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Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: October 17th, 2018, 2:41:50 pm
by Elfidea
Nemara, Goddess of Sea and Tides

Her name comes from "mar", which means "sea" in Spanish. She is a tall, gracious woman with long, wavy dark hair and a pale skin, reflecting light like the scales of a fish or a pearl. Many think she doesn't speak; but she does, to the fish and crustaceans living by her shores. No human ever seen her; she hides from sailors and crashes the ships of those who filth the waters. "Beware of the quiet goddess," tells the old saying, "because riptides are always hidden behind calm waves."

Espoir, God of...

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: December 23rd, 2018, 10:43:22 pm
by FallenSpirit
Espoir, God of Potions and Vengence,
Often helping those whom work hard at their cauldrons day and night to find the right ingredients to do the job they are focusing on and for the unskilled struck with the need of vengance for some seemd wrong know how to take it gracefully and cold. Often depected as a pale glow over a cauldron or the smell of herbs flowing by in a still room or a shadowy figure plotting with death, only the most desperate or devoted seek him out in his few temples hidden well.

Ulva Goddess and God of,

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: January 6th, 2019, 1:27:48 pm
by NightGaze666

Said to have brought the giant lizzard to this world, Ulva favors them and hides them from humans.

Rune, god of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: April 20th, 2019, 2:00:29 pm
by gazaereal
Rune, god of the unknown

A god of many names, Rune is but one most often used to encompass the true vastness of his reign. He is a calm, but cold god, who holds courage and curiosity in high regard, and rewards it with a piece of his vast knowledge. He is all, yet he is none, for the moment all is known, he will cease to exit. Yet, he fears it not, watching over the creatures from his unknown realms beyond the comprehension of any mortal, cloaked in that which is frightening and unknown, and waiting for the day all will be none, and none will be known. The day he will die and the world will collapse, only to be reborn anew.

Divna, goddess of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: May 5th, 2019, 2:01:52 pm
by KindaKingdra
Divna, goddess of foretelling.

Divna is known for her unique face, which lacks features. She does not need eyes to see, nor a mouth to speak. She exists in the chasm of time that lies between each moment. She knows what is, what has been, and what will be. Adventurers and leaders often seek her counsel, but Divna has been known to lead them astray if she doubts their intentions. To improve your chances with her, it is recommended that you burn an offering for her of grapefruit peels and mint. It has oft been noted that she's rather partial to that smell.

Acheen, god of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: May 5th, 2019, 6:47:47 pm
by gazaereal
Acheen, god of humility and honor

Acheen is often depicted as a simple, common soldier, although many noble families instead depict him as a shining knight. He is a humble god, loving of both sentient and feral creatures alike. It is said that he wanders the lands teaching youth the aspects he embodies, as well as the art of combat, and the ones whom excel in these attributes are often said to be his pupils. He values kindness, and rewards it greatly, but also scorns greed, pride and disloyalty. His worship is widespread, but he has no temples. Instead, if one finds themselves in great need of guidance or help, they may ask for such at the nearest battlefield, cemetery or any other memento of the fallen great people, and must not wear shoes the whole way. Acheen is also associated with the underworld, being the judge of the souls that enter it, which explains the association with cemeteries and funeral rituals, which are often done under the gaze of his statue.

Davnovid, god of

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: May 23rd, 2019, 10:23:18 am
by celestialheavens
lordofthebutts wrote:(or goddesses)

Okay, so this game is basically just fluff. Someone posts a name, then the next person writes a description for their god/dess. Then they post a name, and the next person writes a description, posts a name, and so on.

Examples given are not mine, but are used with permission of original author!

Player posts a name - Oshea, Goddess of

Next player posts the description and a name - Oshea, Goddess of Nurture. This goddess is believed to be the caretaker of children who have died and passed to the Paethnik (good afterlife), and protector of those who are still living. She is often depicted as a starving wolf, with children nursing on her. Her depiction is common on infantile items, such as swaddles and cribs. It is said that if you pray to her, she will grant you with fertility and happiness. She is important in this religion, and worshipped by children, parents, and those looking to conceive.

Babylon, Goddess of

Next player - Babylon, Goddess of Wicked Fauna. This goddess is believed to be the reason why some animals attack humans and their companions. She is often depicted an old woman, sitting atop an elephant with human beings impaled on the tusks. She is very important in this religion, said to carry out the orders of the ultimate pair, punishing those who have done wrong. She is worshipped by everyone in this religion.

Pacthin, God of

The name must be "Name, God/dess of" and the description must have the name and trait, description, their depiction, importance, and who worships them. Colours match lines of text in the paragraph given, as to show examples of each requirement. Text that isn't coloured is allowed, encouraged, but not required!

I'll go first - Parathiac, God of
this is really cool

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: August 9th, 2019, 2:53:30 am
by HailstormDeath
Davnovid, god of violent death. Davnovid is believed to be the god of violent death. It is debated whether they enjoy when people die this way or if they show to comfort to those who died, the one that is agreed upon is that they rule the afterlife for those people. They tend to be depicted as tall and pale, wearing a mask mimic-ing an animal's face. While most have them appear male, some depictions have them as a woman. If they worship for enjoying death they are either madmen or the frightened. The madmen for a good kill, and the frightened to try and not die horrifically. Believing in comfort are the warriors, soldiers, veterans and all those who risk their lives. They burn incense and carry flower seeds on them.

Jade, goddess of...

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: August 9th, 2019, 3:24:02 am
by Sassenach
HailstormDeath wrote:Jade, goddess of...
Jade, goddess of earthen affinity. She is beloved by witches, amongst the lizardfolk and some goblin tribes, and are said to be the cause for one's ability to rear plants and creatures of the material variety. There is no set depiction of Jade, as each soul feels her touch in a unique way. Humans refer to her influence as a "green thumb." Jade's temples smell of turned earth, even in the driest of deserts.

Padira, god of...

Re: Let's Pretend We're Gods

Posted: August 11th, 2019, 11:36:08 am
by gazaereal
Padira, god of carnivorous wildlife

Much into contrast to his far more docile sister, Padira is known to be active, a true thrillseeker. He is known by many to get into much trouble, and when he is not creating mischief, he is hunting with his fellow predators. Despite all of his seemingly oblivious behavior, Padira does care deeply for creatures, and feels great sorrow when a creation of his sister is felled to sustain one of his own, and demands same respect from all of his creations. Hunters worship him as their patron, and they too must follow all the rules, lest they anger the god and gain quite a few scars.

Ordacir, god of....