Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Wildfire Theropith
Birthday: Monday, February 15, 2016
Owner: caniskoppie

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Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

This bright red egg has a fiery tail.

Wildfire theropiths are integral to the health of the high grasslands where they live; the controlled fires they set help promote new growth and keep their territories from becoming overgrazed. Smart and mischievous, theropiths are best kept by rural magi, who can provide them with the large territories their clans need. They eat mostly grass blades and seeds, but will willingly eat fruit and insects if these are offered - theropiths have no interest in putting much effort into obtaining their food. Social creatures, theropiths do best when allowed to form their own family groups, but they can also do well within a magi family. They are very careful with their fiery tails and ability to create wildfires, but any magi who chooses to befriend them should keep these abilities in mind, especially around flammable materials.

Sprite art: Tekla (egg) | Description: Sochitelya