Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 18)

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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by BluMajica »

isildre.... :wat:

....hmm.... this has... interesting notions for avalon too...if Con and Isildre meet again... *dundundun!*
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

... and another Phoenix story bookmarked. :D
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

ch. 9

Novilo leaned against the wall outside the door of the healing room, sighing in anger when he thought of what Arya had to have gone through. He had learned in his studies of creatures that raza cobra venom was a terribly painful way to die. He looked through the crack in the large wooden doors to see Conintor silently watching Arya. He had been in there for several hours now. The healers had left shortly after Arya had died to let Conintor mourn, and Novilo had given him some privacy with his sister as well.
The earth magi stood, looking down at his sister for a minute before turning around. A small hiss sounded in the room, making Conintor flinch and look over his shoulder at the sack still lying on the stone floor. He stared at the sack in anger, his green eyes burning with rage before starting to walk over to it. Novilo swore harshly and ran into the room as Conintor stood over the bag.
He raised one of his large boots, stomping on the bag and killing the hatchling squirming within, green blood squirting onto his boot and the stone floor beneath as the hatchling let out one final hiss of pain.
Novilo ran over and held him back as he raised his foot to stomp on the dead creature again, his face contorted with rage.
“Let go! I’ll kill it- it killed Arya!” Conintor screamed, his voice cracking. Novilo held him tightly, refusing to let go as he struggled.
“It’s already dead, Con- just stop!” Novilo yelled, holding his arms around Conintor’s shoulders to keep him back from the bag. “It didn’t kill her- Carlos did. Just calm down!”
Conintor froze, his breath shuddering as he sagged against Novilo. “What did I do? I killed a hatchling.” He said, falling to his knees when Novilo wasn’t able to hold him up any longer.
“You were angry. Just calm down. I’m sorry this happened, I know how much she meant to you.” Novilo said soothingly, wrapping his arms around the larger man as he shuddered. Conintor buried his face in Novilo’s purple and silver robes, letting out a soft sob.
“What will I do? How can I go home alone?” He whispered.
“You don’t have to go home alone, remember? I’m still here for you.” Novilo said, squeezing him reassuringly. “You’ll never be alone.”
Conintor looked down at Novilo, staring into those wide purple eyes before nodding, leaning his forehead against the smaller man’s shoulder as he tried to calm himself. “Thank you.” He whispered.
“No problem, Con. Let’s head home. To hell with what anyone thinks.” Novilo said, leading him out of the room. He looked over his shoulder at Arya, then to the bloody satchel on the door before closing the door behind him.

Conintor walked through the halls on his way to Thane’s office, trying to ignore the stares people were giving him as he passed. Novilo was at his studies, and he had gotten a letter from the foot of a Talvar that had summoned him to Thane’s study…
He tried not to look too nervous as he approached the Archemage’s door, looking at the golden inlays in the sturdy wood with anxiety. He was a gay man… he wasn’t exactly what you’d call ‘accepted’ by most of the magi world, and he didn’t know if it showed. Would Thane notice, and judge him somehow?
“Please come in, Conintor.” A low voice said from inside. Conintor let out a deep sigh to calm himself and opened the door to see Thane closing a book as he looked up with a slight frown.
“Please close the door behind you- we have much to discuss.” Thane said, setting the book down on his desk before taking a seat in his large ornate chair.
Conintor closed the door behind him before taking a seat in the chair set across the desk, moving his green and gold robes so that they didn’t crumble beneath him while he sat.
“First, I am sorry for your loss, Conintor. I had no idea that boy would be so… heartless.” Thane said, looking troubled as he crossed his hands in front of his face, leaning his forehead against his hands. He let out a weary sigh and looked back up at Conintor. “I assume all has taken care of with Arya?” He said softly.
“Yes, she’s been buried next to my mother and father.” Conintor said, trying not to let his emotions well up in front of someone so important. He looked away, trying to calm himself with small deep breaths.
“Forgive me, I know this is painful for you to talk about. We will discuss something else, then. Have you given thought to a proper punishment for Carlos?” The archemage looked up at Conintor, his ice blue eyes showing wisdom as he watched for the magi’s reaction.
Conintor froze, watching Thane for a moment before gritting his teeth in anger. “So, he’s being kept in custody, then?”
“Oh yes- he has even confessed to what he’s done. He did not seem too sorry for what his actions caused though, which is why I am leaving it up to you to decide what happens. Do you wish him dead?”
Conintor looked at the ground, his hands gripping the arms of his chair so that the wood bit into his palms. “I’ll admit to wishing that, sir.” He muttered.
“Any human would in this circumstance, Conintor. However, I believe that your studies have helped you understand the world better than that. Therefore, I suggest to you an alternative. We have not used this punishment in many years, and it is reserved for only the darkest of deeds- such as murder.”
Conintor looked up at Thane in surprise. “What is it?”
“I call it ‘Desolation’. It was actually invented by dark sorcerers to hold magi against their will. It is a stone that when touched against a magi’s skin, steals their magic. Permanently.” Thane watched Conintor’s reaction with interest.
Conintor stared forward in shock. Carlos would lose all of his beloved fire magic? He would be kept in the tower of the Keep as prisoner, unable to escape or have his magic for consolation.
“Do you wish this to be Carlos’ punishment? I leave it to you, because you are the victim in his crime.”
Conintor watched Thane, knowing there was more behind this than the older man was letting on. Thane was known for letting magi make a decision, and determining whether or not that magi was at risk of turning dark by the actions of others. Was Conintor at risk for turning into a dark magi?
He couldn’t help but let out a soft smile. No, Novilo would never allow that to happen.
“Let him live, but I request you take his magic away. Take something dear from him, as he took my dear sister from me.” He said at last, looking up at the Archemage to see a small smile on Thane’s face.
“Very well, Conintor. I will carry out the punishment you have chosen. Thank you for your time, and I hope you find peace in your life.”
Conintor rose, giving a small bow to the Archemage before exiting the room. He glanced back at Thane one last time as he closed the door, noticing a small golden bird flying into the window, landing on Thane’s shoulder with shimmering feathers.

Novilo waited nervously outside the hall that led to Thane’s study, watching the students as they bustled about their classes and studies. He looked up as a fire magi stood in the doorway, looking around nervously at the others as he talked to a younger girl, dressed in a ragged dress.
“Serena, go home- you’ll get in trouble if you’re here!” He said, looking at Novilo for a moment with wide red eyes before looking back to the girl.
“I had to come here.” The girl whispered, sounding like she was crying. “I… I think I may be in trouble.” She said after a sob.
“What happened?” the fire magi asked her, holding her shoulders reassuringly as he looked her over.
“I… I think I might be…” The girl held a hand over her stomach, her tear-filled eyes wide.
The magi stared at her in shock for a moment before looking down at her stomach. “Wait- with…?”
The girl nodded, letting out another sob of terror. “But… that’s not the reason I came.” She whispered. She took her arm out from the cloak that was around her shoulders, Novilo unable to help but hiss in pity at the large bruise across the girl’s arm.
“Oh Serena…” The man said sadly, holding her arm gently to inspect it. “We’ll go to a healer to get that fixed. I hate how he treats you.”
“I know, I’m sorry Raoul. It’s just… he’s only like that sometimes. Other times he’s the nicest guy in the world.” She whispered.
“Come on, sis. We’ll get you healed and find out if you… are…” He glanced at her uneasily, not really knowing how to finish. Raoul took Serena by the wrist of her good arm, leading her down the hall toward Novilo.
“Hey-“ Novilo said when they passed. Raoul stopped in front of him and looked over at the air magi in interest. Novilo looked with interest at the two when he saw the similarity between them. They were definitely related. “Ask for Vitali- she’ll be able to be discrete about things.” Novilo said with a friendly smile.
Raoul smiled in relief and nodded.
“Thank you.” The woman whispered with a blush before following Raoul down the hall again.
Novilo watched them turn into the hall of the water magi, smiling smugly. Vitali had mentioned she liked Raoul… hopefully something would come from it.
Someone deserved a bit of happiness today.

Matchmaker Novi :lol:

and Conintor is worried he has a giant 'GAY' stamp on his forehead, and that people will hate him. D: Poor guy.
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by SeaCrest »

Matchmaker XD SO nice :P


*stomps on Carlos* Evil man :yarly:
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by freakazoid »

Oh man...poor Con. *offers hugs and cookies* :t-hugs:
lol Novi. ahahaha.

Damn, though, I'd want Carlos dead. I'd want him to die slowly and painfully.
But to have his magic taken away first.
If I were Con...I'd just be a big lump of sorrow and tears.
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

I relate to this story so much. A male cousin I grew up with was gay, and I'm bi myself. The hate that some folk have for our kind can be VERY cruel and painful.. literally.
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 8)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

I'm actually writing the next chapter right now...

But I thought I should post this-
How Conintor remembers Arya- his memory of her will lead some of his decisions in the future, particularly adopting Pheona and Rynu.

Tell me what the rain knows
O are these the Tears of Ages
That wash away the Wolf's Way
And leave not a trace of the day?

Tell me what the rain knows
O is this the flood of torture
That pours itself upon me?
O see how I drown in this sea

Hark, hear the howl that eats the moon alive
Your fur it is on fire
The smoke turns the whole sky raven black
And the world upon your back will crack

Where will you go
Now you've no home?

Let the rain wash away your last days

ch. 10

Conintor sat at the table at his house, looking over at the stove and looking down at his hands sadly. Arya would never be there cooking, again. He would never smell the wonderful smells that she made when he came home, or her happy smile to welcome him back.
He closed his eyes as they welled with tears again and set his face in his hands to try and calm himself down.
“Hey, big guy.” Novilo said softly from behind him, making Conintor jump in surprise. Thin arms wrapped around his shoulders as Novilo leaned against his back, his blond hair falling against Conintor’s cheek, making him blush.
“Hey, Novi.” He said softly, sighing in relief that he had finally come home from his studies for the day. “How did your day go?” Conintor asked, leaning into Novi’s arms.
“Good. I was worried about you, though. Why don’t you start working on something at home while I finish my studies? It’ll keep your mind off of things.” Novilo suggested, setting his mouth against Conintor’s messy brown hair. “We have to do something about your hair, too.”
“What’s wrong with it?” Conintor blushed, running his fingers through his hair nervously.
“Nothing, I just like messing with hair.” Novilo chuckled at Conintor’s nervousness.
“I’m not growing it out like yours, if that’s what you mean.” Conintor eyed Novilo warily as the smaller man chuckled in amusement.
“You’d look terrible with long hair.” Novilo grinned. “Besides.” Novilo leaned closer to Conintor, his breath against his cheek. “I know something else that can take your mind off of things for a while.”
“What?” Conintor blushed crimson in embarrassment as he looked at Novilo.
Novilo snickered and kissed Conintor on the cheek before moving away. “But first, I’ll cook dinner.”
Conintor huffed in annoyance, feeling flustered as Novilo walked across the room with a smug grin.
Conintor smiled as he watched him grab the pot out of the cupboard, whistling a tune as he tied a pink frilly apron around his waist before starting to get ingredients ready. What a goof.

Conintor laid in bed, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully. “Don’t you think people will get suspicious if you stay here for the night?” he looked over at Novilo as he closed the green curtains that covered the windows.
“So?” Novilo looked over his shoulder at Conintor. “Why are you so worried?”
“I’m worried they’ll try and hurt you again.” Conintor growled angrily. “I hate being the cause of pain. Especially for the people I-“ He stopped, a blush coming over his cheeks.
“You what?” Novilo asked smugly.
“Nothin’” Conintor said, looking away in embarrassment. A quick breeze filled the room, Conintor looking up in shock as Novilo was suddenly on his hands and knees above him.
“Wha- how!?” Conintor said in panic, looking up at Novilo with wide eyes.
“Silly man, did you forget I’m an air magi?” Novilo grinned in amusement. “Now.” He grabbed Conintor’s hands, holding them down on either side of his head against the mattress. “What were you saying?”
Conintor looked up at Novilo in panic- what was he doing?! Why was he holding his wrists down?
“L-let me go, stupid.” Conintor grunted as he struggled under Novilo’s grip.
“Nope, not until you finish what you were saying.” Novilo grinned wickedly, a glint in his purple eyes.
Conintor glared up at him before looking away with a flush. “I love you.” He muttered.
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you, Con-Bon.” Novilo’s grin widened smugly.
“I love you. I don’t want anyone else to touch you.” Conintor looked up at Novilo with intense green eyes, making Novilo flush as well.
“See, now that wasn’t too hard, was it?” Novilo leaned down, kissing Conintor softly.
“Dummy.” Conintor grumbled, but smiled as well.

Novilo looked up in surprise as Vitali ran toward him down the hallway of The Keep, a wide smile on her face. She squealed happily and hugged him in the hallway, making people glance at them curiously.
“Ack, what? What happened?” Novilo said in panic, trying to pry the woman off him.
“He talked to me! He actually talked to me, and I got to meet his sister!” She said happily against his purple robes before stepping back with a wide smile.
Novilo laughed in amusement that she was so excited over such a small thing. “Well, that’s good. Was he as nice as you thought he was?”
“Oh, so much better. He’s trying to help his sister, but she doesn’t seem to see what he’s trying to say. Poor girl had such a nasty bruise.” She pouted unhappily.
“That’s too bad. I hope she’ll eventually see his view.” Novilo said sadly, remembering the bruise on her arm- apparently it had been given to her by the same man that had made her pregnant.
“So, are you two hooking up, then?” The air magi grinned in amusement as she blushed.
“No no, not yet! We just met.” She looked away in embarrassment. “Besides… I don’t think my family would like him much.”
“Oh?” Novilo tilted his head curiously. “How so?”
“Well, you see… he was born from human parents- neither of them nor his sister have any magic.” She looked down uneasily. “And… my family…”
“You’re a pureblood, hmm?” Novilo looked at her curiously. “And you’re letting that stop you from your happiness?”
Vitali looked up at Novilo with wide blue eyes. “But they’re my family… I don’t know what I’d do without them.”
“If they really love you, they would accept whatever person you love. Don’t worry about them, worry about yourself. Did I let everyone else’s opinion stop me from being with Con?” Novilo said reassuringly.
Vitali shook her head and looked up at him hopefully. “Oh, thank you Novilo. How is Conintor doing, by the way?” She asked, her smile fading.
“He’s doing okay. He still is pretty depressed, but I think he tries to hide it around me.” He sighed in frustration. “He’s working on something though, and I haven’t seen him use his magic other than attacking before, so I’m pretty excited to see what he can do.”
“He’s a very powerful earth magi, though he doesn’t like using his magic for some reason.” Vitali said, tilting her head as she wondered why.
“I don’t think he likes to be too flashy. He keeps to himself, usually.” Novilo said, looking in the direction of the house. “I should get going, though. I hope you and Raoul can get closer- tell me how it goes.” He gave her a small two-fingered wave as wind surrounded him, disappearing with the breeze that flew out the window of the Keep.
Vitali blinked in surprise and rushed over to the window to see a purple wind fly through the air toward the city, twisting and turning with the wind.

Novilo having a bit of fun with Conintor ;D That tease!
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 10)

Post by SeaCrest »

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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 10)

Post by freakazoid »

“I know something else that can take your mind off of things for a while.”
“What?” Conintor blushed crimson in embarrassment as he looked at Novilo.
Novilo snickered and kissed Conintor on the cheek before moving away.
Ooh la la~ <3
need Con x Novi yaoi
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Re: Taboo (Conintor's Story) (ch. 10)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

lol I've never done anything guyxguy like that on that sort of level...

<_< Maybe Yui can give me some research :lol:

Yeah, Novi is like that... even though he's much more feminine than Conintor, he's actually far more dominant and confident :lol:


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