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Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 13th, 2024, 5:27:15 am
by EstherGamer
I was planning to sacrifice a night of sleep for something on another site that I really wanted and was close to getting.

I actually fell asleep for 4 hours twice (between midnight and 4, then between 4 and 8), and still got the thing! Each time I woke up and went "oh crap I fell asleep-" *Checks time and sees that it's been 4 hours* "OH CRAP-", with the second being "crap, did it again" and seeing that I was good to go with no chance to miss the thing and going "Alright, I'm good, back to sleeping until my alarm goes off rudely."
I'm so happy to have done the thing without completely sacrificing my sleep!

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 14th, 2024, 7:29:38 am
by Soleil
VilaWolf wrote: April 10th, 2024, 3:25:27 am That moment when covid math hits and you really, fully, realize that you are a year older then you thought you were.....
In my case...... ON JUNE 8TH MY IDIOT ASS WILL BE 40.


It just goes to show you.... I'm a fucking moron obsessed with story telling. You can do si much more than me. You are already stronger than I am ..
Had the same thing. My birthday is tomorrow and I said something about turning 35.... my husband points out "You're going to be 36 you moron" :lol:
I have somehow completely lost a full year.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 15th, 2024, 1:41:42 pm
by Airasyraye
So, within 2 days of each other I’ve had 2 friends get mad at me and start giving me the silent treatment because I can’t go to events they want me to go to.

No, I can’t just magically pull out thousands of dollars to make a random trip to Mexico just because you “had a dream” we were swimming in a Mexican lagoon and hiking a trail.

No, I can’t make a 5pm dinner on either Friday or Monday when you know I work until 530 and live an hour and a half away.

Excuse me for being poor and conscientious.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 17th, 2024, 6:50:53 pm
by Aldred
Saw some turkey vultures on our walk today. Forgot to take out my phone and take a picture. D:

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 18th, 2024, 7:08:09 pm
by CinnaminDraconna
Today was a good day!

25 yrs ago I was big time into Magic the Gathering, the collectible card game. Back then, my collection was appraised at around 5k. Today, I sold it for more than twice that.. and I didn't even have to catalog it. The dealer took it after seeing less than 100 cards. I could probably have gotten more if I'd pushed, but I'm happy with the price. Dealer will make a fortune, but I'm happy knowing that those cards will find good homes and make a LOT of people happy.

Now I just have to find a buyer for all my tabletop RPG's, lol.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 18th, 2024, 10:27:29 pm
by VilaWolf
Day before last = Menopause hell.
Yesterday = antinausea meds.
Today = Root canal and tooth mold for a crown.

I'm medicated. If I act like my old ahole self please to tell me to go back to bed.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 19th, 2024, 1:14:22 am
by Airasyraye
I got a letter from my mortgage bank telling me my escrow account was short by over $700. Now, the weird thing is, my mind did not go to the obvious solution, which is weird, because what happened is literally what my department at work is. Sussing out why escrow accounts are overdrawn. Instead, what I thought had happened was that they messed up my escrow analysis and started charging me too little. What actually happened was what happens way too often (including I've done it) which is that they have mortgages with other people with my same first and last name (and prob middle initial, because I even went to school with another girl that had the same first, last, AND middle names, only difference was one letter in the middle name) and so they put her Allstate pol over top my State Farm pol and paid out of my escrow. Now they got to go fish Allstate for a refund, which will almost certainly have to be mailed physically to me and then I'll have to deposit it and make a payment back to Union Savings. Grump, grump, grump.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 19th, 2024, 2:28:21 am
by Kestrad
Guy I've been into for way too long got engaged and bought a house with his fiancee recently which is messing with me emotionally :derp: Intellectually I know this only proves that I only want him because I can't have him, but messy feelings are going to be messy, hooray :| I don't really understand why I've never been able to fully get over him, especially as I don't think we would actually have made a good pair. Maybe it's just that I'll never know one way or the other how he ever felt about me. It's not the sort of thing I can just ask, especially now, so I'll never have that closure to work with.

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 20th, 2024, 12:18:01 pm
by sammythethief
I hope everyone has been well <3

I've been simultaneously miserable and dissociative and also writing more than I have in the past decade. It's such a strange combination... Still hatching all sorts of things here, I'm just not very active on the forums.

I was glad to finally launch the raffle, though! I've had the whole thing drawn up and planned since last year, and I'm so excited that it's finally here! :bounce:

Re: How Was Your Day Thread V5

Posted: April 20th, 2024, 12:36:18 pm
by EstherGamer
I don't care how often people tell me that I'm not an idiot, I have two forms of proof from just today.
Small rant
I was SURE I brought my pencil case home with me for the weekend. It's the most important thing I have in terms of drawing supplies that I don't easily have extras for, like 80% of my coloring pencils, along with my erasers and grey pencils, are in there.

I forgot it and now I can't draw on paper all weekend. If I wanna draw a character today (which I kind of do), I need to do so digitally. Yes, I do have a pen for that, but I'm so much better with traditional art than I am with digital, and it means that once I can use my pencils again I'll have to draw that character AGAIN so the drawing actually looks nice!

I'm genuinely mad at myself for forgetting the ONE thing I can't just go "oh well, I have a backup of this in my room" for. Paper, no big deal, I have more than enough of that ready. The drawing pad I use when on my bed while drawing, slightly more annoying but I can improvise around not having it for a weekend. The pencils? Just because the character I was going to draw doesn't have a TON of color (Marshadow at least has that bonus), doesn't mean I could just dig up a random grey pencil from somewhere in my room and act like I didn't forget them, and I'm pretty sure I don't have many colored pencils scattered around my room at this point. Either they're who knows where that I can't get to them easily, or they're broken (not likely but still), or I used them so much that they're smaller than my main black pencil (which, when put next to any other pencil of mine, is hilariously tiny). Or I'd need to sharpen it.
Not to mention I don't have any decent erasers that aren't in the pencil case. I have a comically large one on my desk, but trying to use that for getting rid of a line that is between two other lines is... not practical, to put it lightly.
And I had been looking for my second wii remote for like, a month or two. I searched most of my room, finding things I forgot I even had, and didn't find it.
...It was in plain sight, on top of my drawing tablet in a closet I open frequently. D: