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The Dire Danger

Posted: October 19th, 2013, 12:00:19 pm
by Floodtail
It's short, and I hope it gives you the chills.
The Direwolf’s Danger\

Deep in the forest of Silva, there was a small village, inhabited by a few brave souls. They were not daunted by the screams of the Direwolves, nor the thick shadow that lay like tar upon all.
One of these people was little Carolyn Kaya, a curious young girl who was always in everything, everything, everything. The people of the village were quite fond of her, and she was showered with attention, protection, and the occasional gift. One day the village prophet gave her a hatching Direwolf egg, with the words, ‘It will be your greatest asset and greatest loss.’

Young Carolyn, however, only had eyes for the egg, now hatching in her hands, and she rushed off, paying no heed to the prophet’s warning. The prophet muttered sadly, “Naïve child.” And went back to his toil.
Carolyn was very good to the egg; of that there was no doubt, the villagers all agreed. The cub grew quickly, the coat changed from a light plain gray to a tawny brown with a black back.

However, though Carolyn nurtured the wolf and cared for it, it remained impervious to her friendly advances, and growled when anyone was near.

When the cub was grown fully, Carolyn found it padding away from the village. It looked over at her every so often, almost beckoning her to follow. She did so, walking after it into the wild forest.

The direwolf led her to a dark part of the Silva Forest, and then melted into the shadows. Carolyn called for it, but no sooner at the words escaped her, than a Direwolf pack was attacking her.

They killed little Carolyn Kaya and left her there. As she died, she remembered the prophets warning: ‘It will be your greatest loss.’

On cold nights in the Silva Forest, one might find the spirit of Carolyn Kaya haunting where she was betrayed and killed...