Do you have anxiety???

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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by TheVioletDragon »

Here you go, my random ramblings. Have fun reading!

I have anxiety... to a point, I guess...
I freak out, cry and then just get on with it xD But that's only at home.
At school, a go cold inside and my palms sweat and I start breathing faster and stuff. Then I freak out inside for a few seconds, depending on what I'm doing. Then I just go calm.
But if I'm performing or something, that's kinda different. I don't get anxious about that. it's weird- I stress more over homework than standing in front of a crowd of people and performing. I'm a strange creature.
Oh well, just thought you'd like to know ;p
But I don't have strategy. well, I kind of do but my attitude to anxiety is like bleh. Even though I stress my family out xD
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by fruitcake »

Yes I have anxiety I have really bad panic attacks were I cant breath at all I hate it it's held me back a fair bit!!:(
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by rosemilly »

I have anxiety whenever I do anything in front of people, or trips and stuff like that. I just deal with my anxiety. I guess it effects my livelihood. It holds me back from doing things I wish I have done like trying out for talent shows and what not. Do you guys know what type of anxiety I have?
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by DigiGirl »

My anxiety actually formed into Germaphobia. I'm terrified of the thought of germs. I have to buy alot of soap and germ-X,(I know what they say about germ-x but please don't start, I'll end up having an attack!) I also have manic depression mixed with bipolar disorder. (I'm a blast at partys! XD) I don't deal well, I rock, rub my fingers, or listen to music.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by gyroglobe »

I have anxiety and depression all rolled into one lump, which means I just tend to not talk to people if I can avoid it. i'm alright going to the store, but don't even think about making me talk to the cashier or ask an employee where the xyz is. Heck, I don't even need to talk to someone to get a panic attack, which has ruined a lot of movie theater trips or what was meant to be a fun outing to the mall.
It's definitely caused problems. I've pushed all my "real life" friends away and replaced them with internet friends, just because it's so much easier to talk to someone in a chatroom (or even on Skype) than face-to-face in person or on the phone. The majority of my internet friends are also suffering with anxiety/depression, so it helps a lot to have people that understand exactly what you're going through.
I'm not even sure what to do anymore. Mom says I should get into therapy, but I think that that would fail (ah yes, talking to a stranger about how I'm afraid to talk to strangers). I tell her that I want to try an antidepressant, she says that it wouldn't work.
I can't eat in front of people that aren't my family without feeling insanely uncomfortable, I can't talk to anyone outside my immediate family/friends without my voice wavering and crying when it's over (which means I won't even answer the phone when it's my own grandma calling most of the time), and I can't I especially can't hear loud noises (ranging from just a blow dryer to cheering) without being set off with an attack. The attacks and just nervous gestures in general are pretty common, I guess: my hands and teeth clench, I shake, I bounce my leg, and the only thing to calm me down is to listen to my music or text an internet friend pretending that everything's fine (or, occasionally, just crying at them because I'm so completely lost).
Ah, man, isn't anxiety fun?
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by GetsugaDragon »

At first I thought it was stress, which it probably was. And it all began since Secondary school. Recently I decided to look up these 'symptoms' and noticed how almost all of them were hinting at anxiety so clearly it was almost shocking. Auditory hallucinations included. Sometimes I get these faint beeping sounds, but it's different every night, (it's always when I'm fully awake.) Sometimes it sounds like several hearts beating all at once irregularly..? That's the closest I can compare it too. And it's always faint. No one else can ever hear them, that's why I came to a conclusion they're hallucinations.
While the descriptions matched perfectly of what I was hearing, there is a possibility that it's from something different, or perhaps that they're really not hallucinations at all.

Other than that, the other symptoms that perfectly matched were: Exhaustion, problems sleeping, tense or aching muscles, constant worries, being unable to relax and being in a negative mood, common nightmares, lightheadedness/dizziness, fear of being alone (while) outside or fear of being in public, lump in throat, digestive problems(?) shortness of breath, sensitivity to sound, heart pounding for no reason? Etc...

I really don't want to jump to conclusions like that, but it has been getting worse. I haven't paid all that much attention to it since recently. I clearly feel like I'm not in control of anything, including the situation I'm in and my state of health...And my mood changes way too often. I also find myself paranoid of something, for no reason.
I've only went to a GP like twice...Which was mostly pointless.
But it's so much worse for most people, from the posts I've been reading here. For an example I never had panic attacks or anything of that sort.

Another thing, now that I've begun to pay more attention to it, I'm kind of scared that I might be subconsciously forcing my body to even a worse state than this, to a certain extent... If you understand what I mean. Personally, it's probably because I know that deep inside I want attention and one of the only ways to get it is to have a noticeably bad health state, but it's not my parents' fault that they cannot give me that attention at the moment.
I just don't know how this is going to end up... All I know is that it will continue getting worse if I don't do anything about it. And there is nothing I can do.

Sorry, this turned out to be a long post. Dx

gyroglobe wrote: I'm not even sure what to do anymore. Mom says I should get into therapy, but I think that that would fail (ah yes, talking to a stranger about how I'm afraid to talk to strangers). I tell her that I want to try an antidepressant, she says that it wouldn't work.
I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you out there but I can assure you that your mother is correct about the antidepressant. Neither I or my family had any experience with it, but I do know that it's practically the same as a drug; you get a feeling as if it's making you feel easier, but if you try it once you become addicted and start depending on it. And you'll start needing more of it over time. It is clearly not the way out. You won't last long with those, I'm telling you that for sure.
All I can really suggest is that since you did mention that you avoid talking to others when you can, have you tried getting help over the internet, other than from your friends? I'm not sure if it's possible, though.
Communicating with someone is probably the only thing that can get a person out of anxiety, depression or a problem as such, as far as I know... Without that I would probably be depressed at this point.

I'll stop talking now...
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by GrowlingCupcake »

GetsugaDragon wrote:
gyroglobe wrote: I'm not even sure what to do anymore. Mom says I should get into therapy, but I think that that would fail (ah yes, talking to a stranger about how I'm afraid to talk to strangers). I tell her that I want to try an antidepressant, she says that it wouldn't work.
I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you out there but I can assure you that your mother is correct about the antidepressant. Neither I or my family had any experience with it, but I do know that it's practically the same as a drug; you get a feeling as if it's making you feel easier, but if you try it once you become addicted and start depending on it. And you'll start needing more of it over time. It is clearly not the way out. You won't last long with those, I'm telling you that for sure.
All I can really suggest is that since you did mention that you avoid talking to others when you can, have you tried getting help over the internet, other than from your friends? I'm not sure if it's possible, though.
Communicating with someone is probably the only thing that can get a person out of anxiety, depression or a problem as such, as far as I know... Without that I would probably be depressed at this point.

I'll stop talking now...
Firstly, antidepressants aren't bad at all. Any medication is drug and many medications people take just make them feel better, that is they deal with symptoms, not with cause. Antidepressants don't deal with just symptoms. They change the chemical makeup of your brain because many people with psychological illnesses have issues with neurotransmitters. Some aren't enough, some are too much, etc. Antidepressants work by making the balance in your brain something closer to typical.

Secondly, you don't generally need more with time. People often take LESS after some time because the body's biomechanisms and feedback loops kick in with regards to neurotransmitters. Also, being on antidepressants can help a lot of people deal with things they are going through, making them less depressed and thus less likely to need to be on antidepressants.

Bringing me to my third point: They're a good way to help 'kickstart' therapy if you're having a lot of trouble; for instance, I wouldn't be able to manage without my antianxiety medications but I am not dependent on them. Instead, they have allowed me to go to therapy so that I can deal with the issues in ways that don't require medication. Till I learn skills that allow me to calm myself, however, I need medication. And I need this to function, to go to class, to take care of my health, to manage daily activities.

Many people take antidepressants for YEARS. Some for life. If it works for you, if it doesn't harm you more than it helps you, then there is no reason why you cannot use it. But be wary of using medication without therapy. It's advised to combine both drug therapy and seeing a psychologist/therapist to help you learn better skills and ways of coping and the like. Medication without therapy is only going to help one part of them problem, if you're depressed.

Also, be wary of side effects. Many people do brilliantly on antidepressants but some, like myself, have a lot of issues on some of them. They can also have effects based on age. Antidepressants can also help relieve a lot of symptoms of anxiety but an anti-anxiety medication might be better for you.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Scorpion »

Yes. Though I've only been diagnosed for depression, I'm certain I also have generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and ADHD. I want to get medical help, but that kind of takes money, and I'm not exactly swimming in the stuff...

When something bad that worries me or makes me angry happens, I won't be able to get it off my mind. I'll be terribly restless. My heart will beat fast. I'll do nothing but pace around frantically thinking about it. I'm not entirely sure this is related, but sometimes my heart will pound hard and fast out of nowhere for a moment, and I'll feel lightheaded. There was an occasion where this happened and I passed out (a while ago), and a more recent occasion where I ALMOST passed out. Both times were right after I'd woken up from sleep.

As I said, I also have social anxiety. It's downright difficult for me to talk to people I'm not comfortable with, and I'm not comfortable with many people. It's like there's an unseen force mentally blocking me from doing anything social. I have no problem RESPONDING to people, but when I have to do the talking, I just can't. I can't think of anything to say. All I can think about is nothing. The unseen force stops my brain in its tracks. If I try to force myself to socialize with someone, my heart pounds fast, and I get jittery. Then I don't even do it. I can't even be social ON THE INTERNET. I just SUCK at it, even though deep down, I know I'm a pretty smooth guy. There have been days, on VERY rare occasions, where I've just been joyful, energetic, social, smooth, charming, and witty. I wish that was every day.

I'm certain I also have ADHD. It's SO hard for me to focus on anything for any period of time. Heck, it's even difficult for me to focus on writing this post. I'm really antsy, just like I always am. I'm always shaking my leg like I'm nervous. Sometimes I bite my nails. I always jump from one thing to the next. Can't focus on doing one thing for long periods of time. Not even when I have no choice. When I'm stuck doing something, my mind wanders, and I feel like I'm going mad. I just want to stop doing it so bad. It sucks. I can't even focus on doing things I love, like playing video games or reading a book, or even watching a TV show or movie.

I also have depression. I think depressing thoughts. My life sucks. I feel like I'm trapped in this terrible life. It's out of my control, and there's nothing I can do. I always think no one would care if I disappeared off the face of the Earth, even though I know that's not true. I do NOT, however, have suicidal thoughts, before anyone gets any more worried than they already are (not that I think anyone here would be worried about me). The worst part though is the fact that I never have the will to get anything done. I just lay around dong nothing. If I want to do something, I just can't. Like the social anxiety, it's like there's a force stopping me. A force suppressing my willpower. Even if they're simple things. Even if they're things I love. Even if they'd take almost no time at all.

So yeah. My life's not the greatest.

Okay. Rant over.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by SleepyThunder »

I was diagnosed with anixety a few months back... It honestly doesn't affect me that much, but at times it can. Like, if somebody says something, say, about ghosts or something that scares me in the night, I start to FREAK out. This is part of an issue that drove me and my best friend apart.

Even though, at that point, I didn't know I had anxiety, I still knew some things will freak me out. Well, I don't think she was trying to, but she started saying stuff, and I had to try and calm down and focus on something else. She got really annoyed with me, though. She calls it "overreacting".. And it might be... But still... I mean, it isn't my fault I have this thing that makes me start to freak out at different things. And I don't have any medication for it, either, which doesn't help. Anyways, that's what I have to say.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by ragdoll »

Yep, I'm definitely suffering from extreme anxiety.

Phone calls SUCK. I hate answering, I hate talking, including to those I don't know. I'm always afraid I'll say something wrong, or they'll accuse me of something, or ANYTHING. I'm just always terrified, so I start talking really fast, & they ask me what I just said because they cannot understand me which makes me want to talk faster, or in some instances; I cry & hang up.

I can't ever lie. I've tried, & I just can't. I will be quiet for a minute to think of something to say, to lie about, but I can't, so I end up just telling the truth. I'd rather not get caught in a lie, whether sometime later, or they know the truth but want to see if I'll say it for myself.. so I save myself the trouble. I know that's probably a common sense sort of thing, but it would be helpful if I could lie a little bit. XD Just little white lies.

Being around people, crowds, etc, stress me the heck out.

I drink a lot due to my anxiety. It's the only thing that makes my brain stop thinking of everything & anything that could & will go wrong. I'm always thinking of everything in the future. Or what has happened & what I did wrong, or maybe did wrong, & what the other person is thinking. It never stops. My brain never rests.

I randomly get heart palpitations throughout the day. My heart will start thundering in my chest & I can't breathe. I get so scared that I'm going to have a heart attack or something so I only make it worse. I know it's my anxiety, but in the moment of it happening I freak out & start crying like a big little baby. This happens at least twice a day.

I have extreme anxiety from my obsessed, control freak of a father who emotionally/mentally drained me as a child. & who still messes with my head to this day. I have an autistic brother who he never went to any hospital appointments, doctor appointments, wasn't there when he was diagnosed with autism, didn't go to the school functions, etc, NOW wants him in his life as much as ever. But he wants to do it on HIS terms. He gets my brother every other weekend from 7pm Friday to 2pm Sunday. Sometimes he will just show up early & expect he can change the rules himself. Sometimes he'll show up on random days he doesn't have my brother & say, "Well HE made plans with me!"

My father says my brother is not capable of making rational decisions. He has to always have someone watching him. He can't make decisions for himself, etc etc. But yet he can make plans & all that? He told my mother this, but then tells her that she doesn't let him make decisions for himself! (So hypocritical)

He uses me as much as he can to get to my mother. He gives me things, like a jeep just a while ago, then because I just disappeared on Xmas, because my mother knew he was just going to show up without notifying her to pick up my brother, decided to leave for Xmas too. I knew I would be in the middle of the drama, so I fled from the scene beacuse I didn't want to be between it. So he snatched the jeep from me, (he had my cavalier in his name at the time for insurance purposes that I couldn't afford on my own) & told me I had 2 weeks to figure it out. Needless to say I had help from my mom, the cavalier is back in my name (because he already signed it back over & gave me the title so I didn't really need to worry) & gave him back the Jeep. He does this stuff ALL the time. Back in 2011 he let me borrow his car because mine was breaking down & I was pregnant & about to pop, so I needed transportation. I was over at my moms for the 1st week because I had a 2 year old & a newborn baby, & had a c-section, & my fiance had taken the car to work every day because.. well he had to work, & my dad just snatched the car one day from the house with my car seats & everything cos he was mad that I was taking it to my mom's house.

It's ridiculous. >.< & so much more then that. I just feel exhausted from all that I've wrote already.

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