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GoldenVampire's Fake Cookie

Posted: December 27th, 2013, 1:58:33 pm
by SynthDetective
So, eh, I sort of.. forgot I have Photoshop, and decided to paint a cookie using the online program called artpad. Or, well, it was going to be a cookie, but then I thought of the Gingerbread Savis Mice, and decided to include a little hatchling who might have had a few too many cookies to eat, and fallen into a sugar coma right next to the one cookie it couldn't finish.

Here's the link to the piece of art I made. It automatically goes into a mode that shows a speetpainting of the actual painting progress, but if you'd rather skip that and jump to the finished product, you can just click to skip to the end.

If this link ever breaks I did printscreen the painting and I've added the photobucket pic, which in itself is too large, but if you click it you'll see the full version

I don't own ArtPad, by the way. It's an online canvas that you can use to paint.
Neither do I own the Savis Mouse, of course.

Re: GoldenVampire's Fake Cookie

Posted: December 28th, 2013, 8:49:51 am
by Arionn
dawwwwh that's just cute ;A;

Re: GoldenVampire's Fake Cookie

Posted: January 8th, 2014, 5:26:17 am
by Tinni
That is cute.