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What makes you happy

Posted: May 17th, 2014, 11:58:02 am
by cynderdragonfan
hello, just a little moment to tell what you like to do to be happy !or what makes you happy ! just write it down and maybe one day someone might use your info!

( and make sure to have fun!) :D

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 17th, 2014, 2:25:53 pm
by Atlas
Sometimes I like to sit and watch people go on about their lives. For example - waiting in the car for someone, and just watching people and cars go by. I like to wonder where they've been and where they're going next. I also appreciate the ambiance of life - whether sitting amidst an area near shops where there are many people and vehicles passing by - or sitting in a field and listening to animals and other sounds in the distance. When collective sounds merge into one and are consistent - it's like another form of silence, if that makes sense. It's pleasing to me.

I like to casually listen to people speak as well - Especially if their accent is thick, or they speak in a language I can't understand. I find it interesting.

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 17th, 2014, 3:53:30 pm
by AidenFaoladh
Rainy days, watching Japanese Anime, snuggling with my new kitten, and drinking hot coffee. :t-swoon:

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 9:29:36 pm
by pugspie101
Staring at my magistream elk snowflake, playing with my real live pet axolotl, and so many more. I also enjoy watching others

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 11:29:35 pm
by Thylacina
Cooking (I LOVE to cook!), knitting, crochet, curling up on the couch with a hot cuppa and a magazine/book, snuggling up in my blankets on cold, rainy days, crossword puzzles, horses, dogs/puppies, my nieces and nephews, and my favourite music ^.^

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 18th, 2014, 11:52:02 pm
by SheWolfWarrior
My pets, especially Nimrod, my pet buggies and all arthropods. Godzilla. God and Jesus. Music, writing, reading, playing games, watching let's plays on YouTube (especially Markiplier), spring and autumn, birdwatching, taking pictures of nature, fishing, baking and many other things. Happiness comes easy to me. :)

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 11:04:58 am
by eternalfire345
I like to think about moments from when i was little that a partly forgot, and think about what REALLY happened. I usually come up with about 10 scenarios. Also, when i read my books, I like to read a few chapters, then figure out the rest of the book. Just being outside in the sun with my sketch pad and pencil feels good. I like to study the nature, and when I see an animal, I like to put myself in their shoes. Singing songs that relate to my current situation makes me feel strong for some reason, so I enjoy doing that, too.

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 19th, 2014, 8:55:55 pm
by SmokeyTheMudkip
Things that make me happy...Gardening, my worm farm, my puppy, my friends, Chemistry class, animal crossing, pokemon, and stiff like that :3 my online friends make me really happy! :D

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 20th, 2014, 6:02:48 am
by Duragi
I like people. *shrugs*
Friends, mainly. I like seeing them smile, and I like seeing them laugh. Nothing makes me smile more than a laugh. Nothing makes me feel more comfortable than when I'm in good company. The kind that keeps you talking, keeps you thinking. Occasionally challenging you to random superfluous tasks, simply for the thrill of it.
When a stranger approaches me for no other reason than to get to know me. That's great, that is. It's great to be reminded that there's new people to meet and befriend. It was only recently I figured this out, honestly :)
Animals are great too. Dogs, mainly. Beautiful creatures, if you ever take the time to notice. An excellent story, I like those. Be it through visual media, written words or spoken thoughts. One that enthralls you in such a way that you can't pull yourself away.

Lots of other things. Too much to type.

Thanks for asking, though. :D

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: September 27th, 2014, 10:06:55 am
by SpectrumWings
I'm at my happiest with books, drawing tools & paper, friends, chocolate, animals, parents and plushies. Cx I try my best to combine all of them. :roll: