Poison Wolf/Nightshade Wolf

Users were given the opportunity to design a creature and have it released.
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Poison Wolf/Nightshade Wolf

Post by Anti »

egg - Image
hatchling - Image
adult - ImageImage
to be resprited by site artists if chosen

general - This wolf has a soft purple and black flower that appears to be connected through its back. The health of the flower is often used to judge the health of the wolf. Once a year, the wolves release pollen into the air in a fantastic display of power in order to attract mates.
egg - This egg has a soft petal on it's surface and a silken tail sticking out of its shell.
hatchling - A small pup has emerged from the egg with what looks like a tiny flower on its back.
adult - This wolf, although smaller than a direwolf, is just as agile and although it appears delicate, the wolf itself is beautiful beyond compare. The flower on it's back is now fully grown. At times, you feel as though the wolf is communicating to you psychically, although never with actual words.

Critique on descriptions is what I'm really hoping for. I need to work on my wording @.@;
However, suggestions for my sprites are good as well x3

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