Fyreheart's Entries

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Fyreheart's Entries

Post by Fyreheart »

I have several entries and may come up with more so keep checking this thread! As much as I'd love to make pics for them I don't have time right now. I hope I'm descriptive enough so that everyone still gets the idea. Feel free to critique and proofread as needed. Thanks.

Land Hydra

General: Deep in the jungles of Raza, you catch a whiff that reminds you of rotten eggs. You know a land hydra is near. These ocher-colored beasts resemble gigantic serpents with multiple heads and a pair of clawed forelimbs. Obtaining a land hydra's egg is difficult as they are devoted and protective parents. But once trained they make a powerful ally.

Egg: This ocher egg has the faint smell of sulfur.

Hatchling: The egg breaks open revealing a baby hydra with two little heads. The heads enjoy play-fighting with each other and play tug-of-war with the food you give it. Baby hydras rely on the care of their parents or owner for the first few months of life but soon it learns to stalk and hunt small prey for itself. Sometimes puffs of sulfuric smoke escape their mouths that makes your eyes tear up a bit.

Adult: Your tiny baby hydra has grown into a strong adult. Over time it has grown five more heads each with the capability of biting you in half. Hydras begin life with only two heads but as they mature they sprout up to seven. They can also exhale a cloud of sulfurous gas that makes the eyes water and, if exposed for too long, cause death by suffocation. Land hydras are solitary creatures that live deep in the jungle where they can live in peace away from pesky magi. But if they are raised from birth they quickly bond with their owner as their adoptive parent and friend. If they need to get someplace quickly they simply tuck their legs to their sides and slither along the ground like a snake through the grass.

Sea Hydra

General: Gazing at the crystal blue sea, you can sometimes see a huge animal with seven heads emerge from the depths. This is the sea hydra, the aquatic version of it's land-dwelling cousin. These creatures are excellent for traveling over the vast waters as they are agile swimmers and can protect their owner from any danger they may come across. Growing to be as large or even larger than the great leviathan a sea hydra is a force to be reckoned with.

Egg: A strange spiked fin pokes through the blue-green shell of this egg.

Hatchling: The egg breaks open revealing a baby hydra with two little heads and marbled green fins on its back. A spiky dolphin-like fluke adorns the end of its tail. The heads enjoy play-fighting with each other and play tug-of-war with the food you give it. It enjoys swimming in small tidal pools and ponds, hunting for tiny fish and crustaceans to munch on. At night it curls on the bank to sleep, letting the sea foam gently roll over its back like a watery blanket.

Adult: Your tiny baby hydra has grown into a strong adult. Over time it has grown five more heads each with the capability of biting you in half. Hydras begin life with only two heads but as they mature they sprout up to seven. Sea hydras lack the toxic gas of their kin but they make up for it with a pair of venomous fangs inside each mouth. Their muscular forelimbs are clawed and webbed allowing it to walk on land as well as swim. Their beautiful marbled skin and white bellies allow camouflage so it can sneak up on it's favorite prey, sharks, with ease. After a single swift bite from one of its heads it's all over. Any old salt knows better than to try to match wits with them. The result is not at all appealing.

Leeds Devil

General: When the carcasses of small animals litter the ground and shrill cries resonate through the darkest part of the forest, it means a Leeds devil lives nearby. A bizarre combination of horse, snake, dog and dragon, one must wonder if the creature is a natural being or the result of some horrid spell. But one must not take it lightly. They are foul-tempered and legends claim they snatch away children who stay out after dark. Whether the stories are true or not has yet to be confirmed but even those tamed by powerful magi are still greatly feared in most parts.

Egg: This egg has a forked tail protruding from its shell.

Hatchling: With a shriek the bizarre creature bursts from the egg. An unusual little beast, it bears a head similar to a horse and a pair of leathery wings. It has a little trouble getting its footing but soon learns to stand and walk upright. It decides to try out its wings but can't stay in midair for more than a second or two. You chuckle a little at its antics and reach down to pat its head but it gives you a nasty nip on the finger. Hissing at you, it twists long neck around to snap at a moth as it flits through the air. Training his wee beastie will be a challenge indeed. Baby Leeds devils are carnivores from the moment they are born. While they may suckle milk from their mother on occasion, they much prefer she bring back a nice rabbit or squirrel for them to tear apart. Vicious by nature, devil younglings will attack almost anything that looks remotely edible. A magi must be disciplined and strong-willed to train such an animal successfully.

Adult: Your baby devil has matured from a naughty youngling into a surprisingly well-behaved adult though it does tend to hiss or bite at strangers who come too close. Leeds devils are strange-looking animals with a horse-like head and hind legs, serpentine neck, dog-like body and forelegs and a forked dragon tail. While its appearance is somewhat comical at first the devil is not to be toyed with. It is ill-tempered and may attack without warning. Leeds devils can fly for short periods of time, usually over obstacles or when bearing down on prey but cannot stay aloft for more than a few minutes at a time. Those raised by humans are calmer and protective of their owners. They will even sometimes bring them "gifts" of dead animals they catch.


General: The scraggly desert brush rustles with activity. A small furry head equipped with long ears and adorned with a pair of branched horns scans the area before shuffling out of its hiding place. The jackalope is one of the many animals that call the Etain Desert home. Unlike their relatives, jackalopes are surprisingly friendly, curious creatures and are far more willing to approach humans in the wild. Offering a gift of food or a coin shows you are a kind soul and you may be rewarded with a more precious gift: water or perhaps even an egg. But jackalopes are excellent judges of character and can see through any veil that hides a wicked heart. Only those who's intentions are pure can gain a jackalope for a companion.

Egg: This egg has the same colors as the desert sands.

Hatchling: The egg shakes rapidly before shattering. A tiny baby rabbit with nubs on its head crawls out and looks up at you. It's small enough to fit in your palm. You gently pick it up to get a better look. Wiggling its nose it sniffs every inch of your hand before curling up in a furry ball and falling asleep. Jackalope younglings are frisky, hyperactive, and loving to their owners. When they're not playing with whatever they can find, they're snuggling up to their owners for a little affection. Indeed, keeping a baby jackalope entertained is quite time-consuming but the outcome is well worth it.

Adult: The jackalope bunny you have been raising has finally grown up into a fine adult. It is still quite energetic but does not cause as much trouble as it did when it was young. The nubs on its head have also grown into impressive horns. It follows you everywhere and enjoys riding in your travel bag so it can be near you as you perform quests and other errands. Jackalopes, much like other lagomorphs, are fast runners and can outrun most enemies. But if they become cornered they will use their sharp horns and teeth to defend themselves. Because they were built to survive the harsh weather they can go for many days without a drink, obtaining most of the moisture they need from the seeds and grasses they eat. If need be they will even dig deep wells in the sand until a water can be found. Jackalopes mate for life and build their families in pleasantly cool burrows that protect them from predators and the intense desert heat. The burrow is a labyrinth of twists and dead ends to confuse anything that manages to find the well-concealed entrance. In the deepest, best-hidden room the female guards a clutch of eggs with her life. Her mate is equally willing to die for the sake of his family. Any magi that shows kindness to jackalope parents is often given an egg or two to watch over. Such a gift is considered an honor for the jackalopes will see you as a worthy parent who will give great care on love to their young.


General: Deep beneath the earth, in sweltering caves hotter than the summer sun, lives a gigantic beast that few wish to encounter. A beast with fur black as a moonless night and three heads each armed with fiery breath and powerful jaws filled with teeth sharper than knives. It is a cerberus, a mighty dog said to guard one of the many entrances to the underworld. It is not proven that these huge canines guard anything other than their young and it is ill-advised to make any attempt to do so. After all, who in their right mind would want to uncover an earthly door to such a place and have to deal with the creature that protects it?

Egg: This egg is jet black and feels very warm to the touch.

Hatchling: You hear growling come from the egg as is cracks and falls to pieces. An adorable black puppy with three heads yawns and stretches as it emerges from the cramped confines of its egg. Seeing you, it toddles over and begins playfully tugging at the hem of your cloak. You kneel down and let it sniff your hand. Each head takes a turn. One even sneezes while another lovingly licks your fingers. Cerberus pups are playful little things and see anything and everything as a potential toy. They also have a bad habit of chewing on anything not out of their reach so one must be careful to ensure all valuable items are kept on a high shelf and furniture should be watched over lest they have teethmarks embedded in the wood or a cushion torn to shreds. Tug-o-war is a favored game so keeping a few old rags aside is a wise idea. The pup loves running outdoors and a game of fetch is always appreciated. If the stick is long enough the three heads can share the task in returning it to you. While having a warm box for them near your own bed do not be surprised if they still get lonely and cry during the night. When this occurs gently stroke its back until it falls back to sleep.

Adult: Your cerberus puppy has matured into a huge adult. It's now larger than a horse and and still loves to play fetch. Unfortunately, most of the items it brings to you are too large for you to even lift! But it settles for a friendly scratch behind each ear. Cerberi make loyal friends and excellent guard dogs. This is to be expected considering its reputation. They are also used as mounts and hunting companions. They have excellent senses of smell and hearing and can track creatures miles away. When they, their owners or young are threatened they will tear the culprit to shreds within seconds. Also, the massive heads can breathe fire as well as any dragon. Cerberi are hearty beasts and can tolerate both very hot and freezing conditions. With its fierce nature it is clear why a cerberus is so feared but, if raised by a loving owner, it can have a heart of gold.
Last edited by Fyreheart on September 16th, 2009, 5:22:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fyreheart's Entries

Post by Soundwave »

I like the idea of Hydra- seven heads are better than one!
Image *Here (Should) Be Monsters* Image Adorable icons by Umberon9 of DeviantArt!
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Re: Fyreheart's Entries

Post by Fyreheart »

Thanks! I was going to give it 9 heads but decided to have mercy on the poor pixel artists.
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