movie, Once isn't making me want to watch it any more*, I'm sure of it because this season is...lacking. There's no conflict... Though actually, now that I think about it, considering the last season and all the heartbreak and suspense... Maybe we need this sort of..."cooling off" period (pun intended). I mean, nothing seriously big has happened other than Glass coming back (like how crazy was that?!) And the amazing Beauty and the Beast dance scene (most definitely not long enough) <3 . I'm not worried about anyone right now, I'm not freaking out about the fate of the characters I love... I mean *sigh* it's almost a relief X3.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

Oooooooooh!!!! Lily is the Snow Queen :headdesk: Now that I've seen last week's episode, at least I know of a somewhat interesting little plot line in this season :yarly: .
Or not, thanks for not recording everything DVR -__-;
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

*Squeals* I am SO happy after seeing this episode, and by that I mean last week's, I haven't watched the most recent.
So many Snow Queen story references this episode! It's making me not hate all the Frozen stuff. Seriously though, why did the Snow Queen reference that stupid "Do you want to build a snowman?" song. Ugh, thanks writers. But they totally redeemed it with the broken mirror! Ahhh! I was literally fangirling at that scene. The Snow Queen's broken mirror was the major plot point in the original story, so I was SO excited to see it. I just hope she whoops Elsa's butt, to show that mockery what it truly is to be a snow queen.

And also, I love how Regina's slowly opening up to Emma. I can't wait for them to become friends. Because true love doesn't always have to be between people in a relationship, it can be between friends as well. Besides, they'd make the best of friends. They do have similar qualities.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I really, really need to read the original fairy tale, I should get on that, eh? x3
I don't want Evil!Snow Queen to win, only because she'll screw up the rather peaceful dynamic everyone's got going on. I really don't want the happy family carefree attitude to get disrupted... But Elsa really does need to go <_<; Maybe I'd like her more if I saw the movie but right now she's just there sort of...hovering, while everyone else works to try and find HER sister. I mean, she's a queen but she doesn't have to be lazy, Snow and Regina are freaking awesome queens, evil or not. They go out themselves and do the work, at least most of the time.

Also if the Snow Queen "accidentally" gets rid of Marian... Am I horrible? I just really like Regina/Robin Hood ;A; if Marian dies, then Robin will be all sad and Regina can go and comfort him and they'll be all happy :D... so long as Regina isn't being mistaken for the one who hurt her of course... :aah:

I do like that Gina isn't being her old self, and I'd love for her and Emma to get closer.. But I don't think they'll ever be "best friend", more like, they have each other's back, and get along relatively well but still snark at each other.... but also only they are allowed to insult/dislike each other x3.

She's still rough around the edges, but she's not doing anything seriously evil, and she's even trying to help Marian...and honestly~! So yey Regina~!

Also, does anyone else think Will Scarlet is hilarious? I mean I like him a lot x3.

Oh alsoalsoalso! Glass, working for evil o.O I mean...he's done it before, but I guess Gina hurt him one too many times, huh?
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by SheWolfWarrior »

Wait, you haven't read the original Snow Queen? Yes, you should get on that immediately. It's one of the greatest fairy tales I've read. (Please note that I haven't read it for awhile, currently trying to find the copy my mom owns, I may be taking it way out of proportion.)
I didn't say I wanted her to win, did I? But what's the point of having a happy dynamic without tension? It makes for a boring story. If this show had no villains, nobody to stir it up, then it wouldn't be worth watching. It would be like real life, boring and dull with unwanted trials. Yes, I do love what they have going on, but isn't it more enjoyable when they have a villain? Besides, it seems like with every villain defeated, they grow closer together and deepen their personalities. That's why I love Regina now, she was once just another heartless villain, but now she's so much more. I mean, come on, saving your true love's wife? That's something season 1 Regina would never do.

I actually don't want that to happen. Believe me, I want Regina to have the happy ending she's been needing. But I don't want Miriam to die yet, I want to see Regina save Miriam and I want to see everybody's surprised face when that happens. "Look at how much she's changed!" they'll all say. Of course, then the Snow Queen can do whatever she pleases with Miriam. :P

Well, that's what I was trying to mean. I don't want them to be best buddies and change their personalities all together. I just want them to have a better relationship. But hey, Regina doesn't want to kill her! That's a start, right? (LOVED that banter between them, BTW. Made me laugh out loud. :D)

Yes, Will Scarlet is adorable. If you really like him, I suggest you watch the spin-off series "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland". It's only one season and isn't that long. Well, depending on how much free time you have of course. You'll definitely get enough of his "Oh bloody hell." :P You'll also know why he had the Alice in Wonderland book open to the picture of the red queen. I'm just curious why he's in Storybrook, I thought he had his happy ending. I'm waiting to see why he's here.

I wasn't surprised at all, frankly. Because not only did Regina treat him poorly (as she does with most people) but he's a spineless follower. The Snow Queen simply offered him freedom and he's suddenly like, "Yes, your majesty." But I don't think the Snow Queen's done with him yet. No, she still has something up her frozen sleeve. If I know my OUaT villains well, which I think I do.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

This episode though... This is the most tense episode of the season, were the writers just trying to lull us in a false sense of security?

And yeah, I...will read it eventually D: .
Did** With most people, Regina has been very good for a while now, she was evil, she's getting better.

Also my Outlaw Queen squealing was incredibly high today x3 They're just so cute. This whole episode is just such a good episode for Robin and Gina ^-^

But seriously this whole has just been ho-ly cow o.O I've been feeling this season was lackluster, now I'm nervous .__.
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Re: Once Upon a Time (T.V. Series) The Guild

Post by solidfoamsoul »

I miss this guy:

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