Aria's Story

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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

oh! I was wondering why you hadn't said anything yet! That sucks.
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by Eleadora »

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Re: Aria's Story

Post by whitewing1339 »

yep other wise I would have been the first one to say anything.
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

WolfishFever wrote:NO SCHOOL!~ YAY!~
yeah, same here I'm in college :D
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

Sorry for teh delay, traffix was bad, but here's chapter seven which is on the long side. :D
Chapter 7
“Aria! Aria! Wake up! Today is your birthday and your first anniversary of coming to live with us!” Quin yells into Aria room, which she shares with Quin.

“Huh…?” Aria slowly wakes up after being awakened by Quin. “Has it been a year already? Wow, time seems to pass right on by living with you Quin! To think I’m already fourteen!” Aria proclaims upon fully awakening, still rubbing her eyes.

It has been an entire year since Aria left her home in the Alasre Mountains, but it was lovely here near the Keep where Magi live. What Aria loved most was seeing all the new flowers that she never got to see in her old home. Some like the daisy, or lavender and even pussy willows which were soft to the touch.

“Come on! It’s time to open your gifts!” sequels Quin, who is eager to see Aria’s reactions.

“Alright already, I’m getting up.” Aria had to learn a lot of new things after coming here, like how to count, read and write which is considered a basic skill all children learn in most parts of the country. There was even a school near where Aria used to live, but of course her parents never had her go there, they thought she was more useful at home tending to their wanting.

“Good morning Aria! And happy birthday!” Terra, Quin’s mother, greets Aria as she enters the kitchen. “I want you to wait until Darwem can come, he’s eager to see this too since it’s the first birthday you’ve had in years.” the middle aged woman with mouse brown hair, and soft, doe brown eyes. Terra was a very kind woman and a clever teacher when it came to teaching Aria what life is really like in a loving family, for that’s what she now had. Never again would Aria have to be put through what her real parents did to her.

“Speak of the devil, here he is now.” says Terra as she sees her husband coming home for keeping watch over the neighbor’s sheep for the last watch of the night.

A very tall, bearded man soon enters into the kitchen, and gives Aria a big smile.
“So! Today is little Aria’s birthday, ai? Well, go ahead and open your gifts then!” this man was also very kind, helping out neighbors around the area and taking Aria into his home when he need not have to. Darwem was a man of a strong build, but was as cuddly as a bear, with a brown beard that had some streaks of grey and a short cut hair style that he always kept short.

“Alright then! Here’s your first gift!” Terra hands Aria a small box made of wood. Aria takes the box, and turns it this way and that, to make sure she doesn’t miss anything. She then opens the box to see a hair clip in the shape of a tiger lily made entirely out of wood. This obviously had to be from Darwem, only he could carve wood this well.
“It’s lovely! I’ll cherish it always!” and Aria gives Darwem a hug in gratitude for the gift. Terra then hands her a cylinder package that is small yet long. “What could this possibly be?”
“Why don’t you open it and see then if you want to know!” Quin sys to Aria, getting impatient now. So Aria unwraps her gift to find a thin round tube in her hands. Aria looks at it blankly for she has no idea what it is.

“Oh! You don’t remember? Last cold season you heard this instrument playing and loved the tune! I figured if mom helped me we could make you one to play too.” Terra was the daughter of an old blacksmith, and had learned how to make delicate pieces of cheap yet pretty jewelry for all to buy. Her skills were astounding, which made it easy for her to make a flute of simple steel.

“Now Aria, I’ll have to show you how to take care of the flute, which is what that instrument is called, and how to play. Once you get the hang of it you’ll play with ease.” Terra explains to Aria.

For the rest of the morning Aria learned how to take care and play the flute, and turned out being very good at playing. By the end of the day Aria was playing the flute almost like she has been playing most of her life. Then Aria came up with an idea, but first she wanted to ask if it was alright with Terra, since she was like a mother to Aria. And of course she would invite Quin along with her!
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by whitewing1339 »

Awesome chapter really good oh and told ya tha if i wasnt grounded im the first t read it and reply so :P i have no clue why i did that.
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by Eleadora »

You made me smile. I learned the flute almost that fast to when I started, cept I started when I was 12. ^_^ I hold the spot of nest flute pl;ayer in my grade right now.
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

whitewing1339 wrote:Awesome chapter really good oh and told ya tha if i wasnt grounded im the first t read it and reply so :P i have no clue why i did that.
lol, I hope you don't get grounded again any time soon :wave:
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

WolfishFever wrote:You made me smile. I learned the flute almost that fast to when I started, cept I started when I was 12. ^_^ I hold the spot of nest flute pl;ayer in my grade right now.
Awsome! I wanted to play to the flute, but my dadhad me play the clarinate because he knew how to play it, so yeah. :sweat: anyways, enjoy!
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Re: Aria's Story

Post by ML1201 »

okay, I was watching the Stream for a little more than thirty minutes looking for a mantacore egg before I got annoyed, so now I'm going to post chapter eight for all to read. It is also a very short chapter too.
Chapter 8
“So, you want to start going down to the Keep tomorrow to play for the Magis and earn some money to help us out here? Now Aria, that is not necessary, we took you in willingly, but if that is what you really want to do then go ahead. And Quin, if Aria is going by herself you better mark the path for her, who knows where she’ll end up if you don’t!” Terra is filled with joy having seen Aria come so far in recovering from her past. Aria’s past my always hurt, but at least it’s behind her now.

“Alright Aria! Let’s go! I’ll show you how to get to the Keep, just stay close behind me.” And off goes Aria and Quin on Aria’s first trip to the Keep.

“Now I’ll put a mark here, and every few meters I’ll have another by carving an image into the tree’s bark. When you see this mark ‘flower’ it will lead to the Keep. Aria? Aria? Where are you!?” while Quin was explaining her marks, Aria had seen some interesting flowers and wanted to sketch them into her book that she always carried with her. Soon though, she kept going from flower to flower, and going farther off the path. Quin had to go find her and drag her all the way to the Keep to make sure that Aria knew the way.

“Now do not go off the path I marked or else you might get lost! Understand?” Quin glares at Aria until Aria laughs and nods her head. “Good, now to go home and have dinner, and it’s your favorite, stuffed cabbage, fish and rice.” and off they go together back to their home.

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