Not everyone can be a Magi

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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH13 is up)

Post by WhatNames »

2...?!? :t-corner:
(Gave Amphista a click)
MrsEvilcookie wrote:“well I hope he takes that horrid creature with him!” his mother snapped. “why anyone would want to own one of those slimy, disgusting, dangerous and ugly creatures is beyond me!”
Jack bit his lip, knowing it was unwise to say any different.
Hmmm, wouldn't he poison himself then? :tard:

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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by MrsEvilcookie »

nice catch. i shall run and fix XD
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by damein1234 »

lol i had even read that and didnt catch it XD


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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by MrsEvilcookie »

“many, many years ago, when the first creatures were roaming the earth, a man with much power decided to gift the first of every creature with thought.” Jack said quietly. “inside these creatures was a magic unseen anywhere else. The creatures were smarter then any human and more powerful as well.”
“over the years, old time magi found that these creatures possessed extreme gifts that, when befriended, they could give to the humans. Koi could allow there human partners to live under water, Xand bears could create mighty potions, and hellhounds could give the ability to control flames. That was the creatures first mistake.”
“magi?” Darien asked.
Jack shook his head. “companionship. Friendship, love. The creatures loved there magi so much that they gave away their powers a little bit at a time. As each generation was born, there magic was weaker and weaker. There intelligence was duller and duller, until they were no more than beasts.”
“but there are some that still roam this earth, protecting there magic and thoughts by avoiding all contact. These are the direct descendents of the creature of old.”
“yes. I am one of them.”
“so… who is Elemus?”
“Elemus is no one. He does not play a role in this. but he serves a magi who knows the secrets. He has been promised power if he brings me to this magi.”
“what do they want from you?” Darien asked quietly.
“inside me is the oldest and most powerful magic in existence. If one should be able to draw that out, they would be unstoppable.”
“what would happen to you?”
Jack didn’t answer.
Darien rubbed his brown hair. “so Elemus has been sent to find you. Where did he capture you?”
“I was hiding where raza cobra have lived for all of existence.”
“Jungle of Raza?”
“correct. I knew that he was coming but I had predicted his movements incorrectly. He had caught me and was using a spell to keep me cold so I couldn’t escape.”
“why did he stop at the keep?”
“he was waiting for another man. They were supposed to meet up so they could go back to their master.”
“alright, let me see if I have this right,” Darien rubbed his brow. “you are a mystical cobra with ancient blood lines that hold the oldest form of magic known to man. Someone knew about your existence and has been hunting you because they want to kill you and take the magic inside you. Do I have this right?”
Darien let out a long breath, nodding. “so where do I fall into place here?”
“should you continue to help me, Elemus will see that you have befriended me and he will kill you. If you were to just give me up now, he would allow you to walk off without a scratch.”
Darien nodded slowly. “and if I chose to stay with you, how can I help you so that Elemus doesn’t get you?”
Jack sat up more. “are you truly thinking this?”
Darien smiled a little, petting jacks head. “please let me help you.”
“you are helping me Darien. You are protecting me and keeping me warm. I couldn’t ask for anymore.”
“what if I could get you back to the Jungle?” he asked.
Jack stiffened. “how can you do that?” he asked quietly.
“I don’t know yet,” Darien admitted. “But I promise to get you there.”
“I have tried to understand your mind, but I cant. Why would you continue to help me if you know it could get you killed?”
“because you’re my friend. That’s the only reason I need.”
Jack looked at him for a long while, then slowly looked away. “do as you wish. you know the danger in your decision.”
“do you trust me?”
He sighed lying down. “I have no choice but to trust you.”
Darien smiled, lying back and pulling jack onto him. he laid his hands on the cobra, looking up at his ceiling. “are there others like you?”
“not cobras. I am the only raza cobra. But there are still a few creatures floating around that are the decedents of the old ones.”
“what do you do in the forest?”
“I live in peace without having to worry about my life being threatened,” jack muttered.
“but you don’t really have a place to go, do you?”
“I suppose not. I just spend my days traveling through the jungle.”
“do you have any friends or anything?”
“you are the first human to hear my name,” jack said quietly. “I do not associate with humans.”
“how does that magi know about you then?”
“its not hard for a powerful magi to seek powerful magic.” He would have shrugged.
Darien frowned a little. “so there is a chance that other magi in the keep knew about you?”
“they might of known about my kind, but unless they were looking for me they couldn’t sense me near.”
“can Elemus sense you?” he asked.
Jack shook his head. “he is not strong enough. Unless he gets help from his master, he can not find me.”
Darien nodded, petting jacks back. He slowly closed his eyes. he was going to have to find a way to get jack back home.
But how?
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by Uprising »

I love this story! Keep writing. ^_^
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by WhatNames »

Yay! More chapters! :wee:
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by MrsEvilcookie »

keeping up with 2 stories is hard work :sweat:

Darien had left early in the morning. He let jack sleep in his still warm spot on his bed. He headed off to work without a word. the days were getting more chilly. Darien was going to have to find a better way to keep jack warm.
Elemus didn’t bother Darien today. in fact, Darien hadn’t even seen the magi yet. He was able to do all of his work without any bother. He ran through as fast as he could, knowing that Elemus might come at any moment and corner him.
He didn’t know what Elemus was willing to do, but he was very uneasy about the idea. Elemus had proved that he was hostile, he had shown that he was willing to hurt. Darien didn’t want to see how far the man was willing to go.
Today had gone fast and there wasn’t any reason for Darien to stay longer so he closed everything up and started heading out.
He turned, seeing James running to him. Darien smiled. “hey James.”
“I didn’t think that you would come back to work so soon,” James said. “has Elemus spoke to you at all?”
Darien bit his lip, looking up. “I guess you could say that…”
James immediately lost his smile. “what did he do?”
“come on, ill tell you on the way home,” Darien insisted, waving for him to follow..
“I still have to get everything cleaned up,” he shook his head. “but when I get off, ill meet you at your house. Sound good?”
Darien nodded, waving to him and parting. He walked home, enjoying the quiet. everything was so still and silent.
Darien felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. He had the feeling that someone was watching him. he looked around uneasy, but didn’t see anyone. He carefully started walking again, but the feeling did not go away.
When Darien could see his home, he sighed with relief. He turned back one last time, then something caught his eye.
There was a hellhound glaring at him. the moment he looked at it, it slinked behind another house.
That was Elemus’ hellhound.
Darien got inside, slamming the door and locking it. He charged up the steps and into his room. jack had been resting in the sunspot on his bed, but the cobra had risen form the commotion.
“what is the rush?” he asked.
“Elemus had his dogs following me,” he said quickly. “he might be here any second!”
Jack frowned. “what are we going to do?”
Darien grabbed his hair in anguish, looking around. He let out a breath, extending his hand down to him. “come on. I have to get you out of here.”
“if he catches you with me-“
“jack, come on!” Darien snapped.
Jack looked at him, then started slithering up Dariens arm and into his sleeve. He wrapped himself around his torso, tightening his coils.
“you must trust me. do you understand?” Darien whispered.
“do I have a choice?”
“stop saying that and let me help. Do as I tell you or we are both going to be in some serious trouble.”
Jack didn’t answer. Darien walked out of his house, carefully looking around. He could feel eyes on him again and he let out a breath, walking to the keep.
There were times when he could hear the hounds footsteps around him now. There were defiantly 2 of them, slowly circling him. he could feel jack tightening around him and he swallowed hard.
Darien shot around, seeing James running to him. he let out a breath of relief, walking to him.
“there you are. You haven’t changed yet?” James asked. Both of them were wearing the servants clothing.
“James, did you finally finish that project that you had been working on?” Darien asked quietly.
“what? My new dining room table? Yep! Sure did. Built it all by hand. It looks great to! Wana go see it?”
“congratulations!” Darien exclaimed, holding up his hand for James to shake. James looked at him suspicious, wondering if this was some sort of a trick. He slowly brought his hand up and Darien grabbed his wrist tight, so neither of there skin was showing.
“relax and don’t panic,” Darien whispered. “I will meet you at your house later. I will explain everything then.”
“what?” he frowned.
Darien nudged his own side, hitting jack. Jack didn’t move for a moment, then slowly slid down Dariens arm and carefully moving over to James.
James froze, stiffening. His eyes were wide as the snake slowly moved into his clothes.
“just be careful.” Darien whispered, feeling jacks tail finally leave the sleeve. James was very rigid, eyes wide. He carefully pulled away, moving as though he had a board to his back.
“meet you at your house later!” Darien called loudly, walking away.
James finally made it out of his view and Darien sighed with relief. He turned to start heading home when he was faced with two hellhounds.
They were 6 feet in front of him, growling deeply. Darien backed against a wall, eyes wide.
“down!” he snapped.
“they wont listen to you,” a voice whispered. Darien turned, seeing Elemus walking up to him. he grinned darkly and the hounds didn’t move.
Darien was trapped.
“what do you want?!” Darien demanded.
“it seems that your house does not contain the snake. The only explanation is that you have it on your person.”
“why the hell would I carry a snake?! I would die!”
Elemus lifted his hand and Darien froze, unable to move. He grunted, trying to scream, but nothing came out. Elemus ripped off his tunic, leaving him in nothing but his pants. Darien looked at him, scared.
Elemus’ face dropped. He looked as though he couldn’t believe his eyes. he looked back at Darien, glaring.
“were is he?” he hissed.
Darien couldn’t answer.
“I will find him!” Elemus exclaimed. “you cant hide him forever! Don’t you see what you are doing?!”
Darien ground his teeth, feeling the pressure on his body finally release. Without a word, Elemus walked away, the hounds following.
“you bastard!” Darien chocked. He stood up, using the wall for support as he slipped his tunic back on. he let out a low breath, looking at the sky.
How long could he hide jack if Elemus just followed him all day?

Darien carefully walked to James house. He was constantly looking over his shoulder, making sure that Elemus wasn’t following. He didn’t have the feeling of being watched anymore. He got to James front door, carefully walking inside.
“James?” Darien called.
“up here,” James responded.
Darien looked up, running quickly to the stairs and to his bedroom. He pushed open the door, looking in.
James was sitting by the door, very stiff.
“where is he?” Darien asked in a panic.
“under my bed,” he muttered, still stiff. He seemed in shock, completely scared. Darien ran to the bed, dropping to his knees to look under. Jack was curled there, glaring. Darien sighed with relief, reaching under and pulling him out.
“Elemus searched me,” he said quietly to jack. “he said that he looked in my house for you. If you had been there or on me, he would have found you.”
Jack straightened in surprise. Darien turned to James. “are you alright?”
“I just had a cobra wrapped around my chest,” he said quietly. “it was a little…. Shocking.”
“he's really cold,” Darien muttered, feeling jack. “did he hurt you or anything?”
James shook his head, looking at jack in his hands. “how can you just hold him like that?”
Darien shrugged a little. “I just do. Did you hear him talk?”
“no. he has never said a word around me.”
Darien sighed, looking at jack. The cobra just stared back, flicking his forked tongue out. Darien sat next to James, setting jack down on his lap.
“I want to get him back home,” Darien said, putting his hand over jack to try to warm him up.
“well alright, I can walk with you if you want…?”
“no, I mean his home,” Darien shook his head. “in the jungle of raza.”
“how are you going to get him there?” James frowned.
“I don’t know yet,” he shook his head. He looked down at jack, the cobra looked back at him. “but I promised.”
James sighed deeply, rubbing his head. “you’ve gotten yourself into quiet a mess, haven’t you?”
“you’re the one that dared me to go into the room and steal something,” Darien accused.
“I did not!” James snapped. “I was joking! You’re the one who took it seriously!”
“you should know better then to challenge me!” Darien smiled.
James rolled his eyes, looking at the wall. They were both silent for a moment, then James turned back.
“what if we could get a magi to help?” he asked.
Darien made a face. “how could any of them help? If anything, they would just try to take jack themselves!”
“Darien, not all magi are like that. you have to know that. maybe you could get someone to take you with them to the jungle?”
Darien sighed, looking away. “there has to be another way…”
“is there any magi that you can actually stand?” James asked, shrugging. “is there anyone that you are willing to work with.”
Darien looked at jack. He sat up, glaring back.
“April,” he muttered. “her and her naga companion.”
James looked down at jack to. “is he going to accept the help?”
Darien glared at him, jack sighed, shaking his head. “do I have a choice?”
James jumped back, eyes wide. Jack and Darien looked at him, frowning.
“he spoke!”
Darien frowned, “I told you he could.”
He shook, eyes still wide. “i… I didn’t really-“
“believe me?”
James only swallowed, slowly coming back to his side. Jack looked him down, then looked at Darien.
“so tomorrow, I'm going to ask the naga,” Darien said quietly. “I think I'm going to have to tell him everything and expose you.”
Jack didn’t respond. He only lied back down.
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by WhatNames »

AAAAAAAAGHHH!!! :woo: You can't stop writing at a cliffhanger!!! :woo: I've been biting my nails for a week now!!! :woo: Keep going!!!
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by WhatNames »

WhatNames wrote:AAAAAAAAGHHH!!! :woo: You can't stop writing at a cliffhanger!!! :woo: I've been biting my nails for a week now!!! :woo: Keep going!!!
Make that nearly two months now. :lol:

Mod edit: Do not double post!
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Re: Not everyone can be a Magi (CH14 is up)

Post by MrsEvilcookie »

sorry guys, i have been really busy. i hope that i can get my game on and start posting agian.
Darien had left Jack in his room, while he went and spoke with James.
“he doesn’t talk much… is that just because he is around me?” James asked.
“I guess,” Darien shrugged. “I don’t think he feels well. He needs to get warm. I’ve been trying to keep him warm through the nights, but it’s not enough.”
“I would suggest that we could sneak him into the keep and I could put him in a tank away from Elemus, that way he had the heating rocks, but ever since Elemus put out an alarm for a missing cobra, everyone is counting all of the tanks daily.”
“I don’t want him in that keep anyway. Not with Elemus there.”
James sighed, looking at the stairs. “do you think he will talk for the naga tomorrow?”
“I don’t know,” Darien admitted. “I can only hope so. But I can never tell Jack what to do. He has to decide, not me.”

James had spent the night. The two boys lied on the floor, a candle between them lighting the room. Jack was lying on the bed, refusing to get near James. Darien looked over at the other boy. “do you think my parents will be mad?”
James shrugged. “I don’t know. Your mother absolutely hates snakes. If she ever caught Jack she would probably hit him with a broom until she could get rid of him.”
Jack hissed in response, Darien smiled a little, looking back at him. “don’t worry, she wont find you.”
“she better not,” he spat.
James looked at the cobra, then at Darien. “will you go with them?”
Darien nodded, slowly standing up and walking to Jack. “yeah, I'm going to go with.” He gently picked Jack up, going back to the floor and lying back, putting Jack on his chest. James watched him with wide eyes, then stiffly closed them.
Darien and James had gotten up very early, running off to the keep. Jack was wrapped around Dariens chest, not moving. There were only a few people walking around this early. In the keep, the night creatures were just starting to settle down. James and Darien walked into the keep tougher, going up the stairs.
“do you know what your going to tell him?” James asked.
Darien nodded, his mouth dry. “I just have to hope he will listen. He has always been willing to listen to me.”
They both got up the stars, looking at Elemus’ door as they snuck by. They scurried to the end door, the nagas room. Darien let out a breath, knocking on the door.
There was a moment that Darien had thought the naga was still asleep. He was going to knock again when the door opened.
The naga stood there, rubbing his eyes. he blinked, yawning widely.
“little human, is there something you need this early in the morning?” he muttered.
“I am very sorry for disturbing you sir,” Darien apologized. “me and my friend would like to speak to you, if you don’t mind. It is very important.”
He yawned again, opening the door wider. “come on in.”
Darien and James looked at each other, then passed the blue naga and he closed the door.
“have a seat,” he gestured to the pillows on the floor. “what can I do for you?”
James looked at Darien. Darien swallowed hard. “I need your help and your magis as well.” He said quietly.
“I see. for what?”
Darien bit his lip, having a hard time talking when the naga was right in front of him. “you must promise not to tell anyone. Do you swear?”
The naga frowned tilting his head. “I swear, little human. What is wrong?”
“I need to get to the jungle of raza,” Darien said quietly.
“why is that?”
“do you remember how Elemus, the magi on this floor, lost his snake?”
“yes…” he said, unsure.
Darien slowly unbuttoned his tunic a little, allowing Jack to move out. At first the cobra made no move, then he slithered out of the clothes onto the floor between them all.
Immediately the naga shot up, hissing. “what is this?!”
“relax,” Darien begged, protecting Jack with his hands. “he wont hurt you. Please just hear our story first.”
The naga looked at them all, then last Darien. “he does not bite?”
Darien shook his head, pulling Jack to himself. “I promise he wont hurt anyone.”
The naga let out a low sigh, nodding and stiffly sitting back on the ground. “what is going on?”
Darien started slowly, talking about how he went into Elemus’ room on nothing more then a bet. He told him about how cold it was and that Elemus had Jack locked in a box to die. Darien had saved him and found out that he could talk.
“he can speak?” the naga whispered.
Darien nodded, pulling Jack next to him. he looked at Jack, hard. “this is very important. Please show him that you can speak or this would have all been for nothing.”
Jack flicked his tongue out, then looked at the naga. He glared at him.
“the boy is right. I do speak.” Jack said quietly.
The nagas eyes went wide. He rubbed his face. “alright,” he said, trying to be calm. “you have my full attention now. What is going on?”
Darien wrapped Jack around his shoulder, timidly telling the story. the naga listened, rubbing his chin. He finally finished, not speaking of what Jack really was.
“if we don’t get him to the jungle so he can hide, Elemus is going to kill him.” Darien said quietly, looking at the naga.
He let out a very slow breath. “does anyone else know about this?”
“no one else can know,” Darien said quickly. “look, I know we don’t know each other very well, but you’re the only one I could go to for help.”
“and you need April to take him to the jungle? Is that what I am understanding?”
Darien nodded, feeling sick.
The naga sighed deeply, looking at Jack with hard eyes. he ran his hands through his hair, leaning back.
“you will have to discuss it with her. She will be returning home in just 5 days. when she comes, I will have her speak to you.”
“5 days?” James asked.
“can you hide him from Elemus for that long?”
Darien nodded. “I think so. We have been doing a good job so far.”
“do you need any help with anything?” he asked quietly.
Darien looked at Jack, then the naga. “he is cold,” he said quietly. “I cant keep him warm. Is there anything you can do to help him stay warm?”
He looked at all three of them, then stood up. He slithered to his desk, looking at the large rocks around the room.
“take your pick,” he insisted.
“what?” Darien frowned.
“all the rocks in this room are heat rocks. You may have one.”
“but there magic. As soon as he takes it out of the keep it will just turn back into a normal rock, wont it?”
The naga shook his head. “no. these all have a spell that lasts for months. No matter how far you take them, they will still stay warm until the time limit goes out.”
“are you sure we can have one?” Darien asked, shocked.
“I have plenty,” he insisted with a smile. “and you are in much more need of one then I. just take a pick.”
Darien looked at James, then stood up. He grabbed one that was the size of a large book. He looked at the naga, smiling.
“thank you,” he said quietly.
“if you need my help at all, please do not hesitate to come,” he said gently. He looked at Jack one last time, then allowed Darien to walk away. James was waiting at the door. The rock in Dariens hands was very hot. He handed it to James, letting Jack slither back into his shirt where he was hidden.
“I feel rude not knowing this, but what is your name?” Darien asked.
The naga smiled. “Nepi.”
“I'm Darien, this is James.” He smiled back. “thank you for everything.”
“5 days Darien. Just stay low until then.”

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