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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 13 up :)

Post by freakazoid »

Thanks. <3
I hope to write the next chapter sometime tomorrow - if my nasty headache goes away by then. Either way, glad you like it! :)
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 13 up :)

Post by jaja »

more? <3
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Chapter 14 - Morning Origins

Post by freakazoid »

Chapter 14: Morning Origins
A gentle prodding on April's shoulder woke the Magi up, and she turned to see two bone dragon hatchlings flying gracefully in the air. The pair snickered and flew off, their skeletal tails trailing behind them in a wavy line. Smiling, the water Magi looked down and sighed in content, snatching the book from her lap and placing it on the nearby bookshelf. Afterwards, she stood up and stretched her arms, bending over backwards and grinning in satisfaction as her back popped. Once she was finished with that, she leaned forward and did the same to her frontal body.

Pale morning sunlight poured through the windows as April made her way to her bedroom. She softly stepped over snoozing kittens and walked past a twitching Maggie. The Dodo squawked quietly in her sleep, and April couldn't help but laugh when she got into her room. The gentle hum of Shade in the fish-tank soothed the water Magi, and she almost wanted to just sit and listen to the vibrations that emitted from the Koi. April quickly undressed and cleansed her body, slipping into her cloak (that smelled of honeysuckle) and walking back out for a morning meal. I think I'll have some blackberries - but I'll have to check and see if there's any left. Those rewins like to come and eat them...

Once the water magi approached the door, she opened it quietly, hoping not to disturb sleeping creatures. She stepped outside quickly and shut the door behind her, looking around carefully before walking for her blackberry patches. Dots of dark fruits were visible, making April smile and giggle in delight. As the water Magi reached the bushes, she bent down and picked a few off, eating them slowly.

“Mmm..." April closed her eyes in gratitude that there were still some of the blackberries in the patches. After staining her fingers a darker color than, April rubbed them against the grass and stood up, only to see a blur of orange-red, brown-black, and white running at her. A kitsune leaped into her arms, and April almost dropped the fox as she adjusted herself to the new weight.

"Hey Ember." She smiled, stroking the creature's fur with her hand. "I'm gonna leave for the Alasre Mountains here soon, wanna come with?"

Ember barked happily from April's arms, wagging her three tails and leaping down to the ground. She ran a little ways ahead, looking back and thrusting her head near a burrow. I think she wants me to follow her... The magi shrugged her shoulders and jogged after her companion, laughing at the Kitsune's playfulness. Goddess smiled from the pond and ducked under the water to watch in silence.

The kitsune led April to a den, where she crawled inside and appeared with a white egg in her jaws. “Oh my, Ember, where did you find this?"

It was there this morning, I am unsure how it got there. Figured I'd tell you, heehee!

It was nice being able to communicate so easily with the kitsune, April thought. Ember and April had a close bond that had grown over the years. The magi gently took the arkenian kitsune egg from Ember's jaws and looked it over, gazing at its smooth and undisturbed surface.

“Uncle Wapiti will have to wait just a little bit longer." April said, her voice obviously indicating that she was determined to find out where the egg came from. “This comes first."
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 1:07:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 14 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

Mysterious Arkenian Kitsune egg? Hmm. I wonder what this means. Think think think.
Be kind.
Please do not click any hatchlings in my Main tab. Thank you.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 14 up :)

Post by Lunaheart »

I do too....I love Kitsunes! They are soo adorable!!!

Looking for Donis on my wishlist. See my profile for details on what I have to offer.
Sarge is one of my Keep Guardians along with Durakro.

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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 14 up :)

Post by Ceres »

oohh! Cute Kitsune! More chappies!
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Chapter 15: Love...wait, what?

Post by freakazoid »

Chapter 15: Love...wait, what?
April cradled Ember in her arms as Deathdrop examined the egg. The Naga had been looking at it for quite some time now - but the Magi didn't want to miss anything when she left. So she had remained, watching silently as a crack in the egg every now and then made bits of eggshell go flying. Finally, after what seemed like forever, a little Arkenian Kitsune hatchling emerged, his fur pale as the moon. April gasped and smiled, reaching a hand out to the fox for him to sniff. The hatchling looked at the Magi's fingers for a moment before indulging them in licks. Ember leaped onto the table and began to investigate the fox, licking it's ear gently.
"Well," April laughed, "I guess I better be on my way. Ember looks like she'll help you with the hatchling." Sighing, the water Magi stood up and stretched briefly before looking around. "Who wants to come to Alasre with me?"

A Savantis Bat poked her eye open and looked around, hearing April's words and flying over. The hatchling landed on the Magi's shoulders and began to sleep again, snoring quite loudly. Smiling, the Magi patted the bat's fluffy tail and began walking outside. Tallusa (the bat) hissed, baring the vampire fangs that April had (she also had a forked tongue) and burying her head into the Magi's hair. She smiled, making her way to Ryawy and calling for the Cardinal Gryphon softly. The female looked up and tilted her head, trotting over to the Magi and screeching quietly. "Would you mind taking me to the Alasre Mountains?"

As if to say yes, the adult jumped around excitedly, ruffling her feathers and squawking. April smiled and mounted the Cardinal Gryphon, making sure Tallusa was on her shoulder and that her travel bag was safely tucked at her side. Once everything was secure, the Magi made a clicking sound and held her grip tighter as the bird-cat took off in flight.

When April could see the Keep below them, she knew that the mountains were close. Ryawy didn't even seem tired, relieving the Magi of her stress and urging the gryphon onward. It took until close to sundown for them to reach Wapiti's house. The man looked out a window and smiled, rushing outside and waving his arms wildly.

"April! Oh, it's really you!" As April landed, he rushed up to his family and hugged her tightly. "I haven't seen ya in forever! How've ya'll been?"

"I'm fine - but where have you seen the Dark Brotherhood people?" The water Magi was grateful for the embrace, but there were more important matters that needed to be resolved at the moment.

"Haven't seen 'em since this mornin'. They were snoopin' 'round over there." The man pointed to a large stone in the distance. It had long, darkly-glowing marks crossed on the smooth edges. April gasped quietly and walked over hurriedly. Bending down, she traced a finger over the 'scratch-marks', wincing as she pricked it on a sharp pebble. Blood poked out of the wound, but the Magi just wiped it on a patch of nearby grass and stood up again.

A screech from the air above alerted the both of them, and they looked up to see a group of dark bone dragons swooping down, toward the rock. "Out of the way!" Deep voices shouted from the air as streams of black magic flew at April, Wapiti, and the creatures. Wapiti screamed for his niece and they all ran toward a tree, where they cowered behind. Tallusa flew from April's shoulders and into her arms, shivering and chirping fiercely. "Hush, Tall!"

The group Magi were instantly recognizable by their black cloaks - they were the Dark Brotherhood. They all crowded around the rock and poured their magic into it, snickering evilly and glancing over at the two.

"Well well well," One of them smirked. "Lookie what we have here."

April handed Tallusa to Wapiti and stood up. "Leave this place. Leave it now!" Ryawy growled from behind the tree, peering out and scowling at the dark Magi.

"And why should we?" April knew who it was - Nabendu. He laughed as the water Magi drenched him in water, looking down at his cloak. "Is that all you can do?"

Nabendu raised his hands - along with the rest of the group - glowing a dark magic that was somewhat fearful to April. In an instant, they cast it upon the Magi, laughing at her pitiful scream and smiling as she looked at them from the ground, weakened.


A loud shout from the air echoed as an unknown Magi swooped down and blasted the group with a gust of air. That was followed with flames of fire that shot at the dark Magi with force, making the members retreat for their mounts. They screamed and yelled in agony as their cloak and flesh were burned, cooled, and burned again. Hopping onto their mounts, they quickly flew away and didn't look back.

"April!" The Magi that had helped leaped off a black Gryphon that the water Magi couldn't notice in her blurred vision. A bright blue cloak was visible, but that was the only thing that April noticed about the male. He rushed over and knelt down, lifting her up and looking at her worriedly.

"Zach..." April opened her eyes wide as the air Magi smiled. "Zach! You saved me - well, us!"

"Yep, that's right. I did."

The water Magi smiled warmly and hugged him. For once, there were butterflies in her stomach every time he said her name.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 1:03:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 15 up :)

Post by Ceres »

Awwwwww! <3 So cute! Write more! So good! Quick! More chapters! :wee:
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 15 up :)

Post by jaja »

more please <3
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Chapter 16 - Stranger in the Grass

Post by freakazoid »

Chapter 16: Stranger in the Grass
"Ahh! What is that noise?"

April held her hands over her ears as she approached Herbal Grace, an annoyed Deathdrop looking her way and sighing. "It's the hummingbirds."

"Hummingbirds?" The water Magi put down her hood and walked over to investigate, her face perking up at the word. She had always loved hummingbirds - but hadn't seen one, until now, that is. Falcon looked up at his Magi, his ears twitching quickly. The antelope hare jackalope made a small purr-like noise, leaping up into April's arms as she caught him in surprise and making his way into her hood. As he reached the hood, he curled up and looked out over the fabric, staring at the wildflowers with interest.

"Yeah, hummingbirds. I found them early this morning - the imps were growling loudly and they disturbed my sleep. So I came out here to find hummingbirds fluttering about the garden." The Naga bent down, reaching her hand into the flowery depths. She pulled it back out, two small birds on her fingertip. They chattered, looking at one another before zooming over to April and landing on her shoulders.

"They're only born in pairs, and they are hyper hatchlings. Saw them all the time back in Raza." Deathdrop smiled happily, chuckling to herself as one of the imps swiped out at one of the birds. The hummingbird flew away swiftly with its partner and chattered, looking back and forth and to the imp. The imp growled, turning and stalking away into the plants.

"Ah, I see." April grinned, reaching into her satchel for any spare flowers that she had collected. She pulled out two dark purple flowers and held one up to each of them, laughing as they took them in their beaks and sucked the nectar out of the flowers. This reminded her of the mountains - where she got the pair of plants.

It was only a few days earlier that the water Magi had visited her uncle Wapiti in the Alasre Mountains. He had reported sightings of the Dark Brotherhood, and requested that April come and help. After a brief fight with the members of the group, Zach swooped in on Tawai and 'saved the day'. From then on, April couldn't help but smile on the inside every time the air Magi said her name.

Falcon looked at the hummingbirds curiously, reaching over to sniff them but retreating back to the safety of the hood as one pecked at him. The Magi smiled and looked at the small birds. I need to name them, because I'm guessing that they'll probably stay.

"I think I'll call you Pomegranate," April turned to face the other hummingbird. "And you, Starfruit."

The two chirped happily, leaping up into the air and flying in circles around April. They were almost invisible as their tiny wings flapped, only the faint hum marking that they were there. The water Magi smiled, waiting for them to land on her shoulders again. When they did, she made sure they had their grip and walked forward, peering over Deathdrop's shoulder at the two males and the hatchlings.

A noise from the forest behind April alerted her of something's presence. She readied her water magic, taking a defensive stance and waiting for someone to pop out of the brush. Deathdrop slithered over to a tree, preparing her magic as well. Suddenly, a man leaped out of the brush, panting and gasping for breath. He had blonde hair and forest green eyes that looked around himself warily. Once he saw April and the large ball of water in her arms, he screamed and dived into the tall grass.

"Don't hurt me! I'm innocent!"

"Then show yourself!"

The man appeared next to April suddenly, sweat dripping down his face and tears staining his cheeks. He wore a dark green cloak that was laced with golden embroidery near the collar, his shoes dark brown leather boots. April's ball of water disappeared into thin air as Pomegranate and Starfruit chattered angrily at the newcomer.

"Who are you, exactly?" The water Magi took a step back from the stranger and stared at him with confused ocean blue eyes.

"I am Tujik, and I come from the northern part of the island. My daughter and I..." His voice faded to a sorrowful tone as he continued. "My daughter and I were here for fun - she had always wanted to see a Rewin Dragon. Once we saw one, she ran up to it and giggled. And then...it attacked her. The screams were terrible, her brown hair flopping everywhere as the dragon fought her. I tried to use my earth magic...but it was nothing compared to the rewin's strength. He carried her off into the sunset - that was the last time I saw my daughter."

"Oh my, that's horrible!" April's mouth was gaped open in horror as she hugged the man in an effort to comfort him. Tujik nodded, sniffing sadly and wiping another tear that slid down his face. He looked up at April with pleading green eyes, his mouth sticking out in a pout.

"Is there anywhere I could possibly stay?"

"Um, there's no room in my Keep, sorry! I'm sure that some of the villagers up there," April motioned north. "Could help you out."

Tujik sighed sadly, nodding and heading in that direction. It was then that April noticed the large, bleeding gash along the earth Magi's leg. She gasped in horror, trotting up to Tujik and ignoring the chirps of protest from Pomegranate.

"Wait, at least let me heal you." She pushed him down gently, pulling up his pant leg and flinching at the amount of blood there was. "How did you walk on this?"

Without waiting for a reply, the water Magi closed her eyes and raised her hands, chanting a few words quietly and placing her hands on Tujik's leg. The earth Magi winced, but smiled as the pain went away. He looked at April, eyes full of lust. April tilted her head in confusion, screeching as the Magi leaned forward to kiss her. Before their lips met, the water Magi pushed him away and scrambled backward.

"What are you doing?" She screamed, Pomegranate and Starfruit glaring at Tujik from April's shoulders.

"Why did you run away? Get back here." Tujik crawled toward her, his pupils suddenly slits. The water Magi cursed under her breath as she ran into a tree, pulling up her hand and checking to make sure it was okay. April put down her hand and looked up, only to see the Magi right in front of her.

"Tujik! What are you doing? Get away from me!"

As soon as it had started, the Magi sat up, his pupils normal circles. "Huh?"

"You were trying to kiss me!" April's face was twisted with disgust.

"Oh, was I?" Tujik blushed, wagging his tail behind him playfully. "Sorry about that. I can't control myself when I'm in my werewolf form."

April was silent as he stood up, turning around and jogging toward the village.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 1:03:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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