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Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 23rd, 2019, 7:06:32 pm
by ilikedinosdontask
cradling a kitten my aunt is currently fostering, liking to think the kitten was somehow reincarnated from my older cat

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 24th, 2019, 8:59:22 pm
by CuriousCake
The beach
Collecting seashells
When my sketch turns out the way I want it to
Looking at another person and just knowing what they're thinking
Making everyone in the room laugh with a good joke
My cat
All cats, really
The scent of coconut
Going to the movie theaters
Cream puffs
Pastel colors
The sound of rain
Soft sand on my feet

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: May 25th, 2019, 5:10:15 pm
by CuriousCake
Good music
Boba tea
Full moons
Baby birds
Harry Potter
Sleeping in
When I can get out of work early
Lava lamps
The color pink
Sunshine on my face

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: July 14th, 2019, 8:15:05 pm
by Sophist
* My work (I'm very lucky, my job is also my hobby)
* Studying aspects of paleontology and collecting fossils
* My human and furry family members <3
* Spending a lazy day at home, cooking a nice meal, reading, relaxing, cuddling with my cat, George
* Having a cuppa tea
* Antique collecting (I especially love the Victorian and Art Nouveau periods) and perusing my collections
* Watching British tv shows (and collecting them on DVD)
* Reading Agatha Christie books (I'm about midway through the Poirot series; already finished Miss Marple)
* Traveling (UK, Europe, etc.) and amateur photography of places we visit
* Meeting up with old friends (doesn't happen often enough!)
* Eating my favorite foods, which are too many to list (homemade chicken noodle soup, Imo's Pizza, for starters)
* The Halloween season-- I get all giddy with anticipation!
* Listening to favorite music (David Bowie, Frank Sinatra, 80s pop, 90s alternative/grunge, classical, golden oldies, etc.)
* Giving people gifts (especially surprises!) :D

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: July 15th, 2019, 1:15:25 pm
my wonderful horse, even tho shes a pain in my bank account
cats of all kinds!!
sailing/ the ocean in general

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: July 16th, 2019, 6:09:55 pm
by darnerdemons
There's a long playlist of simple lo fi songs i have in my favorites on soundcloud and the first song is absolutely perfect for the vibe it aims for, even when i play it specifically for that time frame.

Along with that, my cats, my lovely girlfriend, and my slowly depleting backlog of video games as i save up money to move into my own place.

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: September 11th, 2019, 3:21:40 am
by BlackKittennn
Cuddling my 2 month old son and boyfriend <3

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: September 20th, 2019, 9:34:03 pm
by QueenBirdy
My most happiest moments are having fun with my family. We like to tell jokes and laugh a lot. It's a lot of fun, and I'm so blessed to have them. <3

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: September 27th, 2019, 9:28:42 am
by LavenderInk
when it's cold outside and I'm inside surrounded by beautiful scents, chocolate, aesthetically pleasing things and good books.

Re: What makes you happy

Posted: June 25th, 2020, 2:03:32 am
by faerieflowers
My family, I love being with them. <3