The World - Everlight Crevasse

  • Legends
  • There are no legends of Everlight Crevasse.
Every fragment of light from above, and a mysterious radiance from below gets reflected, refracted, and magnified by the peculiar qualities of the altered ice that forms the sides of this massive crevasse. It splits the Arkene in two, and becomes a major navigation hazard for those who wish to traverse the region, as well as an unmistakable landmark. The mystery of its peculiar properties have yet to be solved, although there is no doubt that magic of some kind is involved. How else do its depths go unfilled by the snow that blankets the Arkene, or blocked by the chunks of ice calved off Alasre Glacier?
      Determining the exact extent of the crevasse is difficult, for light and vision do not seem to work normally here. It is vast enough to have spawned its own microcosm, with unique weather patterns and species found no where else. Some say the peculiar lights reflected up from its depths is due to the influence of wild magic, that the species which evolved to survive in this specialized niche secrete a substance that coats the ice of their homes and creates the reflective qualities. Others insist it is the result of a high concentration of nature spirits, old enough to have formed an alien intelligence. One nomadic tribe makes a pilgrimage to the Crevasse each year and maintains a shrine to the genius loci. But the exact source of the magic that changes the ice in this region has never been tracked down.