Male Hatchling
Name: unnamed
Species: Squall Setova
Birthday: Monday, May 25, 2015
Owner: RhyfelwrDraig

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Stage Progress: 11.33%
Overall Progress: 55.66%

Element: Fire An icon depicting the element Fire

Squall setova hatchlings emerge from eggs buried beneath beach sand during moonlit nights. From the second they hatch they are on their own, although this does not seem to bother them, as they quickly learn to scavenge and catch easy prey such as crabs. They fledge quickly, although it takes several weeks for them to build the strength to fly. In the meantime, they swim, using their wings and large, webbed hind feet to power them through the water.

Native to the Candle Archipelagos, the setova are large, oceangoing dragons. Their long, thin wings and light bodies enable them to soar for days on end, catching food on the wing. If they are too far from land, setova will land in the water to rest, although this puts them in danger from being attacked or killed by larger sea creatures. Ridged setova are better camouflaged to avoid such risk, with sparkling blue-and-tan hides. Ridged setova are also the more friendly of the two species, readily approaching passing ships and another curiosities. Their cousins are the larger squall setova. Squall setova can be aggressive, and ships are encouraged to avoid them. However, squalls can be useful in alerting ships of coming storms; they are large enough to be seen from some distance away, and the ship can be directed to turn back before the storm reaches them.

Sprite art: Tekla (hatchling) | Description: Tekla