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The Man of the Lycanothrope (RomanoTheWolf's entry)

Posted: January 21st, 2015, 6:36:34 pm
by RomanoTheWolf
This is my story, that I wrote. I wouldn't mind some helpful criticism if it's bad...

Long ago as they say, there was a boy. He might've seemed just like a scoundrel in those days, though when he grew up, he became known as a legend. His name was Svenger, a name that he had given himself, because he was nothing more than an orphan and a thief. Though one day as he was running from a couple of guards who were chasing him for a precious item he had stolen. Though after a while , the guards had stopped chasing him but by then he stood near the edge of of the Silva Forest. This place , seemingly was calling to him and yet hadn't seen the forest before. Svenger then did something that would possibly would change the courses of history , forever , he had entered the forest.

After a couple of days of living through the forest he felt as if he had been watched, the boy had heard of legends of dire-wolves before saying that they lived in mystical forest otherwise known as the "Silva Forest", which was the forest he was in. He hoped it wasn't one of those though, which it was not. Though , soon after a creature came out of the darkness of the forest, it looked like a hybrid between a man and wolf. Long fur and claw like hands. The creature stared at the boy, all Svenger wanted to do at the moment was scream his lungs out as the creature stared at him with it's yellow eyes, though he didn't. Then suddenly, he held out his hand towards it. "P-Please don't hurt me." He whined , though the creature out it's claw-like hand-paw on his and growl-barked something that sounded like the word "Ally.". Soon after though the creature ran off. Svenger was dumbfounded on what the creature had did! Did it want to be allies with him? He had never seen such a creature before, nothing was written about them in the books! The boy then gave out a sigh and wandered again, now wanting to get out of this forest immediately.

When he did manage to get out of the forest it had been a year, and things were different about him. He acted more...animal like and always went back the Silva Forest for a couple of days. The reason though was to talk to his ally, his ally who had secretly led him out of the forest, even without himself knowing. His ally that he had called , Lycanothrope. Though his ally had told him almost nothing about it's kind, Svenger had told him some things about humans, these things interested the Lycanothrope, though it never left it's edge of the forest.

One day, Svenger heard about this place called "The Keep." and wondered if they knew what his ally was. When he went there though, he was dumbstruck end to found out that the Magi there knew nothing about the creature! He had discovered a new creature! A new companion and went into the Silva Forest as quickly as he could. Though he couldn't find his ally again when he arrived there and spent the rest of his life searching for him again.

Svenger was known as the first person the see and actually have a Lycanothrope as an ally/some sort of companion. Later on the keep started calling them Lycanothropes and wrote down everything Svenger had told about them, which wasn't much.