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Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: April 18th, 2015, 5:35:44 pm
by pugspie101
Once at a party my friends broke glow sticks and got the stuff everywhere

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: April 26th, 2015, 1:18:43 am
by Tails
Our teacher was having a cyber wellness talk while we were using iPads (not note-taking lol). Halfway through, somebody iMessaged a "deal with it" meme (from awhile back when the other teachers were grouching about it and he said that) with his face on it to everyone. ;.; He saw it and was just about to confiscate the iPads.

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: April 26th, 2015, 6:19:55 am
by pugspie101

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: June 4th, 2015, 10:19:12 pm
by Pok
Bro: *drops papaya block in chicken soup*
Me: *giggles*
Bro: *eats papaya, snags another block and drops it in the soup again*

Was laughing for a good five minutes, then told my father and we laughed for another five.
Which do you prefer, papaya chicken or chicken papaya?

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: June 7th, 2015, 6:42:41 pm
by BBkat
Well, I got woken up by a fire alarm in college once. something like,6 in the morning and it wet off. And I had to go down several flights of stairs. There was no fire(so it was either a drill or some idiot pulling the bell). But standing out side in ones pjs that early in the morning is not fun. x.x
I can't think of much 'crazy' things.
I suppose the car accident I was in a number of years ago would count. My dad was driving me to church(I think my sister was in a pageant or something so she left earlier with my mom for the first service, I know we took separate cars at different times) and we got to the intersection right before the church, at which point we have to turn left. As we were turning nother car came through the intersection and clipped the tail end.
Now, to something to take note of, which is what I figure makes this feel more, crazy. Usually I would sit in the driver's side passenger seat(the seat behind the driver seat) but I didn't this time, for whatever reason-the seatbelt was twisted up or something), so I took the seat behind the passenger's side. When the car was clipped and we skidded/spun, I was jerked to the left, only held back by my seatbelt(always wear those!) and my glasses popped off, and one of the lenses fell out.
It was only after that I realized, if I'd sat where I usually sat, in the seat behind the driver, my head probably would have been slammed into the window and I'd have been hurt pretty bad. As it was, I wasn't hurt at all.

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: June 20th, 2015, 12:44:13 am
by Illegallyblonde
Nice! That sounds wild!

Once shotgunned in the campground beside my school on The last day of school with a bunch of guys in my math class. Irresponsible yes but there was a party the day before and no one felt like tackling the day sober soo... ( it was incredible fun, my math teacher knew exactly eat was going on as just had a laugh, she's welsh so it was twice as funny.)

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: June 27th, 2015, 7:38:03 pm
by TheLastSergalkin
I've seen a small meteorite.

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: September 14th, 2015, 9:10:01 pm
by pugspie101
Man you guys have the best stories

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: February 26th, 2016, 12:19:46 pm
by eternalfire345
once I went to African Lion Safari with my family and my friend Naomi's family. A rhino had been standing directly on the side of the road, so we drove up beside it. We rolled our windows down to take pictures, when he turned his rear towards us and lifted his tail. We all started yelling and rolling up the windows as fast as we could, and just as we did, the rhino started pooping, almost on the front passenger window. My mom video taped it. It was overly disturbing.

Re: craziest thing that happened

Posted: February 26th, 2016, 1:41:26 pm
by FlowerCrownBoy
I once got a chicken leg thrown at me.