The World - Tetzcotal

  • Legends
  • There are no legends of Tetzcotal.
Tetzcotal is characterized by great variation on elevation. Ridges may rise so high that small clouds form between them covering the in-between valleys and ravines in a thick mist. A solid canopy of trees spreads out as far as the eye can see with the occasional emergent piercing the layer of leaves. Bushes, ferns and vines of every shade of green thrive where sunlight seeps through the treetops and epiphytes and orchids of most wondrous colors pattern the vegetation. The air is moist and thick and for an unaccustomed traveler just getting used to breathing that air takes some time.
      The rainforest almost seems to be alive by the way it's never quiet. The buzzing of insects is constant and birds holler and screech at each other and at any intruder brave or dumb enough to venture deeper and deeper. Twigs snapping can either be the sound of an older plant giving way to more virulent growth or the sound of an unknown beast treading in the shadows waiting for its time to feast on an unsuspecting adventurer.
      Everything grows fast and large here. Otherwise familiar creatures may be twice as big and herbs grow as tall as saplings. One must be careful not to drop any seeds on the ground or feed their companions too many of the jungle's offerings lest the vibrant wilderness of the jungle affect them as well.
      It is said that ancient gigantic creatures dwell in the very heart of the jungle though no-one has ever seen these creatures. An old tale tells how the creatures have slumbered into a deep sleep and how the jungle embraced them covering them with trailing plants, vines, leaves and soil. Some of these creatures allegedly grew so large that the elevated ground and highlands are said to be their back bones.
      It's also rumored that and ancient civilization used to live on these parts back when the jungle was still young and tame. An observant explorer might make out parts of carved stone pillars under the vines or pick up stones that don't quite look like naturally sharpened or even be lucky enough to run into man-made walls long since crumbled and overtaken by the jungle.