My Contest entries (still in progress)

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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My Contest entries (still in progress)

Post by cyberus151 »

Here are my entries, personally i Absolutely Adore Wolpertingers, they have fur,feathers,fangs,antlers, honestly? what are they missing?


A antler along with a wing protrudes from this Tawny egg

A small rabbit-like creature hatched from the egg, just like its egg, this wolpertinger is a tawny, it has a small set of antlers that are growing at a alarming rate, and a set of wings, sized perfectly for this small Leveret, like the antlers they are also growing quickly, even though it looks quite Rabbit like, the young Wolpertinger seems to run rather then hop, and when it does hop, it does remarkably high and far due to its strong hind legs, it likes to launch itself off high points in the keep, and you fear for its safety when it does, but it always lands safe, and soft as if it had landed on grass, and the last times you have seen it, it had grown impressive canines, rivaling even those of some direwolf pups

Wolpertingers are very strange creatures, with the Antlers of a stag, and the wings of a Hawk, all put together on the body of a Jack Rabbit, though they may not be bigger then a Jack Rabbit, it still can take down things five times its size using its agility,strength,jumping ability and antlers

Note: a Leveret is a hare under a year old

Sorry this is still in progress, i will finish it by this time tomorrow, but i would like Critique on the past done so far
Hey, I'm an ancient user. Ignore my profile and such, too tired to update, haha.

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