The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Update!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Emily »

Hi there! I'm Emily. I'm looking for a couple new role playing partners. I'm experienced and have been here on MagiStream for a few years now.

Here are a few things about me:
-- I am an experienced role player [4 years and counting] and enjoy casual/advanced role plays. A good paragraph or two makes me happy.
-- I am in college. This means that sometimes I'm busy and cannot respond right away.
-- I am in the EST time zone
-- I can usually respond a couple times a day, but my schedule does change and I let my RP partners know accordingly. I try to at least get one in a day.
-- I like to get to know and become friends with my RP partners.
-- I love collaborating on a plot, so please don't leave it up to me completely. If you have an idea or plot twist in mind, by all means share it with me.
-- I love, love, love romance in my RPs, and it is a must. There needs to be an actual plot besides the romance, though. Sidenote: I will do mature/PM scenes.
-- I don't mind playing the male role, but I prefer female.
-- Decent grammar is always great, but typos/mistakes are acceptable. I make them too - no one is perfect.

-- Dystopian
-- Fantasy
-- Superhuman
-- Supernatural
-- Slice of Life [Plot of some sort needed - gotta keep it interesting]

I would like to develop the plot with you. If I didn't list something but you have an idea, feel free to throw it out there. I'm open to most anything.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Celery »

Hi! Interested in getting back into roleplaying.

I am looking for literate, advanced roleplayers who will enjoy rping some interesting and fun plots- preferably over Skype. This makes it easier for me to check and respond in a timely manner! Looking for one to two paragraphs minimum! I will roleplay any role/gender as long as I am comfortable with it.
My time zone is AZT/MST (depending on the day of the year).

Realistic wolves/horses/animals
Sci-Fi stuff (you'll have to explain things to me but it sounds fun!)
GoT (have only seen so many episodes but love the concept)
Wolf shapeshifters
Everything outside of that list is stuff I usually don't get myself into or have no idea about. So that includes most conventional fanfiction and anime/manga.

That's mostly it. Have any questions or proposals, feel free to pm!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Rakul »

Hey, I'm Rakul. I'm new to Magistream, but I've been RPing for more than 3 years now. I'm Looking for someone that's Semi-Literate, so we can make a plot that works for the both of us, and so our skill levels are the same so we understand each other's characters better. I'm not really bothered by grammar and spelling, but it must at least be readable. I'd like 1-2 paragraphs of RP, see can get the best results. My time zone is PST, eastern standard time. I'll play any Gender, but I'd rather have a male some they are less sophisticated and much more fun to RP.
Anything spooky - expecially slenderman related.
Wolf Shifters and anything of the sort
Post-Apocalyptic (walking dead, alien invasion, etc)
Futuristic stuff like robots
Fantasy- expecially with dragons, but anything else will be just fine for me.
World Building
Anything with a huge conflict that will end the world
Romance-Centered plots/sex
Fanfic Stuff
School Romance crap
Pokemon and Warriors Cats
Harry Potter and the like
Dislikes, but will do if plot is interesting enough

Plot ideas
It is the year 2219, and humans have been growing and learning. They have figured out how to mutate creatures to make them more powerful- and potential creatures of war. They have learned the natural secrets of the elements to bend the earth and shape it to their will with their machines. But what they have not learned yet... That there is life outside the solar system, and that life... May be deadly.

After years of planning a war against the humans, aliens called Shadowmorphs are demolishing city after city on earth. Shadowmorphs can change their form to whatever they want, whenever they want, hence the name, "Shadowmorph." No one knows how to stop them. Even the president is dead. But one day, as the sky grew darker and the distant sound of Thunder could be heard beyond the raging onslaught, there was a great silence as a lonely ghost voice spoke out: "Those who have the power to defeat the Shadowmorphs and Humanity will come. They will find the four creation powers of space, time, energy, and chaos. And when they do, you will die." And then the noise returned.

But one question lingers. Who will die- The Shadowmorphs... Or Humans? Come and find out... If you dare.
Sci-Fi and Fantasy cross. We can have more than 2 people roleaying this. Maybe 4 people?

If someone wants to RP with me, PM me and I'll see what I can do.

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by TheXDarkXDragoness »

Looking for a partner!

Will NOT do 18+ (Mature) or cussing.

Will do Fantasy, Sci-Fi, or ones that just sound fun.
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by Hope »


My name is Hope, and I have just returned to magistream. I was quite in to this site around two years ago, and found my way back again. I've been roleplaying for a very long time, and to be honest I feel I'm quite good.
I have quite good vocabulary and always do my reasearch about whatever I'm roleplaying.

What I'm in to at the moment would be:
- HP, OC after Harry's time.
- Animals, almost any animal actually.
- Dragons, yes oh yes please tell me I'm not the only one! Like, dragonriders or just the dragon part (already drooling about this kinda rp)
- Pirates, I'm writing a story about it so my research-part is quite okey about this ;)
- Fantasy overall..
What I'm not doing, and never will be doing:
- Vampires, not my thing...
- Werewolves, sorry still not my thing...
- Spacey things, exceptions can be made if the story is good.
About my writing:
- I will probably customise my writing according to my opponent.
- If you write like 5-10 sentences, I will probably too, maybe even more to push you.
- I will always tell you if I am going away for a longer period, or if I can't answer for a day or so.
- As I said earlier, my vocabulary is quite strong. I have great hopes of it.
- I love "old" english, or writing as if my characters are talkin' with strong accent, ya know what I'm sayin'?
Any questions? Feel free to PM!
About the place to roleplay? Forum or wherever you feel comfortable!

Have a nice day!

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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by insanelysootbird »

Hello! I have just recently gotten back into roleplaying, so I decided to come back here to look for a partner. c: I have one plot specifically in mind for a small invite only roleplay with about one other person, aside from anyone who is reading this. c:

The setting is in the United States, the year is 1968. There is a group of teenagers, all around the ages of 13-18 years old. One day, some of the males get drafted into the Vietnam War, causing the group of friends to be very distraught. However, they soon come up with the idea to all run away together. They set off all together in a small trailer. Enraged, their parents are all desperate to find them and eventually the teenagers all find themselves in trouble, as they realize they don't have enough money and supplies to survive, causing them to make rational decisions on the streets.

I would love to roleplay this with one or two people together, especially if we could all play several character . I will most likely play males, so it doesn't matter to me if you prefer one gender over the other. Also, I'd strongly prefer if we could roleplay over Kik, as I don't have the time anymore to be roleplaying on here. So, if anyone happens to be interested, don't be afraid to message me!
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Silvereil ([url=]from page 15[/url]) wrote:I am looking for some Private 1x1 RP Partners. Truthfully, I have no limit on how many Private RP's I do at once. Below is some information on what I look for in a suitable RPer for me, what I can RP and what I cannot RP. Feel free to make suggestions at anytime and PM me if you are interested (like said at the very end).

What to expect from me:
  • Playing multiple characters of different genders and races
    • I can play either gender, since I'm pretty flexible and I'm fine with doing either. Often, I might play more than one character just to add a bit of excitement to the RP. Also, I enjoy playing characters of different races as well. I can play a wide variety of different races, from shapeshifters to vampires to just regular humans.
  • Being fairly active
    • I try to be as active as I can, and I think I do a pretty good job at that. But, as with everyone, things do come up. So please be patient with me if I suddenly disappear or my posting becomes a little more irregular, though I will try to let you know when I expect to be gone for a bit ahead of time so you're prepared.
  • Romance
    • Yes, I enjoy romance, though only as a side plot. Romance as a main plot does not work for me. Also, though I have nothing against homosexuals or bisexuals, I only do male x female since I have no experience playing really anything else, though perhaps if you're one of the extremely persuasive types, you might be able to get me to try it sometime
  • I'm a semi-lit player
    • I normally RP with what I consider to be quite decent grammar, like correct spellings and punctuation, use of words and all that. Yes, I am still human and I make typos here and there, but I try my best not to do that. My posts generally range from three or four lines to a few paragraphs and I try to use different wording so it's more interesting and not as boring to read. Please don't be too angry if I correct any spelling or grammar issues I see repeatedly. It bugs me a little bit when I see that.
  • I don't curse
    • Even when I speak, I just don't curse. Writing, typing, it makes me feel weird when I curse. I suppose it's due to my upbringing and thanks to my parents. So, for those of you who don't like cursing, congrats! I don't ever curse. For those of you who do like cursing and wish to see it in your RP partner, well, sorry. Perhaps you might want to find someone else.

What I look for in an RP partner:
  • Everything in threads will be PG-13
    • I like romance and violence, just not too much blood, guts, and gore or too much heated romance. If we do go further, which I can do if I must, we will take it into PMs, though I'd prefer to just timeskip (TS) since I don't like filling up my inboxes too fast.
  • No swear words
    • Sorry, but please keep swearing to the minimal. I don't mind little things like hell or things like that, but if you must use words such as sh*t and f*ck, please star it out like you just saw, or just don't use those words at all. I hear them enough on a daily basis and I don't need them RPed.
  • No PM RPs
    • They fill up my inboxes too fast
  • No Perfect or Overpowered (OP'd / OP) Characters
    • I enjoy having characters with amazing abilities who are strong, but there is a point where I dislike them. When characters start being able to dodge every blow, their power increasing to god-like powers with every move, and being able to tear the earth apart or kill someone with one flick of their finger, then I start to get irritated. No one is perfect.
  • Please choose to RP something you like
    • I don't like feeling like I'm having to drag you through the RP, being the only one to be creative. I would prefer that you are just as creative if not more creative, excited to push on. I've done RPs in the past where I've been the only one coming up with plot ideas, things to make the RP more interesting, etc. I'd rather not have to do that, because if I do, I might just fade away and eventually stop posting.
  • Post more than just 2 or 3 lines and make it interesting
    • I understand everyone has writer's block every now and then, but please not every post. I love Semi-Lit to Literate RPs and actually prefer them. I want to see detail! Please try not to use the same wording over and over again, like "'... you,' she said in her sweet tones'. Use different wording choices and make it fun, please.

Things I want to do:
  • Fantasy/Adventure
  • Dragons
  • Sci-Fi or Fantasy (i.e. Spacey things sort of like Star Trek, Star Wars, or Guardians of the Galaxy)

Things I can or will do:
  • Fantasy RP's with creatures, powers, magic, shifters, etc.
  • Medieval RP's
  • Suggest something that's not on here and I'll see

Things I don't like and would prefer not to do:
  • Maximum Ride
    • I have absolutely no idea what it is and it's probably best you just didn't try to explain it to me
  • Warriors
  • Werewolves/Vampires
  • MLP
    • Sorry. I'm not really in to it all that much.
  • Pure Romance
    • Romance is great, and I have it in most of my RPs, but please, not as a main plot. It doesn't go anywhere after it gets started and things become pretty dull and boring after a few pages.
  • Anything based on books, Movies, TV Shows Celebrities, etc. that aren't listed above in the will do sections
  • Suggest something that's not on here and I'll tell you whether I can do it or not


Plot ideas: (Ones with a * next to it are ones I prefer/want to do)
For Romance/Realistic Regular Human RP's:
War of the Heart

A soldier who had been deployed to Afghanistan has no returned home. He was injured in battle and is now blind for life. Not only does he have to live with blindness, but he also has to jump right back into the regular daily life. He has to find a job to pay for the house, figure out how to live almost normally again, and work on getting through the scars left by battle, both mentally and physically.

Things do not seem to be going well, and for the first few months, he is struggling. He has no job, since no one wants a blind person scarred by battle working for him. This results in having practically no money. But things are about to turn around for him when he meets someone special who just might help him get through all that and more.

A soldier deployed to a base in Afghanistan has discovered something mysterious. Something that may endanger the army's mission, and maybe more. Of course he can't let this happen and looks into it more and more. But everywhere he turns, there is a strange woman there to block his progress. He'll get closer, then be stopped, and closer still, and be stopped. It's a never ending struggle. Will he be able to uncover the plot and save the United States? What will he do about this infuriating woman who's blocking his progress?

A woman part of a group working to foil the plans of the US army and protect her citizens is charged with a mission. A soldier from the very army she and her group are trying to foil is investigating, having discovered something that's leading him dangerously close to finding out the plot. He cannot be allowed to find out about this plot, and must be turned away. Only thing is, the job is not easy. He is stubborn and every one of her attempts doesn't exactly discourage him or lead him in the wrong direction. Will she be able to deter this soldier, or will she fail?

For Fantasy RP's:
The Lost Dracons

Dracons are similar to dragons, descendants of the dragons. Each dracon has a silver, gold, or platinum collar with a single gem in it, giving them a certain power, whether it be mind-reading, telepathy, power over the 4 basic elements, an aurora of some sort, etc. If this gem is broken or stolen, then the dracon loses its power and is no better than an iguana. The dracons live on another world, separate from the human world and hidden from the human eye.

A dracon can be bound with one person, a person who is born at the exact same time it hatches from its egg. This is a very rare event, so Draconans, humans bound with a dracon, are rare. Neither of the two know of their link at first, but they slowly become aware of it as time passes. A Draconan shares the power of its dracon, also being blessed with keener senses, quicker reflexes, and a longer life.

This story is about after the Great War, when the dracons and their Draconans were near to being wiped out. It's about those who went into hiding, and the two that would change the world forever. When the other 8 would not take action, these two did and changed history, giving both Earth and Thycoran (The hidden dracon world) another chance to survive.
Fire and Water

There is a war going on between two kingdoms of shapeshifters, the Phalos [Shapeshifters of Fire (Or shapeshifters with power over fire)] and the Hrythna [Shapeshifters of Water (Or shifters with power over water)]. The war has been going on for about 100 years now, a struggle for power. It all came down to a bloody battle in the swamp. The two sides were at a standoff when out of nowhere, a thunder of dragons came and wiped out both armies. From each side, there was only one survivor, a boy and a girl. Will they get over their hatred of each other long enough to survive, maybe even fall in love? And will they uncover the mystery behind the dragons' attack?
* The Eclipse Warriors - Very similar to the Mortal Instruments, but not exactly like it

There are many worlds on earth. Strange, yes, but true. However, this is a focus on two in particular: the world that "normal" humans know of, the modern one today, and the world just beneath the surface of that one, known by the "special" humans, the Eclipse Warriors. These Eclipse warriors are a special group of humans, just normal humans, that have the ability to see what others cannot. A world infested with shadows, demons, and fallen angels. These warriors dedicate themselves to ridding the world of these creatures to save the human race, but it is not always easy. Even with their enhanced abilities such as speed, eyesight, hearing, and smell along with their specialized weapons said to be made of the metal of heaven itself, these Shadow creatures have abilities of their own to counteract the powers of the Eclipse warriors.

While these battles rage on, the "normal" human world goes on, not seeing a thing, not even seeing the Eclipse warriors, and not knowing that every day, the world is in danger of collapsing around them. Well, most of these normal people. There is one, a certain girl, who can see through this veil and see what the world is really like, to see what the world of an Eclipse warrior is like. How is this possible? She's a human. What will happen to her when the Eclipse warriors find out?

PM me if you're interested.

Status: Looking/Not Looking
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread

Post by MisSutcliffe »

MisSutcliffe wrote:Hiya! I'm MisSutcliffe/Missy, and if it wasn't obvious enough, I'm looking for a 1x1 roleplay partner.
I can get on fairly frequently and I like to be at least semi-lit when I write. I am willing to rp off Magistream as well, such as on Skype or any other messaging client.

Things that interest me
  • - Fantasy
    - Science fiction
    - Modern day/real life
    - Superheroes (or magical girls!)
    - Furry/anthro
    - Pretty much anything!

Things that I would be willing to base a rp off of
  • - Gravity Falls
    - MLP
    - Avatar/Legend of Korra
    - Invader Zim
    - Star Trek/Guardians of the Galaxy-esque things
    - Sword Art Online

What I am willing to roleplay
  • - Cussing
    - Minor violence
    - Gay/lesbian romance

What I won't do
  • - Heavy gore
    - Intimate/sexual scenes

What I don't like
There isn't much I don't like, but...
  • - A lot of shows/books etc. I don't know much about -- for example, I've never read or seen Harry Potter. :t-sweat: Ask me if you're curious!
    - Plots without romance
    - Plots based SOLELY on romance
    - Pure animals (shapeshifting humans I'd be up for, though -- I know that's a popular theme here.)

Estoy dispuesta hacer rps en Español también. Siempre quiero mejorar mis habilidades con la lengua~

PM me if you are interested! / ¡Enviarme un mensaje si tienes interés! <3
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by QuietCove »

Hi! I'm QuietCove, but you can call me Cova. I'm currently looking for a 1x1 Partner. I am usually online, but if I'm not, you can just shoot me a PM if you want to start up a roleplay with me.

Things that interest me:

-Animals (shapeshifting or animporphism, please!)
-Apocalypse (or Post-Apocalypse)
-Video Games
-Books/TV Shows (please tell me which one specifically)

Things I'm okay with:

-Mild Gore
-Mild Romance

Things I won't do:

-Explicit Scenes
-Heavy Gore

My Fandoms :t-swoon: :

-Online virtual-pet click sites
-Movies and videos

Thanks for considering! I'll get back to you as soon as possible! <3 :wave:
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Re: The "Searching for a 1x1 Partner" Thread - Important Upd

Post by GlitterEnthusiast »

►looking/not looking◄

►►about me
  • I'm a very active person, being on multiple times throughout the day
    I have been roleplaying for nearly eight - nine years, and am very experienced; however, my writing isn't always perfect
    I mirror my partner, and tend to stick around one to two paragraphs per post depending on the sitution and how much my partner has given me to work with. My opening posts are always long
    I would prefer to roleplay with people over the age of eighteen. My characters tend to lean towards a more mature aspect with cursing, gore, and romance
    My characters are made to reflect the roleplay, and are more than likely made out of thin air on the spot. I do not have a preference over female or male characters
    I don't roleplay animal POV unless it's a shapeshifter type thing, as well I don't roleplay out FxF pairings often. I prefer MxF and MxM
►►partner qualities
  • I would like a reply at least two - three times a week; if you're not going to be around for a while, please let me know
    I would love to see long posts! The longer the post, the happier I am. I mirror my partner and I don't have much to work with if you just give me a few simple sentences
    I want to see you contribute to the roleplay just as much as I have, provide ideas, plot twists, etc
    I would love to also talk to you about the roleplay, ideas, and just things in general, I'd love to make friends while we roleplay
►►roleplay ideas
  • End of The World; World War
    • This plot hasn't much built around it, but basically I want the world to end via a extreme world war, nuclear explosions, cities crumbling to nothing. The main characters can include army personal, civilians just trying to survive, there's a lot of possibilities for this one. Once the war finally ends, the world can begin to repair and rebuild it's society. This one would include romance between the two main characters, MxM or FxM, it doesn't matter
    Asylum Horror
    • I want a really gore-y, terrifying setting. The main characters would include two mentally insane people, one of which(my character) has a mental condition that's a mix of hallucinations, schizophrenia, and an imaginary friend that torments the girl, and drives her further insane, causing her to inflict injuries upon herself and bring her down to nothing. The staff of said asylum are unkind, they torment and torture the patients and do nothing to help their insanity. The building is unclean, as the walls haven't seen a sponge or a single coat of paint since they were put up. The asylum looks warm and inviting, but no one ever leaves.
      This roleplay is full of gore, horror, blood, and possible other scenes. PM/E-mail/Skype only. Also would prefer someone who isn't afraid to challenge themselves and try new things to torment the characters
    Fairy tale fables
    • I really want to do some twisted Disney tales! And any other interesting fables and lore. This one would be one roleplay with multiple different story lines following different sets of characters. Say we do one story of Beauty & the Beast, and once that story's done, we'd move on to another tale, etc. They would be told differently, and a bit more grim than the children stories.
    Forbidden love; Centaurs
    • I've been wanting to do a centaur roleplay for a while, and I have an interesting idea about it. The main characters would include a centaur kept on a ranch for show or labor, and the other would be a wild centaur or a centaur from a rivaling ranch. The couple can never actually be together, and as such have to sneak around to be together. Another interesting plot twist is if a stableboy/ranch owner fell in love with the centaur, but I'm leaning more towards a wild/rivaling centaur
    Dragon/Griffin riders
    • I've been really wanting to get into a fantasy dragon/griffin roleplay, and why not? I'm thinking maybe tribes or different cities, and an overlord of sorts. Wars can break out, and all that good stuff. This plot needs more work, and I'd love to discuss ideas with you!
Last edited by GlitterEnthusiast on August 11th, 2015, 1:08:49 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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