StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((haha I like the fact that both Liam and Aiden are oblivious XD))

"Um well I just never noticed just how brawny and strong you looked now till a few minutes ago and also um how good you look shirtless," Sabrina said in reply with an even darker blush on her face than a few minutes earlier as she put a loose strand of her hair behind one of her ears and looked towards the front instead of it being on him or else she'd be really distracted and staring. She didn't want to be rude by blatantly staring at him. A few minutes or so later, the camp came into view as well as her friends and brothers. She focused on getting there with them instead of how drop-dead gorgeous Liam looked right now. She then walked into camp and sat down next to Ash.


(what about Blaire? O.o)

Zoe and Aisling smiled at Brazen when he caught up to them and then continued to walk to the food storage hut where Blaire was. They then sat down and that was when Sabrina and Liam arrived back to camp with the rogue carcass. Aisling noticed that their friend was really focused and she wondered if it had something to do with Liam being shirtless but didn't say anything about it and Zoe wondered the same but was too occupied with eating a rabbit while in wolf form at the moment to really ponder more on the matter.


I'm sure they'll be okay with it and okay. I was thinking we head towards the edge of camp to play so that way we won't be in the middle of camp for people to see us, Samantha said in reply to everything that Ryan said before nodding and leading the way out of the tunnel like he requested she do. Once she was back where Rick and Naomi were, she turned to wait for him to come out.


Raven smiled and then nodded about what Kieran said about her and Tami making the arrangements and they both got up to go do that before they heard what Aiden asked. "I knew you were distracted earlier when you left to go to the healer hut. Arrangements for our dinner date with the council and alert them to our plans," Raven said in reply to her mate's questions while letting out a small sigh as well in the process.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

((Haha! Yeah. Oblivious guys are so cute... and infuriating. D< ))

It was Liam's turn to blush, and a stupid grin spread across his face without invitation.
"Oh... oh... well... ahem." He cleared his throat and tried not to fidget as he suddenly became self conscience of everything about himself.
You know, Liam, you could tell her that you think she looks really.... really.... ooh.... wow... nevermind.
Now she was a complete distraction. What was he doing before this? Oh! Yeah. He was taking the dead rogue to a funeral pyr where the counsel could inspect it, if they so desired, and then burn it afterward.
When they got into camp, Sabrina made a bee-line straight to her friends, where she sat down. Liam just tried to keep his mind on what he was doing.
He tried to smile pleasantly at Zoe when he saw her, though his eyeballs acted like they had rubber bands popping them back to Sabrina every second.
"Hey, uuuuhh..." He temporarily forgot her name "Oh! Zoe. It's good to see you... uh... you know, not bleeding and in pain and... healed! That's the word." He said to as he walked up.

Brazen looked at Liam funny, "Are you all right, man?"
Liam nodded and began to walk backwards towards where he needed to go. "Yeah! I'm just gonna go dump the pyre on the rogue."
With that he turned around and hurried off, only realizing what he'd said when he was half way to his destination.
"OH! Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!" He hissed in a whisper to himself, knocking his knuckles on the side of his head as he walked.

A quizzical look spread over Brazen's face as Liam walked away.
"What's wrong with him?" He jerked his thumb toward Liam, but looked to Sabrina for an answer "Did he hit his head, or something?"

((oops... :t-O_O: Totally forgot about poor Blaire. :t-X3: I has too many charries to chase everywhere. :t-woo: ))
While Ash went to see to Zoe, Blaire took the deer carcass and hung it up, then proceeded to clean it out.
Before long, the girls showed up.
"Hey, Zoe! Good to see you looking better." He said. He watched her change to wolf form and grab a rabbit to eat.
Before long, Brazen joined them, a somewhat grumpy look on his face. Blaire knew that look. It was the "I had to talk to dad" look.
Liam and Sabrina joined the group then, Liam carrying the rogue carcass on his back. Sabrina walked straight over to her friends and sat down silently, her face flushed. Liam's eyes seemed permanently glued to her.
Blaire watched the curious display with Liam, then shook his head as Brazen apparently couldn't figure it out.

Ryan followed Samantha until the end of his tunnel, where he hesitated. He took a few deep breathes, then stepped out, looking shyly at the other pups.
"Hiya!" I'm Sedrick!"
A pup bounced up to him, tongue lolling and tail wagging.
"But you can call me Rick."
Ryan wagged his tail slightly, "I-I'm Ryan." He said.

Aiden listened to his mate, then raised his eyebrows.
"A dinner date? With the counsel? Ooooh...." he sighed "Just what I've been dying to have: a fancy dinner with the counsel." He said sarcastically.
Kieran rolled his eyes, "Aiden, you know that it needs to happen."
Aiden huffed, "A dinner party though? Really? Whose idea was that? Yours?"
Kieran shook his head and looked at the girls.
"Ooooh...." Aiden rubbed the back of his head "Ouch."

((Hey! Need to check your PMs...))
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((hehe ^.^. regarding the pm about our store:
StormCry wrote:Okay, how did we decide we wanted to split the profits? Was it a "you make/send a trade = you keep the profit" sort of thing?
I think that's what we decided on but I don't really remember what we agreed on :orly:. we can just say that for now :t-:). also sorry I didn't reply to it while in my inbox. both the inbox and out of are getting full and since I haven't had a chance to clean them out in awhile, thought that it'd be safer to reply while in here but I promise that I'll clean them out this weekend and I'll be replying in the normal fashion again soon))

Sabrina just looked down at her hands until Liam walked by them towards where the pyre was and then looked up again afterward and when she also heard Brazen ask her a question. "No. I complimented him while we were on our way back here and he's been flustered since then," she said in reply before looking over at Ash and giving her a look that said, 'I'll talk to you and Zoe later about that.'


Aisling looked over at Sabrina after she heard her friend say what she did about Liam and then nodded in reply to the look that she gave her before having her attention go back to the rest of their company.
Zoe looked up at Blaire when she heard him talk to her and said in reply after swallowing a bite of the rabbit that she had been chewing on, Hey Blaire and thanks. I lost a lot of blood, though so I have to eat and rest so that I can get the blood back that I lost. She then had her attention go back to being on the rabbit while hearing the exchange between Brazen and Liam and then Brazen and Sabrina afterward. She had also looked up again earlier at Liam when she heard him talking to her and smiled but in a confused way since he was blubbering. She had also looked at Sabrina but noticed that her friend's attention was on her hands. Guess I'll find out later, she thought to herself before finishing up the rabbit and going to get a squirrel afterward to eat.


Samantha smiled encouragingly at Ryan when he hesitated just a little bit in the entrance of the tunnel before he ended up coming out to be greeted by Rick.
It's nice to meet you Ryan. I'm Naomi, Naomi said next with a small smile on her face as she looked at their new friend.


Raven just sighed again when she heard everything that Aiden said and then his exchange with Kieran afterward before the question was asked on who's idea it had been regarding the dinner. "It was mine. Also for the record before you left the hut earlier to go to the medical hut to check on Brazen you had said that it was a good idea and that we could call it a date. Guess you forgot that though since apparently you had been a bit distracted at the time," she said before heading towards the door. "Let's go Tami and make the arrangements at that restaurant."
Tami cringed inwardly at both exchanges before she nodded at Raven's direct conversation to her before walking after her afterward out of the hut and towards the path that would lead to the town closest to them that the restaurant was in.

((good going Aiden. you really dug yourself a deep hole this time XD but don't worry. she'll most likely forgive you ^.^))
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Shadowfax278 wrote:((good going Aiden. you really dug yourself a deep hole this time XD but don't worry. she'll most likely forgive you ^.^))
((Pft! Hahahaha....))

Liam deposited the body onto an empty pyre, near the graveyard, then he made his way directly toward the Alpha's hut to inform him, so that he could inform the counsel, so that an inspection could be preformed... or whatever. Likely, the counsel would want the rogue carefully examined to possibly determine why it had attacked two pack members alone.
When he arrived at the alpha's hut, he paused, because he could hear voices inside. Then, the door opened and Tami and Raven came out.
He stepped out of the way, allowing them to pass, then he stepped up to the door and sheepishly knocked.

Beta Aiden ripped the door open, looking a little flustered.
"Report!" He barked.
Liam stood up straight, "Sabrina killed the rogue that attacked Brazen and Zoe and I brought its body back for the counsel's considerations, sir." He glanced past Aiden and at Alpha Kieran, then he looked back at Aiden.
Kieran got to his feet and moved next to Aiden. He nodded to Liam.
"Well done, Liam. Thank you for your report. You may go now."
Liam nodded, then he turned around and practically sprinted back toward where he'd left the others, joining them silently.

Brazen frowned at his sisters explanation.
"You complimented him? On what? What sort of compliment got him that flustered? Was it his butt?"

Blaire finished prepping the deer and was just about to wash his hands of the blood when his brother made that comment.
"His butt?" He repeated critically "Seriously, Brazen? Why would she compliment him on his butt?"

Brazen shrugged, "Maybe because he has a nice one?"
Blaire gave Brazen the look of the century, "And, you would know this... how?"
Brazen's mouth fell open, "HEY! I do not stare at people's butts! I have no idea if Liam has a nice butt or not. I was just using it as an example."
Blaire spiked an eyebrow, "And you HAD to use Liam's butt as an example?"
Brazen thought a moment, "Yes."
Blaire rolled his eyes and then washed his hands.
Brazen turned the conversation back to his sister, "So, what did you compliment him on?" He asked.
As Blaire finished washing his hands, he looked up and saw Liam coming toward them. He coughed loudly.
Brazen instantly recognized their old signal and changed the subject.

"Oh, hey Liam! We... hey? What's wrong? You look like you just got barked at." Brazen asked as Liam joined their company.
Liam shrugged, "I kinda did get barked at... by your dad."
Brazen cringed, "Oh..."
Liam shrugged again, "Ah, no big deal."

Ryan smiled at Naomi and his tail began to wag a little more freely.
"Hi." he said.
He turned to Samantha then, "So, where are we going to go play at?"
Last edited by StormCry on November 14th, 2015, 5:49:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((hehe :t-:). hm did Liam forget in his still confused state that Sabrina had been with him and that she had done the kill blow to the rogue after he pinned it down? if so, that's fine and I can just have her give her side of the report to Kieran and Aiden))

Sabrina just sighed when she heard the questions that Brazen asked her before Blaire cut in and started some sort of argument with the former and during that time, she had her attention go to Aisling and Zoe. She just hoped that the conversation that she would have with them wouldn't carry over to her brothers and they would hear. They seemed to be having a very in depth conversation anyway so it was very likely that they wouldn't overhear her and the girls. "So what I was really flustered about earlier when I came back was because of Liam being shirtless and how really good and strong he looked," she said softly to them.
Aisling had been listening to the boy's conversation to be on Sabrina when she started talking softly to both her and Zoe who had finished eating her other meal of a rabbit and also had her attention be on their friend before she shifted back to her human form from being in her wolf form for a little while longer. "Ah I figured it was something like that as soon as I saw you looking at your hands shortly after coming back here and when I heard Liam talk to Zoe like he was really nervous about something and seemed distracted," she said just as softly as Sabrina.
Zoe just nodded in agreement and was about to actually say something when Brazen asked Sabrina a couple of other questions after he and Blaire were done with their own conversation.
Sabrina had her attention go back to being on her brother when he asked her a few more questions after his conversations with Blaire and was about to say something when Liam came back from talking to their uncle and dad. She figured that he was saying his side of the report that they had to tell them anyway about the rogue and wondered what he had said to them. She then had her eyes flick from Liam's still bare torso (? :orly:) before flicking them back to Blaire and back again to see if he would get the idea of what she had complimented him on and why he was flustered. "It's probably because he and mom had a spat. He's usually like that after their arguments but it doesn't last long and she forgives him after a little while which makes them both be in a better mood," she said to add to Brazen and Liam's small conversation before getting up and saying to all of them, "I'm going to go give my side of the report to Uncle Kieran and dad. I'll be back." She then headed over to where their uncle and father were still standing on the front porch of the alpha hut (if that's where they still are; if not, I'll edit) and said in greeting to both of them with a smile on her face and a hug for both of them, "Hey Uncle Kieran and dad." She then looked down for a little bit before having her attention go back to being on them but after she did that, her smile wasn't as big as before which meant that she was worried or upset about something. "Um just out of curiosity what did Liam tell you in his part of the report? Did he happen to mention me at all as helping him take down the rogue?"


Just over here on the edge of camp. I don't want us to go too far so that mama and daddy won't be able to find us but far enough away so that they can't see us and catch you, Samantha said in reply before starting to lead the way to the area that she talked about.
Naomi smiled back at Ryan before she nodded in reply and understanding to everything that Samantha said before following after her.


Raven and Tami were now on their way back from the town that they were going to have the dinner date with the council at after making the arrangements for it. They had reserved the back room for privacy and then had looked at the menu just to see what kind of food was there now since it had been awhile since they had last been there to eat. They decided that both their mates and the council members would like the food that they served there before they left and told the waiter that had answered their questions that they would be back with a few more people a little after sunset. Now while on their way back to their own village/camp she asked Tami, "Do you think I should forgive Aiden after we get back or on the way to the restaurant?" She valued her friend's opinion so that's why she asked her the question.
Tami thought about the question for a few minutes on their walk back to the village and said in reply after a few more minutes of silence between them, "Maybe while you guys are getting ready for dinner if he asks you for forgiveness you can forgive him then or even if he doesn't do that but you want to forgive him anyway that would suffice just as well I think."
Raven nodded and then took that to heart as she thought about that option as well as the ones she listed and wondered which one would be better as they continued to walk and the camp/village came even more into their sight up ahead of the path.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

((Oops! I edited it so that it said Sabrina killed the rogue. :t-facepalm: My brain has been congested, lately. Got too much stress going on at home.))

Brazen and Blaire both nodded in agreement with their sister's take on their father's snappiness.
"Yeah," Brazen sighed "Or he's flustered with me."

Blaire snorted, "Ooooh. Shocker."
Brazen shrugged "Hey, I'm a complicated guy to get along with." As soon as the words left his mouth, he mentally slapped himself on the back of the head. He glanced at Zoe nervously.
"Not that I'm like, you know, SUPER complicated to get along with. Just mildly complicated. For dad."

Blaire rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever." He turned to Liam and pointed back at the kill pile "Want anything to eat?"
Liam watched Sabrina leave, then he snapped back to attention at Blaire's question.
"Uh... yeah. I guess. If there is something good to be eaten, that is."

Blaire walked up to the kill pile and pointed out a brace of quail, "These could be scrumptious, if cooked right. And there is enough here for two, if you wanted to have Sabrina join you."
A quizical look came to Liam's face, "Huh?"
Brazen chuckled, "Dude. You are clueless, aren't you?"
Liam turned his quizzical expression toward Brazen, "What are you talking about?"

"Well done, Aiden." Kieran said after Liam left. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame.
"Anyone else you'd like to get into a fight with today?"
Aiden glared at him, "Maybe you?"
Kieran narrowed his eyes, and they both glared at each other until they saw movement coming up the street toward them.
Kieran glanced quickly, smiling at Sabrina, then he looked at his twin.
"Here's an opportunity for you not to bite someone's head off." He whispered as he pushed off the door frame. "Hello, Sabrina." He greeted his niece and returned her hug.
"I'm glad to see you're okay, honey." Aiden said as she hugged him.
When she asked what Liam reported, Aiden was the first to reply.
"Yeah, yeah. He did mention you. I'm very proud of you for making the killing stroke. You did a fine job." He smiled.
Kieran nodded in agreement, "Did you want to add anything else to the report? His was very basic. He didn't seem inclined to giving us very many details," he looked at Aiden and frowned "And I don't blame him, either."
Aiden returned Kieran's frown.

Ryan followed Samantha, Sedrick, and Naomi to the area they had chosen for playing at.
Sedrick began bouncing happily on his feet, wagging his tail wildly, "Ooh! Ooh! Tag! Let's play tag! Tag!" He insisted.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((it's okay ^.^ *hugs you* :t-hugs: ))

Sabrina looked a bit relieved when she heard that Liam had reported that she had killed the rogue since she had been worried that he might not have included her before saying in reply with a smile to what Aiden said, "Thanks dad and you don't have to worry about me so much. I'm always with other people whether it be with Blaire and Brazen, Liam, or with Aisling and Zoe on patrols so I'm in good hands." This last statement and what she had added to the first one were said in response to what he had told her earlier when she hugged him about him being glad that she was okay. "Also don't worry because I know mom'll forgive you. She always does." She then turned her attention to be on Kieran when she heard everything that he asked and said and said in reply, "Yes I do. Just before the rogue attacked and after Liam and I went to head out on finishing patrolling our territory, Zoe had volunteered to stay behind while the other four went back to camp with the doe that Blaire, Brazen and Liam had caught while on their hunting patrol. Brazen stayed with her and Liam and I decided to stay behind and hide behind some bushes so that we could be their backup force in case something were to go wrong and then when Zoe got injured, I told Brazen to take her back here so that she could be healed before we finished it off. Liam got it pinned down after a little while of them wrestling and then I finished it off with the bite to the neck. We then shifted back to our human forms and brought it back here to dispose of it. I did offer another suggestion of throwing it off a nearby cliff but Liam thought that it would be better to have it be brought back here so that the council could inspect it and then burn it afterward." She then asked a few minutes later after she gave her report, "Need me to help out with anything later if you're going to be going somewhere?" She thought that she could probably be of more use elsewhere since she didn't help all that much with killing the rogue.


Aisling just sighed a bit when she heard Liam's confusion with what both Blaire and Brazen said regarding Sabrina and him being clueless and had to agree. "Sabrina likes you," she said flat out after Liam asked what he did in response to Brazen's question. "If you haven't noticed that with how Sabrina looks at you sometimes and if you haven't noticed your attention being on her at times, then you're clueless. Sorry for sounding a bit mean and blunt but it's needed in a situation much like this one."


Zoe giggled a bit when she heard what Brazen said a bit nervously after having said that he was a complicated guy to get to know and said in reply with a smile on her face, "I know. I've known you since we've been preteens, remember?" She then got up and stretched a bit before adding a few minutes afterward, "I'm going to go lay down for a bit in my hut now that I've eaten something after being healed by your aunt. Also since I want to get better, I want to follow her directions on what I need to do to get that way." She then started walking towards her hut before stopping about halfway to see if he would walk there with her or not. She didn't mind if he didn't do that but was still just curious if he would.


Sure or hide and seek, Samantha said in reply with a smile and her own happy wag of her tail to Sedrick's insistent statements about what game they should play before looking over at Ryan to see what he thought about either of those options.


Raven and Tami got back to the village/camp while Sabrina was giving her report to Kieran and Aiden and silently went up to the porch where they were to stand next to their mates. They weren't going to say anything until their conversation was completely done since they didn't want to interrupt at all.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on October 16th, 2023, 6:39:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Aiden's mouth fell open, though he said nothing, when his daughter said that mother would forgive him. How'd she known they had a spat?
Kieran listened silently to Sabrina's report, nodding every now and then.
"Very good, Sabrina. I like your attention to detail." He said when she finished. He smiled when Tami and Raven came up, then he turned his attention back to Sabrina.
"Actually, there is something you can do later, if you don't mind." He glanced at Tami and Raven "We are planning an evening dinner for the counsel sometime soon, and we were wondering if you would mind babysitting? I don't know when the exact date is....?" He looked at Tami and Raven again for an answer.

Brazen and Blaire both laughed at Ash's response to Liam.
Liam, on the other hand, could feel himself turning bright red.
"Sabrina.... likes.... ME?" He asked, pointing at himself.

Brazen moved as Zoe moved, though he paused next to Liam and rested a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it too much, pal. We're having a lot of fun about it at your expense." He patted Liam's shoulder, then he quickly caught up with Zoe.
"Mind if I walk you to your hut?" He asked.

Liam was still perplexed, so Blaire decided he should try to help him.
"Yeah, dude. She likes you. I don't know why, exactly, but... you know... it's a girl thing, I guess." He said "She's just waiting for you to make the first move, because girls like it when the guy makes the first move." He turned and looked at Ash, "Am I right?"

No! Tag! Let's play tag! Sedrick insisted.
Ryan shrugged, Okay, we'll play tag, then.
Sedrick barked happily, Yay! Okay, I'm it! He punched his sister in the shoulder Tag! You're it! And with that, he quickly bounced away and began running in a circle around the others.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by Shadowfax278 »

((it's okay ^.^. my week at work has been very busy again and when I get home from it, I feel like I can't think about much else other than what I did at work and then I pretty much go to bed after a little while of watching tv or reading))

Sabrina smiled at Kieran when she heard his praise before looking over at her dad and saw his open mouth before saying as she figured why he was so shocked at what she had said earlier, "You looked grumpy and usually after you and mom have an argument you look just like that. After mom forgives you, you're both in better moods." She then smiled at her aunt and mom when they walked up to them before having her attention go back to being on Kieran when she heard everything that he said and asked. "No I wouldn't mind at all babysitting the twins. I love playing with them and spending time with them too," she said with an even bigger smile.
Raven and Tami smiled back at Kieran before the former looked at Aiden before having her attention go back to being on her brother-in-law when she heard his question.
"We made the arrangements for tonight at sunset but I can call them since I got their card after making sure everything was in order," Tami said before Raven could say anything. "Would you like me to do that so that we can be a bit more prepared? I can say tomorrow instead or two nights from now."
Raven had been about to answer Kieran's question when Tami answered it instead and after she was done talking she turned her attention back to being on Aiden and said, "I'm sorry."


Aisling just shook her head at Liam's perplexed state at the news of Sabrina liking him. When they were younger, she had seen the way that he looked at her or when he averted his eyes so that he was avoiding looking at her. She knew that he might've liked her then but didn't say anything about that now as she tuned in to his and Blaire's conversation just as the latter asked her what he did. She nodded before saying in reply, "Yes you're right."


Zoe smiled at Brazen when he caught up to her and asked what he did. "No not at all," she said in reply with the smile still on her face before she started to walk again towards her hut that was just ahead of them. She then stopped a few minutes afterward to see if he was following her and then after deciding that he would after a little while, started walking again until she reached the front porch of her hut.


Samantha tried to run when Sedrick said that he was it but didn't move fast enough when he suddenly tagged her before running around in a circle around them. She just shook her head, knowing that it wasn't how the game was played or how people played it. She had seen how the older kids played it and how they ran away from each other as the others chased them and not running around in a circle around them but knowing her brother she also knew that he was just excited. She sighed before tagging Ryan and saying to him with a small shy smile before taking off running but still staying closeby since she didn't want to go too far, You're it!
Naomi smiled as well and then started to run when Samantha tagged Ryan and also stayed in the area that they were in so that they were within hearing distance in case either of them got hurt.
Last edited by Shadowfax278 on October 16th, 2023, 6:42:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: StormCry & Shadowfax - Lycans

Post by StormCry »

Kieran smiled when Sabrina said that she'd be glad to babysit. He turned to his wife and a thoughtful expression crossed his face as she explained.
"I think 2 nights from now would be better. That would give everyone plenty of time to prepare and make plans." He said.

Aiden tucked his chin when Raven said she was sorry.
"Me too." He said.

Blaire grinned when Ash confirmed his assumption.
"So, there you have it." He turned to Liam, but motioned toward Aisling "Straight from the wolf's mouth."

Liam tucked his hands in his pockets.
"Uh, okay." He said.
His mind was reeling at the moment. He'd always liked Sabrina, but he'd never for an instant entertained the idea of her liking him back. She was not only the Beta's daughter, but the daughter of the toughest and meanest wolf around. Sabrina wasn't a girl that you just "dated".
"So, how should I go about this?" He looked at Aisling as he asked the question. He trusted her opinion more, even though Brazen and Blaire were Sabrina's brothers. Honestly, he expected them to pull a dirty trick on him if he tried to date their sister, NOT help him woo her.

Brazen wanted to talk to Zoe, but as they walked, a stifling silence reined. It annoyed him, but he just couldn't get any words out.
Finally, they stopped on her porch.
"Uh, well," He cleared his throat "Get some rest, and I'll see you tomorrow... if that's okay?"

Ryan was confused for a moment when the game began until he was tagged.
"I'm it?" He asked, "OH! I'm it!" With that, he started trying to catch the others. He bolted after Rick first, but Rick doubled back and avoided him easily, so he turned to Naomi and pounced after her.
Just to be clear, time is not a flat circle... That is way too simplistic. It's a little more wibbly-wobbly than that. ~ Chromie

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