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Roseshine12's Real Cookies

Posted: December 25th, 2013, 2:13:15 pm
by Roseshine12
My mom loves to bake for the Christmas Holiday and honestly, it's the only time she's willing to make her so yummy and gooey and soft chocolate chip cookies! I had to get pics before everyone nommed them up! O_O And my mom loves her snickerdoodles so that, too. >.> The snickerdoodles were made by my sister. :o

Mom's Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies (in a tin!):
Sister's Homemade Snickerdoodles:
Snickerdoodles and Chocolate Chip Cookies together on same plate :O!:
Yes, that's my arm in the last photo there and my mom's hand in the first. x3 I assume by the time I'm posting this, everyone has started eating them up... rofl.