A Warriors Story

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Gender: Literally just six cats of varying gender identities sharing a suit of human skin

A Warriors Story

Post by Blackwidow »

Silverwind and her apprentice, Robinpaw, were on a hunting patrol. They had already caught at least 2 starlings and a squirrel. As they passed the sunning hollow, where some warriors were napping, they noticed something odd at the border. Robinpaw brought it to her mentor's attention.
"Look, over there. What might it be?" She asked.
Silverwind raised her head, her ears pricked. "We best go find out. But stay close to me." Silverwind ordered.
The two cats padded over to what they thought was only a clump of bracken, but as they neared it turned out to be a mewling kit.
"Oh no!" Robinpaw cried.
"Shh!" Silverwind hissed. She bent her head down to smell the kit, it was only just born. It didn't smell of any clans, but a rouge cat, maybe.
"Silverwind!" Robinpaw cried again.
"What is it now?!" Silverwind spat.
"Over there, by the bush!" Robinpaw dashed over to the bush, were a she-cat lay taking heavy breaths.
"Wait!" Silverwing demanded bounding after her apprentice. "Never do that again." Silverwing meowed, but her apprentice wasn't listening.
She was locked on the she-cat that seemed to be dieing. Silverwing noticed that she and the kit shared the same scent. She must be the mother.
"Please...take my kit..." The queen rasped.
Robinpaw looked up at her mentor with pleading eyes, then back to the queen.
"I...I am dieing. You must take it..." She coughed and coughed after she spoke, then stopped. It looked as though she could see death just a few fox-lengths away. Then the queen's eyes soon glazed and she was gone.
Silverwind looked back at the kit, it had stopped mewling. Quickly padding over, she picked up it's scruff, still scenting life, and headed rapidly back to camp.

Leader- Owlstar
A large dusky brown tom with dark blue eyes

Deputy- Silverwind
A small light silver she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice- Robinpaw

Medicine Cat- Autumnleaf
A auburn colored she-cat with bright yellow eyes
Apprentice- Rosepaw


Poppyclaw- A large white tom with brown patches {Father of Robinpaw}

Morningdew- A small light brown she cat {Mother of Robinpaw}

Blizzardpelt- A large white tom with dark green eyes {Father of Snowpaw}

Stardust- A large silverish white she-cat with dark blue eyes {Mother of Snowpaw}

Darksmoke- A large dark gray tom with dark green eyes
Apprentice- Hailpaw

Roseblood- A dark auburn she-cat with dark orange eyes. {Sisters with Autumnleaf}
Apprentice- Snowpaw

Skyfire- A small tom with a flame colored pelt and blue eyes.

Rainpuddle- A small black she-cat with dark blue eyes

Smokewhisker- A large smoky gray tom with long fur.

Hawkfur- A small tabby tom {Father of Rosepaw}

Foxpelt- A small she-cat with a flame colored pelt, white paws, white tiped tail, a white chest, and a white muzzle. {Mother of Rosepaw}

Swoopingtalon- A large black tom with dark blue eyes {Father of Rainpuddle}

Nightsoul- A dark gray she-cat with amber eyes {Mother of Rainpuddle}


Robinpaw- A light brown she-cat with blue eyes

Rosepaw- A light tawny she-cat with orange eyes

Hailpaw- A white tom with yellow eyes

Snowpaw- A white she-cat with dark blue eyes.

Dappeled color tom

Gray she-cat

Silver tom


A rich golden yellow she-cat with green eyes.
Blood kits: Willowkit, Thornkit
Foster kit: Spottedkit

Chapter 1
In nursery, Robinpaw watched as the kit her mentor had rescued suckled with his sisters. Goldenfur had named him Spottedkit, since his pelt rippled with different shades of brown, black, and tan. Robinpaw had come to see how the kits were doing, and especially see how Spottedkit had made progress. Dipping her head, she turned and left the nurdery, it's lichen clinging to her fur as she slipped into the clearing. The lovely green-leaf sun had heated the camp making it almost as nice as the sunning hallow. She knew Silverwind was there now, since she had informed her to come and get here there at sun high. It was almost time, but not quite. Robinpaw decided to go and have a snack. The fresh kill pile was low, so she decided on her way to get her mentor she would try to hunt a little. But before she could even leave camp, Silverwind had returned.
She must have woken early. Robinpaw thought. She padded over to greet her, but Silverwind passed her up, without even noticing her appearance. She must have had something on her mind, Robinpaw assumed. She began to follow her mentor, but Silverwind had slipped into the leader's den. Shrugging it off, she sat down and looked around the camp. The other apprentices where play fighting in front of the apprentices den, and her parents were sharing tongues on the other side of the warriors den. She sighed a little, she was actually bored. She scuffed her paw on the ground and let out a yawn.
Suddenly something caught her attention. Her friend, Snowpaw, was calling her name from the camp entrance. She turned around, and padded over to greet her. Snowpaw was with her mentor, Roseblood.
"Would you like to come hunting with us?" Roseblood asked Robinpaw, with a twich of her tail. Robinpaw never really liked Roseblood, she was too impatient for her liking.
Robinpaw turned around, looking to find Silverwind, but she didn't. She turned to face the other two.
They returned to camp, and Silverwind was pacing back and forth in front of the apprentices den.
"Uh oh." Robinpaw muttered between fresh kill.
Silverwind looked up and glared at the patrol. She stalked over, her shoulders hunched.
"Why didn't you inform me on where you were going? I thought you went off on your own again and got snatched up by something. What have I told you about leaving me uninformed?" Silverwind was utterly irritated, she always was.
"I'm sorry, Silverwind. But you were busy talking with Owlstar." Robinpaw replied, her head down.
Silverwind looked a bit taken aback. "Yes, well...you could have waited until I reappeared. As a punishment, go look after the elders. Get rid of their ticks and clean their bedding. Understand?" Silverwind meowed firmly.
"Yes." Robinpaw muttered. She hated taking care of the elders.
A few heartbeats of awkward silence passed, and Silverwind's ears flattened.
"What are you still doing here? Move!" Silverwind spat.
Robinpaw shot up, startled, and padded quickly over to the elders den.

Thanks for reading and looking, I would love honest and nice critiques and comments. <3 Chapter 2 should be up soon.

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