Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

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Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

Post by Insanity »

Hellhound Gifting Guild

Hello and welcome to the HBGG! This new, fresh year calls for a new, fresh guild. Hopefully this won't die like the others. I have to thank those guilds, though, they give me a starting point for this new one. There are a few simple rules and I simply ask you to follow them. In this guild, we breed as many hellhound as we can to take over the world help those without one get one. Now, sometimes, we don't have a hellhound. We didn't complete the quest. So, here's a new feature in this guild. Since we're all about hellhounds, why don't we help out newbies with the quest? You know, some little hints, not flat out answers. Anyway, read on for more information.


1. Follow MagiStream rules & guidelines. This includes reading the Beginner's Guide to Magistream & the FAQ if you haven't already.
2. Please use the forms provided.
3. Respect one another. Just because you have 4893210 hellhounds and someone else only has one does not give you the right to act superior over them.
4. Do not post your clickables here. Only their creature numbers, found in the link. For example, my Shoru's link is: creature/3971316. 3971316 is his number, found at the end of the link.
5. In order to make everything fair, you must breed two puppies from for borrowed hellhound. One for you, one for your hellhound provider. If the provider does not wish to take in the hellhound, it will be gifted towards the guild.
6. Do not sell your puppy. You may sell anyone others, but not the ones the guild helped you achieve
7. No inbreeding, please. At least not in this guild.
8. To be fair, please be patient and wait at least five days before your next partner request to give others a chance.
9. Image
^ Made by Inkeyu


Here I have colour-coded some informative text so you don't have to read everything that is not necessary.

If you need quest help, read everything in this text.
If you need a partner for your questborn hellhound to breed with, read everything in this text.
If you are a breeder and wish to help out or donate to the guild, reading everything in this text.



Code: Select all



Code: Select all


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Code: Select all

^ Gratefully obtain from this thread: 32-guilds-quarter/75695-hellhound-breed ... g#p7779819
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HBGG: Quest Help

Post by Insanity »

Quest Help

Need help getting your first questborn hellhound? You've come to the right place.

1. Start at "The Keep". Find the quest labeled; "A Romantic Request" & obviously click it.
2. The following text should pop up:
You rise from the book you have been poring over the last few hours and step to the window. The day outside is beautiful, the sun sparkling on what snow hasn't thawed yet. You can see the lake off in the distance, ice clinging to life along its shores. The grass is already recovering from winter, slowly turning green again under the first warm rays of the sun. You take your cloak off of its accustomed hook and shrug it on, pulling it tight around yourself.

You pass the open gates of The Keep and set off in the direction of the stream; a group of students already there greets you politely and you smile and nod in return. One of the magi bends to pick up an egg, water dripping down his hands. The student brushes past you as he leaves, a smile lighting his face.

Picking a dry spot high on a hill, you sit, tilting your face to the sun. The ground around The Keep are busy with people seeking fresh air on this first warm day after the winter. Hatchlings are playing among them, infected by the high spirit. One small kitsune grabs and tugs at your cloak excitedly, until you shoo it away gently.

The view is superb from your seat, allowing you to see all the way to the mountains in the north east. They appear blue from this far away, and you can just make out ice caps running along the tops of the peaks. Your attention is drawn to the well worn path leading there, and you lean forward when you notice something odd. Among the carts of goods delivered to The Keep, goods that will replenish the stocks depleted during winter, there is also a lone rider. As he pulls up alongside a group of magi and leans down to speak to them, you eye his beautiful black horse. A fine steed, you judge, and probably worth quite a sum. The rider is not a poor man. One of the students points up the hill in your direction; the horseman noods and urges his mount on. You stand up as he approaches and take in the fine sable cloak, the ring bedecked fingers, the beard neatly trimmed in the latest fashion; all about him speaks of riches. The man dismounts when he reaches you, a smile easy on his lips. You take the hand he offers and exchange greetings.

“I greet you, magi,” the man says; “My name is Vasial. I hail from Synara.” Releasing his hand, you introduce yourself. “I'm sure your ride was exhausting,” you say. “Perhaps you would like to continue to The Keep and take a short rest?” The man shakes his head. “Please, let us get straight to business. This matter is of great importance to me.” Curious now, you inquire: “And what is it you would ask?” Vasial brushes back a brown lock of hair, clearly anxious. “I wish to ask for my beloved's hand in marriage. It would be only appropriate to present her with a suitable gift for the occasion. I wish for a gem like no other, to be set into a ring made specially for her.” You smile at this and remark: “I am glad for you, but I ask: what is my part in this?” Vasial grins. “I need the gem. It is said that the Caves of Nareau contain stones the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else. However, those caves contain dangers only the magi dare to brave. Would you undertake this quest, seeking out a stone for me? I promise to reward you greatly for this favor!”

3. As you've read, you need a gem. Head to the Caves of Nareau
After several days of travel, you have reached the Alasre Mountains. The ascent is difficult, as the slopes are still covered in snow and ice. Still, you persevere, and soon you have reached one of the large openings that lead down into the Caves of Nareau. You unpack a lamp from your equipment and light it. Entering the dark cave, you begin to walk down the bare corridor, your boots leaving wet prints behind you.

As you make your way through the labyrinth of caves and corridors, you use a piece of chalk to mark your way. You are making your way downwards, assuming that the gem you are seeking will be found deep down, in the realm of the crystalwings. The deeper you go, the warmer it grows, and soon you shrug out of your thick winter cloak and put it into your backpack.

You have long lost track of time when you reach a large, dome-like cavern. You let the light of your lamp fall inside and see the walls glimmer and twinkle in a multitude of colors. You have reached what legend calls a rainbow cavern, one of the places where Father Earth put the gems the forgotten race was turned into.

Walking up to one red stone that has caught your eye, you start prying the stone from the wall. You pause for a moment, wondering if this gem could be the soul of a person. You shake your head to clear the thought; it is only an old legend, after all, something people invented to explain the existence of the gemstones. You quickly take the stone out of the wall, then hold it up and admire it for a moment. The gems from the rainbow caverns are a marvel, larger and more beautiful than any other gem, and they almost look like a jeweler has already worked his craft on them. Carefully you wrap the stone into a soft cloth and stow it in your belt pouch.

You turn toward the opening you came from, when suddenly the sound of wings fills the chamber. A large creature descends and hovers in front of you, blocking the way to the exit. Vaguely humanoid in shape, its body is covered in glittering, gem-like protrusions, a long thick tail swishing behind it. You have seen some of the rare crystalwings in the Keep, creatures that live down here in these caves. This, however, while looking similar, seems different somehow, even though you can't put your finger on what makes you think that. The excitement at seeing one of the rare creatures up close is however quickly sobered up by the menacing aura the creature exudes.

"You have stolen from our cave," the creature says in a hissing voice. "Return the gem!" Your eyes grow wide in disbelief. Like all the creatures magi keep, crystalwings are not sentient and cannot speak; but there is no doubt that this one just did address you. You quickly gather yourself and reply: "I did not know this place belongs to anyone. But my quest demands I bring one of these gemstones back with me. What can I do to be allowed to keep it?" The crystalwing eyes you closely. "Only those we deem worthy do we suffer to carry them away. You will have to prove your worth." - "How do I prove that?" you ask, worried. "Knowledge is required of you! If you can answer my questions, I will allow you to leave!"

4. Here comes the tricky part; the questions. When I first started, I had no clue what the answers were until my cousin showed me, so you're not alone.

Question One: -warning: spoilers-
You frown, suddenly worried that you won't be able to leave. “Alright,” you say, crossing your arms: “I am sure I know the answers to whatever your questions may be. If you will ask them, let me prove my knowledge.”
The bird leans forward, giving you a good look at its bright plumage. “The first questions will be the easiest... then they will become more difficult. What is the first magical creature the magi discovered and tamed?”

Koi Fish

They can all be found in the stream, of course. The first creature one Magistream is not fire-based. Being the most common in the stream and the fastest creature to hatch, many believe that this non-mammal creature are worthless {not that I agree, I am quiet fond of them myself}. It has a hue of purple.

Question Two:
The great bird bends its head low, its eyes level with yours. “That is indeed the correct answer. Do not rejoice fully, though; I have yet more questions for you. Here is the second question. Which of these gems is NOT found within these caves?


The answer lay in the description of the caves. It is neither glimmering or as shiny as the others.

Question Three:
The crystalwing scratches at the rocks underneath it, clearly impressed. “This is true. We have no jade here. You appear to know much. You now will answer a third question. Perhaps you know which one of these creatures is not found in these mountains?”


The answer lay in the Alasre Mountains description. Types of these creatures can be found in the stream.

Question Four:
“So, you have passed the third question. This last one shall not be so easy! What does a green alphyn egg most closely resemble?”

An emerald
An apple
A leaf
A kiwi

Check Remy's Inn. This object is an edible fruit.

5. Congratulations! You've made it if you guessed the answers. Please note that you will not receive the egg until you are out of egg-lock.

^ Quest text from Emerald Hatchery
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HBGG: Partner Requesting

Post by Insanity »

Partner Requesting

Now that you have your first hellhound, you're going to want a questborn one to breed it with. Fill out the form below and wait patiently until we find you a partner. Or, you can choose your own from the list. Please note that when receiving your hellhound, it is not yours too keep. After breeding two pups, you must immediately return it and one of the pups to the owner. You can only request one partner at a time.

Available Partners

Insanity: Male ; Shoru ; 3971316
Female ; Kasai ; 4464291
1st gen.
Insanity: Male ; unnamed ; 4525595
Female; unnamed ; 2664548
Female; unnamed; 4231034

Erase everything in the brackets.

Code: Select all

[center][b][size=150][color=#FF4000]Partner Request[/color][/size][/b][/center]
Username: {your username}
Hellhound Number & Name: {the hellhound you own's name [if not named, do not include] & it's creature number. don't know what this is? check the rules for some guidelines(:}
Gender Request: {what hellhound gender do you need to breed?}
Generation: {what generation of hellhound do you have? questborn, first gen, second gen, etc. don't know? ask and we'll help you.}
Do you pledge to produce 2 pups, keeping one for yourself and one for your partner?
{well, do you? yes or no~ if not, then this form is invalid}

Borrowed Partner List
Oops. Nothing to be found here, run along now children.
Last edited by Insanity on January 4th, 2012, 5:26:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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HBGG: Breeders & Donations

Post by Insanity »

Breeders & Donations

Yay, finally! For those of you with many of the hellhounds. Do you want to be a breeder and help out those in the addictive need of hellhounds? Or do you wish to send out your own for borrowing to make more of our army? Thank goodness you didn't get lost, because here you are!


Key: P = available for partnership / B = available for breeding / G = available for gifting
Insanity: P/B Male, Shoru, 3971316, & Female, Kasai, 4464291 ; QB
P/B/ Male, unnamed, 4525595, 1st gen. & Female, unnamed, 2664548 1st gen.
P/B/G Female, unnamed, 4231034, 1st gen.
G Female, unnamed, 4527224 2nd gen.

WolfBaralei: B Male, Castiel, 3800697 & Female, Uriel, 3800695 ; QB
B Male, Ginzuu Shorttail, 1818736 ; QB & Female, Veilli Shorttail, 1835717 ; 1st gen.
B Male, Midnight Tokyo, 1851446 & Female Furious Tokyo, 1851834 ; 1st gen.

Shedragon: B Male, unnamed, 2574046 & Female, unnamed, 1826914, QB
B Male, unnamed, 3694276 & Female, unnamed, 3619815 ; QB
B Male, unnamed, 3694277 & Female, unnamed, 369427 ; QB
B Male, unnamed, 3731350 & Female, unnamed, 3694279 ; QB
B Male, Vicent, 4236344 & Female, Infernia, 4235494 ; 1st gen.

Discord: B Female, Gwenhwyvaar Prime Evil, 2762870 & Male, Diablo Prime Evil, 4245214 ; QB
B Male, Alucard Hellsing, 2228614 ;2nd gen. ; 1st of Hellsing Family
& Female, Naomi, 3932683 ; 1st gen.
B Male, Duke Of Kalesta, 4443615 ; 2nd gen. ; 1st of Kalesta Family
B Male, Cooper, 4198517 ; 1st gen.



Code: Select all

[size=150][b][color=#800000]B/P/G Form[/color][/b][/size]
B/P/G: breeder? partner? gifter? or all three?
Hellhound{s} names', numbers', & genders':
Specifics: which hellhounds will be gifted, breeded, or partnered with? what generation are they?
New Pup Added:

Code: Select all

[size=150][b][color=#800000]New Family Member![/color][/b][/size]
Pup Name & Number:
Code: -if applicable-
Hellhound Gifts-

Code: Select all

[size=150][b][color=#800000]I want a hellhound![/color][/b][/size]
Hellhound Number, Name, & Gender:
Hellhound Owner:
Last edited by Insanity on January 6th, 2012, 3:37:46 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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HBGG: Codes

Post by Insanity »


If you wish, you may request a baby from a lineage! However, you must follow ALL rules to the lineage that you choose.
Hell Gaurd Shedragon
Warhound WolfBaralei
Prime Evil
Of Kalesta ^ Discord
CrystalFlame Insanity

Request List:
DarkPhantomWolf Hellsing Family



Code: Select all

[size=150][b][color=#800000]I want a Lineage Pup![/color][/b][/size]
Gender: -if applicable-
Will you follow all of the rules: 

Do you need help hatching or growing up your egg/pup? Just post your codes in the guild {within the code box, of course} and I'll add it here for someone to help you with!

Code: Select all

Last edited by Insanity on January 12th, 2012, 3:26:47 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild ~ don't post plox

Post by Insanity »

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Re: Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

Post by Eleadora »

B/P/G Form
Username: WolfBaralei
B/P/G: Breeder
Hellhound{s} names', numbers', & genders':
Castiel M 3800697 & Uriel F 3800695
Ginzuu Shorttail M 1818736 & Veilli Shorttail F 1835717
Midnight Tokyo M 1851446 & Furious Tokyo F 1851834
My QB Pair Castiel and Uriel
My 1st Gen pair Ginzuu and Veilli
My other pair Midnight Tokyo and Furious Tokyo
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Re: Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

Post by Insanity »

WolfBaralei wrote:B/P/G Form
Username: WolfBaralei
B/P/G: Breeder
Hellhound{s} names', numbers', & genders':
Castiel M 3800697 & Uriel F 3800695
Ginzuu Shorttail M 1818736 & Veilli Shorttail F 1835717
Midnight Tokyo M 1851446 & Furious Tokyo F 1851834
My QB Pair Castiel and Uriel
My 1st Gen pair Ginzuu and Veilli
My other pair Midnight Tokyo and Furious Tokyo
Yay, added! One more thing; are the last two pairs part of a lineage? Also, what generation are the Tokyo's?
Thank you!
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Re: Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

Post by Karzarill »

B/P/G Form
Username: Shedragon

B/P/G: breeder

Hellhound{s} names', numbers', & genders':
M 2574046/ F 1826914
M 3694276/ F 3619815
M 3694277/ F 3694278
M 3731350/ F 3694279
M Vicent 4236344/ F Infernia 4235494

Specifics: which hellhounds will be gifted, breeded, or partnered with?
I can breed all of them for the guild just be aware that these are also used to stock up my shop except Vincent and Infernia they are from my Hellhound family Hell guard and can be bred on request as long as the rules for my lineage are not broken in any way.

QB Pairs
M 2574046/ F 1826914
M 3694276/ F 3619815
M 3694277/ F 3694278
M 3731350/ F 3694279

1st gens
M Vicent 4236344/ F Infernia 4235494 (Family Progenitors)
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Re: Hellhound Breeding & Gifting Guild

Post by Eleadora »

Insanity wrote:
WolfBaralei wrote:B/P/G Form
Username: WolfBaralei
B/P/G: Breeder
Hellhound{s} names', numbers', & genders':
Castiel M 3800697 & Uriel F 3800695
Ginzuu Shorttail M 1818736 & Veilli Shorttail F 1835717
Midnight Tokyo M 1851446 & Furious Tokyo F 1851834
My QB Pair Castiel and Uriel
My 1st Gen pair Ginzuu and Veilli
My other pair Midnight Tokyo and Furious Tokyo
Yay, added! One more thing; are the last two pairs part of a lineage? Also, what generation are the Tokyo's?
Thank you!
The last two are NOT part of a lineage. I do however have a QB Lineage with Rage and Fangs if you would also like me to breed them. :3
Hmm lemme see here... The Tokyos are... The female is 1st gen, daughter of Rage and Fangs (before they were made into a lineage) and the mate is 1st gen with missing parents. :3
Oh, and Ginzuu is a QB but Veilli is a st gen, so the babies would be 1.5 gen. :3
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