The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting –

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Which do you like better: A 'Live' music video taken by a fan, or a professionally done music video?

'Live' and fan made
No votes
Professionally made
Total votes: 12

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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by SoraTheElf »

NOOOSSS!!! You're not hideous!!! You're pretty and adorable!!

And just like what is it like running a page like that or helping to run a page like that?? How is it done?? If I started something, would I be able to convince you and the other admins to help spread the word??

If you're wondering,
It would be called The E.N.D. Movement. It would stand for End Needless Death and would be an anti-bullying, suicide and homicide prevention prevention group for kids who were bullied or bullies who want to reform and become better people.
Call me Steph.

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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by Dusky »

I'm not though cx

It's fun , running a page that's so popular . It's fun running a page in general , especially about my favorite band .
I can't really explain how it's done .
I could share your page and promote the post c:

That moment when a guy you sorta like asks you out right after you ask out your girlfriend ..
Who is -DropDead on the page cx
But I felt so bad , like omg .. ;-;
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by SoraTheElf »

I've made the page now. Here's the link

And yikes... Thats akward and sorta cool at the same time. And its ok. Don't feel bad. Its not your fault.
Call me Steph.

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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by Dusky »

I'm so sick of the drama with Ruby and I .
She's getting everyone to hate me and I feel horrible .
Everyone keeps calling Jordan a wh*re .
And me a c*nt and a b*tch .
And I'm just sick of it .
Ruby's asking Kira to get on my account somehow and remove me from the page .
Someone got on my account last night and changed my password and deactivated my account .
But I changed it .
So yeah ..
Sick of it all .
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by SoraTheElf »

Yikes. What happened?? Why are they being so mean?? Do you need me to set them straight for you?? Are you OK?? Do you have your music??
Call me Steph.

Thank you to himehana, Nekoi (Lunar Fox!!), HobbitFeet, Norfindala (beautiful Message), Lucina (Another beautiful message), Anonymous, and the Magistream Staff for all the wonderful gifts and Holiday wishes. :t-^_^: :t-swoon:
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by Dusky »

Jordan was dating Ruby . They broke up . Ruby kept begging her for second chances . We started talking about how we felt for each other . I told her I'd ask her out , but I wanted to at least wait because I respect that . She said it was fine , so we got together after a few hours after them of breaking up .
Ruby kept harassing Jordan . She's now saying I stole Jordan . And blah blah blah . Long story . Basically just this .
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by SoraTheElf »

Wow. Is Jordan atleast defending you from them or is she just not doing anything?? And it looks like Ruby is a sore loser. I mean they broke up and Jordan wouldn't give her another chance. I think that is a pretty clear message that Jordan doesn't want to be with Ruby. Ruby should just give it up.
Call me Steph.

Thank you to himehana, Nekoi (Lunar Fox!!), HobbitFeet, Norfindala (beautiful Message), Lucina (Another beautiful message), Anonymous, and the Magistream Staff for all the wonderful gifts and Holiday wishes. :t-^_^: :t-swoon:
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by Dusky »

Yeah , but she won't .
Excuse me while I have an anxiety attack .
These girls are threatening to beat me , drag me by my pink hair , punch me , and even beat my four year old sister just because they told my ex to kill herself and I stood up for her . So now they're searching the area I live in to try and find my house to "f*ck up me and the little one" , even though we've threatened to call the cops ..
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by SoraTheElf »

Are you OK?? Call the cops on them!! I'm pretty sure you can get them arrested. Keep the messages as evidence. In Texas, it is a class B misdemeanor and can result with up to 6 months in jail and/or a $2,000 fine. So call the cops. They're threatening your younger sister and you. If anything, you can get them taken in and get a restraining order or something.

I also think that telling your ex to kill herself is a form of bullying, which can get them suspended from school and if it was over text or computer, or something electronic, it would be cyber bullying, which I'm pretty sure is illegal in most states. Or you can press charges for death threats.

Oh. I found this. "Telling someone to kill themselves is not illegal BUT it is called cyber bullying..if she keeps harassing can press charges against her for death threats...
Make sure you keep anything she sends you..for proof..if you don't you don't have any thing to go against her.."
Call me Steph.

Thank you to himehana, Nekoi (Lunar Fox!!), HobbitFeet, Norfindala (beautiful Message), Lucina (Another beautiful message), Anonymous, and the Magistream Staff for all the wonderful gifts and Holiday wishes. :t-^_^: :t-swoon:
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Re: The Blood On The Dance Floor Fan Club/Guild - Accepting

Post by Dusky »

It was over text , the threats and everything . And my ex decided to delete them all , so it's pointless now . They've been searching my area all night . How do they know my area ? She gave them it . How did they know I was babysitting my sister at the time ? She told them . Just . Ugh ..
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