Tattoos and Piercings

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by AnaYamazaki »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Yes, I have a emicolon project tattoo. I have the first sentence of the project saying on the back of my right hand, and the rest of the saying on both my wrists with semi colons above them.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Absolutely not and anyone that does is quite frankly rude and overly judgemental. I my self have tattoos and I haven't hurt anyone on purpose nor have I commited a crime. Judging someone purely on the ink they sport on their skin is really prejudice.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
Its up to the person whether they want to or not. It is completely okay to not want to tattoos just as its okay to want to cover your body in them. Neither side is better or more right than the other. The issue becomes when people automatically judge those with tattoos as bad people with no proof or without even knowing the person. Wanting/not wanting one is alright, judging and demeaning/belittling someone for having them is wrong.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
Absolutely not. Someone having tattoos should in no way be associated in deciding whether the person is qualified for the job. When you apply for a job, what should be a deciding factor is how well you are actually able to perform the task. Some could have no tattoos and have no experience or actual knowledge of how to do said job while someone covered in them not only has the knowledge but can do much better than most. Unless the job requires a specific look as part of its sell factor, tattoos should not determine whether someone is qualified for a job.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Agentofthe1Truth »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
No, but I do eventually want to get a tattoo.

If not, Are you against them in any way?
Not at all. Some of them look a bit odd, but most people i see who have tattoos or piercings seem happy with them. That's what matters most, I think.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Heck no.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I think whether a person has them or not should be down to "do they want to get it?" This applies also to parents who think it's "cute" to have their 1 year-old's ears pierced. The kid can't even say yes or no yet, all they'll do is shriek and cry when the studs go in because they don't know what's happened other than whatever just happened hurts.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No, I don't think it should. The only factor that should decide if someone gets a job or not is "can they do this job well?"
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Wolfy464 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
I have both my ears pierced once, but no tattoos or other piercings.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
No, of course not. I think they can be really cool or they can be too much, but either way the person with them can be a good or a bad person.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I think they are a great way of self-expression! I've seen some beautiful tattoos and would like to get one too someday.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No. They can be a factor, but they shouldn't be a deciding factor.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by CrystalPurr »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I have just my lobes done, had them done recently.
If not, Are you against them in any way? -
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Nope
Why do you think people should/should not have them? Well if they're in a job like a police officer who gets into some danger, its probably not best to have too many piercings in case they get ripped out or something
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? No, the personality should be the decider. unless the work is as i said above: police work.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Pyrain »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Yes. I have 7 Piercings. 2 in each ear, 2 in my tongue and 1 in my left eyebrow. I also have 6 tattoos. Only one visible on a regular basis, which is a paw print on my left forearm with my birth year in the toes and my Leo zodiac symbol in the main pad.
If not, Are you against them in any way?
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
No I don't. I feel that freedom of expression and body modification should be left for every individual to decide upon in their own way. If you want them, get them. If you don't, then don't.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I don't think people should or shouldn't. I believe that if someone wants to get them then that is their choice just as much as it is for someone who doesn't want to get them.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No, I do not. Letting people be themselves will allow them to do their work without feeling discriminated against and in my opinion would make for a friendlier work space. If someone doesn't like someone else for the way they look do you really want to be associated with them? If they are so petty as to look down on someone for having an eyebrow piercing, or what ever, then what else will they make quick judgements about? How do you know that guy at the counter with all the piercings and tattoos on his person (ie face, neck, hands, arms, where ever) isn't actually one of the nicest people you would ever meet? Or the guy with the gauges in his ears that wants to be a lawyer wouldn't be the best darned lawyer anyone had ever had? You can't judge a person by how they look, even though 9/10 people do it constantly.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Solembumer »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Not yet for tattoos, but my ears are pierced.
If not, Are you against them in any way? Only... certain ones. (Like private area piercings, and certain tattoos, which I discuss below.) I also don't believe someone should get tattoos on their face (See my sole exception below.)
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No! Absolutely not! One of the coolest chicks in my first high school had 17 piercings and was my best friend.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think they're a form of personal expression, but see below.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Depends on the content, and the reason.

So for the last two, I don't believe in tattoos containing...
-Graphic content (blood, gore)
-Adult content, unless in an area never seen at all in public, even when swimming (females: bra area/underwear area; males: underwear area)
-Any tattoos on the face (See my exception below.)
-Weird or gore-like piercings (on weird areas, including the arms)

However, I fully support cultures that believe in tattooing on the face and arms, such as Maori culture. That's a cultural ideology and should be preserved/encouraged among those people.

Do you plan on getting any?
I have a list of tattoos I'm going to get, actually. This may be expanded.
Fandom Tattoo List wrote:Chronicles of Narnia: Aslan and the warddrobe
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows symbol
IANF: lore symbols
Psych: Pineapple
Unwind: card trick (debating on this one)
Vampire Academy: moroi marks (back of neck)
And this dude, on the back of my neck, above the Vampire Academy one:

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by ShiroRyu000 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
i have three piercings; one in each lobe and a septum piercing. i dont have any tattoos, though, and im not really planning to get any either- nor am i interested in any more piercings either really.
If not, Are you against them in any way?
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
absolutely not. tattoos and piercings should not be a defining factor in judging someone like that- but due to stereotypes i think people judging eachother and looking down on tatted/pierced people happens automatically. its a reaaaally bad behaviour though and it does so much harm.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
OH MAN if you are responsible, sure, go ahead and get one.
but for the love of god- if youre gonna go and get it done cheaply or if you just cant take care of it; dont do it. not only will it look bad, smell bad and feel bad- its suuuper embarassing too. not only for yourself but also for other tatted/pierced people oh my lord
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
like i mentioned earlier, people should not be judged by their surface- turning someone down simply because they have piercings or tattoos is highly unprofessional.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by anticrossysq »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
No. I think ears pierced doesn't count XD

If not, Are you against them in any way?
No! actually I always want a tattoo, but haven't done it

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Don't understand why they should be. Everyone are free to make decision for their bodies as long as it doesn't make trouble to others, and tattoo and piercing are just some decorations like earrings or hair cut, nothing more. Of cause they may not appropriate for some serious jobs, but also no one will go a meeting with exaggerated punk hair cut XD

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
Different reasons... I would like to make a tattoo for sth I wanna remember for life, there are also some people just like their bodies decorated in this way. Anyway I think you should make sure you won't be regret before do it then it's fine

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
For some special jobs yes, for example if you were applying for a masseur then customers would prefer a "clean" one; or a job that needs you to give a serious figure. 'cause there ARE a lots of people who judge tattoo and piercing. Can't against the society can we XD
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by SilverFox12578 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: My ears are pierced but no tattoo's... yet.

If not, Are you against them in any way? Nope, I'm planning on getting a tattoo soon.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Definitely not.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think they should do what they feel is right. Personally, I think tattoos and piercings are cool and interesting.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? I guess it depends on the type of work but as long as the person is dressed modestly it shouldnt be a deciding factor on its own.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by annalily »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:Nope, I don't even have my ear's pierced. However, I do want a nose ring, and I'm planing on getting three tattoos.

If not, Are you against them in any way? I'm against planing them poorly or getting them impulsively, particularly for tattoos or piercings that have a higher risk of causing damage. Someone should be able to sit on the idea for their tattoo for at least a year, and still like it afterwards, before getting it. Also, definitely do research about the place you go before hand.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Not at all, unless the tattoos are offensive, like a Swastika.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? That's up to the individual.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Not so long as they're safe and non-offensive. If a piercing could cause a safety hazard, it should be removed for work.

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