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A Creature for all of the World! Thane's Chameleon and more!

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 1:45:51 am
by Jenn
Oh, guess I should put this here - I am trying to make sure each of my creatures fits into an area of The World, and thus giving them the possibility of new lores and even quests to attain them, as that was more of a challenge to me than just writing descriptions. The main point is to make sure they will blend into the "World" aspect of Magistream and mingle coherently with what we already have to make a cohesive whole.
Right, 6 more areas to go! *meanders off to play with photoshop and wordpad some more*

I've decided I'm a better writer than spriter digital artist (Thanks Shadow for the correction <3<3), so I will most likely just make eggs for the rest of my entries and leave the spriting to those who know what they are doing!

Because of the confusion I encountered when reading world Lore and reading pet descriptions, I'm unsure if Lake Lakira is actually its own area or merely an extension of the Keep and Stream, so I am not doing a creature for that area. (Although I have one partially written if its needed XD)

I did my very best to incorporate creatures into what we already have so far as keep, lore, quests and storylines go, to make them easily workable for the staff.

Thanks for reading and good luck to everyone who has entered!

Entry #1 : Jungle of Raza Creature
Thane's Chameleon:
Introduction :

Sent on a mysterious mission to the depths of the Jungle of Raza by Master Thane, you find yourself wandering in the sweltering, unrelenting humidity of deep jungle. Your goal; to find the heart of the jungle. You have no idea what it is exactly you seek, Thane's missive to you, like all the great Master Magi's communications to his students was cryptic at best. You have searched through this miserable dense jungle for weeks, unknowing if you are any closer to achieving your goal, or if you are perhaps wandering farther from it. With a heartfelt sigh, you lower yourself to a log covered in the oddly glowing lichen that seems to cover everything on the jungle floor in this place. As you sit in meditation, you strive to become one with the jungle around you, the only way to truly survive here. Every creature watches you with suspicion and you are sure you've glimpsed some of the elusive green-skinned people whom dwell here according to legend. You have put aside all worldly goods in your quest, and reduced yourself to the very basics in clothing. You carry no armour or weapons save your own wits and reflexes. You have found this to be a lonely journey, all of your creatures having been left at the keep - this is a test of your merits, not those of your companions. Dusk is fast approaching and you realize you should hurry out of the jungle, as only the most foolhardy risk being caught in Raza after dark, however you cannot bring yourself to leave just yet. Perhaps by putting your fears aside you will learn something hereto unknown.

A branch brushes lightly against your cheek, stirred it seems by an evening breeze. You struggle not to tense, for you know that you are far too deep in the dense tropical jungle for anything short of gale force winds to reach you. Slowly, cautiously, you open your eyes to stare at the leaf just before you. As your eyes slowly bring it into focus, adjusting to the rapidly falling night around you, you realize you are staring... not at a leaf, but instead at a 14 inch long lizard. His head is vaguely helm shaped, and his feet are split with 2 toes going out to each side. His movement is what triggered the branch to sway and brush against you. As you stare deep into the darkest emerald eyes you have ever seen, you hear Master Thane's voice quietly in your mind. "Well done, apprentice. Bring my faithful chameleon home to the keep with you. Only by setting aside fears, both our own and those instilled in us by others, can we truly learn anything new." Slowly, gently, you extend your hand out to the stately chameleon who climbs nimbly up your arm to nestle lightly against the collar of your robes. This has truly been a learning experience.

ImageEgg :
This egg shimmers in the light, seeming to change color and blend into its surroundings. Held to the light you can barely discern a helmed head and curled tail within the fragile shell.

ImageHatchling :
Your chameleon has hatched out. Tiny irridescent scales cover his entire body. You notice that he has quickly begun to master his camouflaging skills and can often be found sneaking from the quarters of other magi within the keep, a shiny token of his prowess at the stealth game clutched in his strong but tiny jaws. You have noticed that any such token often seems to shimmer and fade into the surroundings much as the chameleon himself does, although unfortunately it doesn't extend to making YOU invisible when your fellow magi come looking for whatever your chameleon has carted off most recently.

ImageAdult :
Your chameleon has matured into his maximum size of about 14 inches. He still often manages to vanish with property of the other magi, only to later leaving it lying about your rooms. While most of the magi do know where to look to get their things back, he tends to take them at the most inopportune time. With full maturity has come a new ability ~ should he be so inclined, and often is for his young master, your chameleon is more than happy to share his ability to blend with his surroundings. A chameleon hiding in the hood of a cloak has kept many a magi out of trouble, or gotten them out of a potentially dangerous situation. He can hold the camouflage for hours on end, making him invaluable for those Magi who take a chameleon companion on their travels and while they search for the most rare and valuable of eggs.

General :
Thane's Chameleons are a very rare find for any magi. Only the most patient and caring of observers can find one. Their camouflaging magic which they share with their magi Masters is very similiar to that of the Telvian Panther. Their small size, and ability to hide not only other creatures, but also objects makes them invaluable for the magi who frequents the more dangerous areas of The World. You will also discover that the ability to speak mind to mind is an attribute that belongs solely to the chameleons. Magi often use their chameleons to communicate with other Magi at great distances by staring deep into their emerald eyes.

*Artwork added, not so sure I'm thrilled with this look. I will write a detailed physical description later today.
Physical descriptions :
Egg - The egg is swirling green and yellow, with a center curl that almost looks like the chameleon's tail can be seen through the egg.
Hatchling - The hatchling is small and his helm/veil portion is not yet fully upright. He should appear shy and seem to be curled up while reaching out to grasp a limb. He is green, with light yellow stripes and highlights along his crest and body.
Adult - Larger version of the hatchling, his body is larger, and flattened out.. (err, how to describe this? Chameleons often flatten their bodies which makes them appear disk-like as they curl up). Pose doesn't matter, curled up or walking along a thin tree limb either would be fine. Bright yellow markings along the crest, veil and body, with light stripes along the tail.
Entry #2: Voltar Creature
Voltar Firecat
Entry #2 : Firecat from Voltar

ImageEgg :
This Egg is hot to the touch, with small flames and sparks leaping about its surface. A delicate tail curls around one side of the egg, flicking back and forth from time to time as the egg rocks. Lava red, it is mottled with dark rosettes like a leopard's spots.

ImageHatchling :
Your egg has hatched out, revealing what at first appears to be a ball of lava until you hear a soft "mew" as a paw extends and claws slowly reveal themselves, followed by a sleek tail stretching out behind what you now see is a silky soft kitten. As you reach out to pet your new companion, you hesitate, for as the kitten stretches to his full length you notice wings extending above his withers, and sparks flying off of them as he shakes his wings out for a good relaxing stretch. He calmly lays back down, stretched to nearly full length and begins cleaning his paws after giving you a cursory once over in the way of cats. As he grows you find that much like a house cat, he is very playful and anything he can reach is fair game to become a cat toy. You work carefully with him, training him so that he knows when it is alright to play cat and mouse fully, and when he should play without tooth or claw. You have learned quickly to invest in flame resistant drapery and bedclothes. You're also rapidly learning the benefit of sleeping with the window open and a cool breeze in the room during summer... the heat never seems to bother your little cub and he has claimed the bottom half of your bed as his resting place when he is not at play. You take great pains to keep him calm and relaxed at all times, much to your chagrin you have discovered that an upset firecat kitten is likely to result in an uproar that travels Keep-wide, as sparks fly from his wings in his distress. Usually such an incident occurs after he has fallen asleep camouflaged to match the stones of the Keep and an unwitting apprentice steps on his tail in the midst of their cleaning duties in your rooms.

ImageAdult :
Your playful kitten has matured into a massive adult, paws that used to playfully grasp your leg are now larger than your spread hand. No longer can he play in your room or lay on your bed.. that had to stop months ago when the bed could no longer support his rapidly growing weight. He now has his own resting spot claimed at the top of one of the Keep turrets. His resting spot is frigid with wind for anyone other than a firecat or a phoenix, yet he lies there blissfully content even in the coldest of weather. Predatory instincts are have been honed during his play with gryphons, hippogryphs and the panthers who reside here at the keep. Regular visits to Voltar keep him content. While sublimely gentle with his Magi, he is wary of strangers, and quick to leap to your defense.

General :
Voltar Firecats are huge graceful creatures. Easily the size of a chimera or manticore, they are fierce predators, yet gentle guardians of their Magi. Their fur is the shifting shades of flowing lava, subtly dappled with dark rosette spots much like a leopard. The offspring of magical matings of the mystical phoenix with Telvian Panthers brought to Voltar by their Magi, these cats are most at home in their native land of volcano and flames, but can survive equally well in the sweltering humidity of the Jungle of Raza. Further attributes come from both parents; a mastery of fire, lava and heat, as well as a pair of flaming wings from their phoenix parents as well as the unsettling ability to vanish at will, effectively camouflaging even their wings with their background. Their great size and strength, coupled with extreme intelligence makes them among the most desired companions a magi may choose during a long and arduous journey. Fully grown Voltar Firecats can easily carry their master as far as he or she could wish, both on the ground or in the air. Mostly nocturnal, a heritage from their panther side, they are often to seen laying about on the walls of the keep during the day sunning, or playing with the phoenixes and fire gryphons around the lava pools created here by the resident magi for the comfort of our more flammable companions.

*Still trying to work out an adult image I'm happy with, this is just a basic idea*
Physical descriptions -
Egg - The egg is bright red, with flames forming across the top, much like the phoenix eggs (this is a phoenix hybrid after all XD), dark leopard like rosettes cover the surface of the egg and a tail curls out of it (the example I have given is pretty much how I envisioned it - really happy with that one)
Hatchling - A kitten, but rather large for a "kitten" considering the size of the parents, fiery red with dark rosettes like a leopard, small wings with sparks showering from the wings if possible.
Adult - Large cat, colored like the egg and hatchling, with wings spread and fire falling from the tips.
Entry #3: Arkenian Creature
Arkenian War Bear
Entry #3: Arkenian War Bear
This Egg is white, edged in the blue white of an ice phoenix's flame. It is freezing to the touch and a claw can be seen emerging from the sturdy shell.

Your egg has cracked, the large claw ripping through the shell like paper now that the hatchling has decided it is time to join the world. Bits of shell fall away as the hatchling shoves his way fully out, and then sits up. You stare in amazement as your hatchling becomes almost instantly larger, doubling in size within moments of hatching. Small tufted ears sit atop a massive head, icy eyes regarding you curiously as your hatchling staggers to his feet. What feet he has! Huge paws, easily as big as your hand, and thick, yet somehow gangly legs lead up to a rotund body. A small tail can just be seen gracing his rump as he weaves to his feet then quickly gains his balance. Frost forms in his footsteps as he wanders around your quarters, reaming the furniture he brushes up against. You notice his luminescent white fur seems to glow with an inner blue fire. Reaching out to pet him, you immediately pull your hand back and wrap it in your cloak to warm your fingers. Intelligent ice blue eyes seem to be laughing up at you as your new creature bares a mouthful of sharp clearly carnivorous teeth. His muzzle is black, shaped oddly like a chupacabras, as is the rest of his build now that you take a moment to truly assess him. As a passing student rushes by your open door, he raises spikes you haven't seen until now, and bares his teeth while emitting a low growl. You realize that you are dealing with a ferocious predator, and training this youngling is going to be a challenge to you both.

Adult :
Your Arkenian War Bear has matured into an enormous creature, rivaling your firecat, hippogryphs and gryphons in size and strength. Careful training and long hours have turned this natural predator into a loyal companion. He is willing to carry you wherever you wish, and happiest digging a lair out of snow drifts north of the keep. Touching him with your bare hands is not recommended, as it is very easy to contract frost bite from the cold that he carries with him. A special saddle has been made to order, imbued with magic to protect it both from his frost and help to insulate you from the cold. A fierce and proud warrior in his own right, he will tolerate no physical means of control, he can only be handled with a basis of mutual respect. Highly intelligent, he sometimes seems to read your mind before you say a word to him.

General :
The unlikely offspring of chupacabras and ice phoenixes, Arkenian War Bears can handle the most fearsome weather conditions without qualm. Vampiric like their chupacabra ancestors, they also hold amazing sway over the weather and cold like their ice phoenix ancestors. Intelligent, large and with immeasurable strength, these bears are highly sought after, but only the most vigilant and determined of magi manage to raise one from the egg. You must travel deep to the north to obtain an egg, and the training of a hatchling as they grow rapidly to adulthood does not always have a happy ending. Often a cub will abandon his magi if they are not as attentive or deserving of respect as the bear would prefer. On the rare occasion that a magi raises one to adulthood, they must provide the unique care that one requires, often requiring that the magi have another home in Arkene so the bear has somewhere to live comfortably throughout his life, and raise cubs, otherwise the bear may leave at any time when the urge to breed becomes too strong.

Physical description -
Egg - Basically like my example, a blue/white egg with a large sharp blue claw coming out of the top.
Hatchling - Shaped like a polar bear but with some of the attributes of the chupacabra such as fangs and mane, it is icy white, with blue tips on the fur. Each paw sports four large blue claws. Very large for a hatchling as it doubles in size right after hatching. The mane and fangs should both be small, to grow in later.
Adult - Larger version of the hatchling, the mane should fill incompletely now and the fangs be longer. The mane takes on a pale blue tint in the male, and remains white in the female. All of the fur should seem to be tipped in the palest ice blue.

Re: Jenn's Entries ~ More to come!

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 1:46:21 am
by Jenn
Entry #4: Silva Forest Creature
This egg is mottled brown and grey. A thick ringed tail curls around the base of the egg.

As you watch, the thick tail disappears back into the egg. A tiny nose sniffs inquisitively at the hole, twitching as whiskers momentarily emerge before vanishing back inside the egg. Tiny paws reach through and begin breaking away parts of the shell. As the shell falls away you gently brush aside particles to get a clear view of your new pet. Perked ears top a small round head. Markings in the form of a white mask frame the eyes. The body is an unusual mix of brown and grey that seems perfectly matched to tree bark until you come to the tail. The tail is large and fluffy, as long as the rest of the creatures entire body it is a continuing pattern of black and white rings. It seems somehow fitting despite its disproportionate size and the abrupt change in colors. As you reach out to pet the kitling, he abruptly rolls over, revealing a white underbelly as he reaches up to grasp your fingers with inquisitive paws and begins to nibble your thumb with sharp baby teeth, a clear demand for food. Laughing you reach to pick the little critter up, only to stop when he suddenly launches himself across the room in an astounding leap to land on your bed, ferociously attacking your fur lined gloves with low growls. Clearly a predator you surmise despite his small size, you scoop him up to head for the kitchens and an appropriate meal, rescuing your gloves from sharp retractable claws and strong teeth. You scarcely notice the dark as you walk the halls of the keep, not realizing you have left your lantern in your room and hold not even a candle to light your way.

Adult :
Your playful hatchling has matured into an equally playful adult. He often sleeps the day away in your quarters, prowling throughout the keep in the darkest hours of the night. He can be found in the early morning hours terrorizing the resident winged cats as they drowse on the window ledges and walls along the Keep gardens. Long hours of strict instruction have taught your ringtail what is food, and what creatures are also Keep residents, therefore off-limits to his voracious appetite. While carrying your companion on your shoulder you often find lights to be unnecessary even in the deepest of the Keep cellars. Many times your candle has guttered out while you pored over ancient scrolls and illuminated texts, but your vision never falters in his presence. Often during long sleepless nights your pet will content himself to ride on your shoulder as you pace the walls of the keep, pondering new spells, his tail curled gently around your neck.

General :
Ringtails are small creatures only about 2 pounds in weight. They are innately curious and mischevious, with large appetites in relation to their small size. A natural predator, their Magi never need worry about vermin in their quarters. Being mainly nocturnal they have developed extremely good night vision, and a Magi spending much time in the company of one will often find that they share their vision attributes regularly. This makes them invaluable to the Magis who spend the most time in the great Keep library, where conventional lighting would risk the priceless scrolls and tomes they study regularly. The Keep cooks also revere them and show great respect to a Ringtail who deigns to visit the kitchens and cellars, keeping vermin at bay.

Physical description :
Egg - Much like the egg in my example, should be a mix of brown and grey like a ringtail's fur, with a large fluffy tail wrapped around the base. (I mean really large, I can find a picture of an actual ringtail for reference if needed)
Hatchling - a playful kitling, about the size of a house cat kitten, still brown and grey with white underbelly and ringed tail.
Adult - Grown version of a ringtail - catlike face and paws, large fluffy tail, fur that blends well with tree bark.
Entry #5: Alasre Mountains The hidden glacial lake ~
ImageEgg :
This egg is midnight blue, shading to black, and lightening to the color of dusk in some places. Oddly enough the colors seem to shift as you stare at it in wonder. A long, muscular finned tail has emerged from the egg in shimmering shades of blue.

Hatchling :
Your mysterious egg the color of the deepest lakes has hatched. Although some tales have been told of the Hydra's existence they were always dismissed as wild stories. Your new pet has emerged, a unique creature with no less than 5 heads on long draconic necks, leading down to a sturdily muscular body, with a thick broad chest, and two immensely strong fore legs. These legs end in sharp claws, formed much like the rare dragons you have seen in the past, that nest high in these mountains. The thick upper body tapers slowly down to an elongated tail that is reamed with muscle. The entire creature is covered in tiny irridescent scales that reflect the light of everything around them, making it seem as though his body is constantly changing shades of blue. Realizing immediately that the creature would need to go right back into the water you have rushed him over to the nearby Lake Lakira and released him into its cool deep waters. Your hatchling immediately disappeared from view into the depths only to reappear moments later on the far side of the lake, happily playing with the kraken and leviathan hatchlings as a mother storm leviathan looks on.

Adult :
Your hatchling has grown into a pet to rival the leviathans and krakens in size, with an appetite to match. You have noticed a distinct control of the weather around him in your new pet, with it often reflecting his mood and temperment. Each of his five heads is distinctly different now. One head has eyes the color of emeralds that brighten when you take your pet into the forest on short excursions during his time out of the water, one has white eyes that seem to stare through you and grow brighter when the wind is at its highest, another has crystalline blue eyes that seem to shimmer and draw your attention during a rain storm, the fourth has eyes the color of flame, shifting reds, yellows and oranges, and seems to be most prominent during the heat of summer and when the sun is at its zenith. The final head has eyes that shift in color and shade through all the other colors, but most often appear to be a clear violet, this one being most prominent when he is happy and content.

General :
Hydras are fabled creatures long thought to be myth. They only breed in glacial lakes far from man, and are understandably challenging to acquire. They have thick armoured underbellies and are covered in irridescent scales, shading from blue to darkest night. Most at home in the water they can spend short amounts of time on land with their magi masters. Their massive tails propel them at impossible speeds through the depths. These gentle giants have an affinity for weather, and all of the elements of magic are theirs to command - earth, air, water and fire. They can carry their Magi across the seas, and ensure good weather for ships traveling the oceans and seas. Many magi have tried to acquire a hydra to aid them in their voyages on the open seas, but very few have succeeded.

Physical description :
Egg - Blue black with lighter blue highlights, something to make it look like the light is shifting across the egg. A large tail emerging from the egg - in hindsight I think it should look more like a leviathan-type tail with the fin along the upper ridge than the tail I made for my egg.
Hatchling - Awkward long fore limbs, a broad chest, 5 small heads, each with different color eyes (white, red, green, blue, violet) and a long finned tail. No rear limbs, just the tail.
Adult - Long powerful necks, again all 5 heads have different color eyes, extremely powerful front legs ending in sharp claws, wicked looking teeth showing on some of the heads, each head would have a different kind of crest on it
Air/white - feathery crest atop the head
Earth/green - large curving horns
Water/blue - Fins along the arch of the skull
Fire/red - scales shaped remotely like flame
violet/mood - This head would look rather draconic
Entry # 6 : Callisto Islands
Callisto Octupus
ImageEgg :
This egg is shades of grey and blue, with a large tentacle wrapped around it.

Hatchling :
Your egg has hatched out into a large octopus. You quickly take him to Lake Lakira to grow with the leviathans and krakens. He loves to hide in the crevices near the bottom of the lake. You notice that when frightened, not only does your sticky new companion emit the normal ink of a startled octopus, but he also manages to reappear instantly in a cloud of the stuff far from where he first was. With your hatchling's natural clumsiness this sometimes leads to accidents, as he teleports to another spot and instantly blunders into walls, or in some cases adult krakens and leviathans. His antics are always entertaining to watch, and although clumsy, you can tell he fits in well here with the other creatures.

Adult :
No longer bumbling into things, your hatchling has become an adult with long tentacles and suckers that can only be removed by his will. He is graceful and gentle in the lake waters, often diving deep to the bottom to explore. He uses the subterranean tunnel to the ocean regularly, venturing farther away each day but always returning by nightfall. Like the koi and other sea creatures befriended by magi, he shares his affinity with water with his Magi, allowing you to be able to breathe under water for much longer than would normally be able.

General :
A gentle, quiet creature, the octopus is still a predator. He will eat whatever he can catch. His large suction plates on his tentacles offer a firm hold to assist any magi who happens to wander into an area where he isn't as welcome as he expected to be, holding other predators at bay while the magi escapes. Should a magi get into trouble in the water and the octopus be unable to reach him, he will emit his ink, blurring the water and using his teleportation ability to go directly to the magi then using it again to remove them from the reach of whatever predator the ever inquisitive magi has stirred up. Highly intelligent, these creatures are adept at staying hidden and only the most diligent of Magi will ever find one of their eggs in his travels.

physical description :
Egg - blue and white, with a large dark tentacle wrapped around it (if you could do suckers,that would be cool but I failed at them.)
Hatchling - Like a baby octopus, but a darker blue, with very few highlights on the flesh.
Adult - Octopus, very dark blue, emerging from a cloud of ink

Re: Jenn's Entries ~ More to come!

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 1:46:38 am
by Jenn
Entry # 7 : Caves of Nareau
Nareau Bat
Thanks to Shadow for help making this egg.
ImageEgg :
This dark brown egg has a membraneous wing curled protectively around it.

Hatchling :
Your egg has hatched to reveal a brown bat. His ears stand at attention and his nose twitches as he takes in his surroundings, then quickly flutters up to the exposed rafters of your quarters in the keep. As he looks around alertly you see his gaze fix on the leftovers of your meal sitting on your table. He shoots down and snaps up the leftover melon in his tiny claws before moving swiftly back to the rafters to watch you as he devours the treat. You notice that he seems to focus intently on the other Magi when they are talking to you, and seems distressed when you take him into the market where sellers often try to haggle and sell their wares for more than they're worth.

Adult :
Your young bat has matured into a fairly large (for a bat) adult. He enjoys playing with your other nocturnal pets, and often accompanies you when you go out at night after the work and study for the day is done. You enjoy taking him with you, as he will fly high above as you go to and from your areas, and the innkeepers do not mind his presence in their establishments as he clears out the insects that often plague such places in addition to nibbling away on any fruits he can find. You have realized while raising him why he is so distraught when talking to merchants, your new companion has an innate ability to tell who is telling the truth around him. You're not sure if this is a magical ability or simply a way of reading subtle clues like body language and tone of voice.. you feel that with his acute hearing it may be linked to the tone of voice as someone speaks, or the heartrate. However what you do know is that you can use this ability to your advantage when in close proximity to your bat.

General :
Nareau Bats are extremely rare to find, living deep in the Nareau caves. They live off of a diet of primarily insects and fruit. They are highly prized by Magi for their truthseeking ability, allowing anyone who keeps one to tell if someone is telling the truth or lying when they speak. Many Magi employed by kings and emporers will seek for years for one of the Nareau bat eggs so that they may better serve their sovereign during negotiations. Only those who are true of heart and willing to put the needs of their bats above their own in any situation will ever acquire one, as even as an egg they can sense dishonesty in an individual and effectively hide themselves.

Physical description :
Egg - A dark brown egg, covered with fur with a bat wing curled around the surface of the egg.
Hatchling - A tiny brown bat, with a pig-like nose, upright ears, and grasping paws.
Adult - A large brown bat, covered in fur, with strong wings and paws. Upside down and roosting on a rafter in the way of bats.
Entry # 8 : Etain Desert
Apep Naga
ImageEgg :
You see an egg half buried in the sand of the deserted city in the Etain desert. This egg is vibrant gold, covered in scales and you can see a scorpion tail emerging from a crack in the shell. You pick it up very careful and cradle it gently as you journey back to the keep.

Hatchling :
Your egg has hatched, revealing a creature the likes of which you have never seen before. Could it be true, that the abandoned city in the Etain desert was once the home of powerful magis, destroyed when dissension was sown amongst the ranks of those greedy for power who dwelled there? Could this be the result? You watch in awe as your new creature uncoils slowly from the shells of the egg. A cobra head is raised slowly and the snake's emerald eyes watch you unblinkingly. But is it a snake? For as it begins to move toward you, you notice small forelimbs low on the body, ending not in claws, but in pinchers like a scorpion or a crab would have. Your gaze is arrested by the site as the rest of the snake/scorpion emereges, stretching out into a long muscular body that ends.. not in a snake tail but in a scorpion's stinger? Surely this creature is living testament to what residual magic can do to living creatures! Very carefully you scoop the new hatchling up, cradling it against your chest as you move. You keep your movements slow and steady, for you have no doubts that both the fangs in the cobra mouth and the venom of the scorpion stinger are potent indeed, only enhanced by the magic that allows this creature to even survive.

Adult :
Your unique hatchling has matured into an adult, fully the size of an Egyptian cobra, and larger than any scorpion you have ever seen. The other magi within the keep still marvel at your good fortune to have found this unique pet, yet you have to wonder sometimes, was it simply coincidence that you happened across the egg? You have discovered many of the secrets of the Apep Naga but still have much to learn about them.

This picture is just a combination of the two creatures, I do not in any way claim this as artwork, it is simply here for a visual aid; not as art or anything in its own right.

General : Apep Nagas are very rare and extremely valuable to those who traffic in less than savory places. They have many magical abilities, among them the ability to influence others' minds by captivating their gaze with their emerald eyes, as well as the ability to transform themselves into either a tattoo or a piece of jewelry such as an armband that can be worn. While in contact with the Apep Naga, their magi is fully immune to all known poisons and venoms. They appear to be highly intelligent but remain aloof from the other creatures in the keep. Their behavior has made some believe that they were once royal pets of the pharoahs, while others believe that they are accidental species mingling as a result of the residue of magic in the Etain Desert. An egg of the Apep Naga is truly a rare find indeed.

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 2:50:47 pm
by Refion
I like it! You're very good at storytelling in MagiStream style. The introduction you gave wasn't necessary but it makes you more curious about the creature, really good. But you could add some more "magi" to your MagiCreature. I mean, it appears to be just a chameleon and I'd love to see a more magical creature winning this contest. But you don't have to listen to silly old Ref; MagiStream has Ibexes, Frogs and Birds, who are all regular animals. So what I'm saying is just my point of view and I'm sure other won't agree with me :t-^_^:

Anyway, good job :t-wave:

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 2:53:28 pm
by Jenn
Refion wrote:I like it! You're very good at storytelling in MagiStream style. The introduction you gave wasn't necessary but it makes you more curious about the creature, really good. But you could add some more "magi" to your MagiCreature. I mean, it appears to be just a chameleon and I'd love to see a more magical creature winning this contest. But you don't have to listen to silly old Ref; MagiStream has Ibexes, Frogs and Birds, who are all regular animals. So what I'm saying is just my point of view and I'm sure other won't agree with me :t-^_^:

Anyway, good job :t-wave:

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I have a couple of other "magical" attributes I've been considering giving to him other than just the ability to camouflage anything he is carrying or his Magi. I may add some to that later today, thanks again for reading, Ref!

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 3:01:06 pm
by Refion
Jenna451 wrote:Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I have a couple of other "magical" attributes I've been considering giving to him other than just the ability to camouflage anything he is carrying or his Magi. I may add some to that later today, thanks again for reading, Ref!
No problem, it's always fun to read something good :t-^_^:

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 14th, 2009, 3:55:37 pm
by Imperialism
I like it :) Chameleon's are cool crtitters. And yeah, they dont have to be magical :) We need regular poor little critters too! :)

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 7:03:08 pm
by Jenn
Thanks for the feedback, Imp! I have added a second entry, and am currently working on a third. Feel free to critique!

Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 7:06:17 pm
by Adesera
I love both of them and the firecat being a hybrid is awesome! Very imaginative concepts!!! Of course the chameleon is the bomb!


Re: Thane's Chameleon ~ More to come! Critique pls?

Posted: September 15th, 2009, 8:46:38 pm
by darkangel82
i love the firecat